February 2024 Minutes

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Graham Mowat
Acting Secretary
11 Caledonian Place
FK15 9AF
Tel: 07817748588
Ailsa Gray
Old Glassingall
FK15 0JG
Tel: 07775313038
Minutes of the meeting held in the Victoria Hall, Dunblane, at 7 p.m. on
Wednesday, 7 February, 2024. This meeting has been called by the
Dunblane Community Council to allow residents the opportunity to
express their views on the proposed budget cuts to be decided by Stirling
Council on the 29th of this month.
Present: Ailsa Gray (Chair), Graham Mowat (Interim Secretary), Alan Booth,
Terence O’Byrne, Stewart Corbett, Jonathan Failes, Annelise Bakri, Anna
Jarchow-MacDonald, Fiona Plumtree, Calum Thomson, Karen Jenkins.
In attendance: Steve Mason and Councillors Alasdair Tollemache, Robin
Kleinman, Thomas Heald and Ewan Dillon, Margaret Bragg (Minutes Secretary).
Approximately 150 residents attended this meeting.
The Chair welcomed everyone and pointed out that this was a community
council meeting, not a Stirling Council meeting.
Burgh Chambers Update
This item, from the community council's original agenda, was introduced and
Steve Mason gave a brief update. He reported that Stirling Council has decided
not to return to the building and Creative Dunblane will be taking it over this
April on a two- year lease in the first instance. A business plan to make the
project viable is being drawn up. At present the Digital Makerspace has been
very successful and there are plans to expand the activities offered, without
duplicating what is already on offer in Dunblane. It is also hoped to introduce
co-working spaces for those working from home. However, this is a new group
with very little money and Steve Mason called on everyone to support this
Stirling Council budget
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The Councillors, led by Councillor Kleinman, explained the process by which
proposals for budget cuts come before the full Council on 29 February for
debate and voting. Stirling Council has a gap of £15 ½ million for the 2024-
25 budget year. Income for the Council comes mainly from the Scottish
Government, Council tax and fees (such as parking charges). The Scottish
Government has announced a Council tax freeze but is giving funding of 5%
to Stirling Council to partly offset this; if the Council does not freeze Council
tax it will forfeit this. Last year, Council officers were asked to look at their
departments' budgets and identify possible ways of saving money. These
proposals were incorporated into the Big Conversation survey carried out
across the Stirling region at the end of last year. Drop in sessions were also
held for Council officers to explain the different proposals to residents. The
results of the survey have informed the proposals to be put forward at the
budget meeting for debate. Until the agenda for the budget meeting is
published a week before, Councillors are not able to discuss the proposals.
After this the various political groupings within the Council can discuss the
proposals and, two days before the debate, submit their own motions. The
relevant papers will be available to the public. Once the budget is agreed it
cannot be revisited for six months. People can attend the budget meeting in
person or online and the voting will be open. The proposals taken together
will not meet the £15 ½ million gap. The elected members themselves do not
propose the budget cuts and he stressed that no decisions have yet been made.
Anna Jarchow-MacDonald asked if Stirling Council’s debt is 25% greater
compared to other local authorities, as was mentioned in the media. However,
it was noted that Stirling region has quite a small population but covers a large
area. Councillor Dillon encouraged people to email the Councillors with
comments about cuts or how to raise funds but noted that opinions in
Dunblane will differ from those of people living in other parts of Stirling
region. Alan Booth also asked for evidence that equality and diversity were
considered in setting out the proposals in the survey and Councillor
Tollemache will pursue this. Questions were asked whether there would be
some kind of monitoring of the effects of the proposals.
People were critical of the way in which the Big Conversation was run and that
the survey focussed only on cuts, with respondents being given limited
choices. It did not consider how income could be increased. There was no
confidence that the results of the survey have been taken into account in
drawing up budget proposals and there is no evidence to contradict this.
Councillor Kleinman has been told there will be regular updates throughout
this year on the results of the Big Conversation and the four Councillors
agreed to jointly contact the Council to ensure this is done.
