Dec 2021 Minutes

APPROVED minutes Carron Valley & District Community Council
held Wednesday 1 December 2021 meeting, via ZOOM after AGM


In attendance

Peter Hayward, Chair, PH Margaret Porter, councillor, MP
Nicolas Sinclair, Treasurer NS Dennis Canavan, resident, DC
Dorothy Breckenridge, Secretary, DB David Petch, councillor, DP

Iain Macfarlane, resident, IM Morag Holdsworth, resident, MH
Helen Bang, minute clerk, HB


Sara Smith councillor, SS absent


  1. 1.1 Introductions and welcome

    1. Apologies were received from Councillor Simpson, PC Pam King, ?? Sara Smith

    2. Declarations of interest for items on agenda - none

    3. Items raised by members of the public for inclusion in agenda –
      Sauchieburn – ongoing access issues (14.2)

      Update on defibrillators - AOB
      School bus - AOB


  2. Community Police report, PC Pam King and PC Ross Barclay can’t be present but
    will take note of comments. (not received yet). Ross Barclay has moved to a new
    post. There will be a replacement at some stage. No police report received at time
    of meeting.


  3. Minutes of previous meeting on 3 November 2021

    It was noted that absent councillors are marked with an asterisk.


    Item 1.2 items raised should read Access issues were raised regarding
    Sauchieburn estate.


    Proposed PH Seconded DB

    ACTION HB approved November minutes to DB for Stirling Council.


  4. Matters arising


    4.1 Actions from previous meeting on 3 November


    3.2. Approved October minutes to DB for Stirling Council HB Done

    4.3 Email to SF re Cauldbarns junction concerns PH Done No
    response. DB Passed to Roads – Carlyn Fraser going to try to resolve this
    issue. Treating as Roads issue rather than Planning issue.


    8.2 Sauchieburn Estate issues SF


    This matter has been dragging on since October 2020. Keeps going around in
    circles with Scott Farmer, Access Officer, etc. Still two gates unlawfully locked
    and two unlawful notices in the estate. Email 8 November to Scott Farmer from
    Angela Simpson access officer - will write again to the landowner, if does not
    comply within 2 weeks… if not will follow process laid down in the legislation but
    this has not happened.


    APPROVED minutes CVDCC ordinary meeting 1 December 2021

    DC – proposes to formally ask SF as leader of SC to intervene and demand that
    officials take immediate issue to notice relevant notice under 14 of the Land
    Reform Scotland Act 2003. Would like to say has support of CC in that respect.


    Chair asked if anyone objected to this being mentioned in the letter.

    DECISION Agreed unanimously.

    MP was at the top gate last week – someone has taken an angle grinder to it to
    bypass the padlock. DC will inspect and update his email accordingly.


    PH contact Chairs of other CCs. Had meeting: Cambusbarron, Arnprior, Kippen,
    Fintry and Fallin. Had particular grievances pertinent to them but cc enquiries not
    producing actions hoped for, SC not responding properly. Something to build on in
    the future.


    ‘What’s happened’ – may be another system to follow up requests, PH to follow


    DB – if issues could have a code for the correct department, if Stephen Bly is
    copied in to response he’ll know whether things have been done or not. Often
    things are passed on but nothing is actually done.


    DP put a note saying that if no response it will be relogged again the following


    9.3 Advise VRG re meeting room agreement IM
    VRG is holding a Board meeting on 7 December. Will advise then that CC
    agreed with outcome of the survey.


  5. Chair’s report [PH]

    1. The AGM was held prior to this meeting.


    2. Spoke to Stephen Bly. Had productive discussion. See above


    3. Old Sauchie – satnav sends drivers through estate, locked gates, ambulance
      again stuck. PH followed this up with Scottish Ambulance Service, Had previously
      asked them to put a note on database so they knew that certain postcodes would
      give correct directions to the driver. They did follow this up and these postcodes
      do have this, but ambulance had ignored it and therefore got lost.


    Ask residents calling 999 to tell despatcher to check notes regarding this.


    There are 17 households on this private road. PH has emailed them regarding this


    DP the gate is sometimes closed by residents, could it not be moved?


  6. Secretary’s report [DB]


    6.1 Meeting dates for 2022 For past 18 months have been running monthly
    meetings – do we want to skip some or stick with current system?


    APPROVED minutes CVDCC ordinary meeting 1 December 2021

    There was a discussion discussion. January can be important. Happy to have
    break in the summer. July/August holiday. ACTION DB will circulate dates. Will
    continue online for time being.


  7. Treasurer’s report [NS]

    £1560 balance. Full report given at AGM. Two grit bins available – we purchased f
    our, will retain them and use as required.


  8. Stirling Councillor report Attached as Appendix I


  9. Valley Renewables Group report [NS]

    Board meeting is next week. AGM held in November. We have new directors
    David Petch and apprentice director Jenny Holdsworth.


    NS participated in Falck online session. They take community support
    responsibility very seriously. 18 communities had video sessions. Could benefit
    with having some - for instance Glengarry have woodlands, possible cross
    fertilisation. Session on youth support, two presentations, one about youth funds
    similar to ours, gave brief presentation on apprentice director.


    Building back stronger communities, additional support post Covid. VRG was
    selected for one award of £5000 which will use in 2022 to support people adapting
    to new ways of working.


