February 2024 Minutes

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Venue -But n Ben
Wednesday 14/02/24 at 7.30pm
Attendees: Henry Braid ( HB), David Armstrong (DA), Cyndy Bourbousson (CB), Alli Peterson
(AP), Rosemary Fraser (RF)- Stirling Councillor, plus 6 residents.
Apologies : Callum Crawford (CC), David Mackie (LL&TNP) 1 resident.
1. Previous Minutes – January 2024. Approved by CB Seconded by AP.
2. Police Report – CB
Forth and Endrick, Croftamie Community Council
January 2024 – Compiled by PC Matt McCammon
Antisocial behaviour
There have been no reports of anti-social behaviour during this reporting period.
There have been no thefts recorded in the Croftamie area during this report period.
It is of note that Quad bikes / ATVs are still being targeted by thieves with a further one
taken from a farm in Drymen in January. Please remain vigilant and continue to report any
suspicious activity.
Road Safety
No incidents logged in relation to road safety.
05/01/2024 – PC McCammon carried out Speed checks on A809 Croftamie – 2 Drivers were
warned in relation to their speed.
What basic steps can I take to protect my home?
Having your home broken into is not common. There are however many ways that you can
help secure your home. They don’t all cost money – some are common sense and good
First, think about basic good housekeeping routines that aren’t expensive:
 Keep your home locked at all times
 Many thieves do not need to break in at all because a door or window has
been left open or unlocked
 Don’t leave keys on the inside of door locks, under mats or anywhere else
they can be easily found
 If you have a ‘thumb turn’ lock on the inside of a door, ensure that it cannot
be accessed from outside
 See details on letter-plates, glazing and adjacent windows advice below
 Don't put your name or room number on your keyring if you live in shared
accommodation, if it is lost or stolen, the thief will have information that
could direct them there
 Don’t keep house keys and car keys on the same key ring
 Don't keep a lot of cash in the house
 Mark your property with a UV marker pen or Security DNA marking Kit -
these can be bought online or in some stores
 Look for the Secured By Design accreditation on the product and register -
you can place an invisible imprint of your postcode and house number on
your possessions
 You can record and register details of your valuables, serial numbers and
features or marks, on devices on the national mobile property register on the
immobilise website - this includes mobile phones, cameras, laptops and
 Don’t leave valuables where they can be see through a window - for example,
around the tree at Christmas time
 If you have a wall calendar, avoid having it shown near a window from where
appointments can be seen - people may see when there will be no one in.
 Community Engagement and Reassurance
 It is important to you to have community officers who you know, who are accessible
and who address local problems.

 PC Matt McCammon is the Ward Officer for the Forth and Endrick area. He is based
at Balfron Police Office and can be contacted at the office, on 101, or at
ForthEndrickCPT@scotland.police.uk. It is recommended that this email address is
used by the local community for email contact however this should not be used to
report crimes.
 Please remember that we regularly publish useful information and updates on social
media, including appeals for information, updates about road closures and crime
prevention advice. Our Facebook and Twitter pages can be found at;
www.twitter.com/stirlingpol www.twitter.com/policescotland
3. Roads Update (HB)
CC will continue to pursue the speeding solutions but suggestion at the moment is that
there have not been sufficient accidents in the village to merit a quick resolution.
CC to chase Speeding Participation which was agreed before bridge closure.
Result of survey was the Average speeds of going North 33 and South 32.
Police have said that they don’t have a long enough site line for a speed camera.
Possible pelican crossing?
Community Council will consult with the Roads team and include suggestions in the
community Place Plan.
As average speed is over 30, we need something to reduce speed in addition to 20mph
Give suggestions to RF who will take it and support a motion.
Zebra wont reduce speeding unless there is someone trying to cross.
