Draft minutes CVDCC meeting 4 September 2024
Approved Minutes Carron Valley & District Community Council
Wed 4 September 2024 meeting at 7.30pm, via ZOOM
In attendance
Peter Hayward, Chair, PH Dorothy Breckenridge, Sec.,
Margaret Porter, MP Maureen Berry, MB
David Petch, DP Neil Benny, Councillor, NB
Helen Bang, minute clerk, HB
1 Introductions and welcome
1.1 The Chair welcomed everyone back after the summer break.
1.2 Apologies – Morag Holdsworth, police
1.3 Declarations of interest for items on agenda - none.
1.4 Items raised by members of the public for inclusion in agenda – none.
2 Community Police report Attached as Appendix I
2.1 It was noted that this covers several months and includes information on the St
Ninian's area as well as Carron Valley.
2.2 PC Alasdair Spike is moving to a new location and is due to be replaced. The police
attended the Flower and Food Show in August and were able to speak to lots of
3 Minutes of previous meeting on 5 June 2024
3.1 Proposed PH, seconded MB. ACTION HB to send to DB for Stirling Council.
4 Matters arising from the June meeting.
3.1 Approved May minutes and draft June minutes to DB and website HB done
4.1 Driving on rural roads leaflet for noticeboards MH
13.1 Local place plan MB/HB
See Appendix III and Item 13
14.2 Roads closure issue JP no update
13.3 Local place plan examples JP no update
5 Chair’s report
5.1 The Chair thanked VRG and all helpers at the Flower and Produce Day. It was a very
successful event. Children attending appreciated the prizes.
6 Secretary’s report (DB)
6.1 It has been relatively quiet over the summer break. One major issue was road closures
for Outlander filming and the initial lack of consultation. A resident was concerned
about access for his carer. This was eventually resolved. DB has had contact with the
film company in the past but it's a new entity involved with the new series who didn't
follow the same procedures.
6.2 DP - road closures. Falkirk Council have been shutting B818 without any consultation.
OpenReach were signing their own certification.( Apparently a fine has been issued.)
No mail, no carers, no medical assistance. It isn't acceptable.
6.3 This had been raised with Jen Preston at previous meetings. Issues about contacting
Falkirk Council. NB agreed to try to get a contact at Falkirk Council. The CC wants
liaison between the two councils regarding road closures.
Draft minutes CVDCC meeting 4 September 2024
Is a Scottish or UK Government directive required with regard to OpenReach to
prevent this behaviour as it is very disruptive for residents?
7 Treasurer’s report. (MH)
7.1 The Treasurer sent apologies for this meeting.
8 Stirling Councillor report (NB)
8.1 Winter maintenance schedule - any feedback from last year? Please let NB know.
DP - grit bins not filled on a regular basis. PH gave Robert Fleming an up-to-date map
of bins and where piles are left. He said the electronic map would be updated.
8.2 The CC has been advised that if the main access route is only access route it bumps
it up the priority listing. The C10 is a main access/only access for some properties as
is Greathill Road and sections of the B818 through Carron Village. Will this be
reflected in the winter programme?
8.3 A new Chief Executive has been appointed.
8.4 Budget consultations - to be looked at in January. A new Chief Finance officer starts
work shortly.
8.5 Query on road maintenance - roads are in a dreadful condition. Some repairs are
inadequate. Potholes are getting worse.
9 Valley Renewables Group report (MP)
9.1 There was a Board meeting on 3 September.
9.2 Energy Efficiency grants have been very popular. The £40K budget has almost all
been allocated. There will have to be a waiting list for further applicants. There was a
discussion about finding new moneys, but these are not available currently.
9.3 New Venture Grant relaunched in August. It was based on match-funding with
STEP's start-up grant scheme, but we have just learned that this scheme has closed
to new applicants. The grants subgroup are to look at reworking this grant in the light
of this.
9.4 Community Hall - planning require a Flood risk assessment required which will cost
9.5 Removal of winter fuel allowance - unfortunately VRG is unable to fund this, but it has
been referred to the grants subgroup.
9.6 Nadara (Falck/Renantis new name) an application for extra solar panels and a storage
battery on the Community Hall is being submitted. £10K the amount of the call for
projects scheme. A decision will be made in November.
9.7 We discussed the application to Clackmannanshire & Stirling Environment Trust -
perhaps for a small wind turbine for the Community Hall.
9.8 The AGM will be held at 8pm on Tuesday 5 November at the Mayfield Centre.
9.9 There was a discussion regarding the Energy Efficiency grant having been almost all
committed in a short space of time. Only unrestricted fund moneys can be used for
grants to individuals. It was agreed that this is frustrating.
Draft minutes CVDCC meeting 4 September 2024
10 Woodland Group report (DB)
10.1 The next woodfuel days are 14 September and 5 October. Pomona Day is on 26
11 Roads report (PH)
11.1 Covered earlier in the agenda
12 Planning report (MB)
12.1 Conservatory - planning permission refused for The Cottars. It is Grade II listed.)
12.2 Auchenbowie Old Farm - repair of a wall - decided.
12.3 Wind2 have put in an application for Drummarnock. Is there a CC opinion as to
whether we are neutral, for or against the application? It is live on the council website.
