September 2024 Minutes

Cowie Community Council Minute of Meeting 25 September 2024 Cowie Community Centre 8:30pm


Clare Stevenson- Chairperson

Mags Hughes- Secretary/ Vice Chairperson

Maria Cooper-Treasurer

Daniel Holgate

Sara Ann Forshaw

Amanda Jaffray

Jane Hamill


William Derrick

Avril Knox

In Attendance:

Councillor Alastair MacPherson


Pat McGuire

Debbie Innes

Molly Ferguson

Stuart McColl

Meeting opened and attendees were welcomed by the Chair. Minutes from the last

meeting were handed out and read over by attendees.

Adoption of previous meeting minute:

Proposed – Jane Hamill

Seconded – Maria Cooper

Matters arising:

Current action plan was handed out by secretary Mags. Few ongoing issues from the

action plan. These will be chased up through C.C enquiries to try to get them resolved.

There were a few new issues highlighted that Mags will email C.C enquiries with to get

them addressed.

  • There was a television purchased by Cowie Community Enterprise for the new

library so that all community notices could be advertised in the window so that

residents are kept up to date but this has still not been installed.

  • The garage area down The Hilton needs to have waste bins put in place as there

is a build up of rubbish or this needs to be cleared by the council.

  • The barrier outside the library needs to be repaired as it has been damaged for



Police Report

  • No Police report was given for the meeting and no police were in attendance.

Councillor Report – Cllr MacPherson

  • Councillor Brisly has now been appointed as Leader of Stirling Council.
  • There has been a lot of complaints made that MP Chris Kane has failed

communities and is now claiming 3 salaries (Councillor’s Salary, National Park

& MP’s salary)

  • With regards The Cowie Welfare building CISWO seem to be dragging their

heels and blanking emails being sent to them. In a meeting had with CISWO &

former office bearers of the Cowie welfare committee it was discussed if

CISWO would pay for building insurance, a title search to be done and also for

a valuation of the property as in some instances the land reverts back to

CISWO once a charity is wound up. The welfare is insolvent but not wound up.

The building is not classed as a dangerous building but an environmental &

health risk. If Councillor Mapherson is not able to get CISWO to pay for the title

search to be done his plan B would be to then see if Cowie Community

Enterprise or CRAG could appoint a solicitor to carry out the title search and to

provide advice on the options available once the deeds have been inspected.

  • Regarding the previous meeting involving SEPA & West Fraser Councillor

MacPherson is looking to gather more information and arrange another public

meeting within next 2-3 weeks. Leaflets will be put through the residents

letterboxes before this meeting so that everyone is aware of the meeting and so

they can attend.

Treasurer's Report

  • Opening balance of account was £600.87
  • Expenditure since last meeting was £40.00 paid out to minute taker
  • Closing balance £560.87

Date, time and venue of next meeting:

Wednesday 17 November 2024 at 7.15pm in Cowie Community Centre