Sept 2021 Minutes

We’ve removed some links from this page because they’re no longer active. 


held on online
Wednesday 8.09.21 at 7.30 pm


Attendees: Margaret Firth (MF), David Armstrong ( DA), Cyndy Bourbousson
(CB), Henry Braid ( HB), Willie Nisbet (WN), Alistair Berrill (AB), Ewan
MacDonald and 1 resident

Apologies -, Donnie Watson, Mary Dickie, Police and 2 residents


  1. Previous Minutes. Approved by HB and seconded by MF


  2. Police Report (emailed report) –

    September 2021 - Compiled by PC Steven Graham


    Antisocial Behaviour

    A windscreen of a vehicle was damaged whilst parked outside Edmond Terrace,
    Croftamie. Anyone with any information please contact the Police.


    Concern was raised regarding a male that was camping in a filed adjacent to the
    A809 between Drymen and Croftamie. Police attended and all was in order with
    the male.


    Road Safety

    There have been no reportable RTCs in the Croftamie area since the last

    I have carried out Hand held radar speed checks within the village on a few
    occasions since the last meeting. I will be back out in the near future as I am
    aware of the complaints re speeding vehicles.

    Extra patrols have continued in the area of Devil’s Pulpit and East Loch Lomond.
    Council Enforcement Officers have been in attendance again and issued parking



    There have been no thefts in the Croftamie area since the last meeting however
    sheds have been attempted in Strathblane recently.

    Further frauds have been reported in other villages. One of these frauds
    involved receiving a call from what he thought was from Microsoft. He allowed
    the caller access to his computer however access was gained to customer’s
    online banking. No money was obtained as a result of this. The other fraud was
    when a male purchased a Go Pro from Facebook Marketplace however no goods
    were received.

    Enquiries are still ongoing however please see below advice re fraud as it is very
    common and many are being caught out.



    Fraudsters can make contact with you by phone. The caller might pretend to be
    from your bank and ask for personal information such as bank details or they
    might be someone offering you a deal or a prize. Other calls have been made by
    persons purporting to be from HMRC stating that there was a warrant out for
    the receiver of the call and was asked to contact the number that was given. This
    is clearly a false call so please heed the below advise:


    •Consider making your phone number ex-directory.

    •Don’t give out any personal information unless you are the one who made the
    call and you are certain of the identity of the person you are speaking to.

    •Don’t give out your credit card or bank card details to strangers on the

    •NEVER tell somebody your bank PIN number, even if they claim to be the bank
    or police. If the caller is genuine they will never ask for this information.

    •Don’t give out information which may infer that you live alone, are older or

    •Never send money to anyone who claims to have a prize for you.

    •If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

    •Contact local trading standards – they may be able to use approved ‘call
    blocking’ technology.


    Fuel theft campaign

    A recent campaign was initiated by Police Scotland with regards to theft of fuel.
    Please see below in relation to security.

    Prevention Products to consider

    The Oil Defender by Fuel Alarms Ltd – with SBD Accreditation


    Watchman Alarm | Oil Tank Alarm | Kingspan | Great Britain


    Bike theft


    More than 500,000 bikes are stolen in the UK each year because they’re poorly
    secured or not secured at all. More than half of all bikes stolen are taken from
    the owner’s property. Due to the lockdown bikes have become more popular

    and thus have become more of a target for theft. Help protect your bike by
    following these guidelines:


    What can I do before I set off?

    •Photograph your bike and record all of your bike’s details and distinguishing
    features and keep in a safe place. The serial number can be found on the bottom

    •Register your bicycle securely online at the National Cycle Database,
    Doing this may help to recover your bike if it goes
    missing. On registering, you can also download a bike logbook where you can
    record your bike’s details to keep at hand.

    •Security mark your bike’s frame with a UV pen or other method - the mark
    should include your home postcode and house number.

    •Insure your bike, either on contents insurance or separately if required.


    How can I secure my bike if it’s kept in common close or stairwell?


    •Always keep your bike out of sight as best you can.

    •Lock your bike with two locks to a secure banister or ground anchor.


    What if I store my bicycle in a garage or a shed?


    •For tips on garage and shed security see here

    Lock your bike with two locks to a ground anchor.


    How should I secure my bike and its accessories when out and about?

    •Lock your bike up every time you leave it using secure locks (i.e. D-locks or
    thick cable locks).

    •Ideally, use two different types of lock - a thief will need more tools to steal it.

    •Locks are considered more vulnerable when close to the ground, so keep them
    off the floor.

