Sept 2021 Minutes


Dunblane Community Council



Alan Booth

Woodlea, Perth Road

FK15 0BU


Tel: 01786824791

David Prescott

Smithy Loan
FK15 0HQ


Tel: 01786 822848




Minutes of the meeting of the Dunblane Community Council held on Wednesday,
1 September, 2021, at 7 p.m., held remotely via Zoom.


Present: David Prescott (Chairman), Alan Booth (Secretary), Chris Toop (Treasurer),
Andy Mitchell, Rosemary Hunter, Karen Jenkins, Fiona Plumtree, Sharon Mylchreest,
Craig French, Graham Mowat.


In attendance: Susan Mitchell, Eleanor Brailsford and Councillors Graham Houston,
Douglas Dodds and Alasdair Tollemache, Margaret Bragg (Minutes Secretary).


Apologies: Apologies have been received from James Byrne, who is attending a
meeting on Accessible Streets organised by Councillor Majury, Ailsa Gray and
Bridget Clark.


  1. Chairman's Remarks, Conflicts of Interest There are no stated conflicts of
    interest and no Press presence. The Chairman thanked Rosemary Hunter for
    stepping in as Chair in his absence last meeting. This meeting is held via Zoom under
    Stirling Council’s Temporary Amendments to the Community Council Establishment


  2. Approval of minutes of 4 August 2021

    These were approved, proposed by Graham Mowat and seconded by Andy Mitchell.


  3. Standing items and actions from previous meetings: See attached.

    Future of Burgh Chambers This is progressing, thanks to Steve Mason whose
    summary report has been circulated. Consideration is being given to reconfiguring
    the available space by moving the Registration office and Council accommodation
    to the rear and freeing up the downstairs front rooms for community use. Councillor
    Tollemache reported that, after much persistence on his part, repairs have been
    made to the building and ivy has been cleared.


    Dunblane High School/Dunblane Young Peoples Project Rosemary Hunter reported
    that the tubs at the bottom of the Old Doune Road have been cleared out and she is
    contacting the High School to plan for their replanting.


    Cycle routes and Active Travel The Chairman commented that lanes on the B8033
    have been coned off in expectation of the repainting of the cycle lanes, but no work
    has been done for over a week. He suggested that it would have been an ideal time
    for the gullies to be cleared out and Councillor Houston confirmed he had already
    highlighted this opportunity to Council officers. Susan Mitchell observed that the
    lanes already painted do not meet legal requirements as the buffer zone between
    cyclists and parked cars is too narrow. She has alerted the Council to this. Cars also
    have to go over the painted cycle lanes in some places as space is restricted. The
    scheme will be re-examined after 18 months. She agreed to send a copy of the
    original plan for the cycle lanes between Marks and Spencer and the Fourways
    roundabout to the Secretary. Action: Susan Mitchell.


    She also reported on a meeting on a potential cycle lane between Dunblane and
    Bridge of Allan and mentioned various funding streams for progressing this. She
    has a copy of the Council's draft plan and agreed to send it to the community
    council. Action: Susan Mitchell. Councillor Houston pointed out that the route
    between Bridge of Allan and the Keir roundabout is technically complex and would
    be expensive. Although this plan might be a long-term ambition, the Chairman did
    point out that with a new Green Minister for Active Travel in the Scottish
    Government it would be prudent to have as many projects as possible ready to
    progress within the next few years. In response to a query from the Secretary with
    reference to a possible link to the University and Park of Keir, the Chairman said
    that if the development at Park of Keir receives outline permission, the cycleway will
    be part of this, but changes can be made during the planning process.


    Susan Mitchell was pleased to report on the installation of more cycle racks through
    the town of a more modern and suitable design.


    Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) The Chairman reported that the VAS on Doune Road
    which has been switched off (see minutes August 2021) cannot be recalibrated to
    reflect the reduction in the speed limit. Craig French reported that recently when
    traffic was backing up at the Keir roundabout traffic had increased on the Doune
    Road, much of it well above the 20 mph limit.


    Gritting of roads and footpaths The Chairman commented on the Winter Service
    Review received from Bruce Reekie (Senior Manager, Environment and Place, Stirling
    Council) and criticised the length of time the response has taken (see Minutes
    February 2021). He updated the community council on a meeting that had finally
    taken place that morning. The policy is not going to be significantly changed this
    year but Council officers are willing to look at changes to the detailed
    implementation of the policy. Dunblane does not fit neatly into the designation of
    Council areas for tackling winter weather. Noting that the Council is going to make
    more gritting material available for use by the public, the Chairman also wanted
    gully cleaning and street sweeping to be improved to help with drainage problems.



