January 2024 Minutes

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Venue -But n Ben
Wednesday 17/01/24 at 7.30pm
Attendees: Henry Braid (HB), Ali Peterson (AP), David Armstrong (DA), Cyndy Bourbousson
(CB), Paul Henke – Stirling Council (PH), plus 12 residents
Apologies: Callum Crawford, Police
1. Previous Minutes – November 23. Approved by DA Seconded by CB
2. Police Report – CB. November - December 2023 – Compiled by PC Matt McCammon
Anti-Social Behaviour There have been no Anti-social Behaviour calls during this reporting
Theft No recorded thefts during the period of this report. Please keep in mind that A Quad
bike and van have been stolen from the Drymen area with a possibility of the persons
responsible travelling through Croftamie. Please continue to remain vigilant and report any
suspicious activity.
Road Safety There have been no road accidents in Croftamie during this report period.
In Scotland, report all scams to Advice Direct Scotland by calling 0808 164
6000 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) or online at www.consumeradvice.scot
If you have been the victim of fraud, report it to Police Scotland on 101 or 999 in an
Suspicious Emails
You can forward suspicious emails to report@phishing.gov.uk and send links from
websites which you think are trying to scam the public to the National Cyber
Security Centre's scam website reporting service at www.ncsc.gov.uk/section/
Suspicious Text Messages
If you receive a suspicious text message you can forward it to 7726. The free-ofcharge
‘7726’ service enables your provider to investigate and take action if
malicious content is found.
Quad Bike / ATV theft is a significant problem and they should be treated as highly desirable
items. The following security should be considered:
• Check the security of the perimeter of the whole farm, fencing/access roads and public
rights of way, highlighting areas which allow persons to enter the confines of the farm.
• Repair fencing and other damage promptly which prevent/restricts any future access and
also acts as a deterrent by making the thieves aware that checks are being made on a
regular basis.
• Ensure field gates are in good condition and, taking access rights into consideration do not
be afraid to lock them using a good quality padlock (subject to any countryside access
• Suspicious vehicles or persons should be reported to Police as soon as possible to assist in
the prevention and detection of offenders.
• Consider fitting security devices to vehicles i.e. alarms, immobilisers, Cesar markings and
tracking equipment. Installation of such devices may reduce insurance premiums.
• Install extra lighting around the farm yard and consider motion sensors to activate lights
during hours of darkness.
• Fit quality locks to all doors to prevent easy access.
• Remove keys from all vehicles and store in a locked cabinet away from farm buildings.
• Make the vehicle exclusive to the owner in a very obvious way (paint parts of the vehicle,
stamp or weld post code into the vehicle’s chassis or frame). A thief would rather steal a
standard vehicle than one that has obvious alterations or paint work which makes it stand
out and is easy to identify.
• Secure the vehicle to a fixed point on the ground by means of a chain / shackle or other
lockable device.
• Store the vehicle in an area near dog kennels.
• Lay gravel rather than hard standing around farm buildings.
• Park larger vehicles in front of access doors to prevent easy access.
• Join local Rural Watch programmes or similar and place the associated signage around the
farm including at entrances/exits.
• Consider requesting a crime prevention survey to be carried out.
Community Engagement and Reassurance
It is important to you to have community officers who you know, who are accessible and
who address local problems.
PC Matt McCammon is the Ward Officer for the Forth and Endrick area. He is based at
Balfron Police Office and can be contacted at the office, on 101, or at
ForthEndrickCPT@scotland.police.uk. It is recommended that this email address is used by
the local community for email contact however this should not be used to report crimes.
Please remember that we regularly publish useful information and updates on social media,
including appeals for information, updates about road closures and crime prevention advice.
Our Facebook and Twitter pages can be found at;
www.facebook.com/forthvalleypolicedivision www.facebook.com/policescotland
3. Planning Report -AP Pirniehall
3. Planning Report -AP Pirniehall
Pirniehall 2022/0329/PPP :Chronology
12th Dec 2022 Application validated by National Park
Classified as a major application under Scottish Government planning legislation.
Environmental Impact Assessment EIA determined by National Park as not required.
March 2022 Pre application consultation (PAC) statutory
A small pre application booklet made public
The community council response gave four areas of objection. 1. Lack of compliance
with the Local Development Plan 2. Scale of Development 3. Format of Application 4.
Lack of certainty in the applicant’s information
December 2022 Full application documentation available to the public
Croftamie Community Council objection submitted
4 statutory responses from Stirling flood prevention, Stirling council roads, Stirling
Environmental Health, Scottish Water. No statutory objections raised.
30 submitted public responses two in support all others were objections.