    •Fasten your bike through the frame and wheel to a fixed object.

    •Lock your bike in a busy, well-lit place, in view of people or CCTV cameras.

    •Lock the bike closely to the object it’s attached to so it is difficult to manoeuvre.

    •Lock the wheels and remove small parts / accessories that cannot be readily
    secured, such as lights, pumps, water bottles, saddles etc.

    •Vary your routine - lock up your bike in different ways & place.


    Pedal and motorbike identification forms


    The downloadable forms at the bottom of this page are a handy guide for you to
    record information about your bike or motorbike. These forms can be used as

    your own personal record about your property for the duration of time you own
    it. Every bike or motorbike will be unique to its owner through the
    serial/chassis/VIN numbers but these are not the only ways to identify your
    property. Modifications, stickers, repairs, damage also can be used to help
    identify your bike and the more information you record about your property
    throughout its time with you, the greater possible chance we have of reuniting
    you with your property if unfortunately lost or stolen. If you keep these forms
    up to date and in a place you remember, if you ever have to report your bike lost
    or stolen, you will have the perfect reference tool for making your report.



    We also have bike marking kits so if anyone wishes their bike marked
    in order to try and identify it if it gets stolen then please get in touch.


    Community Engagement and Reassurance


    It is important to you to have community officers who you know, who are
    accessible and who address local problems.


    PC Steven Graham is based at Balfron Police Office and can be contacted at the
    office, on 101, or at It is
    recommended that this email address is used by the local community for email


    Please remember that we regularly publish useful information and updates on
    social media, including appeals for information, updates about road closures and
    crime prevention advice. Our Facebook and Twitter pages can be found at



  3. Planning Report

    Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park


    • Ref 21/00382/LBC-Erection of holiday letting accommodations attached to
      listed wall at Dalnair Lodge, G63 0EZ


    • Ref2021/020/DET-Request alteration to land at site of entrance at Criench
      Stables, Croftamie G63 0EZ


    Stirling Council

    -Ref 21/00366/FUL. 18th August 2021

    Erection of replacement dwelling house at Finnich Malise G63 0HA.


    -Ref 21/00363/ LBC. 1st August 2021

    Internal alterations involving the removal of existing kitchen walls and section
    of roof on the gable elevation to allow for internal layout configurations and
    ground floor extension at Finnich Malice, Blanefield G63 0HA.



    -Ref 21/00410/LBC-Alterations to side extension to existing dwelling house
    to create additional kitchen and en suites with further alterations to
    reconfigure living spaces at Finnich Malise, Blanefield G63 0HA.

    Approve with conditions.



    -Ref 21/00411/FUL

    Alterations and extension to existing dwelling house to create enlarged
    kitchen and en suites with further alterations to reconfigure living spaces at
    Finnich Malise, Blanefield G63 0HA.

    Approve with conditions.


    -Ref EN/17/070/UNAUTH

    Erection of Garage/ Workshop at Billyn House,
    Owner/Occupier Mr W Hogg

    Progression of the Requisite Enforcement Act

    2retrospective planning applications have been received for detached
    garage/ workshop

    Ref18/00857/FUL and 20/00219/FUL

    Both these applications have been received. Both were refused and
    subsequently appealed to the local Review Body. Both appeals were refused.
    (Billyn House is the first house on the left and travelling south towards


    MD asked for the topic of Dalnair to be raised. The builders are progressing with
    the next plans of the development. 5/7 top end houses. Q to AB re the payment
    of the funds promised in the Section 75 and why the Council are not pursing the

    Foundations of the new houses are down. AB will check what action the council
    can and intend to take? WN- asked do the obligations of the Section 75 go with
    the Builder or the site? AB- to check.


    Rural Stirling Housing Association – Update from Ewan McDonald –Gregor
    Cameron Contracts Ltd Email:


    Outlined planning consent was obtained in 2020 for houses in Buchanan
    Crescent, Croftamie. Local residents have joined the Community Panel and can
    engage and help steer the design of the scheme. One meeting has been held –
    boundaries and landscaping were discussed.

    Detailed planning application is ready and will be submitted then a Building
    warrant requested and Scottish water approvals before application made for

    Hope is for the building work to start next year.

    There will be 14 units- 2 Semi detached houses, 2 mid terrace houses, 2 end
    terrace houses and 8 Cottage flats.

    Scottish water have indicated the Foul draining is currently insufficient and
    plans are for a septic tank to be installed which will be discharged into
    Catterburn ( after filtering).