  10. VRG Investment Fund [NS]

    10.1 On agenda every month – this is a long-term investment and can’t really look at it
    every month, perhaps review every quarter? Does report come from Brewin
    Dolphin, would be worth reporting following this. NS will check how often VRG
    Treasurer gets report. MP it is reported in each newsletter. DECISION agreed to
    have quarterly reports.


  11. Woodland Group report [DB]

    1. Tree felling has finally started. 25 November. Should be. Complete Christmas.

    2. Wood Fuel weekend 22-23 January 2022. Registration forms are going out with

    3. Woodland Christmas tree day 10am-1pm on Saturday 4 December.

    4. Woodland group meeting 2 December.


      Has announced on Facebook Carron Valley Connections. ACTION HB post on
      VRG on website.


    5. Newsletter – to be posted out shortly.


  12. Roads report

    12.1 Issue on B818 Falkirk Council area. ACTION HB to report road again to Falkirk


  13. Planning report [PH]

    13.1 Public meeting on Shelloch on 7 December. Recommendation is to give planning
    permission. Report is on website. Conclusions – original planning permission for
    seven turbines had no time limit - current one for five is just for 30 years. This can
    be implemented at any time.


    APPROVED minutes CVDCC ordinary meeting 1 December 2021

    Re height concerns – after consideration of substantial increase in power output,
    not sufficient to warrant refusal of planning permission. Only visible from limited
    areas etc.


    Complies with development plan, having taken account it is recommended that it
    be granted.


    IM concerns re illumination at night, will stop the Dark Skies initiative in the district.
    PH this was referred to in pages of response.


  14. AOB

    1. Defibrillators. MP submitted application to VRG. Queries re location – no training
      in siting of these. What priority does CC give to site – Old Sauchie, Buckieburn
      and Easter Cringate.


      DB speaking to another CC who sited defibrillators with funding from Community
      Pride fund. Asked if these would be covered, yes they are. Can get funding.

      £1500, could VRG meet additional costs. Can apply on an annual basis for capital
      costs. Each one costs upwards of £1800. Sourcing from ‘Lucky to be here’ is
      proving problematic, new batch from the US coming soon. Locations – MP hasn’t
      yet spoken to Easter Cringate residents or Buckieburn.


      IM surprised there is not professional advice available for calculating suitability of
      location for defibrillators. Pandemic has showed serious delays in ambulances
      getting to all households. Will report back to the grants subgroup. Also want to
      have maintenance programme going forward, servicing machines etc.


      MP there is a regime for checking weekly and monthly, use-by dates noted on
      these inspections. Not much else required.


      DC – we should also take into account visitors to certain locations as well as


      DB there are five possible additional sites in the district. Could VRG and
      Community Pride fund these as an upfront expense. Restricted funds. Discussion
      agreed to do two at the moment.


      ACTION DB to put in application to Community Pride. Possibility of putting in
      retrospective application? DECISION Agreed for one now and one again in May,
      new financial year.


    2. DP – school bus. New family having issue with child getting bus. St Modan’s –
      what exactly is being provided, taxi is already collecting other children.
      Approached by resident – reply from SC less than satisfactory. DB took this up
      with SF, passed to relevant department. Depends if family is Catholic or not
      whether get funding told when register at the school. ACTION DP.


  15. Date of next CC meeting – 7:30pm on Wednesday 5 January 2021 via Zoom.



APPROVED minutes CVDCC ordinary meeting 1 December 2021





Approved minutes of November meeting



Christmas tree details on VRG website



Application to Comunity Pride for defibrillators



School bus






Sauchieburn estate agreed to letter



Quarterly investment fund reports



The meeting closed at 9:05pm



APPROVED minutes CVDCC ordinary meeting 1 December 2021



Stirling Councillor’s report


The Covid 19 rate for Stirling and District currently is160 per hundred thousand a little
above the national rate . Rate for Scotland is 128 per hundred thousand with 43 cases in
the Stirling area yesterday.


Council office –based staff who can do so continue to work from home as do Councillors
although other services are up and running . There was considerable disruption in rural
areas of electricity supplies as a result of the storm last weekend although not I think, and
hope ,in Carron Valley.


All Council meetings are currently held with Microsoft Teams, as are Committee and
Panel meetings. All meetings are now live streamed on You Tube.


A proposal will go before the next Council to allow for ‘hybrid’ meetings which can be
accessed by participants and members of the public both remotely and in person so this
may happen in the new year –one step closer to normality.


AS Provost I attended a tree planting ceremony at Borestone School recently as part of
the Queen’s Green Canopy project and was very impressed by the children’s participation
with poems, songs and works of art. Great atmosphere in the school for which staff,
parents and pupils are to be commended.


You will hear shortly about proposals for the Provost’s Awards 2022. This normally takes
place every two years but has been in abeyance because of Covid 19 restrictions.


Nominations will be sought for individuals and groups from across Stirling who have gone
that extra mile to help their community and who have made an outstanding contribution
during the COVID pandemic. This will be live on our social media shortly.


Please let me know if any issues arise from your meeting that you would like me to take
up. I understand from Scott that he has provided feedback on several matters that came
up last time.


Best wishes to all and stay safe


Christine Simpson
Labour Councillor
Stirling West


APPROVED minutes CVDCC ordinary meeting 1 December 2021