Jan 2022 Minutes

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held on Zoom
Wednesday 12 January at 7.30 pm


Attendees: Margaret Firth (MF), David Armstrong (DA), Cyndy
Bourbousson (CB), Donnie Watson (DW), Jane Hutchison (JH) and Paul
Houghton (PH) and 3 residents


Apologies - Henry Braid (HB), Willie Nisbet (WN), Anne Ewing(AE), Alistair
Berrill ( AB), Police


  1. Previous Minutes. Approved by DW and seconded by DA


  2. Police Report (emailed report)

    January 2022 - Compiled by PC Steven Graham


    Antisocial Behaviour

    There have been no reports of anti-social behaviour since the last meeting.


    Road Safety

    There was an RTC on A811 near to Buchanan Castle Golf Club. The weather conditions caused
    a driver to lose control of the vehicle. No injury was sustained as a result.


    Advice for Drivers

    Prepare for the winter by keeping your vehicle well maintained before you take to the road.
    Take special care that brakes, tyres, lights, batteries, windscreens and wiper blades are in
    good condition. In addition, washer bottles need to contain an additive to stop the water from


    Tyres should also be checked weekly to ensure they are legal and at the correct pressure
    (consult your vehicle handbook). The minimum legal tread depth for cars is 1.6mm across the
    centre 3/4 of the breadth of the tread around the entire circumference. They should also be
    checked for bulges, cuts or tears which weaken the tyre. Failure to maintain your tyres could
    lead to a maximum of £2,500 fine and 3 penalty points per tyre.


    Make sure your windows are clean, properly demisted and clear of snow and ice before you
    drive. Also make sure that your roof is clear of snow as this affects drivers behind you and can
    also cause obstructions on your windscreen when braking. Be careful with low sun as it can
    make it difficult to see and a dirty, greasy or damaged windscreen can make this worse.


    All lights must be kept clean and clear and be in good working order, including registration
    plate lights. Use the help of someone to check that all of your lights are working.


    There have been no thefts in the Croftamie area since the last meeting however in Blanefield
    and Fintry sneak in house thefts have occurred which have resulted in car keys and thus
    vehicles being stolen from driveways.


    What basic steps can I take to protect my home?


    The evenings are getting dark earlier and it is a time where traditionally housebreakings can
    occur. Having your home broken into is not common. There are however many ways that you
    can help secure your home. They don’t all cost money – some are common sense and good


    First, think about basic good housekeeping routines that aren’t expensive:


    • Keep your home locked at all times


    • Many thieves do not need to break in at all because a door or window has been left open or


    • Don’t leave keys on the inside of door locks, under mats or anywhere else they can be easily


    • If you have a ‘thumb turn’ lock on the inside of a door, ensure that it cannot be accessed from


    • Don’t keep house keys and car keys on the same key ring


    • Don't keep a lot of cash in the house


    • Mark your property with a UV marker pen or Security DNA marking Kit - these can be bought
      online or in some stores


    • Look for the Secured By Design accreditation on the product and register - you can place an
      invisible imprint of your postcode and house number on your possessions


    • You can record and register details of your valuables, serial numbers and features or marks,
      on devices on the national mobile property register on the immobilise website - this includes
      mobile phones, cameras, laptops and tablets


    • Don’t leave valuables where they can be see through a window - for example, around the tree
      at Christmas time


    • If you have a wall calendar, avoid having it shown near a window from where appointments
      can be seen - people may see when there will be no one in.


    • Use timer switches on lights and radios to make it look as if your home is occupied.


    • Ensure all doors and windows are secure when you leave and when you go to bed.


    • If possible use secure lighting at the front and back of your property.

    • Make sure all garden tools and ladders are locked away when not being used. Don’t give the
      thieves the tools to break into your house.


    • Use a good quality lock on any garden sheds and outhouses.

      Make a note of all makes, models and serial numbers of expensive items in your home.


    • If your house is fitted with an alarm then please use it. This is a good deterrent should
      thieves manage to force entry to your house.


    • If you note anything suspicious in your neighbourhood report it on 101.




      A potential fraud occurred in Croftamie where a female received a text from someone
      purporting to be her son asking her for money. Bank details were sent to reporter for where
      the money should be sent. Fortunately, her son was in contact prior to any money being
      transferred who confirmed he did not make the request.


      Also, a fraud was attempted in Strathblane when a form was requested to be filled in
      regarding a vaccine passport. Suspicion was raised when bank details were requested so
      fortunately the form was not completed and no loss occurred. Please be wary if bank details
      are requested from an unknown source.


      Fraudsters can make contact with you by phone. The caller might pretend to be from your
      bank and ask for personal information such as bank details or they might be someone offering
      you a deal or a prize. Other calls have been made by persons purporting to be from HMRC
      stating that there was a warrant out for the receiver of the call and was asked to contact the
      number that was given. This is clearly a false call so please heed the below advise:


    • Consider making your phone number ex-directory.


    • Don’t give out any personal information unless you are the one who made the call and you
      are certain of the identity of the person you are speaking to.


    • Don’t give out your credit card or bank card details to strangers on the telephone.


    • NEVER tell somebody your bank PIN number, even if they claim to be the bank or police. If
      the caller is genuine they will never ask for this information.


    • Don’t give out information which may infer that you live alone, are older or vulnerable.


    • Never send money to anyone who claims to have a prize for you.

    • If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


    • Contact local trading standards – they may be able to use approved ‘call blocking’ technology.


    Community Engagement and Reassurance

    It is important to you to have community officers who you know, who are accessible and who
    address local problems


    PC Steven Graham is based at Balfron Police Office and can be contacted at the office, on 101,
    or at
    ForthEndrickCPT@scotland.pnn.police.uk. It is recommended that this email address is
    used by the local community for email contact.


