Venue -But n Ben
Wednesday 11/09/24 at 7.30pm
- Apologies: Police
- Attendees: Henry Braid (HB), Callum Crawford (CC), Cyndy Bourbousson (CB), David
Armstrong (DA), Alli Peterson (AP), Brian Sweeting (BS), David Mackie (LL&TNP), Rosemary Fraser, (Stirling Council) plus 5 Residents
- Conflicts of Interest- none noted
- Previous Minutes: August 24. Approved by AP. Seconded by CB
- Stirling Council Update - Rosemary Fraser
- Councillor Kane is now an MP so he is removing himself from post and there is a special Councillor meeting tomorrow.
- Key focus is Local Place Plans and Local Development plans and supporting communities to complete these
- There will be a meeting for Environment Transport Net Zero and feedback given on the C60 bus. Tenders were higher than expected so the Council have been running this service from Callander to Stirling and Brig O Turk-looking at the possibility of further routes as Rosemary acknowledges that rural transport is not good. 18-20 seater on this C60. There are smaller buses that could be provided for disables access.
- Question was raised around the numerous outstanding Cases with the Council where issues are logged and despite attempts, no action is taken or feedback given. Eg the damaged chevrons reported two years ago. Ref nos to be emailed to Rosemary.
- Roads Winter maintenance scheduling- there has been little change to grading of roads. Priority will be given to allow access in and out of every village. Second and third levels might not be done. Fourth level roads will not be done. Link to map to be provided. The Council run a scheme where volunteers will support with clearing snow and ice but issue was raised about the liability of volunteers who sign up for the scheme. Eg what if the work was not of a good standard and someone fell. RF to clarify re liability. Point made that with high council taxes why we have to do this ourselves. RF explained that the Council have statutory funds which are committed to spending for social services ,education etc. The Discretionary spend pot is significantly reduced. It is obviously unknown how many days snow will happen which makes it more difficult to budget. Health board’s are supporting by identifying elderly/vulnerable to ensure that access is available to their properties.
- CC used to receive the Weekly roads update but this has stopped and has been raised with Stephen Bly ( Stirling Council).
- Q- local place plan – what assistance can be provided? Park place plan has been started. Pauline Roberts is the Council liaison person who can support. This Plan will reflect what we want as a community eg House building here but not here and include the
wider aspect of what else would we like to see. Croftamie is cross boundary with the Park but RF indicated the plans should be the same for both.
- Q- asked around the Nursery and when was the last time anyone had checked it. Lights have been left on for some time and obviously this will be an expense for the Council. The grounds have not been maintained and are a mess.
- Nursery – the Community was not told that it had gone on the market but RF indicated it was not too late for the Community Trust to submit an asset transfer request. RF offered support as she has some experience in this. There are a few ideas of what the building or land could be used for including a Sensory garden and play park but it was acknowledged that a Working Group and Business Plan would be required.
- Police Report – CB.
Forth and Endrick, Croftamie Community Council. August 2024 – Compiled by PC Matt McCammon.
- No Crimes or incidents of note reported to Police within the village of Croftamie during this reporting period.
- Scams- In Scotland, report all scams to Advice Direct Scotland by calling 0808 164
6000 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) or online Consumer
- Fraud- If you have been the victim of fraud, report it to Police Scotland on 101 or 999 in an emergency.
Suspicious Emails- You can forward suspicious emails to report@phishing.gov.uk and send links from websites which you think are trying to scam the public to the National Cyber Security Centre's scam website reporting service at www.ncsc.gov.uk/section/about-this-website/report-scamwebsite
- Suspicious Text Messages- If you receive a suspicious text message you can forward it to 7726. The free-of-charge ‘7726’ service enables your provider to investigate and take action if malicious content is found.
- Keeping secure online. So much of our daily routine is now online. There's banking, shopping and social networking. Criminals are also going online to exploit people. Police Scotland has a programme to help deliver Safer Virtual Communities. The education of online safety is part of our commitment to work with partners.
We also work with local policing divisions to protect members of the public online. We raise awareness of online crimes and give advice on how to keep important information secure. We also help reduce the risk of people becoming victims.
