October 2021 Minutes

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Cowie Community Council Minute of Meeting

27 October 2021 Virtual Zoom Meeting



Alan Stevenson (Chair) Clare Stevenson

Mags Hughes (Secretary) Gael Strachan

Jane Hamill William Derrick Zoe Duffin

Sharon McGrouther, Stirling Council



In Attendance:

Cllr Margaret Brisley

Residents: none

Meeting opened and attendees welcomed by Alan

1. Declarations of Interest: none

2. Adoption of previous meeting minute: August - Proposed - William Derrick Seconded Jane Hamill

September – subject to change – credit union allocated money to CRAG and Sacred Heart as well as schools

3. Matters arising:


· Joint walkabout with CRAG/CC to update Action plan and prioritise outstanding items from 2018

· Resubmit chase ups/new action then resend inb10 days

· Lights behind St Margaret’s not priority. Dog fouling on well used path horrendous and would benefit being lit – request to be resubmitted by Cllr Brisley

4. Reports - External

● Police Scotland – Nil. Mags to send email requesting report

● Councillor Report - Cllr Brisley

· Hub – problem getting information from contractor which is delaying building warrant. Query re layout/design of kitchen

  • Tibbies Brae path looking good. Aiming to reopen mid December

· Bin lorry delays

  • Shortage of carers
  • City of Culture- main focus to regenerate/improve

5. Reports - internal: none



6. Community Council Business: none

7. AOB

  • Flooding on zebra crossing to be sent to CC Enquiries
  • Zebra crossing on Main Street to be looked at

8. Residents Forum: none

9. Date, time and venue of next meeting:

Wednesday 24 November 2021 at 7.15pm