13th March 2023 National Park information request to the applicant.
Following information required.
1.Tree Survey (incorporating Constraints Plan), Arboricultural Impact Assessment
and Woodland Management Plan
2. Landscape Assessment
3. Phasing Plan
4. Structural Survey
5. Sustainable Travel
6. Community / Public Uses
21st Nov 2023 Additional info available for public review
Two phasing documents added to the planning portal on 6th December.
13 additional responses have been registered in December 2023. 11 objections 2
Current situation and likely future for application
Community council to review information and provide any response by end of
National Park will accept any individual or group responses in the same timescale. All
previous responses will still be valid.
Following completion of public consultation, the planning department will prepare a
report with a recommendation for acceptance or rejection and present their findings
to the Planning and Access Committee.
Next planning and access committee meeting 26th February 2024 – it is possible the
project will be presented at this meeting.
Pirniehall 2022/0329/PPP Review of the new information Jan 2024
The scale of the development has been unaltered and all previous objections by the
community council still stand.
Review of the additional information.
1. Phasing Plan
The phasing plan is open to interpretation and does not prioritise Pirniehall
2. Structural Survey
The report is understandably non-committal – this means that the whole hall
could be substantially demolished.
3.Tree Survey (incorporating Constraints Plan), Arboricultural Impact Assessment
and Woodland Management Plan
The treehouses, holiday home plots and roads mean that some small areas of
trees and individual trees and understorey have to be cleared that otherwise
would be untouched.
Some tree and understorey clearance and tree surgery appears not to be
covered and its hard to understand some of the information.
4. Landscape and Visual Appraisal
Difficult to understand and appears to conflict with other information.
5. Sustainable Travel
Conflicting information. The new travel leaflet seems inaccurate and there is no
mention of equal access or accessibility rights.
6. Community / Public Uses
The new traffic statement says that the pool, gym and play courts will be
available to Pirniehall residents and residents of Croftamie only but without
Discussions at the meeting around Pirnie Hall
• Comments previously submitted are still valid and this info cements that our
concerns were correct.
• Trees- detailed plan – massive scope to make errors in cutting down trees
that should not have been cut.
• Q to clarify that if the foundations are not solid – there is a possibility that the
hall could be demolished, Redeveloped and rebuilt.
• Q- burst pipes and flooding within the building are a concern as to the current
condition of the property.
• Applicant has said that he wants to live in Pirnie Hall himself.
• Community Council comments will say that we are concerned about the
timing of the phasing plan. We would like a guarantee that the Hall will be
• Concerns raised around the Buchanan Cres site that things have changed
since planning approved.
• Concerns raised re Dalnair where the houses were built before the castle
against planning application information. Legal action underway.
• Recommend the building first and then the community can consider the
further buildings.
• Planning dept will make their recommendation and the committee will then
make the decision.
• Planning officer will write the report-after reading the objections and
comments. At the Planning and access committee- we will probably be
allowed five mins if we choose to speak.
• There seems very little time for a community to review such a large amount
of information with the complications of lack of clarity and the hybrid nature
of the application.
• It was suggested we could do with some professional help to review the
information and help with our understanding of planning legislation to improve
our communication with the national park.
• HB offered to share the Planning report with the attendees if they wished.
4. Roads Update – CC – emailed in.
There has been a smell in the village since storm Babet- this has been identified as coming
from the dump at Auchencarroch and plans are in place to resolve.
There are no planned works for the area on the Jan roads schedule.
Update on speeding says not enough accidents and not a higher enough average speed to
warrant a camera (Ave was almost 40mph at nursery, and 34.9 at but n Ben, the threshold is
35. CC to pursue.
Updates from Stirling Council
re Installation of a zebra crossing in the centre of the village & Dropped kerbs at Buchanan
Budget provision has been set aside in the 2023/24 budget to progress this. However, due to
severe staffing issues, it has not been possible to progress the work to install the zebra
crossing or the dropped kerbs. At this stage it is unlikely that these works will be progressed
this financial year. Should this be the case, I expect this work to transfer to next financial
year (2024/25).
I confirm that there are currently no plans to install any puffin crossings in the village.
Re Speed Limits and Speed Warning Signs- I am happy to review the implementation of a
20-mph speed limit in Croftamie. A rollout of village-wide 20-mph speed limits is still being
progressed, but I can’t see any reason why Croftamie can’t be considered for a 20-mph speed
limit. To support the implementation of a 20-mph speed limit, the provision of speed limit
buffer zones on the approaches to the village will be reviewed. This would include the
introduction of a buffer zone on the Drymen side of the village. The provision of vehicle
speed activated signs (VAS) will also be reviewed.