To help keep yourself safe, here are a few golden rules to follow.
- Use a strong password or passphrase
- Your password should be at least 12 characters long
- The password should contain a mixture of letters, numbers and symbols
- Never give personal or sensitive details out online or over email
- Make sure all devices have the latest anti-virus software and a firewall installed
- Keep software and apps regularly updated
- Only download from legal, trusted websites
- Only open emails and attachments from known and trusted sources
- Check the address starts with 'https://' whenever you’re asked to enter sensitive information online
- Avoid using public Wi-Fi hotspots that are not secure.
- Don't use if they ask you for personal information to access public Wi-Fi
- Regularly back up your data
- Control your social media accounts
- Regularly check your privacy settings and how your data is being used and shared
- Be cautious of internet chats and online dating - there’s no guarantee you’re speaking to who you think
- Be extremely cautious if you’re asked for money.
Visit Cyber Aware for step-by-step instructions on keeping your devices up to date. This includes security updates and online security advice.
Remember: If it’s illegal offline it is illegal online.
This includes posting anything that promotes crime, violence or drug misuse.
This includes threats made against you or forcing you to pay money. It also includes being forced to do something to prevent images or information being posted or shared.
This activity is often linked to footage taken using webcams, known as sextortion.
The following links on this page will provide up to date and relevant information.
They give advice around being safe online. It will also help you spot when things aren't right Should you wish further advice then contact Police Scotland by dialling 101.
Community Engagement and Reassurance
It is important to you to have community officers who you know, who are accessible and who address local problems.
PC Matt McCammon is the Ward Officer for the Forth and Endrick area. He is based at Balfron
Police Office and can be contacted at the office, on 101, or at
ForthEndrickCPT@scotland.police.uk. It is recommended that this email address is used by the local community for email contact however this should not be used to report crimes. Please remember that we regularly publish useful information and updates on social media, including appeals for information, updates about road closures and crime prevention advice. Our Facebook and Twitter pages can be found at; www.facebook.com/forthvalleypolicedivision www.facebook.com/policescotland www.twitter.com/stirlingpol
HB has circulated info of the recent Scam where Phone calls are received supposedly from the police indicating there has been fraud on your card and you should move money to a safe place or withdraw cash and deliver it to a person who pretends to be from the Police.
- Planning Report – AP.
Item 1: Dalnair House application 24//FUL | Erection of 1no. dwellinghouses
Application still under review. Community council objection lodged 01/06/24
Item 2: Renewal of planning permission (2020/0239/DET) for erection of ancillary residential unit
Ballatone 15 Cattermills Croftamie Stirling G63 0BB -Application still under review
Item 3 : Pirniehall Application 2022/0329/PPP Large multiple purpose tourist development No new information. Application still under review. App;octant to provide more info
Item 4: Buchanan Crescent. Construction of 14 no. 2 storey houses, cottage flats and semi detached units with new private access road and associated landscaping (application pursuant to Condition 1 of permission in principle ref: 2020/0039/PPP) -No new information in planning terms
Item 5: Change of use of land to caravan site (for the siting of 5 self-catering pods) and associated coffee shop. Cattermuir Lodge Croftamie Stirling Ref. No: 2024/0024/DET validated 16th April -Both this application and the retrospective application for the existing pod are ongoing. Scottish water and Stirling roads have raised no objections. Stirling Roads have requested a condition on the parking and questioned the use of the coffee shop as public or limited use for the pods only.
- Roads Update –CC
- CC is awaiting updates from the council on several matters that have been raised.
- The Drymen Bridge repairs are currently underway and there are traffic lights in place.
- The repair of the broken wall at the Architects was due in May. The repair requires lime render so the weather has to be dry and the pavement repair will be done after the wall repair.
- Two Participation requests are outstanding but CC has been told that the Pelican crossing and dropped kerb requests are in this year’s budget plan. To obtain a 20 mph limit in the village a Traffic regulation order is required.