    Please remember that we regularly publish useful information and updates on social media,
    including appeals for information, updates about road closures and crime prevention advice.
    Our Facebook and Twitter pages can be found at




  3. Planning Report -Nothing to report this month


  4. Buchanan Cres – nothing to report this month


  5. Roads Update-DW. Just a reminder about the diversions due to the
    bridges that are closed


  6. Treasurer Update – DA

    Balance of the account is £2195.75


    Urgent action required for Christmas Tree lighting- (DA to look at this). SSE
    are now charging us for every quarter and not just the one we use for
    Christmas. They have been instructed to disconnect the power to avoid these
    charges and they want £95 to do this. Payment of £67.95 due and then the
    cost of lights this Dec/Jan will also be due.


    DW to be added to the Bank account.


  7. Stirling Council Update – JH

    • Health & Wellbeing survey- The Scottish Government are asking
      children to complete a survey. There is to be a meeting held on
      25 January for clarity on why the Questions are needed. However
      this will be after the young people have completed the survey in
      school. There has been concern around the questions that young
      people are being asked and concern around GDPR and Data
      protection. Some Councils have banned this survey.

    • Planning panel have got their allocated numbers again

    • Buses are experiencing temporary reductions due to reduced
      staffing and concern that these reductions would become

    • Cycling world Cup- coming to Stirling in 2023. Looking at how
      parking will arranged and crowd management – expected route
      is A811 from Stirling to our villages.

    • Speeding in Villages – 20 MPH limits are not particularly
      effective. Community Speedwatch Groups can help and they
      looking for volunteers to assist locally.

    • Participation request re speeding is on hold until the bridge is

    • Confirmation from Maria- two contractors will be coming to see
      the bridge at the end of the week.


  8. LL&TNP – apologies from Willie. No report


  9. Catterburn Bridge update

    MF went to Drymen CC in Dec and Charles Cottom also attended on
    behalf of the Local businesses.

    CH- John Martin who is a local Civil Contractor has visited the site today
    to put together a proposal in how the bridge could perhaps open
    quicker even if temporarily until the longer term plans are made. Could
    perhaps be resolved more quickly if the bridge remained single lane.

    Q around Which option will Stirling council pick as the permanent

    Q has been asked if the bridge can be made suitable for pedestrians.
    Comments made re finding out the info about quotes for the cost of a
    temporary fixture / Bailey Bridge. There are companies that can
    provide temp structures and the Council indication was that it would
    take 6 months to implement a bailey bridge.

    JH to see if investigations were made for Branshogle closure and the
    indicative costs for a temporary bridge there.

    There is another Bridge meeting next week and more info should come
    from this. Options seem to be Underpinning and rebuild from above or
    Dig out and replace- until perm works would start and the road would
    be closed again.

    Q- re the options and whether or not we are a community have a say in
    the decision made. Previous report suggested that the underpinning
    was not suitable due to the flooding implications.

    Q- re the Council taking a view on the two options –can the elected
    members can offer opinion or would they need to approve the
    decisions made.


    We need an update ready for our Feb meeting and CH to obtain this
    from Maria.


    Participation requests- MF has not had any feedback yet.
    Pavements can be looked at for now and Speeding is on hold.

    JH offered to chase the requests and feedback from the site meeting
    held in Oct.


  10. It was proposed that Cyndy Bourbousson moved from a Co Opted role
    to Full member of the Community Council and this was approved by
    Community Councillors- MF, DW, DA.


  11. Paul Houghton- Planning consultant representing the new owner of
    Pirnie Hall. Mr Lewis is hoping to live in the Main part of the house.
    Tourist accommodation perhaps at the Stable block. He has had
    feedback from the National Park. Planning application will be
    submitted in the springtime. He is very keen to be part of the
    Community and if we have any ideas he is open to including them.

    CCC was involved in the saving of the Dalnair building and MF
    commented that it was great to hear that it will be a family home.
    Q re ideas that allotment gardens could be created

    Q vehicle access question – would that be reopened?

    Paul confirmed that they planned to meet with the existing neighbours.
    There was a request to improve the drainage on the Old Cinder path
    joining Pirnie Hall with the main road at Easter Catter.


  12. Correspondence Received

    20 Minute Neighbourhood Survey

    Forth Environment Link invite you to share your vision for a rural 20 Minute
    Neighbourhood, where people can meet more of their daily needs within a short
    walk or cycle of their doorstep, and can live more sustainably. Your future vision
    will contribute to local Place Plans, and put your voice at the heart of future priorities
    for the area. Take part in our survey for a chance to win in our prize draw. Prizes
    include £150 local food hamper, £50 voucher for a local eatery and 5 native trees
    planted in your name!


    To complete the survey for Croftamie – ( closing date is 6 Feb)



    Cycle Bus event- We have a planned Cycle Bus event on Wednesday 19th Jan
    which, weather permitting, will be a gentle cycle led ride where we can chat around
    a 20 Minute Neighbourhood whilst also enjoying the beautiful surroundings. It will
    be led by our Active Travel team who will also be able to offer some ebikes to try
    and are very experienced to offer advice and share tips. All abilities are welcome to
    join our cycle with various stops along the way for people to join/ hop on or off at
    any point. Our finishing point for the journey will be at The But and Ben where we
    will offer some free refreshments!


  13. Any Other Business – CH confirmed that he would be unable to attend
    Wed meetings and it was agreed that any bridge business meetings
    could be held on another evening.

    • The CCC Website needs updated and a volunteer required.


Next meeting on Zoom on Wed 9th Feb commencing at 7.30 pm