March 2024 Minutes

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Approved minutes CVDCC meeting held 6 March 2024
APPROVED minutes Carron Valley & District Community Council
Meeting held Wednesday 6 March 2024 meeting at 7.30pm, via ZOOM
In attendance
Peter Hayward, Chair, PH Dorothy Breckenridge, Sec., Margaret Porter, MP Morag Holdsworth, Treasurer, MH Resident * Jen Preston, elected rep, JP
*Anonymized for privacy reasons
Helen Bang, minute clerk, HB
1 Introductions and welcome
1.1 The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
1.2 Apologies – Maureen Berry, David Petch
1.3 Declarations of interest for items on agenda. None declared.
1.4 Items raised by members of the public for inclusion in agenda – health care provided in the community.
2 Minutes of previous meeting
2.1 Minutes of the February meeting were approved with no amendments.
Proposed PH, seconded MH.
2.2 ACTION HB approved minutes to DB for Stirling Council. Draft minutes to DB
for circulation.
2.3 Actions from February meeting
2.2 Approved minutes of December and draft minutes February meetings HB closed
4.3 Neighbourhood watch proposal – draft post for social media HB closed
4.5 Power companies / resilience planning PH closed
5.7 Local place plan MB ongoing
9.1 Articles/ideas for newsletter ALL closed
11.1 Grit bin issues PH
PH met Mr Fleming from Roads he has promised action on this
He also offered to attend a meeting.
11.2 Concerns for bridge safety. PH
Coping stones had been stolen exposing breeze block work to
Council has covered with hessian and sandbags but hopefully will
be repaired.
New ACTION JP to look into this
12.1 Planning website link for Facebook MB closed
3 Community Police report
Nothing significant to report. Attache as Appendix I Also see Item 5.1
4 Chair’s report, PH
4.1 Roads – the chair met Mr Fleming.
4.2 There was a joint meeting with VRG regarding Community Hall see item 8.3.
5 Secretary’s report, DB
5.1 PC Lynne Goldie and PC Alastair Spike. are going to meet with DB and PH to drive around the area to familiarize themselves with the district.
Approved minutes CVDCC meeting held 6 March 2024
6 Treasurer’s report MH
6.1 Attach as Appendix II. Bank statements are still not arriving.
Closing balance £1208.47 end of December, Only expenditure was secretarial £50 for February meeting.
6.2 Asset list for insurance purposes. No more grit bins added. So existing grit bins, noticeboard and defibrillators. ACTION DB to submit form.
7 Stirling Councillor report, JP
7.1 The budget was set last Thursday. It was grim but they have managed not to close any libraries. Financially SC is not in a good position. It may be worse next year depending on the grant from the Scottish Government.
7.2 Potholes - we passed a paper Risk Based Approach to Roads Defects at last week’s Transport Net Zero committee - we have changed our approach to dealing with road defects. Rather than assessing depending on the grade of the road (A, B etc.) there is a more comprehensive view - if there is a single road, as in the Carron Valley, even if a B or C road it will be treated as a more crucial piece of infrastructure.
8 Valley Renewables Group report, MP
8.1 A Board meeting was held last night. Shirley Paterson who is doing EPC+ surveys for the Energy Efficiency project attended and reported on the 32 surveys completed to date. More surveys are planned. We are hoping more residents will complete the questionnaire and apply for a survey. Please ask residents you meet to complete a survey. An EPC rating opens access to many grants.
8.2 Subgroups reported on finances, grants, woodland, energy efficiency, flower and produce show.
8.3 On Monday 4 March there was a joint meeting between VRG/CVDCC. The Community Hall was unanimously approved, and work is now progressing with regard to planning permission etc. It has been decided to keep this information within these two groups for now, we are waiting to make an announcement once we have a timescale.
The change of the name from Meeting Room to Community Hall is for VAT tax purposes. Shirley Paterson will be doing an EPC survey for the new building.
9 Woodland Group report, DB
9.1 The next Woodfuel day is Saturday 9 March. There are lots of residents interested. Catering - there will be pies and cakes. Please advise neighbours etc.
9.2 A meeting is planned for the next three year funding plan. Information will be circulated prior to this. This will apply for July onwards.