    A paper is due to go before the Council in September 2022. Councillor Houston
    expressed his disappointment that the policy going to the Council will not be
    substantially changed. He noted that changes to practices have been informed by
    Terence O'Byrne's report earlier this year. Team leaders will be visiting Dunblane to
    meet with community council representatives and Councillors and it is hoped that
    this will address a lot of the issues. He was hopeful that progress will be made.


  4. ScotRail May 2022 train service consultation

    The Chairman has circulated a draft paper on the proposed timetable changes, and
    it was agreed that the Secretary will collate the community council's response. The
    Chairman reported that, nationwide, services are being cut and there will be losses
    affecting Dunblane, especially if travelling north to Inverness and, in the evening, to
    Glasgow. Journey times are generally longer. Councillor Houston was appalled by
    the ScotRail consultation and did not think the proposals will be altered. Councillor
    Tollemache has had a response to the consultation and agreed to circulate it. Action:
    Councillor Tollemache. The Chairman agreed to circulate his paper with Bridge of
    Allan community council and Councillors. Action: The Chairman.


  5. Newton playpark

    The Chairman reiterated the community council's support of the Playpark Group
    which comprises interested parents. Councillor Houston reported that the
    replacement of the play equipment is underway and he is hoping to see a formulated
    plan from the group on how they want the park to be used by the community and
    on its plans for fund-raising. He noted the need for more benches and bins and for
    the path to be widened. Councillor Tollemache commented that trees were planted
    a few months ago. He asked the Chairman on behalf of the community council to
    request the group for a report on their progress and this was agreed to. Action: The


    In response to a suggestion that other playparks in Dunblane need improving, such
    as at George Street, the Chairman stressed that the community council will support
    any user group that comes forward with ideas.


  6. Pollinator Strategy

    In response to a request from the Secretary for an update, Councillor Tollemache
    reported that, together with Susan Mitchell, and Councillors Houston and Dodds, he
    made a site visit with Council officers to Braemar park. Susan Mitchell said that it is
    a misconception that all that needs to be done is to cut the grass and leave it; the
    cuttings need to be removed after a week and the area needs to be carefully managed
    to increase biodiversity. It is also necessary to introduce wild flowers. The Secretary
    thought that this was a trial where the grass cuttings would be removed and the area
    would be monitored to gauge any improvement. Councillor Tollemache said that
    the cuttings are going to be removed this month. Questions were raised over the
    training and expertise of Council officers and Councillor Dodds agreed to enquire
    about this. Action: Councillor Dodds. Susan Mitchell reported that Councillor
    Majury is visiting the site with Bruce Reekie (Senior Manager, Environment and Place,
    Stirling Council) in the following week and Councillor Dodds agreed to find out



    about extending an invitation to the other Councillors and to the community
    council. Action: Councillor Dodds.


  7. Anchorscross/Culdee Grove access

    The Chairman introduced Eleanor Brailsford from Anchorscross. A metal fence has
    recently been erected across a well-used shortcut between Anchorscross and Culdee
    Grove, forcing children to take a longer route along the Old Doune Road to school.
    Councillor Tollemache reported that planners are considering whether the newly-
    erected fence is a permitted development. The Access Officer is also going to search
    through the records to determine who owns the land on which the fence has been
    installed. Eleanor Brailsford gave more details about the existence of a previous
    hedge, drystone dyke and fence which had been vandalised and taken down.
    Councillor Houston recalled that plans for a path had been rejected by planners and
    was of the opinion that this was a replacement for a fence that had originally been
    there. It was agreed to leave Council officers to arrive at a decision. The Chairman
    thanked Eleanor Brailsford for her input to the meeting.


  8. Police Report: See attached.

    While it was disappointing that the community surgery organised by the police was
    poorly attended; it perhaps reflects the relative lack of concern about crime in the
    town. It was noted that a bike marking initiative was well received, so the publicity
    by the police had been noticed.


  9. Planning Report: See attached.

    Glassingall Councillor Tollemache reported that the Crown Office is pursuing a case
    with reference to the disturbance of bats.


    Park of Keir The Planning Minister's response to the Chairman's letter was not
    encouraging and the Chairman queried the perceived conflict of the dual role the
    Minister has, holding the post also of the Minister for Community Empowerment.


    Firs of Kinbuck This will be considered by the Planning Panel on 7 September, where
    the community will be making its case.


    Kippendavie Woods The report on the consultation is awaited from the developer,
    after which it will be circulated to the community. If the developer presents their
    case to the community council, a representative from objectors should also be


    Wider development proposals There is nothing to report at present.


