April 2021 Minutes

We’ve removed some links from this page because they’re no longer active.


held on online
Wednesday 14.04.21 at 7.30 pm


1 .Attendance: Peter Lloyd (PL), Margaret Firth (MF), Mary Dickie (MD), David Armstrong (DA),
Willie Nisbet (WN), Henry Braid (HB), Donny Watson (DW). Alastair Berrill (AB), Andrew Sinnot
from Kilmaronock Community Council, Ewan Gregor - Cameron Contracts Ltd and 8 residents


  1. Apologies - Police


  2. Previous Minutes. Approved By MD Seconded by HB


  3. Police Report not provided.

    Link provided for use of CCTV per discussion from last meeting by email.


    Feedback from last month by email:

    Speeding is an ongoing issue. Police will be carrying out speed checks in person and will
    occasionally employ the pop up cop. This seems to be a good way of slowing traffic down.
    Police will attempt to attend the meetings on Zoom in future.

    Serious RTCs which require roads to be closed are fortunately not common place on this part of
    the road. When they do occur, I'm sure you can appreciate that there are procedures that are to
    be followed and priorities are taken into consideration. I will pass on the concerns as a reminder
    to the officers here and in L Division about closing the roads at the other junctions (Pirniehall Rd at
    this end) in a way to try and alleviate the traffic congestion issue caused by the RTC/primary road


    The Pop Up Police woman has helped to slow the traffic down. Looking at purchasing our own as a


  4. Planning Report – MD nothing for Croftamie. Stockiemuir Road towards the Gun site- new
    application for four houses which had previously been withdrawn which will have an entrance
    from the Main Road. If we have concerns we have to write in and make our comments.

    Councillors have confirmed that this should be done.


    RSHA Croftamie- Update on Buchanan Crescent development Ewan Gregor - Cameron Contracts
    Ltd Tel: 01631 559499 Mob: 07729 474717 Email:


    MF had circulated a flyer to residents in Buchanan Cres to invite them to this meeting. Main point
    this month is the development of 14 new houses behind Buchanan Crescent & Edmund Terrace.


    Ewan explained that -Planning was approved in December and the Site was been purchased last
    month. An architect is on board and still to appoint an Engineer and Cost consultant. 3
    community members from Buchanan Crescent are on the panel to input community thoughts and
    ideas/concerns. More can join within 3-4 weeks in time to join the first meeting. DW asked if the
    ground has been surveyed – there was a detailed site investigation was conducted last summer.
    Sewage- mains water and not for foul drainage. Will talk to Scottish water and could discharge on
    site and put into the Catterburn.

    Grazing request- a stock proof fence would need be needed to ensure that the cattle and sheep
    will be safe.

    A resident had mentioned the seating area that would be close to her Garage section- could this
    be taken to the next meeting and the architects are aware of this issue.

    Parking had given concern- is there capacity to add extra parking for existing residents- this has
    been taken into consideration – the engineers will comment.

    Another resident would be happy to join the panel and will contact Ewan directly.
    Plans can be published on our website as they are already in the public domain.


  5. Roads Update – DW

    There had been funds for the A809 but no evidence of these works in the Roads plans.
    AB will investigate and come back to us.

    Andrew – asked about Stirling Council’s responses to the roads. Back roads have been resurfaced.
    Gartocharn falls under West Dunbartonshire Council.

    Bridge where the accident has happened on the A811 has been rebuilt really quickly.

    They have considered emergency back up plans for when there is an incident but this has not
    progressed. Have asked for more passing places on the back roads. No response received yet.
    Some stretches of the back road have been resurfaced in recent years but there are still areas that
    are poor.

    We are hoping that the Croftamie Bridge will be repaired sooner than later.


  6. Treasurer Update – DA

    Deductions have been made for Minute taker £170, Zoom monthly fee for 5 months £71.95 and
    Electricity for Christmas Tree £42.49. Balance of the account is now £2230.31.

    End of financial year was 31 March 2021.


  7. Stirling Council Update – AB

    Annual budget setting meeting- C Tax freeze for this year.
    Expected £8m shortfall next year.


    Elections are on the 6th May

    Engage Stirling – consultations that runs until Friday. Drinking by- laws could be changed just to
    have an open container and not drinking it could be illegal.


    Section 75 Dalnair Estate- there has been a breach and council recognize this and an enforcement
    case has been progressed


    Nursery – previous question about whether the Nursery will it be available for hire by The Rural
    and yes it will once the Scottish Govt Covid rules allow.


    Previous Q around traffic lights at Finnich Glen. Road closures have to be advertised in Stirling
    Observer, and Stirling Council website- as there were traffic lights this did not have to be included.
    This work would have been included Aurora Streetworks Register website.


    Less of a take up on the £35 fees for the brown bins than expected. Concerns about toxic plants
    or those treated being dumped in fields for the cattle.


    MF advised that the brown bin letters are addressed to Blanefield. Stirling Council website has
    Croftamie as Blanefield- a database somewhere in the council is incorrect. AB to investigate.

  8. LL&TNP -WN

    Balloch bridge due to open in May.

    Email correspondence about a litter bin on the path by the bridge. Park have confirmed that they
    don’t own the cycle path or Sustrance. Supposed to be handed over from Council to the Park
    years ago. But do Sustrance own it?