Re Speed Cushions- The speed cushions to which you refer were installed as a temporary
measure whist work to repair Catterburn Bridge was ongoing. I am advised that these speed
cushions have since been removed and there are no plans to reinstate them. They are not
suitable for use within a 30-mph speed (or above).
CC has also asked about the pavement and wall that's been left unfinished, and the
reinstatement of the pavement and wall near Drymen bridge but no response received
No update from Royal Mail re reinstatement of the post box either.
5. Treasurer Update – DA. Balance of account is £1263.09.
6. Stirling Council Update – Paul Henke.
No updates to be given.
Request was made re outstanding reports and PH requested that these were sent to him- to
be actioned DA.
LG721134 -Damaged Chevrons at junction of A811 & A809 -reported Mar 23
LG737417- mangled Croftamie/Stirling sign at junction- reported Jan 24
LG737416- 30 mph sign as you leave village turned wrong way- reported Jan 24
LG737419- litter bin request again ( reported Aug 23). The old one was taken away last week
so hopefully this is a good sign.
LG731378- request for a dropped kerb
7. LL&TNP update from David. No report given.
8. Correspondence received
• Kilmarnock Plan-Their plan is online for consultation and comments can be received.
• Balloch Windfarm development meeting to be held 25th Jan 7pm. Balloch House
Hotel- 2 people from each Council. CB and AP to attend. Then a public meeting on
19th Feb St Kessocks Hall.
• Croftamie Plan is being finalised from the survey responses. AE looking for funding
for the printing.
9. AOB
• Finnich Glen – 3 years since the planning permission was signed off. First phase has
started with fencing been installed. Numbers coming to the Glen has been equal to
pre Covid. Greater than 70,000 visitors a year.
Construction costs projections have risen. Site is for sale. Possible Press release will
be given for an update on the development – thinking about an amendment to
include planning for a distillery.
Q around the parking. To get the initial land engineering into place to create the basis
of the car park and improve the site. Planning condition is that the car park cant be
opened until the other buildings and safety measures are in place.
• Post Box - no update from Royal Mail.
Confirmation of Next meeting
Wednesday 14th February 2024 at 7.30 pm
Location But n Ben
Online gaming safety awareness from Police Scotland. December 2023
The Online gaming industry is colossal both in terms of its’ scale and reach. For many
people, online gaming is a huge part of their online activities, in-fact it is *estimated that a
staggering 1.1billion people play online games.* Online gaming - Statistics & Facts | Statista
When we consider that the internet is not hindered by physical or geographical boundaries,
the reality is that we can be gaming with anyone from a close friend to strangers from any
part of the world. Also, the level and types of communication online games offer has evolved
over recent years. Initially online gaming was separate to social media, they now greatly
overlap with online social sharing sites. In fact, most children’s first interaction with
someone they don’t know online will be on an online gaming platform. In these games
players do not necessarily know who they are associating with, as anyone can be who they
want to be online. Online player profiles may look to be like other children but it is difficult
to be sure if this is the case. We have to be aware and ask the question of ourselves as
adults and of our children, young people and our most vulnerable, when gaming online do
we really know who we are associating with? Have we shared personal information within
chats or even struck up a relationship away from the gaming platform having only met
online? Whilst being online in itself is a relatively enjoyable experience, especially in terms
of the global interaction gaming brings, it is safer when we know who we are gaming with.
There is no doubt that online criminals use gaming platforms to coerce and manipulate
genuine gamers in order to turn any situation to their advantage. Because of this, parents
and carers need to understand the games their children are playing and also how to set
them up so their children are safe. This festive period there will be many people new to
online gaming whether this is on a PC, games console, phone etc. The following link to the
NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre) will support you as a Parent or Carer and gamer, to
help you enjoy online gaming more securely and by just following a few tips, can help
prevent you falling victim to an online gaming criminal.
Online gaming for families and individuals - NCSC.GOV.UK
For those with younger family members to think about, online gaming can be an added
stress with concerns such as cyberbullying, excessive time spent playing online games, to
unscrupulous games which encourage children to pay for improved avatars or other content.
If you have younger family members who are gaming online the following links, to our
trusted partners, will provide you with support and guidance from what parents and carers
need to know, to gaming safety tips, to choosing the right console and understanding online
Gaming: what parents and carers need to know (thinkuknow.co.uk)
Gaming consoles and platforms - Internet Matters
Games console for your child: What you need to know | Internet Matters
Online gaming top tips for parents - Internet Matters
How to Ensure Your Children Stay Safe While Playing Online Games | NSPCC
Information from Police Scotland Cybercrime Harm Prevention Team All information correct at time
of distribution. 01/12/2023