December 2021 AGM Minutes

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Approved Minutes Carron Valley & District Community Council AGM Wed 1 December 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom


In attendance

Peter Hayward, Chair, PH Margaret Porter, councillor, MP Nicolas Sinclair, Treasurer NS Dennis Canavan, resident, DC Dorothy Breckenridge, Secretary, DB David Petch, councillor, DP

Iain Macfarlane, resident, IM Morag Holdsworth, resident, MH Helen Bang, minute clerk, HB

Sara Smith absent

1 Minutes of AGM 2019 held on 5 June 2019 were approved with the following amendments:

1.2 Add apologies – David Petch, Margaret Porter, David Petch Junior. ACTION HB.

Proposed DP, Seconded PH Mark Councillors at the time.

2 Chair’s report [PH]

2.1 The Chair would like to record the appreciation of the close working relationship between CC and VRG. He recognised the role of CC members, particularly NS in response to Covid 19 in the initial phase of the pandemic.

2.2 Impact of visitors – Covid 19 introduced large numbers of people to the area, this caused issues in the summer of 2021. We will continue with efforts to look after the district, Friends of North Third’s work is greatly appreciated.

2.2 The Chair recorded problems with cc enquiries – hopefully will do better in the future. See ordinary meeting minutes.

2.3 Good reading latest report from planning office – sometimes feel CC objections are not taken seriously, but they were highlighted at the beginning of this report and all objections were outlined clearly. It is worthwhile objecting as these matters are considered by SC.

2.4 The Chair thanked CC members for the work they do as volunteers.

3 Secretary’s report [DB]

3.1 The Secretary would like to reiterate work regarding Covid 19 in the community. Elected representatives also helped with additional funding. Zoom/TEAMS has helped in some respects but TEAMS has been frustrating to use, we would like to encourage elected representatives to be more flexible in terms of the platforms they will use.

3.2 Some councillors have attended some meetings, but it has not been a regular occurrence which is disappointing as they are our main way of trying to get things done.

3.3 Last AGM raised road safety issues – New Line Road, these still haven’t been resolved, they are ongoing. It is now 18 months since last AGM, have done as well as they can in the circumstances.


4 Treasurer’s report [NS]

4.1 Bank balance was £2300, now 1560. Outgoings £1700 admin £520, £436 grit bins, also VRG £740 for work on the joint newsletter and website. Income £4 less of £900. Lower than before because the CC agreed we were running an unnecessary surplus so reduced balance to around £1000.

4.2 Under the current regime the Treasurer does not have to send in accounts, filled in form instead. NS circulated bank statements approx. one year ago.

DP – supposed to put accounts in following AGM. DB – external person approves income and expenditure. ACTION NS/IM


In the past Pam Campbell has attended and taken chair at this stage. IM willing to take chair to do item 5.

5 Nominations for office bearers [IM]

5.1 All office bearers resigned.

5.2 Chair - Peter Hayward was nominated. No other nominations. Agreed unanimously.

5.3 Secretary – Dorothy Breckenridge was nominated. No other nominations. Agreed unanimously.

5.4 Treasurer – Nicolas Sinclair was nominated. No other nominations. Agreed unanimously.

NS – with many councillors also being on VRG Board it would be good to have someone else in the future but happy to serve.


No other business

7 Date of next AGM – this was agreed as Wednesday 1 June 2022 at 7.30pm.

8 The meeting closed at 8pm and was followed by the ordinary December meeting.


1.1 Approved minutes of 2019 AGM to Secretary HB

4.2 Accounts to be submitted to external person NS/IM