  10. Treasurer's Report: See attached.

    The Treasurer reported that the Administration Grant will be received shortly. The
    clearing out of the planters will be paid from the Project Fund. The Scottish and
    Southern Electricity Network Community Resilience Fund grant of £1,500 to be used
    in the recovery from Covid, has not been touched yet. Rosemary Hunter suggested
    supporting workshops for people with mental health issues and it was agreed she
    would progress this. Action: Rosemary Hunter.



  11. Correspondence: This has been circulated when received.

    GDPR A discussion arose over the need for the community council to register for
    GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) as a body, rather than only the Secretary
    as an individual, as data is held by various councillors. The Treasurer confirmed that
    the Administration Grant covers the registration fee but commented that
    registration does not discharge responsibilities. He agreed to contact Stephen Bly
    (Community Link Officer, Stirling Council) to find out what other community
    councils are doing and report back at the next meeting. Action: The Treasurer.


    Scottish Water Correspondence has been received about the road closures as part
    of the renewal of the drainage system. (See Minutes June 2021.) The Chairman
    reported that he has walked round the affected roads with Terence O'Byrne and
    thought the traffic measures should work reasonably well. However, he was critical
    that he has had no reply either from Scottish Water or Stirling Council when he
    raised concerns about proposals. It is important community concerns are
    addressed. Councillor Tollemache agreed to circulate his email to Scottish Water
    which had also met with no response. Action: Councillor Tollemache.


  12. Dunblane Development Trust Report

    The Secretary reported that, with Rosemary Hunter standing down from the Board
    of the DDT, this would be an opportunity for another councillor to stand for election
    to the Board.


  13. Report of other meetings: There was nothing further.


  14. Elected Members' Reports

    Councillor Tollemache reported on the congestion at the junction of Wallace Road
    and Old Doune Road. He has contacted the Safe Routes to School Officer at the
    Council who, together with the Headteacher and the Parent Council, will work to find
    a way of reducing the number of cars and, concomitantly pollution and carbon use.


  15. AOCB

    Rosemary Hunter reported that a new Community Interest Company was set up and
    using funding from the Scottish Government‘s Town Centre Fund managed to
    purchase Smallprint. A full press release will go out shortly outlining plans for the
    enterprise. Councillor Tollemache agreed to be one of the directors. He has
    notified the Council and has listed himself as a director on the ‘register of interests’
    as required by a sitting Councillor. Rosemary Hunter was congratulated for her
    involvement in this enterprise.


    The Secretary suggested that another attempt was made at getting representatives
    from the Student Council at the High School to attend community council meetings.
    Rosemary Hunter agreed to send an invitation to the school. Action: Rosemary


    The Secretary reported that he has submitted, on behalf of the community council,
    an application for £1,500 to fund the training of people to prune the community
    orchard. This application was supported by councillors.



    The question of the return to face-to-face meetings was raised and Councillor Dodds
    reported that this will be discussed by the full Council at the end of this month.
    Case numbers of Covid are on the rise again and unnecessary meetings are
    discouraged.The temporary regulations covering community council meetings
    expires at the end of this month but are expected to be renewed. The community
    council agreed to discuss this at its next meeting. Action: The Chairman for the
    Agenda. Live meetings would have to be held in a larger room than that usually used
    in the Burgh Chambers and the challenge of "blended" meetings will have to be
    addressed. It was noted that not many residents have joined the community council
    meetings via Zoom, although they are publicised on the Dunblane website.

  16. Date, time and place of next meeting

The next meeting of the Dunblane Community Council will take place on Wednesday,
6 October, 2021, probably by Zoom.


The meeting ended at 8.45 p.m.


This is a true representation of the meeting.


David Prescott ……………………………………………………. Date ………………………



Alan Booth ………………………………………………………… Date ………………………




Dunblane Community Council

Additional Paper for Zoom Meeting - Wednesday 1st September 2021

Agenda item 3


  1. Future of Burgh Chambers – Project still active - SM reported:


    • Public acknowledgement from the Council of partnership working requested

    • Short term, the team is hoping to start making use of spaces in the Burgh Chambers for classes and
      meetings - the creation of a makerspace is under discussion.

    • longer term plans for the building being developed

    • the registration service/ local office remain agreeable, in principle, to moving to the two rooms at
      the rear, freeing up the front room as a multi-purpose space for exhibitions, classes, meetings,
      weddings etc.