Compensation has been offered to a resident whose property will be affected. 60%
has been allocated for community benefit for the CVDCC area.
12.4 Roads have not been returned to a satisfactory condition following previous wind farm
construction. This is perhaps something we could request be a condition although it
should already be a requirement.
12.5 It was agreed the CC will generate a list of things for which our approval will be
conditional. ACTION PH
13 Local place plan (MB)
13.1 See Appendix II
MB had a display at the Flower and Produce show in August. We got some interesting
ideas, and 25 households took away the template and said they would come back to
13.2 Road conditions was an issue that was important to many residents. She spoke to
Adam Brooker of Carron Community Growers - he wants to contribute to the plan.
13.3 It was agreed to raise the local place plan at the next wood fuel day.
14 AOB
14.1 PH raised the issue of care of residents in the community - some carers are refusing to
drive down farm tracks. Surely it should be a requirement that carers have appropriate
vehicles for rural roads? Is it because this area is classed as urban rather than rural?
Care is outsourced but should councillors be copied in when residents have an issue
so Stirling Council are aware?
ACTION NB will speak to health and social care partnership, also colleagues in other
rural areas to see if they have come across this issue.
15 Date of next CC meeting – Wednesday 2 October 2024 at 7.30pm via Zoom.
The meeting closed at 9pm
3.1 Approved June minutes to DB for Stirling Council. HB
12.5 List of requirements for windfarm development PH
14.1 Care for residents – issues regarding agency staff etc. NB
Draft minutes CVDCC meeting 4 September 2024
Appendix I Police Report
Name of
04/09/2024 – Carron Valley Community Council
Our priorities in the Carron Valley area continue to
be Anti-Social Behaviour, Drug misuse/Drug dealing,
Road Safety and Community Engagement and
Crime Reports for the Carron Valley area between
05/06/2024 – 03/09/2024
Detected: 15
Assault to Injury – Reported to PF
Vandalism – Reported to PF
Threatening and abusive behaviour – Reported to
Driving with no insurance – Reported to PF X 3
Fail to Stop for Police Vehicle – Reported to PF
Dangerous Driving – Reported to PF X 2
Driving whilst under the influence – Reported to PF
Assault - Reported to PF
Failure to comply with road traffic test – Reported to
Driving without a license – Reported to PF
Careless Driving – Reported to PF
Undetected: 7
Theft – No further lines of enquiry
Theft – Enquiries on going
Driving under the influence – Enquiries on going
Theft by shoplifting – Enquiries on going
Attempted Fraud – No further lines of enquiry
Fraud – Enquiries on going
Fail to stop after an accident – Enquiries on going
Total Crime Reports: 22
No crime trends have been identified within the area.
999/101 CALLS
There were 73 calls made to Police for the Carron
Valley area over the stated period. The calls relate
Draft minutes CVDCC meeting 4 September 2024
to incidents including reports of theft, animals, road
traffic matters, planned shoots, assist members of
the public, abandoned 999 calls, assault and youths.
Incidents of
On 24/08/2024 PC Spike and PC Goldie attended the
Carron Valley Show. This was a fantastic day where
they were able to meet many members of the local
community and speak to them about their concerns.
They were also able to engage with youths from the
area and show them their equipment and marked
police vehicle.
Please e-mail any feedback/questions to PCs Goldie
/ Spike at:
Appendix II Local Place Plan
Local place plan - update.
In August 2024 we consulted widely across the community about the need to develop a local
place plan.
25 households showed considerable interest in taking away the LPP template to consider in
their own time proposals that they think would add value to our community.
The proposals exhibited were positively received.
Many agreed that the road conditions was by far the greatest concern. With additional
suggestion for the need for better signage, speed restrictions, tree trimming to improve
Adam Brooker who is leading the Community Growers is keen to expand on the existing
proposal and we will forward the proposal to him (adambrooker1@hotmail.com)
A range of new issues raised included:
The need for bins at the waterfalls and other high traffic areas
A community skip to help the community deal with waste and Dumb Dumpers.
Anti-social littering signs to promote visitors to take rubbish home. Develop a litter
picking zones across the community with Local authority up lifts.
Purchasing community equipment to improve our surroundings e.g. grass cutting, dog
waste bins, litter (12 people), etc.
Increase reporting of anti-social driving cars, motor bikes and cycling. On discussion
with police, they are very keen to hear from the community and suggested a range of
ways of reporting methods. Including telephone 999 or 101, reporting Police Scotland
by emailing your concerns via their ‘contact us’ section of their website. Regular
Draft minutes CVDCC meeting 4 September 2024
reporting with enable the police to understand the problems identify patterns of
behaviors and address the problem.
A map of suitable access points for open swimming in the area. We need to make
reference to the Scottish outdoor access code for open water swimming.
Develop a program of fishing training for young people.
Explore transport for our community.
Community outdoor fitness area.
Maureen Berry 040924
Draft minutes CVDCC meeting 4 September 2024
Draft minutes CVDCC meeting 4 September 2024