The closure of libraries was a suggested proposal in the survey and this was
fiercely opposed by those attending. The Council has a statutory duty to
provide a central library and a mobile library, but it was noted that the central
library in Stirling is not accessible and is difficult to reach as it is up a hill. All
four Councillors present vehemently opposed any closures or cuts to library
services. There was a vigorous discussion on the need for the library to remain
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open, and how essential this community space is in providing not only books
but a social meeting place. Many groups of all ages meet in the library from
Bookbug to IT sessions to advice drop-in sessions. People were passionate in
their defence of libraries and how their lives have been improved by them. An
online petition has been started to prevent the closure of Stirlingshire
libraries. It was noted that there are no libraries or librarians in Dunblane
schools. Footfall in libraries has fallen over the last few years – counted by the
number of people entering the library- but could rise again.
If there were cuts to the service, people wanted to know what would happen
to the books, the building, the audio book service, and the archive service. The
Councillors were unable to address this but would find out if it became
People were also greatly concerned about proposals to cut provision in
support for the most vulnerable children and adults in the Council area. The
proposal to cut teaching hours in schools to the statutory minimum or to cut
provision of nursery or music teachers was also opposed.
A resident pointed out that cuts to provision for example for ASN (Additional
Support Needs) children in local schools can lead to the Council having to rely
on provision in other authorities, thus costing the Council even more in the
longer term. Cuts in one area could have a ‘domino’ effect, for example cuts
in the library service, would impact vulnerable children and adults whose
support is already affected by service reduction. It has to be recognised that
connections exist between the library service and wider social needs.
The biggest cost to the Council is staffing. If the proposals are agreed, people
will lose jobs and their experience, a valuable asset, will also be lost. Councillor
Tollemache reported that there had already been reductions in staff, with
voluntary redundancies, after last year’s budget and existing staff were
stretched. The Council has to fulfil statutory duties. Only an examination by
Audit Scotland could determine whether the Council was being effectively run.
The Chair said the Council must take responsibility for some of the short-fall,
with evidence of inefficiencies apparent, for example in the demolition of the
Christie clock in Stirling or roads being dug up twice. Instead, the Council
should consider ways in which it could raise money, for example with a tourist
tax. If more information had been available in the Big Conversation survey,
then residents could have proposed ways of increasing revenue.
To sum up, the Chair agreed to pass on to the Council the extreme
disappointment of the residents in Dunblane to the proposed cuts which
would have a catastrophic impact on the community. The Council should be
more creative, think of revenue-raising ideas and work more efficiently. They
should look at the suggestions the community made in the survey and give
assurances that these were taken into consideration. She encouraged people
to email the community council with any further comments and thanked them
all for their attendance and input.
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The meeting ended at 8.45 p.m.
Dunblane Community Council
Treasurer's Report
DCC Account
Balance by fund:
Total Balance
7 Feb 2024
Balance in bank a/c £ 2,597.72
Account Balance ( ) 6 Dec 2023 £ 2,677.72
M. Bragg - Dec Minutes 7 Feb 2024 £ 50.00
Camera Hire 7 Feb 2024 £ 30.00
£ 1,500.33
£ 346.39
£ 751.00
£ -
£ 2,597.72
Prepared by: Stewart Corbett (Treasurer)
7 Feb 2024
last report
DCC Administration
Project Fund
Community View Fund
Community Orchard
1. Annual account indepedent review on hold pending review of Project Fund close out
Police Service of Scotland
Community Council Meeting
Community Council: Dunblane
Month: February 2024
Officer completing: PC 775 Paul Gilliland
Email address: DunblaneBridgeofAllanCPT@scotland.pnn.police.uk
Introduction / synopsis of previous month:
This report should provide sufficient information regarding police activity since the last
community council meeting. If you have any further questions about the police report or any
incidents that you are aware of that are not included in the report, then please email us direct
on the above email address and we will answer your questions.
If anyone has any information on any incidents that we have been unable to identify a
suspect then please let us know by email, 101 or by contacting Crime stoppers.
The report encompasses all relevant crime and matters of note which have occurred
between the 3rd of December 2023 and 4th February 2024 inclusive.
Current Priorities:
Our current priorities in the Dunblane area continue to be Anti-Social Behaviour,
Housebreakings, Road Safety and Community Engagement and Reassurance.
Main Report:
Between the 3rd of December 2023 and 4th February 2024, a total of 31 crimes occurred
within the Dunblane area. The crimes detailed below are those that are of relevance to the
local community.
On the 10th of December a male attended at a property in Doune Road, Dunblane attempting
to sell household cleaning products items from a bag in his possession. Having been refused
the male was verbally abusive to the householder. This has been crimed as Section 38(1)
Criminal Justice & Licensing Scotland Act 2010 and Act as a Pedlar Without a Certificate
(Pedlars Act 1871 S4(1). Following enquiry, the male involved has been identified and will be
reported in due course.