    Approx 2 parking spaces for largest props and there will be Visitor parking.
    CB asked about the turning head and thinks that it has been relocated from
    original plans. EM will double check and report back.

    A tree will be removed that has Ash die back and plans reviewed to install
    hedging instead of a solid fence. There will be a Level grass area for children to
    play. There are Servitude rights on an area to the burn. MF asked around Stock
    proof fencing as there are concerns re that cattle can escape.

    Hedge will be maintained by a Contractor and tenants will pay for this.

    The association are keen to provide a Donation to the Community or to a charity.
    Ideas are bench installed/ play area.

    Budget could be £3-5K and the Contractor may also wish to make a donation to
    the Community.

    WN- asked re the funding and EM confirmed that this has not been applied for

    A Government grant was used to buy the site, Next stage is consent. Once tender
    price is received then we apply to the govt for funding.

    MF asked- can we have copy of plans for the next meeting?

    We are to discuss what we need in the village and feedback. Plans to host the
    next meeting in the But and Ben and to recruit interested parties in the
    development. 3 households attended Panel meeting.


  4. Roads Update.


    Stockiemuir currently closed for water pipes.

    WN asked of progress on the A811 but no update was provided.


  5. Treasurer Update – DA

    Balance of the account is 1983.81 with an admin grant of £674 due to be paid
    in. This covers Minute taker.

    Agreement that the CC would hire the But and Ben for their next meeting and
    we would supply tea/coffee and cake for the attendees.


  6. Stirling Council Update – AB

    20mph in Killearn- there were mixed feelings as some residents were in
    favour and some were against it.


    There is to be a Consultation on the closure of Buchanan primary school -no
    concerns have been received to date. Q- what will happen with the building-
    unknown at the moment.


    AB is to join the Board of the National Park Board and he is looking forward
    to their first meeting.

    Stirling Council have indicated that Community Councils can now meet in
    person after the 7 Oct.

    Q was raised re the unsatisfactory repair of the Rumble strip leaving the
    village as one side was not fixed. AB to check.


  7. LL&TNP -WN

    A811 – was discussed last night at Drymen but no feedback given.

    Board meeting to be held on Mon- last virtual one. Govt have changed the
    rules from 1 Oct- and they can have actual meetings. Board session to be
    arranged to meet the new board members- but the public still cant access HQ.
    Next planning meeting with be end of Oct. Park had their first site visit since
    Covid started at Loch Katrine but discussions had then to be taken virtually.

    Bin change- will be a Thurs instead of a Sunday in Drymen and Balmaha- but
    Q to AB have they changed our route too?

    Complaint made that our letters were addressed to Strathblane again.


  8. Outstanding points from last meeting

    Participation Request 20-21-002 (Pavements ) & 20-21-003 (speeding in Village)

    – Contact Pauline Roberts – Participation Requests T: 01786 233076 | E:

    MF has spoken to MF to set up a virtual meeting- want to bring in Nat Park.
    There will be a Zoom meeting how to move forward. Pauline to come back to

    Dalnair new builds – Iain Jeffrey, Senior Planning Officer Infrastructure, Planning
    and Building Standards T: 01786 233676 | E: Awaiting


    CCC – There was the Co-option of a new Member – Cyndy Bourbousson.

    Confirmed by DA and seconded by HB. It was noted that Mary Dickie was leaving the
    village and would be resigning tonight.

    MF confirmed that we needed new members and possibly Associate Members.
    Positions and roles within CCC need to be revised with the Chair role now vacant.


    Next meeting – would include the Community Trust too in order to recruit new

    Posters to be put up including at But and Ben.

    Dalnair have a Whats app group and MF to arrange adding to this.


  9. Correspondence Received

    Website- Kilmaronock Old Kirk Trust will host their AGM in person ( Covid
    permitting) and by Zoom on 30 Sept at 7pm. If you are planning to join the
    AGM, via Zoom, then please call/text 07768 895 836 or email

    to to obtain the Zoom log in codes for the


  10. Any Other Business –

Mary’s last meeting would be tonight.

She has been a great support over the years and been a valuable support and our
thanks go to her for all her commitment to the Village. She has left Books on
Croftamie and local area. Residents can borrow them or perhaps they could be
lent to Kilmaronock?

WN- asked that his best wishes were passed on to MD on behalf of National


Confirmation of next Meeting –Wednesday 13.10.2021

Meeting at But & Ben to include social/recruitment event, to see plans for the
Development in the village and to recruit for the Trust and Community Council.


Commencing at 7.30 pm