September 2024 Minutes

Cambuskenneth Community Council

Meeting held on Monday 23rd September 2024 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall

Present: Archie McIver (Chair), Elaine Turner (Secretary), Maggie Ruddy, Graham Barrett, Catriona Taylor

In attendance: Councillor Rachel Nunn, one member of the public

Apologies: Barbara McElhinney (Treasurer)

The meeting was chaired by Archie McIver. Minutes were taken by Elaine Turner.

Items for AOCB

Pensioners’ coffee morning meetings

Adoption of minutes from meeting held on 24 June 2024

Proposed: Archie; Seconded: Maggie

Presentation by Marco Farnocchi, Sustainable Transport Project Officer Cambuskenneth/Ladysneuk Rd Active Travel: Drawings of potential interventions for comments

Marco brought along drawings of proposed traffic calming measures for within Cambuskenneth and along Ladysneuk Rd. Community Council members provided feedback. Because these are proposals which are still to be finalised, they are not for wider circulation and comment at this stage. Marco thanked the Community Council for providing helpful observations and feedback on the plans. Proposals included raised areas at several junctions to slow traffic and reduce parking at corners and measures to slow traffic along Ladysneuk Rd.

Reports from Resilience Group and Cambuskenneth Village Hall Group with Discussion on aims of Groups over the winter

Graham reported that the Hall Group had met once and the Resilience Group had met twice as it has been difficult to arrange meetings over the summer. He feels that the aims of the Groups are aligning, as the Hall Group considers that one of the Hall’s important functions in the Village will be part of our Resilience plan. He had arranged a meeting with Jim Thomson, one of the Councillors who was involved in the previous efforts to save the Hall. Jim also felt that we should include Resilience as one of the main functions of the Hall. Graham has been in touch with Stephen Bly, our link Officer at the Council, to identify which Officers can help provide information and support to the Hall Group. He has been put in touch with Claire Harvey in Assets and proposes arranging a meeting with Claire, Lorne Scott from Cowane’s Trust and Jean Cowie who offers advice on sources of funding for communities. On discussion, it was felt that we may need to have a clearer idea of how the community wished to proceed before arranging that meeting. Elaine explained that Graham does not need to be chair of the subgroups, but each subgroup requires a Community Councillor as a member. He can ask if another member of the Group is willing to be chair to reduce his workload in the Groups.

Members of the Resilience Group have been given tasks including information gathering, and will report back at the next meeting of the Group. Rachel Nunn advised that it was important that we made progress in presenting our case to Councillors and on clarifying the options available to us, including a direct lease from Cowane’s Trust. Approved


Action: Graham will arrange further meetings of both Groups and provide progress reports at the next Community Council meeting

Application for grant to reprint Heritage Walk leaflets

Elaine reported that our supply of leaflets for the Village Heritage walk is low. Previously the Community Council had arranged funding for a print run via a Community Grant. She has identified the original designer of the leaflet and obtained a copy of the PDF for printing and has requested two printing quotes. The one from Stirling Printworx is much cheaper, so she will confirm that it is of suitable quality before proceeding with a grant application for a further 500 copies of the leaflet.

Action: Elaine will check quality of Stirling Printworx leaflet and apply for a grant to cover the costs.

Treasurer’s Report

Barbara was unable to attend the meeting and circulated the Accounts for information. The current bank balance is £3949.33 (Hall & Park £2073.31; General Funds £1876.02

Matters arising (not covered below)


Matters arising

Parking in Cambuskenneth

Elaine had requested a site visit to Cambuskenneth with the Roads Dept and Active Travel over the summer, in order to have a presentation at the Community Council of possible solutions to issues previously raised. Officers did not agree to this, as work is in progress as presented this evening by Marco. We will have the opportunity to comment on further plans to ensure that our concerns are addressed.

Pergola - Replacement Benches and Planters

Elaine is meeting with Helen and Tessa from the Nature sub-group on Friday, to decide on which seats and planters would be best for the pergola site and will then bring the plan to the next meeting for approval. She will then apply for a grant to cover the costs.

Action: Elaine, Helen and Tessa to agree on style of seats and planters and bring plan to next meeting for approval

Manor Powis signpost and route

Elaine had contacted the Access Officer to let her know that the signpost to Manor Powis had fallen down, and that the route was becoming overgrown and difficult to navigate, with a very narrow stile opening at the Broom Farm access point. The Access Officer arranged to meet Elaine to walk the route and agreed to contact the relevant parties to discuss access issues across the route, as it is a core path. She will arrange for a new signpost, which may be changed to Broom Farm or Public Path as there is no longer access all the way to Manor Powis.

Action: Mairi McIntosh, Access Officer, to contact parties over access issues on Manor Powis footpath and arrange for a new signpost

Report from Councillor/s

Rachel had nothing further to report beyond her contributions throughout the meeting. Approved


Police Report

There were no crimes reported in the Cambuskenneth are from 27th May-21st September 2024. Over this time, one phone call was made to the police from the Cambuskenneth area.

Questions from floor/members of public



A member of the public attended to voice his concern that the local Community Coffee Morning was restricted to people aged over 60. A neighbour had suggested that he attend in order to meet local people, but he was disappointed to be refused entry. On discussion, other newcomers to the village had had similar experiences. We discussed that the Coffee Morning Group was an autonomous Group which set its own membership criteria. They had chosen to meet as a group of retired people and benefitted from a reduced hire rate of the Hall because of their age group. Those present agreed that the Group should therefore have better communication to newcomers to the village, to

indicate that there is an age restriction. We discussed that there may be interest in another coffee morning with more open access, which would also increase usage of the Hall, but we were uncertain if enough people would attend.

Action: Elaine will discuss with the Coffee Morning Group that attendees should be aware of the age restriction and discuss if we could try running an open coffee morning for those working from home etc.

Date of Next Meeting: 7.30pm, Monday 28 October 2024 in the Village Hall

Stirling Council: 01786 404040, Police non-emergency 101, NHS 24 111

Scottish Power emergency: 105, Scottish Gas emergency: 0800 111999

Reminder: Minutes are available via the CC website and Facebook page. If you would like them emailed privately or paper copies, please let us know via email at or by contacting any CC member.