May 2021 Minutes

Drymen Community Council


Minutes Of The Ordinary Meeting
Held On Tuesday 04th May 2021
Via Skype Online

Virtual Meeting Platform


At 7.30 pm Fraser Robb opened the meeting, welcomed all of the attendees and
thanked them all for participating.




Fraser Robb (FR), Marie Elder (ME), Andrew Richardson (AR), Jemma Allan (JA),
Walter Hemfrey (WH), Carol Hemfrey (CH) and Carole Kerr (Minutes)


Also Present


Councillor Alistair Berrill (CAB) representing Stirling Council, Mrs Kay Robertson
Education Officer with Stirling Council, and four members of the public: Mrs Adriana
Dent (AD), Mr Michael Kane (MK), Mrs Kate Robb (KR), and Mr Robert Edwards






Declarations Of Interest In Any Agenda Item




Approval Of The Minutes Of The Last Meeting


The minutes of the previous meeting were proposed by ME, and seconded by AR.
FR thanked Carole Kerr for recording the minutes of the meeting.

ME informed the meeting that she had received a letter from a local resident; Mrs
Brennan, who wants the weekly bin collections changed from a Sunday, and asks
the community council to push for this change.



  1. Matters Arising From The Previous Minutes




    FR thanked local residents; Mr Michael Kane and Mrs Adriana Dent, for volunteering
    to be co-opted onto the community council, and invited them to introduce themselves
    which they duly did.


    Buchanan Primary School update from Mrs Kay Robertson, Education Officer,
    Stirling Council


    Mrs Kay Robertson (KR), Education Officer with Stirling Council, provided the
    meeting with the following update on Buchanan Primary School:

    • She has responsibility for all of the schools which feed Balfron High School.

    • The school roll for Buchanan Primary School fell to zero, and the catchment
      area for Drymen Primary School was extended to include Buchanan.
      Therefore, Buchanan Primary School was mothballed.

    • Her contact with DCC is part of the informal consultation. If there is a formal
      consultation, which is scheduled to begin during June 2021, there will be a
      public meeting.

    • In preparation for any consultation, she has been in contact will all relevant
      local community groups.

    • If there is a formal consultation, she is happy to speak with DCC again, and
      attend at a future DCC meeting.


      FR asked how many primary school children reside within the Buchanan area. KR
      replied 26. ME asked if 26 would result in a 1 teacher school. KR replied that 25
      would result in a 1 teacher school. However, all of the children requested to go to
      Drymen Primary School.


      CAB said that he was on the children and young persons’ committee which
      mothballed Buchanan Primary School. He said that it was mothballed as a result of
      the parents wanting to send their children to Drymen.


      FR asked if the mothballing of Buchanan School would affect the memorial hall. KR
      replied no, as it was a separate building with its own committee.


      KR added that Buchanan School was still being maintained and visited by the janitor
      from Drymen Primary School.


      Police Report


      AR read out the police report:

    • Antisocial Behaviour - A male was arrested following an incident at a house
      in Old Gartmore Rd, Drymen. There was a report of a male coursing for hares
      between Balmaha and Drymen. Police attended and it turned out that was not
      the case. However, there was 2 males charged with a similar offence recently
      in the Stirling area, near Gargunnock. Please report anything suspicious.



    • Road Safety – A road traffic collision occurred on the A811 near the cut off
      for Drymen. A male motor cyclist was slightly injured as a result.

    • Theft - There have been no thefts in the Drymen area since the last meeting.

    • Sheep Worrying - If a dog worries sheep on agricultural land, the person in
      charge of the dog is guilty of an offence. The Act considers sheep worrying to
      include attacking sheep, chasing them in a way that may cause injury
      suffering, abortion or loss of produce, or being at large (not on a lead or
      otherwise under close control) in a field or enclosure in which there are sheep.

    • Fraud - Fraudsters can make contact with you by phone. The caller might
      pretend to be from your bank and ask for personal information such as bank
      details or they might be someone offering you a deal or a prize. Other calls
      have been made by persons purporting to be from HMRC stating that there
      was a warrant out for the receiver of the call, and the call receiver was asked
      to contact the number that was given.




      AR informed the meeting of the following correspondence:

    • 28th April 2021 – Email from Pam Campbell of Stirling Council, informing us
      that the next meeting of the Rural Forum will be held at 7.00pm on Monday
      17th May 2021, via Microsoft Teams.

    • 28th April 2021 – Email from Paul Saunders of the DCDT, asking for
      confirmation of the £1000 donation from DCC to the DCDT, for repairs to The
      Square. On the 30th April 2021, after speaking with Fraser, I emailed Paul to
      confirm the donation.

    • 27th April 2021 – DCC copied into an email from a Robert Gibson to Barbara
      Docherty of Stirling Council, enquiring about the lack of maintenance within
      Drymen Cemetery.

    • 24th April 2021 – Email from a local resident, informing DCC that he has been
      in touch with Stirling Council about the traffic island on Main Street. Stirling
      Council informed him that they were in discussions with DCC and DCDT
      about the issue. Bob suggested to Stirling Council that they erect a temporary
      camera at the location, to monitor the situation.

    • 23rd April 2021 – Email from Alistair MacPherson of the National Park
      Authority, informing us that the next meeting of the East Loch Lomond Visitor
      Management Group will be at 1pm on Friday 07th May 2021, via Skype.