- Q was asked around the wall at Drymen Bridge and it was confirmed that would it be stonedyke. The reason that the Croftamie Bridge was left as concrete and not cladding was concern that heavy goods vehicles could cause the cladding to come loose and this would be a hazard.
- Q asked around the condition of Buchanan Cres and concern that the developers have no plans to repair the road. CC will report.
- Visit to the village from the Council to look at speeding Participation request has not happened yet.
- Treasurer Update – DA. Balance of the account is £1666.29.
- LL&TNP update from David.
- Councillor Chris Kane was also a member of the Parks Board so a new member will be appointed.
- Re Local dev plans David advised that Garmore and Kilmaronock also cross borders and we could approach them for advice.
- There has been no update on Pirnie hall application.
- There will a Planning meeting this Monday 16 Sept to discuss Flamingo Land
Branded as Lomond Banks. Application is for 103 lodges, a hotel and a Monorail.
There have been 156K objections. The meeting can be viewed online from 1pm.
The recommendation from planning officers is to reject and it is noted that the Applicants have the right to appeal. Overall decision will be made by the Park.
- Comment was made that the reasons that the Planners are recommending rejection are the same Croftamie Community Council indicated for the Pirnie Hall application quoting the Sandford principle where the Park has a duty to encourage tourism but it is not to be at the expense to save the environment.
11 . Correspondence received:
- Rural Housing Stirling re: Buchanan Crescent. Residents can apply either through the website: https://www.rsha.org.uk/ or for those who do not have access online can call us on 01786 841 101 and they will be sent out a paper application. HB to send this info to Drymen Community Council.
- Libraries survey -See enclosed link in relation to the launched last week https://engage/stirling.gov.uk/en-GB/projects/future-Libraries
- There will be a meeting for Connected Communities (ie transport) on 19th Sept in person at Gartmore Village hall and on 26th Sept online or in person in Stirling when decisions will be made. HB requested that a Community Councillor attends this meeting.
- JR Group re: Community Benefits. HB and Lynn met with the developers are made the community requests of Painting the bus shelters, repairing the fences and trimming the trees at the cycle path entrance, preparing and slabbing an area on the cycle path for the memorial bench. They will review costs are get back to us.
- Police Scam meeting in Drymen Village hall – Mon 9th PC McCammon provided examples of recent scams which had taken place in this area. HB has leaflets can be collected.
- Library working group update- Stirling Council are pursuing a partially staffed ( 1.5 days), partially community ( 1.5 days) run library service in the lesser part of Drymen Village Hall. This is in addition to Bookbug and other classes that are now scheduled to take place in the hall. However, before this can happened a secure line needs to be installed for the council network and the IT department will be asked to arrange this as quickly as possible.
- Q- will the mobile library be affected- current agreement is until Oct. 8-10 people regularly attending.
- A notice board for the Mobile library has been delivered that will be attached to the railings.
- Kilmaronock Kirk events- Doors Open Day- Sat 14th September from 10am to 4pm. Heritage tours at 11am and 2pm, Teas, coffee and family quiz. Bat Night at the Kirk- Thurs 19th September from 7pm to 8.30pm
- Eric Liddell Coffee morning in Drymen Village Hall- Sat 14th Sept from 10am to 12 noon.
- Nursery is being marketed. Community Trust can note an Expression of interest to buy or lease it. 20 people need to be on a committee and a business plan and application has to be submitted. Trust require Letters of support and details of what it will be used for. Comment made that we could perhaps lease part of the land. The Trust will conduct a survey and investigate sustainability of ideas. Further ideas were a multi court play park, a sensory garden, Allotments and sheds. The community will be invited to a Place plan meeting and here the appetite to proceed can be established. Proposals will be given.
- Q asked around current purpose of use- it currently has a community class order. But this could be amended for residential use after 12 months.
- Place Plan – funds needed from the park to get the place plan printed. Survey done but a meeting required. Maps are needed from the Park. Steering group for the place plan to meet on Thurs 19th
- Community Hut- roof needs repaired.
- Confirmation of Next meeting:
Wednesday 9th October 2024 at 7.30 pm
Location But n Ben