4. Treasurer Update – (DA) Balance is £1263.09.
New statement received 16/2/24- balance now £1259.49. (Room hire of £120 deducted and
£3.60 email mthly fee)
The hut insurance form is due to be issued and Stirling Council have asked do we need to
include Drivers insurance. We assume we had this in the past when people were driving the
minibus so this is not required. Business class insurance on personal policies is required to
drive to a Council meeting.
5. Stirling Council Update – (RF)
Budget time- potential shortfall of £13M
Big Conversations taking place. Concerns library services across Stirling will be cut and also
concerns around X10 bus.
29th Feb is Budget meeting. 200 proposals have been received for potential savings.
Majority of Council money is used for Social care and Education etc which are Statutory
Discretionary services are added on eg budget was 3% increase for teachers but they got
There is a freeze on Council tax by Govt so councils will receive an amount from Scottish
Government to help. If Council tax was increased at 1%- this would bring in £0.5M not
Libraries- Is there concern that Drymen is not owned by the council by The Winnock? A
resident advised that the Library was gifted by Sir Hugh Fraser to the community and RF
would investigate this.
Dunblane Registrar has closed. Most Registrar work can be done on phone.
Q was asked around an article about new Council offices at a cost £31M. RF advised that
they have reviewed buildings which in the past housed 2000 to 3000 staff but now they only
need for 900 due to hybrid working.
This plan would take into account reduction in staff and several buildings being merged.
£0.5m was spent on a feasibility study for New Look building but this wasn’t suitable.
Viewforth will perhaps be extended. Cost of building for commercial purposes is £6800
versus £3.5K for a residential house per square metre.
Buildings currently used are not fit for purpose. Not moving means spending funds on
upgrading. They will look to sell off buildings and land to other developers. Perhaps
Including Teith House. The funding for the £31M will come out of the Capital budget.
Q around the cycle lane from Castle Business Park- surface on the cycle lane into Stirling.
More expensive tar was used. Dumbarton Road has been re-cobbled. Where has this
funding come from? A- Some was Sustrance Money/Govt. This was done to encourage
active travel. Cobbles was not Stirling Council money.
Q-Why not in our villages and just Stirling? Officers looking at the whole region. Where can
one village link with another. Rurals- looking at where it is practical to upgrade – thinking
about tourists.
Resident advised that to go from Croftamie to Drymen you have to cross the road 6 or 7
times. Quality of pavement is poor. Surface not been maintained.
Q around wheelchairs not being able to get from village. Trip hazard. At the architects office,
lime mortar needs to be done in the summer months.
Toilets-Comfort partnership – Council paid a fee to The Winnock. But this has stopped.
6. Planning Report –(AP)
Planning report 11/07/24.
Item 1: Dalnair House application 23/00392/FUL Erection of 3no. dwellinghouses
Update:The planning officer has written to the applicant requesting further information but
it has not been forthcoming as yet.
We must wait to see if the application goes forward. If the applicant supplies all the
information and the officer is able to write a report it will go for decision to the Stirling
Council planning and regulation committee.
If the new information is significant the project may need another public/ neighbour
Item 2: Renewal of planning permission (2020/0239/DET) for erection of ancillary
residential unit
Ballatone 15 Cattermills Croftamie Stirling G63 0BB
The application decision has been delayed due to a holding objection from SEPA due to lack
of information. More info has been submitted in January.
Item 3 : Pirniehall Application 2022/0329/PPP Large multiple purpose tourist development
The planning officer has written to the applicant requesting additional information.
Huge amount of new info is online.
New west elevations were made public at the end of January.
The Publicly funded charity and social enterprise Planning Aid Scotland have agreed to
provide the Community Council with a limited amount of dedicated support as a client. The
National Park have been informed and have agreed to additional time for our response.
Unusual for a major application to have info submitted late. There should have been a
processing agreement at the beginning. All info required. All of consultees who would
review this.
In the last week: after neighbour notifications more docs were added. And also, more
documents have gone on in Jan and Feb and we cant open them. New versions of elevations
and plans on the portal but we cant open them.
We can ask to see the written pre application planning advice issued by the Park to the
applciant under a freedom of info request.