    • 22nd April 2021 – Email from a local resident, informing us that there is a
      pothole outside his house. On 23rd April 2021, I emailed Stirling Council who
      have now repaired the pothole.

    • 21st April 2021 – Email from Pam Campbell of Stirling Council, with maps
      detailing Stirling Council owned property within Drymen.

    • 14th April 2021 – Email from Councillor Rob Davies, confirming that the only
      car parking spaces owned by Stirling Council within Drymen, is the Stirling
      Road car park.

    • 12th April 2021 – Email from Councillor Robb Davis, confirming that under the
      current rules for community councils, AGMs can be held at the discretion of
      the individual community council.

    • Throughout April, DCC has received several emails from Stephen Bly of
      Stirling Council, advising us on the co-option process.


  2. Mr Edwards (RE) informed the meeting that he had sent the email regarding the
    traffic island on Main Street. RE said that he had contacted ROSPA for advice, but
    they could not assist because they were a charity. RE then contacted Stirling Council
    and spoke with a chap called Daniel, who told RE that Stirling Council were in
    discussions with DCC and the Drymen Community Development Trust. RE recapped
    on the timeline of the traffic island. FR replied that there had been a meeting held at
    the Winnock Hotel, during which the island was discussed. However, that was some
    time ago and the council have not came back with anything.


    RE said that he would raise a freedom of information request with Stirling Council,
    and ask them to detail the discussions about the island, as funding was previously
    allocated for its removal. ME said that these islands are popping up everywhere.


    RE said that he would copy CAB into his freedom of information request. CAB said
    that it would be better to start the process again. RE said that in that case, he will do
    nothing until CAB has acted.


    Chairman’s Report


    FR informed the meeting of the following:

    • He involved the police in an incident of littering, were 5 bags of rubbish were
      left at the top end of Drymen. These bags were found to have been left by a
      Drymen Resident.


      Treasurer’s Report


      JA informed the meeting of the following:

    • Total in bank: £5184

    • All Covid group funds that were in our account by Gofundme, have now
      transferred to their new bank account. All future funds from Gofundme will go
      direct to the Covid group’s account.

    • Accounts are being prepared for year end and need to go to accountant for

    • The following cheques are required:

      • £400 for Drymen in Bloom (has been collected by MBrennan)

      • £1,000 for the Drymen Community Development Trust for match funding.

      • £40 for AR for Data protection registration fee.


        Planning Correspondent’s Report


        WH informed the meeting of the following:

    • Planning permission has been submitted for the site above Drymen cemetery
      for 12 units, comprising of 4 houses near Main Street, and 2 blocks of 4
      affordable houses further down the hill. WH will give DCC his
      recommendations at the June meeting.



  3. Roads Correspondent’s Report


    There were no new updates on the local roads network. FR suggested that Mike
    Kane may like to take up the position of road correspondent, going forward. Mike
    replied that he would.


    Publicity Report


    There was no publicity report.


    Councillor’s Report


    Councillor Berril (CAB) informed the meeting of the following:

    • There was a meeting of Stirling Council, mostly about structural re-
      organisation. A proposed link road was discussed, with no plans to build the
      link road. However, CAB anticipates that this issue will be raised again in the

    • Anti-drinking by-laws within the National Park will be changed so that the
      police can report anyone with an open bottle or container containing alcohol.

    • A community engagement strategy was produced, which CAB is disappointed
      with. The document is available on the council website.

    • The results of the council by-election will be known on Saturday (08th May).

    • The garden waste permit is in force. Cut flowers are not to be put into the
      brown bin, unless a permit has been purchased.

    • One of the SNP councillors has went to Alba.


    Loch Lomond And The Trossachs National Park Authority Update


    There was no update from the National Park Authority.


    Co-opting Of New Community Councillors


    FR thanked Mr Kane and Mrs Dent for volunteering to be co-opted onto the
    community council, and asked for a proposer and seconder to vote both onto the
    community council. Proposer: JA, seconder ME. No objections were raised.


    AR said that he has been in touch with Stirling Council who have still to complete
    their checks.


    AR informed JA that he has paid the data protection fee of £40, and he will send her
    the confirmation within the next few days.


    Post meeting minute



  4. On the 05th May, AR emailed Stirling Council and informed them that Mr Kane and
    Mrs Dent had been co-opted onto Drymen Community Council during the previous
    evening’s meeting.


    On the 05th May, Mr Stephen Bly from Stirling Council replied via email. He informed
    AR that since Drymen Community Council had not followed the co-opting process,
    the co-opting vote will have to be repeated during the June meeting of Drymen
    Community Council.


    Again on the 05th May, AR replied to Mr Bly’s email with an email of
    acknowledgement. The co-option vote will be repeated during the June meeting of
    Drymen Community Council, with the notification included within the June meeting’s
    agenda, which AR emailed to all Drymen community councillors, before the May
    meeting on the 04th May 2021.


    Any Other Competent Business


    ME said that a local resident: Mrs Marina Brenna has contacted her about the
    overgrown hedge on Main Street, between Braeside and the village hall. The hedge
    is now encroaching upon the pavement. Mrs Brennan also complained about the
    pavements on Clairinch and Creddon Way. WH replied that he had no knowledge of
    the pavements being is disrepair.


    Date Of Next Meeting


    7.30 pm on the 01st June 2021, via Skype.


    At 8.35pm FR thanked everyone for participating in the meeting, thanked Carole Kerr
    for recording the minutes, and then closed the meeting.