    • The next step will be to meet with the registration service & asset management to discuss the
      practicalities of the community making greater use of the building in the short term


  2. Dunblane High School / DYPP project update / Newton School – “school” tubs at the end of Old Doune
    Road tidied up. Planting to be arranged

  3. Dunblane twinning proposal – Councillor Tollemache to report in due curse

  4. Heilanman's Land - Proposed transfer to Carman Family Trust – progress update?

  5. Cycle Routes and Active Travel in Dunblane – Spaces for People works now largely complete, but road
    marking struggling. Doune Road Variable Message Sign being investigated, but it cannot be modifies to 20

  6. Road and footway gritting – follow up after Bruce Reekie, Stirling Council, attendance at February meeting.

    Follow up meeting took place in the morning. Verbal update


  7. Action items - if not on the agenda - None


David Prescott Chair Dunblane Community Council 30 August 2021



Dunblane Community Council

Planning Report - Major Issues – to end August 2021


Glassingall – Proposal of Application Notice – Demolition and fire at Glassingall House.

Nothing further to report.


Park of Keir - Section 75 Processes.

The Section 75 Agreement is now with the minister. We are in communication with the Minister’s office, but
the responses are limited. Dialogue is taking place with local MSPs: Keith Brown. Mark Ruskell and
Alexander Stewart.

Note the Planning Minister is also the Minister for Community Empowerment


This is only for Planning in Principle, there will have to be further applications to deal with the detail.


19/00243/PPP Firs of Kinbuck (Northbound services)

Planning Panel takes place on Tuesday 7 September – the community may make a presentation (a
concession won by the community’s Judicial Review). Officer recommendation is as before - to reject.


Kippendavie Woods

Following the DCC August meeting the Trust’s planning agent has been asked to provide a report on the
results of the consultation. After this we will probably invite him to present to the DCC but also offer other
possible objectors to join the meeting.


Wider development proposals

Some progress being made on one potential site, but nothing more to report at the moment


David Prescott 30 August 2021




Police Service of

Community Council Meeting







September 2021


PC 775 Gilliland



Introduction / synopsis of previous month:


This report should provide sufficient information regarding police activity since the last
community council meeting. If you have any further questions about the police report or any
incidents that you are aware of that are not included in this report then please email us direct
on the above email address and we will answer your questions.


If anyone has any information on any incidents that we have been unable to identify a
suspect then please let us know by email, 101 or by contacting Crimestoppers.


The report encompasses all relevant crime and matters of note which have occurred
between the 4th of August and 31st August 2021 inclusive.


Please note police will not be participating in the meeting.



Current Priorities:

Our current priorities in the Dunblane area continue to be Anti-Social Behaviour,
Housebreakings, Road Safety and Community Engagement and Reassurance.




Main Report:


Between the 4th of August and 31st of August 2021, a total of 10 crimes occurred within the
Dunblane area (including the motorway). The crimes detailed below are those that are of
relevance to the local community.




Between the 14th and 15th of August plants within a planter at High Street, Dunblane were
damaged. This was crimed as Vandalism and is undetected.


During the evening of 15th of August a window pane of a property in Doune Road was
damaged. This has been crimed as Vandalism. All relevant enquiries have been carried out
and no suspects identified. Police call card PS-20210816-1841 refers.




On the 13th of August a male was traced within George Street, Dunblane in possession of
herbal cannabis and will be subject of a report to the Fiscal.


On the 31st of August a male was traced within High Street, Dunblane in possession of what
is believed to be a quantity of Diazepam. Once tested and confirmed the male will be subject
of a report to the Fiscal for a drugs offence.




None to report




On the 16th of August a theft by shoplifting occurred at a retail property in High Street. This is
an ongoing enquiry at the time of update and is still being investigated.


On the 28th of August a Theft by Shoplifting occurred at a retail property in Springfield
Terrace, Dunblane and alcohol stolen. This is under investigation at the time of update with
positive lines of enquiry being progressed.




None to report.




Between the 4th of August and 31st of August 2021 there was a total of 88 calls to the
Dunblane area. A breakdown of some of the calls are as follows: 2 public nuisance calls, 4
disturbance type calls, 1 drugs/substance related call, 1 noise related call, 2 neighbour
dispute calls, 3 theft related calls, 1 suspect person call, 3 missing person type calls, 5
concern for person calls and 23 road traffic related calls.



Community engagement and reassurance:


On the 21st of August police carried out a community surgery at the Dunblane Centre which
despite being promoted via social media platforms and poster distribution was poorly



On the 21st of August a bike marking initiative took place which was well received by the
public who attended.


Mobile patrols have been carried out at all schools within Dunblane in line with the pupils
returning to school.


The Pop up Police Officer has been deployed in Doune Road, Dunblane in response to
complaints of vehicles speeding.


Activity for forthcoming month:


  • Patrol hotspot area in which ASB is an issue.

  • Conduct school patrols

  • Conduct vehicular speed checks


Any issues raised at Community Council meeting: