Oct 2021 Minutes


But & Ben - Wednesday 13.10.21 at 7.30 pm


Attendees: Margaret Firth (MF), Donnie Watson (DW), Cyndy Bourbousson (CB), Henry Braid (HB),
Willie Nisbet (WN), Jane Hutchinson, 48 resident & 2 representative from Drymen Community


Apologies -,David Armstrong, Lynn Armstrong, PC Steven Graham


Basic Housekeeping point for an actual meeting, track & trace please zap via phone your details and or
is you don’t use that app please give name & contact name. Sheet is at counter for the But & Ben.

Mask on if moving around ok if seated they can be removed.


Please respect people talking and or raise hand for questions or comments.
Minute will be taken


The format is not the full normal meeting as a Community Council we have a lot of issues to cover


  1. Previous Minutes. 8.09.21 Approved by HB and seconded by CB


  2. Function of Croftamie Community Council – MS CCC are Elected by the Community and
    are Village Residents with the key function to feedback/represent local problems , issues.
    Tasked to represent the voice of the Community back to the various functions like Stirling
    Council, LL&TNP, Scottish Government, Police Scotland


  3. Meet Local CCC introducing Henry Braid, Donald Watson, Cyndy Bourbousson, Margaret Steelwith apologizes from David Armstrong & Lynn Armstrong our minute secretary. Thanks, was also
    given former CC Peter Lloyd and Mary Dickie who both recently relocated away from Croftamie
    after providing valuable support over many years in various roles within the CC

    This meeting was previously planned prior to the current Bridge & road issues/closures to be
    discussed as we require more participation from the Community to fill vacant roles.

    Also introduce to the villager’s attending the meeting

    LL&TNP representative – Willie Nisbet

    Jane Hutchinson – Councillor for Ward 2, Forth and Endrick

    The other Councilors for the ward are Alister Berrill and Rob Davies. Over the years normally at
    least one or more will attend the meetings.


  4. Croftamie Community Trust has a different function from the CCC, they can be fund raising and
    manage projects like the Local weekly Village Bus to Milngavie. A solution which ran over 7 year
    prior to pandemic to assist villagers reach the basic services that the village lack. Chair Ann Ewing
    will be looking to restart separate meetings soon


  5. Topics/Issues with Village


    1. Croftamie Bridge Closer – Copy email update from Maria Lucey, Team Leader –
      Operations (Bridges, Drainage and Flooding)

      An initial visual inspection was undertaken by internal officers on Thursday 30th September
      following the collapse. A visual inspection was also undertaken by eternal consultants on Friday
      1st October.

      A drone survey took place on Sunday 10th and a laser survey of the structure is currently being
      arranged. Arrangements are also being made for Ground Investigation work to take place at the
      site as well as ecological and environmental surveys. All survey work will take place at the
      earliest possible opportunity proposed by suppliers.


      Formal appointment of an external structural consultant will take place this week.


      Work to progress a design for repair or replacement, as required, is being progressed as a matter
      of urgency.


      Resident and business engagement sessions will shortly take place. (NB. This meeting was held

      13.10.21 – MS )


      Kind regards,


      Maria Lucey, Team Leader – Operations (Bridges, Drainage and Flooding) MEng CEng

      Environment & Place | Stirling Council | Endrick House, Kerse Road | Stirling FK7 7SG

      T: 01786 237781 | E: luceym@stirling.gov.uk | W: stirling.gov.uk


      Question – Who are the external consultants,

      Response - Unsure however JB advised Stirling Council are unlike to share this information, but we can


      Q – re filming bridge is this part of the inspection role?

      R- Unsure, Branshuggle Bridge is a C class road, multiple surveys needed to be done, communication
      has been improved, basically a lesson learned by Council. It has taken 7 months to progress for this
      bridge. Possible bridge closed in Croftamie till March 2022. JH standard timescale as 3 weeks into 6
      month closure it is no indication of actual length or timescale for the work.


      Q – Why has the bridge been left so long?

      R – Council offered no answer, the CCC has been in discussion with Stirling Council for over 8 years re
      condition of bridge and heightened after approx. 4 years of the road narrowing and a total of 4 bridge
      reviews conducted


      Q – Who is responsible?

      R – Hard to attribute blame and possible not productive. Starting point for CCC is Stirling Council
      Officers, as the bridge has been inspected every 2 years, the condition was not unknown to the
      relevant officers. Villagers also reported their concerns to Local MSP complaining that they hadn’t
      received a response. The CCC encourage to continue to do this as it can only help to raise concerns. MS
      read out a copy of response received via CCC from Local MSP Evelyn Tweed case ref : ET0643. copy
      of letter attached at the end of minutes


      CC also supplied photograph s and content for Stirling Observer Newspaper - Chris Marzella Reporter

      – 01786 459422 email Chris.Marzella@reachplc.com . to highlight the Community concerns and
      issues. Use all avenues available to highlight the problems.


      Q – Over 3 years ago the bridge was narrowed, reported parapet had subsidence how did Council
      receive & process this information

      R – Will ask for this report


      Q – Resident , Had conversation with Marie Lucey (Bridges) Blaine Bridge also is also suffering badly.
      In need of repair especially as is now carries additional diverted traffic

      R- JH advised the Council is surveying it this week, straps are corroded under the bridge and will
      chase up the report.


      Q- Is the Catter bridge listed
      R – Not that CCC is aware


      Q – When does assessment turn into action

      R – Timescales unknown, we feedback what is shared at next meeting


      WN – Advised write to your MSP or Councillor , get your own concerns and worried heard and /or
      add to the letter already in place with Evelyn Tweed MSP – ET0643

      Request for Villagers interested in joining a sub group focused the Catter Bridge, signature sheet
      passed around. Important for Community Council to understand and ensure the repairs met the
      community requirements for the bridge. Usage via road, pavement and overall look. Especially as we
      are a gateway village to the Loch Lomond &Trossach National Park.


      Q- Is the Government able to provide funding for A class roads

      R – No basically , As an A Class road not a Truck Road, Council s have an obligation to maintain roads.
      So reporting potholes is important as you can claim damages for your car but only if they have been
      reported prior to the damage experienced to the vehicle.


      Q – Re the closer and length of closure of the Viaduct on the Ballat road

      R - This closure and repairs came under Scottish Water the bridge was listed and struck twice.
      Complicated repair but not under Stirling Council remit RE


      Q – Who are the relevant executives at the Stirling Council
      R – Bruce Reenie – Head of Roads

      Marie Lucey - Bridges/environment Bridge Engineer

      Special Meeting of Stirling Council to be held next week to agreed to sign off money to repair
      bridges 21.10.21. Application for access to Emergency Government funding


      Q – Is there a separate reserve for emergencies
      R – Yes but not unlimited


      Q. Is it feasible to run a structure above the existing bridge as a temporary fix to enable the road to be

      R- Don’t know if this is possible or not, but the question can be asked


      CCC asked representative from Drymen Community Council to join Croftamie and raise concerns of the
      bridge closures and the poor state of repair on the A811 road slipping into the River Endrick. Which
      they agreed to do so. MS also to contact neighbouring CC to add their voice also.


      Copy of the letter from Evelyn Tweed MSP inserted , at end of minutes


    2. A811 Traffic & road subsidence, a major concern WN stated the LL&TNP have been
      discussing this with Stirling Council as basically if it closes the road technically splits
      access to the park in two. Which would have major implications to the residents ,
      visitors and business s.


    3. New housing development at Buchanan crescent Rural Stirling Housing Association –
      Ewan McDonald –Gregor Cameron Contracts Ltd Email: ewan@gregorcameronltd.co.uk


      Inserted notes from last meeting - Outlined planning consent was obtained in 2020 for

      and can engage and help steer the design of the scheme. One meeting has been held –
      boundaries and landscaping were discussed.

      Detailed planning application is ready and will be submitted then a Building warrant
      requested and Scottish water approvals before application made for funding.

      Hope is for the building work to start next year.

      There will be 14 units- 2 Semi detached houses, 2 mid terrace houses, 2 end terrace houses
      and 8 Cottage flats.

      Scottish water have indicated the Foul draining is currently insufficient and plans are for a
      septic tank to be installed which will be discharged into Catterburn ( after filtering).

      Approx 2 parking spaces for largest props and there will be Visitor parking.

      The association are keen to provide a Donation to the Community or to a charity.

      Looking for ideas. Budget unsure of and the Contractor may also wish to make a donation to
      the Community.


      Suggestion for donation – play area for children as nothing within village


      Concern raised over the access road to new proposed development and this road is of a
      poor standard & condition


      Plans supplied by Collective Architecture circulated to the villagers attending meeting


    4. Participation Request – tackling the problem of Pavements and speeding through

      Participation Request 20-21-002 (Pavements ) & 20-21-003 (speeding in Village) – Contact

      Pauline Roberts – Participation Requests T: 01786 233076 | E: participationrequests@stirling.gov.uk


      MS has zoom meeting on 22.09.21 with Stirling Council & LL&TNP. A proposed meeting to walk
      the problem pavements has been planned for 21.10.21 at 12.00pm. Open for village members
      to attend .


  6. Outstanding points from last meeting


Dalnair final planned development – Iain Jeffrey, Senior Planning Officer Infrastructure, Planning and
Building Standards T: 01786 233676 | E:
jeffreyi@stirling.gov.uk Awaiting updates as the additional
house are progressing without the various projects for the community been completed JH to follow up


Copies of following


  1. Police Report (emailed report) – September 2021 - Compiled by PC Steven Graham
    Not discussed but circulated to CCC prior, report attached at the end for reference

  2. Attached are copies of the participation request 20.21.002 speeding & 20.21.003 pavements -
    approved 17.6.21

  3. Copy of minutes from Outcome Improvement Plan - Participation requests – 22.9.2021

  4. Copy of Evelyn Tweed MSP – Letter to Stirling Council re Catter Burn Bridge


Meeting Closed at 9.30 pm

Confirmation of next Meeting –Wednesday 10.11.2021

Location of next Meeting at But & Ben
Commencing at 7.30 pm