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Cornton Community Council minutes Meeting Wednesday 31st January 2024
Present Apologies
Charles Russell (Int Chair/Planning) CR Chris Burns (Stirling Council) Shona Cullen (Secretary) SC
Rose Curley (Treasurer) RC Sarah Jane Welsh (CC) SJW Anna Johnstone (CC) AJ Crispin Bennett (CC) CB Councillor Danny Gibson Amanda Namey (Resident) Stuart Meldrum (Resident) Patrica McCormick (Resident)
Caroline Stewart (Minute taker)
1. Apologies
CR opened and welcomed everyone to the January meeting. Apologies were given for Chris Burns (Stirling Council). CR advised that there would be an election to co-op new members to the community council to fill positions due to the resignation of previous members.
2. Declaration of Interests
CR asked if there were likely to be any conflict of interest during the meeting, nothing was declared.
3. Minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the July, August, September, October, and November minutes were brought for approval.
- The July minutes were proposed by CB and seconded by
- The August minutes were proposed by AJ and seconded by
- The September minutes were proposed by CB and seconded by
- The October minutes were proposed by SJW and seconded by CB on the basis that “the statement around Active kids” be amended/removed.
- The November minutes were proposed by CB and seconded by AJ based on amendments, Patricia McCormick was named twice as being in attendance but had sent apologies.
4. Business arising from Minutes.
CR advised that plans to take the website and Facebook page will be discussed in more detail at next months meeting.
5. Community Residents Voice
No discussion around this.
6. Election of new members
CR distributed paper copies of the flowchart on the community council co-op process. He advised that all the stage of the process had been completed prior to the meeting and the last stage was a vote needed to be taken to co-op new members. CR advised that the process would take the form of a vote by a show of hands. He clarified that SC, AJ, RC, SJW, CB and CR were eligible to vote. If the result was 3 for and 3 against the Chair would have the casting vote. There was a vote for Stuart Meldrum and Patricia McCormick, and both received 5 votes. CR will write to SC to confirm the votes and registration of the new members of the community council.
7. Big Conversation
CR had sent round an 18-page document prior to the meeting to highlight potential cuts that are likely to impact Cornton. Councillor Gibson provided information on when decisions on the budgets will be made. The budget setting meeting is due to take place on 29th February and the special budget meeting will take place on 8th February. If there are any issues or concerns around this from either residents or the community council, they should be sent to CC enquiries and they will pass to the appropriate department.
8. Community Engagement
CR discussed the possibility of carrying out community engagement with residents. SC can provide guidance on how to conduct a survey and Chris Burns from Stirling Council can also provide support via Survey Monkey. CR advised that there is also guidance on the CC Scot.
website and reports from other community councils. There was a discussion about what information is required and the best way to gather it.
There was also a discussion about the ongoing issue with cars parking on Johnstone Avenue and the need for double yellow lines. CR will chase this up with SC through CC enquiries. SC has also had no reply from McGill’s regarding issues with the local bus service. CR will also chase this up with McGill’s.
9. Stirling Albion Foundation
RC and CR visited the Stirling Albion Foundation who have offered a VIP visit for 40 people to attend a game at the end of February/start of March when they have several home games. They have also offered to deliver coaching sessions for young people in Cornton. They have offered 2 sessions, one for 3- & 4-year-olds between 4 & 5pm and a session for 5- & 6-year-olds between 5 & 6pm running for 6 weeks between 22nd February and 28th March.
a) Police
No report received.
b) Secretary
SC advised that the hall in the community centre has been booked until May and as mentioned earlier in the meeting she had still had no response back from McGill’s. regarding issues with the local bus service.
c) Treasurer
RC handed out a paper copy providing an up-to-date balance on the bank account. There was a discussion about the donation of £300 that has been made to the account by Councillor Rachel Nunn. This has been classed as a restricted donation and it must be agreed by the community council if the donation will be accepted and how it will be used. CR will clarify with Stephen Blyth at SC how this can be taken forward. CB referred to the email that was sent by Councillor Nunn to the previous Chair, Jackie McKechnie back in September 2023 regarding the donation.
d) Stirling Council
Councillor Gibson provided a SC update. He went through the headline figure in the budget and highlighted the challenges the council face in setting a balanced budget.
e) SC Community Development Notes
No information received from Chris Burns, Stirling Council
11. AOB
- PMC has received complaints from residents regarding dog fouling. The residents weren’t willing to approach the owners themselves as the dogs in question were XL bully
- Following the discussion at the previous meeting regarding the CCTV van, progress has been made on this as it now has a regular presence in Cornton.
The next meeting will take at Cornton Community centre om Wednesday 28th February at 7pm.