March 2024 Minutes

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Venue -But n Ben Wednesday 13/03/24 at 7.30pm

Attendees: Henry Braid (HB), David Armstrong (DA), Cyndy Bourbousson (CB), Ali Peterson (AP), Callum Crawford, And 5 residents

Apologies: Gerry McGarvey- Stirling Council, Lynn Armstrong.

1.        Previous Minutes – February 24.

Request for an amendment to be made re the Fisheries and the March fence.

For info the Fisheries Trust are planting trees on the Catterburn, River Endrick to encourage shade onto the rivers to help keep cooler and help the salmon and sea trout. These have been fenced in to stock livestock from wrecking. Whilst this was being worked on it was noticed that the March fence which has always been there between Dalnair and Spittal Farm has been deliberately cut and damaged which means when livestock (cows) are in this field they will escape into Dalnair.

A further amendment was requested regarding the report on Wind Turbines to clarify that the height of the Dumpling hill is 158 m. The Turbines will be the tallest in Scotland.

The Minutes as amended were Approved by DA,                                                                                                                 Seconded by CB

2.  Police Report – CB

Forth and Endrick, Croftamie Community Council

Road Safety / Anti-social behaviour

1 person was arrested for driving a motor vehicle whilst over the legally prescribed limit of alcohol and did thereafter fail to provide the details of the correct driver when required to do so. The person was then taken to a Police custody facility and became abusive with Police Staff. They were charged accordingly and held as a custody to appear at Court the next Lawful day.


In Scotland, report all scams to Advice Direct Scotland by calling 0808 164 6000 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) or online at



If you have been the victim of fraud, report it to Police Scotland on 101 or 999 in an emergency.


Suspicious Emails

You can forward suspicious emails to and send links from


websites which you think are trying to scam the public to the National Cyber Security Centre's scam website reporting service



Suspicious Text Messages

If you receive a suspicious text message you can forward it to 7726. The free-of- charge ‘7726’ service enables your provider to investigate and take action if malicious content is found.

What is stalking?There is no legal definition of Stalking, however it can be described as:


“Two or more behaviours directed towards a victim which cause, are intended to cause, or where the perpetrator’s behaviour is reckless as to whether it causes, the victim to suffer fear and alarm.”


‘Fear and alarm’ is physical or psychological harm. It is also fear for your safety.


If you think you are being stalked or are suffering harassment, please report it to Police Scotland. You can do this at your local police station, by phoning 101, reporting online or calling 999 if it is an emergency.


You can access the online Stalking Form




to report an incident of stalking that has occurred within Scotland.


Stalking behaviours


Each stalking situation is unique and stalkers may have different motivations. The tactics they use are often very similar.


These include:


  • Following someone
  • Contacting or attempting to contact a person by any means
  • Publishing material about someone without their consent
  • Monitoring someone’s phone, internet, email or other form of communication
  • Loitering in a public or private place
  • Interfering with someone’s property
  • Leaving unwanted gifts or notes for someone
  • Watching or spying on someone

Safety advice


There is some advice you can follow if you think you might be a victim.

  • Report it to the
  • Do not interact with the person stalking
  • Take a mobile telephone with you when you go
  • Have your keys ready for when you reach your front
  • Fit a home alarm system or carry a personal attack
  • Change your online passwords regularly, and look after your privacy Do not share personal information with a stranger.
  • Set a pin or password on your mobile
  • Turn off GPS and locating tagging on your mobile
  • If you think you are being followed, head to a public place, a shop or your nearest police station.

Dealing with unwanted calls


  • Contact your service provider who can put in place additional measures to stop calls from withheld or unknown numbers
  • When you answer the phone, answer by saying 'hello', not your name or number
  • Make use of answer machines and caller identifications to screen calls - only talk to people you want to
  • Try to keep calm and don’t show emotion, certain callers will give up if they don't get

a reaction from you

  • Do not respond in any way to unwanted calls, letters, or conversations

If you know or find out who is stalking you


  • Contact Police Scotland and report what has
  • Do not confront your stalker or try and talk to
  • Do not agree to meet

How to contact Police Scotland


·         Community Engagement and Reassurance

  • It is important to you to have community officers who you know, who are accessible and who address local problems.
  • PC Matt McCammon is the Ward Officer for the Forth and Endrick He is based at Balfron Police Office and can be contacted at the office, on 101, or at It is recommended that this email address is


used by the local community for email contact however this should not be used to report crimes.



3.       Planning Report -AP

  • Dalnair House and Cattermills applications are still waiting for planning authority decisions. Dalnair House will go to the planning committee for a decision when the information is ready.
  • Pirniehall - a response to the community council queries has been received from the planning officer. Copies available on request. AP stated that the response advised that the whole application, having previously been said to be “hybrid” is now considered to be in Anything to be reviewed at the detail stage will go out to consultation again. The Planners will not question any detail in the application since it is now considered to be in principle. The Planning Officer has agreed that the Tree Report not satisfactory. We have said there is also a problem with the ecological report. The next Planning Access meeting is in April but our further comments are required now.

We will be told when the application is going before the Planning Committee


Buchanan Cres development. An informal vote was taken on the naming of the road and the opinion was the name McQueen should be part of it, perhaps as McQueen Way.

There was no Discussion re community benefits.

4.   Roads Update - CC

A Traffic Officer has been appointed. A Street survey carried out has shown that the average speed is not high enough to justify a speed camera but it may be a 20 mph limit could be introduced with a buffer zone of 30 mph at each end of the village. Also, if a 20 mph limit was approved speed bumps could be installed.

The parapet on the wall at the Architects office will be repaired over the summer. Also, the

“pavement drop” will be installed.


A pothole has been repaired.

Rosemary Hall will consider the Pirniehall Traffic Report and the question for her will be forwarded to CC

The question of Road markings or beacons to provide safety for crossing the road was discussed and CC said a “Puffin Crossing” was being considered.

A question was asked about the danger caused by the parking of the trucks being used at Buchanan Crescent. Also, the parking of cars by the workmen are causing restrictions and annoyance to residents. Traffic management is required. HB will write to the Board directors of the contractors stressing the safety issues.

5.  Treasurer Update – DA

The balance of the account is £1175.89. Rent for But and Ben due of £90. Our insurance is paid from our Admin Grant and we are due to submit our request. Previously this has been Storage Hut £2500, Tables 8@ £200 and Chairs 50@15= £750. This year we can add 2 Notice boards @ £250 so the total request will be £5350.

Nothing requires to be added.

I have written to Jean Cowie re the previous Grant from 2015 for the Display banner that we no longer need. The response was:

“The Community Connect fund was a fund that ran for 2 or 3 years only and had nothing to do with community grants. Community Grants is currently closed and under review having been cut by 50% - criteria will have to change to try to eke out a smaller budget.

The money that is sitting in your account can be deemed as unrestricted and for use towards community projects, so for whatever you were thinking of possibly applying to community grants, then this money could go towards that; we will not pull it back. Any future funding should be spent as agreed and returned if not spent.”



  1. Stirling Council Update - No councillor able to attend

7.  LL&TNP update from David Mackie.

DM was not present and there was no report. He will be asked to provide a report in future.

8.  Correspondence received

- Loch Lomond & The Trossachs Visitor Management Group . There is to be a meeting on 25th March to update the Plan

9.  AOB


It was noted with regret that Willie Nisbet had passed away.



Next meeting

Wednesday 10th April 2024 at 7.30 pm Location But n Ben