On the 15th of January a Vandalism occurred at a property in Well Place. Following
investigation, the male responsible for causing the damage has been identified and is subject
of a report to the Procurator Fiscal.
Sometime between 22nd and 25th January a farm access gate near to the A820 in Dunblane
was damaged. This is crimed as Vandalism and is currently undetected with no suspects
having been identified.
On the 26th of January damaged was caused to a communal door at Albert Street, Dunblane.
This is crimed as Vandalism with lines of enquiry to be progressed.
Police have recently received several complaints relating to Vandalism type crimes within
Braeport, Ramoyle and Laighill Place, Dunblane. This includes damage to plant pots and
vehicle windscreen wipers and bonnets. These offences have all occurred on or around the
28th of January and appear to be linked. Investigations are ongoing with a positive line of
enquiry to be progressed by the Community Policing Team.
On the 4th of December following a vehicle stop within the Dunblane area a male was found to
be in possession of Herbal Cannabis and has since been issued with a Recorded Police
On the 30th of December police attended the Doune Road area in relation to a male acting
suspiciously. A male was later traced and following a search found in possession of white
powder, tablets and cannabis. The items recovered will be subject of laboratory analysis and
if as suspected, they are found to be controlled drugs then he will be subject of a police
report to the Procurator Fiscal for drug related offences.
On the 14th of January police attended a property in Whitecross Avenue in relation to a
domestic assault and other crimes. A male was later traced and arrested in relation to Theft
and Section 38(1) Criminal Justice & Licensing Scotland Act 2010 offences.
On the 17th of December alcohol was stolen from a shop in High Street, Dunblane. Following
investigation, a male has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal for Theft by Shoplifting.
On the 19th of December a resident from Dunblane was contacted by a male claiming to be
from his bank who was reporting suspicious activity on his account. The victim’s trust was
gained, and large sums of money were later transferred from the bank account to the
suspect’s account. The victim who later became suspicious contacted his bank and
thereafter established that he had been the victim of Fraud. This is under investigation at the
time of submission and is an ongoing police enquiry.
On the 21st of December a Theft by Housebreaking occurred at a property near to Kilbryde
Road, Dunblane which resulted in a vehicle being stolen. This is an ongoing enquiry at the
time of submission with lines of investigation being progressed.
On the 31st of December a Theft by Housebreaking occurred at a residential property at St
Margarets Drive where the security was overcome, and a large quantity of jewellery and
similar items stolen. This is an ongoing enquiry at the time of update.
On the 3rd of January 2024 a wreath was stolen from a property at Ramoyle, Dunblane. The
wreath has since been recovered. This is crimed as Theft and is currently undetected.
On the 8th of January a Theft by Shoplifting occurred at a shop within High Street, Dunblane.
Following investigation, a female youth has been traced and charged.
On the 12th of January a Theft by Shoplifting occurred at Tesco, Dunblane where a male
stole grocery items. This is an ongoing investigation with a positive line of enquiry to be
progressed and will likely be detected in due course.
On the 22nd of January a Theft by Shoplifting occurred at Tesco, Dunblane and is under
investigation at the time of submission.
On the 10th of January on the A9 Northbound near Dunblane road traffic collision occurred. A
motorist will be subject of a report to the Procurator Fiscal in relation to Dangerous Driving.
None to report
Between the 3rd of December 2023 and 4th February 2024 there has been a total of 315 calls
to the Dunblane area (this also includes calls to sections of the A9 and M9). A breakdown of
some of the calls are as follows: 4 neighbour dispute type calls, 4 public nuisance calls, 1
drugs/substance misuse call, 13 noise related calls, 2 assault calls, 7 disturbance type calls,
6 damage calls, 9 theft type calls, 2 housebreaking type calls, 3 domestic incident calls, 10
fraud type calls, 12 concern for person calls, 2 missing person calls, 2 abandoned vehicle
calls and 78 road traffic related calls.
Community engagement and reassurance:
Input provided to Army Cadets in relation to the role of policing.
Inputs delivered to P7 pupils at Dunblane and Newton Primary Schools in relation to life
choices and decision making.
Activity for forthcoming month:
- Carry out patrols in areas where antisocial behaviour is reported.
- Carry out patrols in areas where crimes of dishonesty have occurred.