10 Roads report, PH
10.1 It is hoped that Mr Fleming will attend a future meeting of the CC.
Approved minutes CVDCC meeting held 6 March 2024
11 Planning report, MB
11.1 A resident wants to erect a barn on the C10. The S-bend near the fisheries. The concern is that a lorry coming up the steep slope will encounter a bell entrance to this site. A vehicle exiting will be unable to see anyone coming up the hill. PH feels we should point this out to the planning department. It was suggested that access instead could come via an historic track near the cross roads. ACTION PH.
12 AOB
12.1 A resident reported on behalf of a family regarding the healthcare in the valley. Last night (Tuesday) her mother extracted a piece of bone from her father's foot but were informed that the district nurse would only deal with this on Thursday. Secondary option was to take him to A & E themselves despite her father's ill health and mobility issues. Her mother and herself cannot physically move him. In an area with an ageing community and poor access, needs are not being met.
Question: was he refused an ambulance? Answer: Her mother rang, had to wait for a return call. It would be referred to orthopaedics. Then they were informed he didn't need this, and it wouldn't be happening.
The resident recently had a tooth extracted and informed this was a medical waste and had to be properly disposed of, but her mother has to dispose of a piece of her husband's foot bone. No concern has been expressed about possible infection.
There has been a history of poor care in this case. e.g. electric vehicles of Council care workers not charging in very cold weather, not being able to access because of the state of the track to the house. Roads are ungritted and care workers are unwilling to drive on icy roads.
There have been endless excuses. Care from the GP surgery has been poor for the rest of the family, but her father has serious health needs. He is reliant on care workers coming out. Care was subcontracted to an agency, When carers do come they are not treating him with respect.
The agency has now said they are not prepared to do it. The carers were refusing after one broke down on the road. They are using their own vehicles. Managers have been coming up, not dressed for the job, e.g. no uniform, no badge. The resident has a voice and has made complaints but has still not had help. Other residents may be in an even more vulnerable position without any support.
During a power cut on the coldest day of the year, the resident had to act as carer. If she hadn't been at home, her father would have been left in the dark with no care package. This was when it was with the Council, now it's with a care company who have reneged on the contract. Despite her mother being in full-time work, she has to do his bandages twice a day.
Other members of the CC have spoken to the resident who confirms this is MP exactly what has been happening. It is completely unacceptable. His condition is not being taken seriously and it is serious.
Approved minutes CVDCC meeting held 6 March 2024
JP was asked if there is anything she can do. She will write to the GP asking what is going on. With permission she will raise it with Jeremy Garvie, the representative on Council Health Board. ACTION JP
12.2 DB this issue feeds into the local plan as it is a major concern for rural areas.
12.3 Facebook
HB reported that a member of the Carron Valley Connections group had been excluded following a series of posts and comments contravening the group rules regarding privacy and being respectful. The CC were supportive of this decision. Posts on the FB Group are moderated to avoid spam and unnecessary arguments.
13 Date of next meeting this was agreed as Wednesday April 3 2024 at 7:30pm via Zoom.
The meeting ended at 8:30pm.
2.2 Approved February minutes and draft March minutes to DB HB
2.3 Concerns about bridge safety where coping stones stolen JP
6.2 Asset list for Council DB
11.1 Concerns regarding positioning of barn – entrance PH
12.1 Community healthcare concerns JP
Appendix I Police Report
Name of
Community Council 06/03/2024 – Carron Valley Community Council
Our priorities in the Carron Valley area continue to be Anti-Social Behaviour, Drug misuse/Drug dealing, Road Safety and Community Engagement and Reassurance.
Crime reports Crime Reports for the Carron Valley area between 07/02/2024 – 06/03/2024 Detected: 0 Undetected: 4 Relating to crimes of Theft, vandalism, rape and road traffic offences Total Crime Reports: 4
Approved minutes CVDCC meeting held 6 March 2024
Of those undetected 3 reports are open with possible lines of enquiry identified. The remaining report has been submitted for closure. 999/101 CALLS There were 31 calls made to Police for the Carron Valley area over the stated period. The calls relate to incidents including reports of theft, road traffic matters, police information, assist members of the public, suspect persons and abandoned motor vehicles.
Other Incidents of note/relevant Community Council information
Feedback from meeting Please e-mail any feedback/questions to PCs Goldie / Spike at:
Appendix II Treasurer’s Report