April 2024 Minutes

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 Venue -But n Ben. Wednesday 10/04/24 at 7.30pm

Attendees: Henry Braid (HB), David Armstrong (DA), Alli Peterson (AP), Callum Craford (CC), Cyndy Bourbousson (CB), David Mackie- LL&TNP, Paul Henke- Stirling Council plus 6 residents

Apologies: none

1, Previous Minutes March 24- approved by AP seconded by CB

  1. Police report. Forth and Endrick, Croftamie Community Council

March 2024 – Compiled by PC Matt McCammon

No crimes or incidents of note have been reported in the village of Croftamie during this report period.

It should be noted that several attempted housing breakings have occurred in the neighbouring villages. Please remember to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to Police.



Where to report Scams


In Scotland, report all scams to Advice Direct Scotland by calling 0808 164 6000 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) or online at www.consumeradvice.scot



If you have been the victim of fraud, report it to Police Scotland on 101 or 999 in an emergency.


Suspicious Emails

You can forward suspicious emails to report@phishing.gov.uk and send links from websites which you think are trying to scam the public to the National Cyber Security Centre's scam website reporting service at www.ncsc.gov.uk/section/about-this-website/report-scam- website

Suspicious Text Messages

If you receive a suspicious text message you can forward it to 7726. The free-of-charge

‘7726’ service enables your provider to investigate and take action if malicious content is


What is doorstep crime?


From bogus callers to rogue traders, doorstep criminals are cunning, creative, and convincing.

Anyone can be fooled as these people are professional con artists. The over 60s are targeted the most.

What types of doorstep criminals are there?


There are two main types:  Bogus callers try to get into your home or get personal details by

pretending to be someone they’re not.


This can include council staff, charity collectors, meter readers and police officers. In reality, they are criminals trying to steal money and valuables.

Rogue traders usually cold-call. They claim to be workers offering services, make repairs or carry out work on your property. In reality they charge inflated prices for shoddy or work that isn't needed.

We do not recommend dealing with cold-callers.

How can I spot a rogue trader? They tell you the work needs to be done immediately.


They will ask to paid there and then. They may offer to go to the bank with you if you don’t

have the cash at hand.

How can I protect myself from doorstep crime?


Here are some tips to follow to protect yourself.

  • Be on guard if someone turns up unexpectedly
  • Keep front and back doors locked
  • Use the door viewer or nearby window when answering the door
  • Fit a door chain or bar – use it and keep it on when talking to callers at the door
  • If you’re not sure, don’t answer the door
  • Don’t feel embarrassed - genuine callers expect you to be careful
  • Only let callers in if they have an appointment - confirm they are genuine
  • Always ask for identification badges, but don’t rely on them
  • Identity cards can be faked – phone the company to verify their identity
  • Some companies offer a password system - ask if this can be used
  • If you have a password with a company make sure the caller uses it
  • Never let people persuade you to let them into your home – they may not be
  • If someone is persistent, ask them to call at another time and get a friend or family member to be with you
  • Never agree to pay for goods or give money to strangers who arrive at your door


  • Don’t keep large amounts of money in your home
  • Remember, it’s your home, there’s no reason why anyone should ever enter your

home against your wishes

  • If you’re not sure, don’t answer the

What else can I do to stop being defrauded by a rogue trader?


Trading Standards advice is:

  • Don’t feel pressurised into agreeing to immediate work or buying a product or


  • Don’t agree to buy from the first person who calls
  • Don’t pay cash up Don't offer to go and get money
  • Shop around if you decide you need work done
  • Ask what your cancellation rights are
  • Report

What action should I take if someone visits me and I think they’re a doorstep criminal?


Here are some tips if you think someone is a doorstep criminal.


Keep the caller out of your house. Ask them to leave and call the police immediately on 101.


You might also want to try to alert a family member or attract a neighbour’s attention. You

should always contact the police first by dialling 101.


The police would much rather attend a false alarm than have someone fall victim to a doorstep criminal.

If the person refuses to leave your door, or you feel threatened or scared - call 999 and ask for the police.

Note down their description and the description of any vehicle they’re using, including

make, model, colour and registration number.

How can I protect my family, friend and neighbours? Discuss the advice on this page with family, friends or neighbours who are older or vulnerable.


There are also other things you can do to help protect them. Everyone has a part to play to keep the community safe.

  • Keep an eye out for strange vans in your neighbour's driveway
  • Make sure your relatives are not regularly taking large amounts of cash out of the bank
  • Make arrangements to ensure your relative’s house looks well maintained
  • Make it less obvious that an older person lives alone


  • Doorstep criminals will often target the same victim more than Be alert if someone has been a victim before
  • Police Scotland has a ‘Nominated Neighbour Scheme’ which can assist those who prefer not to answer the door to those they don’t know (read our Nominated Neighbour information)
  • Report any suspicious activity in your community immediately to Police Scotland on 101 or to your local authority Trading Standards
  • For more information on doorstep crime or assistance regarding home security contact your local Community Policing Team on 101.



·         Community Engagement and Reassurance


  • It is important to you to have community officers who you know, who are accessible and who address local problems.


  • PC Matt McCammon is the Ward Officer for the Forth and Endrick He is based at Balfron Police Office and can be contacted at the office, on 101, or at ForthEndrickCPT@scotland.police.uk. It is recommended that this email address is used by the local community for email contact however this should not be used to report crimes.


