May 2024 Minutes

Cowie Community Council Minute of Meeting 29 May 2024 Cowie Community Centre 7.15pm


Clare Stevenson - Chairperson

Maria Cooper - Treasurer

Jane Hamill

Steve Mayes


Mags Hughes

Sara Ann Forshaw

Avril Knox

In Attendance:

Sharon McGrouther, Stirling Council

Residents: One

Meeting opened and attendees welcomed by Chair

  1. Declarations of Interest: none
  2. Adoption of previous meeting minute:

Proposed – Maria Cooper

Seconded – Steve Mayes

  1. Matters arising none reported
  2. Road Closure New Path – funding for the new road was soured from the UK

Government Funds and not from Stirling Council’s budget.

  1. Could a litter pick be arranged whilst the road is closed?
  2. 10K Run – Sunday 2 June
  3. Bus/Shuttle bus issues – problems with where people are being dropped off and

picked up. Issue raised on buses not turning up and not stopping at the correct

bus stops.

Action email to be sent highlighting the issues to the bus/shuttle company

Action: Jane to post on facebook asking for comments on buses. A temporary

bus stop saying closed to be installed.

  1. Speed Limit – concerns were raised and how to reduce the speed heading out

the Bannockburn road junction.

Action: pole on facebook on this proposal

  1. Cowie Football Festival 8 & 9 June. The village would be very busy. Concerns

were raised in connection with parking in the village over the 2 day event.

  1. Cowie Calendar 2025 – it was discussed to contact John Ryan could take

pictures for the calendar.

Action: Maria/Jane to investigate various suppliers and the costing for

publication of the calendars. Joint project with CRAG and Cowie Community


  1. Reports - External

 Police Scotland – no report provided. Sharon to forward emails for the 2 covering

police officers.

 Councillor Report – No Councillor report provided.

  1. Reports -Internal:

Planning Matters - None

Treasurers – balance of £600.87 no expenses/transactions since last meeting

  1. Community Council Business:
  2. Walk around would be arranged to take place during the summer
  3. Colliers Path – flooding – land owned by Taylor Wimpey, Stirling Council are

unable to do anything with this area. Need to approach Taylor Wimpey to clear

the area.

  1. New Omnavale build behind bowling green includes Council accommodation.

Not sure when this will start.

  1. Old Goals have been removed by Cowie Community Council.
  2. Road from the Farm to Bannockburn Road the shrubs to be cut back and tided


  1. AOB

 Sharon McGrouther advised she was trying to locate a minute taker for the


 Flooding on the Hilton needed cleared.

 Miners Welfare building update – Sysco had been contacted about the building.

 Health centre, Clare to request an update on the new build. Action: Clare to

get update.

 Cowie Hub – concerns were raised about the charges and that there was no

concession rate from community groups etc. the point that no one would use

the building because of the charges – Action raise with Elected Members

 Cowie Hub – Makers Space – £30,000 was spent on new equipment, to kit out

the upgrade space in the new Hub, but still not accessible to schools and the

community over a year on. Action: raise with Elected Members and


 Walk leader training for a few more volunteers so evening walks could be

arranged. Action: Sharon McGrouther to pass on details to Active Stirling

 Sanitary Products – Action Sharon McGrouther to forward details and order


  1. Residents Forum: none
  2. Date, time and venue of next meeting:

Wednesday 31 July 2023 at 7.15pm in Cowie Community Centre