In the Processing agreement, we can see who is a consultee and what information was
required at the start of the application.
Q around Why SEPA have not been involved to date when a resident and the council have
written with concern about the drainage. Also it is not clear how their drainage will work as
they are indicating a new route across land they do not own, into a ditch that is dry for some
months of the year.
There is a requirement under planning legislation for the applicant to show the business
case for the enabling development so any costs such as drainage should be included. Pirnie
Hall building is not listed but the hall is on the Building at Risk register.
Q- re consent to go through someone’s land.
As we understand it, it appears that the applicant does not have access or rights to the land
for drainage.
SEPA have not commented but this could have a significant impact on the application
Stirling roads have put in a letter of no objection.
Q to the Roads as they have said based on transport statement but the Transport statement
is missing information. RF- to be sent the report.
Discussion around Speeding- Some Survey data available. Average is 29mph in order for you
to get a 20 mph sign. If average is 24 mph you could ask for 20mph
The report says that Junction is safe but it shows a left hand turn. Right hand turn means
coming round the blind corner. Question regarding the veracity of the report. Email to RF
We need to write to the planning officer to ask for a review of current situation due to
concern and confusion.
Buchanan Crescent
Parking situation is really bad. 11 work vans parking in the Cresent in one day.
Ewan wants a suggestion as to where they can park and HB to advise that they could park at
the Nursery.
HB has been asked for suggested for the new Development. Comment was made that it
would be good to consider names incorporating Buchanan Aitken or Agnes McQueen- long
served residents of the Community.
Issued raised about a kerb at the bottom – site manager would look at it.
Concern around WH Malcolm lorries – removing earth or bring stone as the reverse in.
Concern about the drain sinking at no 3.
Developer has offered a Community benefit.
Letters given to Buchanan Cres residents about a meeting but too late. Request was made
that a
Programme of works needs to be given. Better communication needed. HB to speak to
7. LL&TNP update from David- no report given.
8. Correspondence received - none
9. AOB
AP attended the meeting around the 10 new Wind Turbines – one on Kilmarnock CC
boundary, One on Bonhill land and 8 on Bowling land. They will be 7 mega watts each so 70
mega watts in total.
At the biggest point they will be 250m high. As an example the Dumpling hill is 258m. 3 x
height of the Erskine bridge. Visibility from Ben Lomond/ Connich. Site is in Consultation
The expectation is £350K a year in a pot. Trust is created and then Grants given to CCs from
the Trust. Unclear of how the grants would be divided.
2nd part- money can be reinvested in the wind farm and getting profit from the wind farm.
Government guideline – how much handing over to the community. This site is 2 km within
our boundary.
Survey received from Balloch and Haldane community.
Meeting was about CCs affected and getting the community benefit. Possibly 10 CCs
Fintry have bought Wind turbine which is generating income.
Kilmarnock War Memorial- proposal to move this as its too close to main road. Kilmarnock
Kirk Trust welcome any comments or views.
There has been a possible site suggestion as there has been an Asset transfer from
Dumbarton council for land at the back of the church.
Trust are looking at Septic toilets, running water and solar panels. Another site could be at
the corner of the car park.
Drymen, Croftamie and Buchanan Gala Day on 15th June. Plan is to have floats, games and
entertainment at night. Possibility that the Trust could apply for a Grant. £500 is maximum.
There will be a Scarecrow Competition which Croftamie residents could participate in. There
will be a Procession from the school.
DA to write to Jean Cowie to resolve the outstanding Community Grant of £328.
For info the Fisheries Trust are putting up fences on the Catterburn and Endrick which will
encourage tree growth which in turn will keep the salmon and sea trout cooler. These new
trees have been planted.
Concern around a new March fence between Dalnair and footpath has been deliberately
cut and damaged which will mean the cows will escape if its not repaired.
Confirmation of Next meeting
Wednesday 13th March 2024 at 7.30 pm
Location But n Ben