  • Please remember that we regularly publish useful information and updates on social media, including appeals for information, updates about road closures and crime prevention advice. Our Facebook and Twitter pages can be found at;





Question was asked why an incident at Cattermills was not included or reports from other local villages? CB to confirm

3.  Planning Report -AP

Buchanan Cres development- Decision needed on community benefits request. MacDonald and Cameron have submitted the suggested name of McQueen Way to Stirling Council.


Item 1: Dalnair House application 23/00392/FUL | Erection of 3 no. dwellinghouses

Application still under review


Item 2: Renewal of planning permission (2020/0239/DET) for erection of ancillary residential unit  

Ballatone 15 Cattermills Croftamie Stirling G63 0BB


Application still under review


Item 3 : Pirniehall Application 2022/0329/PPP Large multiple purpose tourist development

The community council received our first notification from the national park. The applicant has changed the application by deleting the treehouses and making other slight adjustments to the layouts to decrease the impact on trees. There are new general arrangement plans and a new arboricultural report to review.

Detailed conversation with NP tree officer who was unahappy with parts of the application so amendments have been make- delete the treehouses from the application totally (10 in total). Area of woodland is clear of development. This will impact on financial viability of the project.

New arrangements and new tree planning report. More specific in trees that will be cut down – approx 50 trees. Quality and nature of tree- only one Class A tree to be cut down.

No replanting in the plan

Two new trees for every tree chopped down- but they may not be at the same place.

Large amount of understory- reported as cleared but its not clear what is being cleared away.

Arrangements are showing new hedging – but not the type that the consultant reports indicate.

Tree report has new drawing of construction exclusion areas. Which includes a large part of the site.

Attenuation pond, sewage treatment plant and the drainage and the out fall which go to north end of the site. Fencing and rain gardens, and new entrance and parking all showing as construction exclusion.

Planning meeting dates 29 Apr and 27 May Public have 21 days from 5th April for comments.


Planning officer then reviews the comments- and do they have to write to the applicant? National Park are waiting on more info.

AP advised that there was a large amount of info put onto the website but without the planning dept advising the CC.

Major app so will go to planning and access meeting.

Item 4: Buchanan Crescent. Construction of 14 no. 2 storey houses, cottage flats and semi detached units with new private access road and associated landscaping (application pursuant to Condition 1 of permission in principle ref: 2020/0039/PPP)

Check of the planning application shows no information regarding arrangements during construction period. It seems unlikely that the placement of temporary infrastructure including cabins contravenes planning.

Discussions: Concern re a contractor who was driving quickly in the Cres and almost hit a dog. Was reported to site manager. Driver then apologised.

Hours seem to have been extended past original plan.

Rural Stirling should be giving us a monthly update of the programme. HB to chase. There is no traffic management – Large lorries are reversing onto the main road.

Community benefits to be confirmed- suggestions are a memorial bench but also contribution to a playpark.

Paul Henke advised that there are CSET grants available.

The contractor would prefer to provide labour rather than materials.

4.  Roads Update- CC

No updates from Council in relation to ongoing items. Fibre cables are being laid in main road

  1. Treasurer’s report – Balance of account is £1132.29 less rental for But and Ben of


6.  Stirling Council Update- Paul Henke

Matt McCarnon has offered to speak to communities about corrupt practices and scams, talk about avoiding scams, perhaps consider joining with another community,

Q around where will our polling station be? Why cant the nursery be used again. PH to investigate.


Q again around the Chevrons at the junction – reported in Mar 23.

7.  LL& TNP- David Mackie.

Gartmore House core paths plan will be opening- Ladies walk. There is to be a New National Park in Scotland - TBC

World Gaelic week – consultation re Gaelic signs in the national park.

Conic Hill is closing between 22 and 26th Apr to allow a helicopter to lay more stone- concerns about the new path way and it may be slippy/steep.

17 new seasonal Rangers are starting.

Building – staff are back in the office. A new heating system has been installed.

  1. Correspondence received SC- Some local instances mattresses and fridges. Report to SC.

Q why do we have a booking system at recycling centre at Balfron. PH has been looking into this. Even if the slots were same date.

Discussion around SEPA areas prone to flooding. High risk of flooding and risk of coastal flooding. Home insurance is higher- SEPA think we are in a high risk area. SEPA maps assume that 90% of Scotland is flat. SEPA flood map- Cattermills shows in the map as flat. Concern around SEPA maps. A resident has had a survey done to prove the correct situation. There is a Consultation online.

9.  AOB

  • Power outage due 8th May- HB to investigate to confirm the date
  • Village clean up Litter pick 11 May at CC and HB to clean the signs. Back to But and Ben for coffee
  • Trust AGM is 17th Apr – 30- all welcome and there will be wine and cheese.
  • Nursery - meeting to be held within the village to report to the council our

Consultants in shop or banking hub. What does the village want?

  • Place plan next meeting with the They have confirmation of grants from the Park to take that forward.
  • Grants are available and there is an idea to buy stalls which could be used eg produce market days. Costs to be provided.
  • Gartocharn Community Council on 13 May will be discussing the War memorial and the moving of it.


Confirmation of Next Meeting and AGM, Wed 8th May 2024- 7.30pm. Location But and Ben