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Polmaise Community Council
Minute of Meeting
Monday 18th October 2021 @19:00
Google Meet
In attendance:
Billy Bruce, Chair
Alex Fraser- Vice Chair
Karen Perrie, Treasurer
Gayle Jeffery, Secretary
Kevin Jack, Planning Officer
Karen Graham (Walker)
Cllr Maureen Benson
Sharon McGrouther, Community Engagement Officer
James Thomson
Recording of Declarations of Interest
N/A -
Adoption of previous meeting(s) minutes – 20 September 2021
Karen Proposed
Alex secondedMinutes accepted
Matters Arising
Spen funding get Maureen’s report after go back to meetings next month.
Bruce Drive carpark, had a chat with housing don’t think the community council has
the authority to take on land. Still proceeding with petition. Had the one back from
the nursey and need the one from the library.The tree in Hardie Crescent has been trimmed back and the phone lines are working
properly but the internet is not working well.Burn land is being cleared. Contract is to be allocated. Margaret Brisley is working to
get this pushed forward.The cycle path is to be cleared. The path is broken due to the tree roots underneath;
the metal barriers are being removed to make it more accessible for people in
wheelchairs. That will be done before March/April next year. The other thing was the
overgrown bushes there is only twice a year to get that done. Need to move
approximately 10 trees that are coming up through the path.Tesco funding through the blue tokens. H&R Gray are looking to do the community
work going to pay for the defib unit and then would help with other things. Gayle has
had people asking how we are going to fundraise.Picked up a Defib from the Riverside Community Council, was going to give it to the
football team, going to leave that just now.Lights have been installed at the zebra crossing.
Karen, Gracie Cres park, repairs were supposed to have been done, come and replace
the wood, need to send another email and ask why it has not been. Asked about them
going down were going to redo the wooding edges and rebark it. Dave to look into
this.Drop kerbs. Spoken to the council about this and they are going to do this and redo
the paths that are across the grass in Stirling Road, start next year.Football pavilion is going to start next week.
Miner’s museum. The community council is in charge of upkeep need to get funding
for this and ask for volunteers. There is a lease agreement and they are meant to pay£1 a year but there has been no request for this. Land was leased out. Gayle suggested
a subgroup for the mining memorial.The sub-group would contain:
Dave Perrie
Gayle Jeffery- Lead
Stirling Claymore are looking for activities over the summer could do the miners
museum.Bin at the football park is needing replaced. Dave is going to review this and get a
schedule of when the bins have to be replaced.Bandeath, send to CC enquires and see if that can be cleared don’t know If that has
been done of not.Horses fouling on the paths and roads have been an issue. Maureen got involved with
this last time, spoke to right away Scotland and they have advised that there is nothing
they can do. They should be kicking the poo to the side of the road if it is safe to do
so. Maureen advised that they could write a letter to advise the horse owners of the
horses about the issue. Horse riding farm down at the church can ask environmental
heath if there is anything they can do about horse poo. Maureen to contact
environmental health, send them a letter to be more mindful, they have been spoken
to already. Double check and see who owns the ground next to the Alpha. Housing
from lamming crescent to Bruce drive.Should not take horses on to cycle tracks and should be using bridle ways, have a look
at that.Residents parking on grass areas, 4 or 5 residents messaged in emailed cc enquiries
not had a response yet update at next meeting. Wooden fences at Polmaise.Debris on path, brought up last month and this month the contractor has been asked
to clear the paths as and when they are able to, would raise it again if not done. Did
not say when, just said it was contracted out. Forward email on to Maureen. -
Reports- External
Police Scotland/Enforcement Officer- to be sent over for minute
Elected Member
Maureen got an email from Spen, don’t have an update because Grant Douglas had
left it was Ross Forbes and the now Martin Ferguson. Lynn McKinley has been
discussing the progress with Spen, the legacy steering groups agreed council would
take the money and ring-fence for Polmaise to try and help them get more money for
all the projects because Spen only has the half the funding.The skate park was the project £60,000 from the previous council had to be used in a
certain timeframe so could not be used.Will be going toward the community trust can’t get funding through being a
community council so still have the money. Sharon thinks there is about £76,000. Two
options to work with yourselves and they put in the fund. Trying to get Ross to come
along to a meeting, Ross was here and he said he did not know anything about the
money. There was an over spend on the Cowie project and they wanted more money,the legacy steering group turned them down. Gayle, the last time they spoke said it
has been spent on extra pathways.Ross Forbes was the main guy it is now Martin Ferguson will be asking for a meeting
with Spen. The money is sitting there. Asked him about the skate park he said he did
not know anything about a skate park. Maureen assured that this is all in the planStill needs to fit the criteria, put in three objects the skate park, the walkway into a
nature walk and new football pitch and picnic areaHaven’t been in touch with the community development team either. Billy and Dave
had a meeting and David Hopper has money to spend in Fallin as well. He is putting a
project together as well.Had a full council meeting last Thursday, there is going to be an adhoc panel about
housing anti-social behaviour and about those who don’t follow their tenancy
agreement. Not about making people homeless but to help people manage their
tenancy. Anti-social behaviour Stirling Council housing tenancy and will include private
tenancy. Things being dumped in the gardens. And not being maintained some of that
is not always the tenants fault can’t always afford the uplift.Alex have noted fly-tipping and nothing has been happening with this there are
enforcement officers, take a photo of it send to elected members or sent to the
council, just went to the council website. Don’t touch it and bag it because it was just
be classed as bags of rubbish.Had report of Tingle Bar about the spiking of drinks raised concerns as an urgent issue,
has asked for this to get raised at the licensing board. I have heard also they also have
needles.Firework displays, we can maybe do one, need licence and need to contact licensing
need to do that soon- next year.
Reports- Internal
Sub Groups- N/A
Chair- N/A
Secretary (including correspondence)
All have access when it is replied to, Billy, Gayle and Karen
James Thomson has elected to be removed. Leave us a member short need to start
advertising for new members. Needs to put a letter or email to resign. Have it as
an agenda item.Official member under 7 can still run 3 months
One of the emails, a good food grant that is coming out, did the hampers and did
the activity pack and selection boxes last year, apply for that and doing a hamper
and activity pack. Might not be able to, Dave send an email in to check. -
Community Council Business (Community issues brought to the attention of the
Community Council for debate and to agree/vote on actions that are in the
interests of the community) -
AOB (Any items that Community Councillors wish to raise that are not an agenda
Maureen Feb 2022 all need to have new linked fire alarms one in living area and heat
sensor in the kitchen, one in the hall, all need to be interlinked. Sharon or Maureen
know of what they have planned to help people afford this, Maureen to take that up.
Not going to enforce personal homes.
Insurance companies have not confirmed if they have changed the terms and
Will help older and disabled people. Need to advise that they need to get this work
done. Put the advert on to the Facebook page
Alpha Centre, booking system to open from start of Nov not sure about the
ventilation system. Maureen to find out what they are going to do. Can get a date
face to face meeting next month’s meeting if possible.