    Park looking into the idea of use the new litter squad teams to blitz heavy areas of litter. A bin will
    not solve the whole problem. Dog bins are emptied regularly so could they also empty.

    Stirling Council have been good at picking up litter within the 30 MPH limits. Need litter plan for
    outwith the 30MPH limits and on the A811 where the traffic lights are, and the Devils Pulpit.

    AE- Suggestion had been that the community could support the clearing of the cycle path.
    Community Payback team cleared the vegetation previously. If there are no bins – could we please
    have signage to suggest Take your litter home. This will send a mixed message if there are some
    bins to be used. Need consistent approach. PL confirmed that we would welcome any support
    from the Park.


    First Minister has eased the restrictions of movement within Scotland and the Park is as ready as it
    can be for the tourists that will visit.

    Email to community contacts- details of what the Park were doing over the past couple of weeks.


    WN has invited Kilmaronock Andrew as he thought that the Police would attend tonight. PL has
    raised this and hope that they will attend in coming meetings.


    Andrew confirmed no police attend Kilmaronock meetings. No contact since Nov and unable to
    locate the community contact.


    DW is concerned when the bridge on A811 is repaired that the road will be closed as the back
    roads will be used. WN asked about the AB plans to have the traffic


    PL –advised that the Police Emergency planning units and they should be able to advise of the


  9. Outstanding points from last meeting

    PL has submitted Participation requests to Park and the Council. One for Pavements and One for
    traffic calming . No response as yet but they have another 15 days before the 45 days period to


    South West Rural forum meeting online 15.3.21 - MF. The is a new person in traffic role, Elaine
    Nicol, Network roads and traffic managements team.


    Raised concerns about the local bridges , Fintry closure and concerns with A811 traffic lights.
    Bridges have a separate team. Maria Lacey and they are aware of our bridge issue.


    WN- highlighted to ask AB to find out a timeframe. A811 road to Gartocharn. Endrick has washed
    away the embankment and could affect the bridge.


    Community Trust Village Litter pick update.

    Thank you to everyone who turned out ( 35 people). Thanks to Community Council for the PPE
    that was provided.

    Outwith the 30MPH signs there was lots or rubbish found. Folks went back to the But and Ben for
    refreshments. More litter has already been dumped.


    There is a Radio advert Scotland wide encouraging people to pick up their litter.


    An opportunity for people to get together and we should encourage further projects.

    MF – wonders about a project of reclaiming our paths if volunteers were to take part. The Payback
    team are unable to support the pavements due to H & S as it is so close to the road.


    A resident remembers the National Anti-litter campaign penalty was £10 in 1961.


    Q about the Woods which are owned by Dalnair as it is overgrown. A footpath was to be installed
    but this has not been done. Wooden walkways are ruined.

    Community Payback team could perhaps assist with permission from Dalnair.
    Pavements are very overgrown.


  10. Correspondence Received

    Grant for minute Taker & admin application received


  11. Any Other Business –

A G M for Croftamie Community Trust - Wed 28.4.21 via zoom all welcome, dial in as above
Pl confirmed that he has phoned for tyres which have been dumped to be uplifted

WN email included fly tipping contact details.


MD- incidents of lots of music and noise problem – can we put something on the Community
website to ask people to be considerate.


MD- rumble strip near to the haystack and it is breaking up and the broken tiles could be an issue.


A question was asked about the large branches on the road B834 but these have not deliberately
been placed there to avoid parking.

Finnich Glen – there was a serious accident on Sunday. All Emergency services have to attend
which seems over excessive. Mountain Rescue are also needed.


Confirmation of AGM & next Meeting Wednesday 12.05.2021
commencing at 7.30 pm online

Launch of The Priority
Services Register In Scotland -
Opportunity To Sign Up

Scotland’s electricity distribution and water networks have joined
forces to launch PSR Scotland, an innovative partnership to inform
customers of the free support available when they need it most.


Head to PSRScotland.com to sign up. Let your family, friends
and neighbours know of this free service and please feel free
to circulate through any social media platforms that you are
involved in.


With the launch of the new PSR Scotland website, customers
across the country now have a one-stop-shop where they can learn
more about the free help available in their individual area, with links
straight to the specific pages on each company’s website to make
the registration process as simple as possible.


Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) Distribution, SP
Energy Networks (SPEN) and Scottish Water, have each been
running their own Priority Services Registers (PSR) for several
years, offering free support to customers during a power cut or an
interruption to local water supplies.


Customers are eligible to register if they: are deaf or hard of
hearing, have a disability, live with children under five, are blind or
partially sighted, have a chronic illness, are over 60, depend on
electricity or water for home or medical care, or feel they may need
additional support, even for a temporary period of time.


The new service will make it easier than ever to raise awareness of
the additional support available nationwide, encouraging sign-ups
from customers who may be eligible but are not yet registered for
priority services.

SSEN Distribution owns and operates the electricity infrastructure
north of the central belt and SPEN is responsible for the electricity
network in central and southern Scotland, while Scottish Water
manages the nation’s water and waste water services.


To learn more about the free help and support that is available in
your area and check if you are eligible, visit the new PSR Scotland
website at