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Polmaise Community Council
Minute of Meeting
Monday 21st June 2021 @19:00
Zoom meeting
In attendance:
Alex Fraser- Vice Chair
David Perrie, Associate Council Member
Karen Perrie, Treasurer
Maureen, Councillor
Gayle Jeffery, Secretary
James Johnson
Karen Walker
Sharon McGrouther, Community Engagement Officer
Billy Bruce, Voted on
Recording of Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest
Adoption of previous meeting(s) minutes – 17th May 2021.
Minutes from the meeting of May 17th will be approved in the next meeting
Matters Arising
The group was advised that for the installation of both parks it cost £54,000 but it
was £90,000 that was raised.They were advised that anything that was not spent was going back into the council.
Maureen is going to ask for a breakdown of cost for each of the parksShe added it would be £11,000 to resurface polmaise park and £16.000 for Drymen
Park -
Reports- External
Police Scotland/Enforcement Officer- to be sent over
Elected Member
Maureen advised that she has spoken to Grant Douglas at Scottish Power and he
stated that it is Ross Forbes that is taking over the project as he is on holiday until next
week.Maureen had a meeting with the Scottish Power legacy steering group and the council
are going to help with the projects because it has taken a bit of time and they are
worried that they are going to run out of time. The council are going to manage the
project and oversee it. David stated that the last thing they heard was about the skate
park but no one has told them anything else.Maureen has got the estimates and costs but they can only provide the funding to
Stirling Council who are going to look into match funding.Maureen added that The City Regional Deal could be used for the funding but It had
already been allocated so they need to find the match funding. Spen are meant to be
keeping the group up to date. Maureen asked if an email could be sent out to Spen to
be invited to the next meeting.Spen have gave some money to fix the bridge but it is coming out of the money for
the skate park. The repairs are to start on the 12th July 2021.David stated that he has done a lot of work and is frustrated wil the lack of
communicationMaureen has resigned as a SNP member last year for personal reasons but has joined
the Alba party and is still a councillor. If there is anything the need they can put in
constituents enquiriesDavid advised that he put a CC enquiry in for rock salt in January and he has only
received a response this week.
Reports- Internal
Sub Groups
Secretary (including correspondence)
1,658.18- is currently in the account £80 has been withdrawn for the account for
pay to the minute taker leaving £1,578.18. There is £319.04 left for the food hall.Maureen asked if they had funding for the food hall and David advised that they
did not. She asked how they are going to keep it going and he advised that they
would need funding to keep it going but Stirling Council have not helped in the
past. -
Community Council Business (Community issues brought to the attention of the
Community Council for debate and to agree/vote on actions that are in the
interests of the community)Gayle set up a gofund me account on Wednesday for the notice board
Have some collection tins bring this up in the next meetingHave had quotes in for the notice board waiting on for Stirling council to get back in
touch. Maureen said she would chase this upThe parking at Bruce Drive is to wait until next. Billy has emailed about the petition
process.AGM to be put on the agenda for next month.
AOB (Any items that Community Councillors wish to raise that are not an agenda