Cowie Community Council Minute of Meeting 27 March 2024 Cowie Community Centre 7.15pm
Clare Stevenson- Chairperson
Mags Hughes
Maria Cooper-Treasurer
Daniel Holgate
Sara Ann Forshaw
Steve Mayes
William Derrick
Jane Hamill
Avril Knox
In Attendance:
Cllr Alastair MacPherson
Sharon McGrouther, Stirling Council
Residents: none
Meeting opened and attendees welcomed by Chair
- Declarations of Interest: none
- Adoption of previous meeting minute:
Proposed – Mags Hughes
Seconded – Maria Cooper
- Matters arising
Action Plan – Mags had suggested to put a request on social media asking for any
issues. It was agreed but also to arrange a walkabout the village.
Pavement Mossgiel Avenue – ongoing issue
- Reports - External
Police Scotland
- 17 crimes reported – 10 detected.
- 82 calls made for varying issues
Councillor Report – Cllr MacPherson
- Innovation Hub – issue raised - Stirling Council’s use of Cowie Community
Enterprise for the name of the hub. This was raised to management and
the error was rectified and an apology given. It was noted that there was a
current pole to name the hub.
- Missing Link – Work on the Bannockburn Path will commence beginning of
May. It had been delayed due to drainage matters. Road would be
completely closed during the works. Existing path to bus station the
vegetation would be cut back to give full width of path. Concerns were
raised on the design of the path and the impact on safety at certain parts for
all. These were email and no response given.
- Lothian Broadband – big difference for users in Cowie. It was noted that
the community have received no support funding promised from Lothian
Broadband. Also individuals could only provide the community code online
which was not useful or helpful, it should have been set up for those
- Carylye Everiss Remembrance Event – took place early February which
was well attended.
- Stirling Council Budget – difficult decisions took place at the meeting in
February. Councillor MacPherson outlined some of those cuts eg.
Reduced grass & verge cuttings; stop planting bedding plants; removal of
pest control services; abolished free special uplifts for pensioners.
- West Fraser Factory – local people raised concerns about the formaldehyde
at the factory, Councillor MacPherson raised these at the recent Planning
- Cowie Tartan – Mhairi Breslin, Radical Weavers in Stirling has expressed
an interest in designing and producing tartans for the mining villages. The
Community Council agreed this would be a great idea to find out more.
- Polmaise Amenity Site – an appointment system had been introduced
which comes in to force on 1 May. Plasterboard was banned so would now
need to be taken to a licensed operator for disposal. Concerns raised for
those elderly who do not have the technology to book online.
- Reports -Internal:
Planning Matters - None
Treasurers – balance of £600.87 no expenses/transactions since last meeting
- Community Council Business: Nil
Miners Welfare – the building was a health & safety issue which had been raised
numerous times. Councillor MacPherson had been in touch previously with the
committee on this matter, he would advise them that he was raising this as a
dangerous building with Building Standards. He would take this matter forward.
CRAG Community Centre – update given on the great progress, events and
bookings, along with some issues on taking over the centre.
Quarry – issues raised on the quarry, Councillor MacPherson and Mags would
both take this forward to find out the current situation.
Old School House – this was now being used by Social Work as a contact
- Residents Forum: none
- Date, time and venue of next meeting:
Wednesday 29 May 2023 at 7.15pm in Cowie Community Centre