October 2024 Minutes



Venue -But n Ben

Wednesday 09/10/24 at 7.30pm


Attendees: Henry Braid ( HB), Cyndy Bourbousson (CB), Callum Crawford (CC), David Armstrong (DA), plus 4 residents.

  1. Apologies Alli Paterson( AP), Brian Sweeting (BS), Police, Gerry McGarvey, Stirling Council

2. Conflicts of Interest- none

  1. Previous Minutes: September -Approved by CC. Seconded CB

4.Stirling Council Update -Cllr McGarvey unable to attend. 

Winter volunteer scheme- HB has received confirmation that volunteers are covered  by the Council insurance.  HB to email to John who will check the conditions. 

5.Police Report - CB  Forth and Endrick, Croftamie Community Council

September 2024 – Compiled by PC Matt McCammon

No Crimes or incidents of note reported to Police within the village of Croftamie during this reporting period.

Where to Report Scams


In Scotland, report all scams to Advice Direct Scotland by calling 0808 164 6000 (Mon-Fri

9am-5pm) or online at www.consumeradvice.scot



If you have been the victim of fraud, report it to Police Scotland on 101 or 999 in an emergency. 


Suspicious Emails

You can forward suspicious emails to report@phishing.gov.uk and send links from websites which you think are trying to scam the public to the National Cyber Security Centre's scam website reporting service at www.ncsc.gov.uk/section/about-this-website/report-scamwebsite

Suspicious Text Messages

If you receive a suspicious text message you can forward it to 7726. The free-of-charge ‘7726’ service enables your provider to investigate and take action if malicious content is found.




Keeping secure online

So much of our daily routine is now online. There's banking, shopping and social networking. Criminals are also going online to exploit people.

Police Scotland has a programme to help deliver Safer Virtual Communities. The education of online safety is part of our commitment to work with partners.

We also work with local policing divisions to protect members of the public online.

We raise awareness of online crimes and give advice on how to keep important information secure.  We also help reduce the risk of people becoming victims.

To help keep yourself safe, here are a few golden rules to follow.

  • Use a strong password or passphrase
  • Your password should be at least 12 characters long
  • The password should contain a mixture of letters, numbers and symbols
  • Never give personal or sensitive details out online or over email
  • Make sure all devices have the latest anti-virus software and a firewall installed
  • Keep software and apps regularly updated
  • Only download from legal, trusted websites
  • Only open emails and attachments from known and trusted sources
  • Check the address starts with 'https://' whenever you’re asked to enter sensitive information online
  • Avoid using public Wi-Fi hotspots that are not secure.
  • Don't use if they ask you for personal information to access public Wi-Fi
  • Regularly back up your data
  • Control your social media accounts
  • Regularly check your privacy settings and how your data is being used and shared
  • Be cautious of internet chats and online dating - there’s no guarantee you’re speaking to who you think
  • Be extremely cautious if you’re asked for money.


Visit Cyber Aware for step-by-step instructions on keeping your devices up to date. This includes security updates and online security advice.

Remember: If it’s illegal offline it is illegal online.

This includes posting anything that promotes crime, violence or drug misuse.

This includes threats made against you or forcing you to pay money. It also includes being forced to do something to prevent images or information being posted or shared.

This activity is often linked to footage taken using webcams, known as sextortion.

The following links on this page will provide up to date and relevant information.

They give advice around being safe online. It will also help you spot when things aren't right

Should you wish further advice then contact Police Scotland by dialling 101.


Community Engagement and Reassurance

It is important to you to have community officers who you know, who are accessible and who address local problems.

PC Matt McCammon is the Ward Officer for the Forth and Endrick area.  He is based at

Balfron Police Office and can be contacted at the office, on 101, or at

ForthEndrickCPT@scotland.police.uk. It is recommended that this email address is used by the local community for email contact however this should not be used to report crimes.

Please remember that we regularly publish useful information and updates on social media, including appeals for information, updates about road closures and crime prevention advice. Our Facebook and Twitter pages can be found at;

www.facebook.com/forthvalleypolicedivision             www.facebook.com/policescotland www.twitter.com/stirlingpol                             www.twitter.com/policescotland


HB confirmed that he had circulated info about a parking code scam. 

  1. Planning Report – Finn village- planning granted for 3 extra units and a coffee shop.

Unknow when Pirnie Hall will be debated at Planning Committee.

7.Roads Update -CC 

  • New chevrons and new signs have been installed at the T junction.
  • There are a couple of road closures in Aberfoyle and Balfron on the plans.
  • The wall at the Architects cant be repaired until next year as the weather is too poor now for lime render. Therefore the pavement cant be repaired until after this is done.
  • Participation requests- speeding and roads- traffic reg order has not been submitted for our village yet
  • Walk around –The Council have offered to come next Mon 14th from 10-12. CC HB and DA can attend.
  • Pelican crossing will be installed at cycle paths this year.
  • Drymen bridge wall repairs will be finished in a couple of weeks.
  • The Speed survey is to be redone in Nov.
  • Q asked around a Nationwide speed limit of 20 mph. This is at consultation stage but there is concern around the buffer going from 20 to 40. Lessons being taken from the National restrictions in Wales.
  • CC to raise the condition of Buchanan Cres roads.


  1. Treasurer Update - DA - Balance of the account is £1489.09. It was agreed that the bench and planters should be bought as soon as possible to spend the Community Grant.
  2. LL&TNP update -no report provided

Request has been made that Dalnair is brought into the village envelope boundary.

10. Correspondence received

  • CSET Grant acknowledgement has been received. This Grant was applied for gazebos for stalls.
  • Admin Grant confirmation received.
  • SC Winter Volunteer- email received.
  • Minor injury updates 111- If you or a member of your family has an injury that needs urgent or immediate attention, you should call NHS 24 first on 111, day or night for Healthcare advice – without having to leave home. An appointment at a local centre for further assessment or treatment – so you don’t need to wait when you attend.

 The Minor Injuries team can help adults and children over 12 months who have a recent minor injury, including: Sprains and strains, Suspected broken bones, Minor head injuries, Minor burns and scalds, Minor ear injuries, Minor eye injuries, Infected wounds, Insect bites and stings.

If you attend the Minor Injuries Unit without arranging an appointment via NHS 24 may have to wait longer be seen or could be asked to come back later. Remember If your condition is serious or life-threatening you should dial 999 or go to straight A&E.  You can also call NHS 24 on 111 any time, day or night if you: Think you need to attend A&E but it’s not life threatening, Are too ill to wait for your GP Practice, pharmacist or dentist to open or you Need urgent mental health advice and guidance. Remember If your condition is serious or life-threatening you should dial 999 or go to straight A&E. www.nhsforthvalley.com/rightcare.



  • Place Plan evening went well – funding has been received from the Park to assist with the Plan and this is to be completed by March 2025. Other local community councils have to approve our plan. The Draft will be written by end of Nov by the steering group. A Researcher from Stirling Uni will do a walk round and do some interviews in the village and opinions will be sought from the children in the village.
  • Buchanan Cres Community benefits. Gayle has not responded and HB to follow this up.
  • Recap of items for discussion with the Council at the walk round on Monday are:

Speeding control measures, Pavements. Dalnair footpath, broken Cars at PO, Broken walls, Bus stop, Buchanan Cres road condition, question around which roads are graded 1-4 for gritting, Pavement sweeper- why has this stopped?




Confirmation of Next meeting

Wednesday 13th November 2024 at 7.30 pm

Location But n Ben