March 2024 Minutes

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Cambuskenneth Community Council

Meeting held on Monday 25 March 2024 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall

Present: Archie McIver (Chair), Elaine Turner (Secretary), Barbara McElhinney (Treasurer), Maggie Ruddy, Graham Barrett

In attendance: Councillor Rachel Nunn; Marco Farnocchi, Sustainable Transport Project Officer; Michaela Jackson, Transport Planner; Helen Barrett, Chair of CNEG; 2 residents Apologies: None

The meeting was chaired by Archie McIver. Minutes were taken by Elaine Turner.


Adoption of minutes from meeting held on 26 February 2024:

Proposed: Archie

Seconded: Barbara

Cambuskenneth Nature and Environment Group (CNEG) Report

Helen reported that they have distributed log piles to various sites to provide additional habitat. They plan to hold two events, which she hoped could be advertised in the next Community Council Newsletter. A Birdbox building event will be led by Transition Stirling in the Village Hall, probably on 11th May, to be confirmed. A talk on wildlife friendly gardening will be held in the Village Hall at the beginning of June, with visits to local gardens.

Rachel will forward the Perth & Kinross Biodiversity strategy to Archie and Helen to read, as it is very informative and may provide ideas for Stirling.

Trees on Ladysneuk Rd: the group had hoped to plant 17 trees on the east side of Ladysneuk Rd. However, because of financial cutbacks, Stirling Council is no longer able to offer insurance cover for public liability or maintenance for trees not on its land, and Cowane Trust are not willing to allow the trees to be planted without an insurance or maintenance agreement. Rachel will write to the Scottish government to highlight this problem, as it may prevent more trees from being planted.

Helen also updated that she had received no reply from Ricoh re plans to increase biodiversity on their land, although this is a stated objective on their website.

Action: CNEG to check whether Transition Stirling have insurance for the bird box event, or if the Community Council need to arrange.


Presentation by Marco Farnocchi on Manor Powis cycle route proposals and discussion on road safety in Cambuskenneth with Michaela Jackson

Marco explained that were two funding streams supporting different active travel routes in the area.

  • Manor Powis/Alloa Rd route – Separate funding from Sustrans has already been secured for this route. The consultants have reviewed the previous work done on route proposals and are evaluating three proposals. However, their plans are not yet ready to release as they need to be checked by the Roads Department and an Equity assessment needs to be completed. Three options are under consideration – the first route largely continues along the current route making use of the pavement, the second route is north of the railway and south of Alloa Rd, and the third is south of the railway along the farm road to Broom Farm and under the A91. Graham asked about a pinch point where the northerly route joins the Alloa Rd heading west. The route will need to meet cycle route standards so this point may prove technically difficult and costly, as it may require land purchase and realignment of a wall. It is acknowledged that this is a difficult route to plan because of the necessary negotiations with individual landowners and Network Rail. Residents expressed their frustration that, despite this route having been identified as a priority for 15 years, it remains a dangerous route for cyclists and is a ‘missing link’ in the Sustrans long distance


route around the Forth. Marco explained that work is unlikely to start before 2026 because of its complexity. He hopes that route drawings will be available in late April/early May to then go for consultation.

  • Ladysneuk Rd to Forthside via Riverside – this route will be funded via the City Deal fund to develop Riverside, as outlined in the Community Council February minutes. Their proposals include traffic calming on Ladysneuk Rd, formalised parking, widening pavements, improved pedestrian crossing Graham complained that numerous drivers still exceed the speed limit on Ladysneuk Rd. There was discussion on the pros and cons of speed bumps or other traffic calming measures. The Council could monitor the speed of vehicles coming to and from the village and ask police to attend with cameras if particular times of day were identified as a problem. Residents can also complain directly to the police who will respond if there are sufficient complaints of a nuisance.


Request for members of Community Advisory Group for Ladysneuk Rd to City Centre Active Travel route

As part of the planning for the above route, Marco and Michaela wish to establish a Community Advisory Group to look at the detail of this route with local representatives. These do not need to be community councillors. There will also be a wider Northeast group to provide an overview of all routes and linkages. There will be one representative from the local group on the wider group. These groups will sit alongside direct community engagement. This led to further discussion about the delays in implementation of the Manor Powis project and a request that this project must go ahead, as it is the most dangerous route in the Stirling area. Officers are very keen to proceed with this project but it is very complex. The Community Council can advertise for local representatives for the advisory group and set a date for the first meeting.

Action: Elaine will advertise for community representatives


Treasurer’s Report

There has been little change in the financial balance sheet. We raised £229.25 from the Scottish Night and £230 has been donated to Strathcarron Hospice.

Our balance is now just under £4000.



Matters Arising (not covered below)

Stirling Car Club: A reply had been received from Julie at Stirling Council to explain that the Council is responsible for putting in the Car Club City Centre parking bays, but the Club is managed by Enterprise. She provided the contact details of the Regional Sales Manager of Enterprise and advised that we contact him directly to discuss the possibility of more local parking bays.

Action: Contact details passed on to Archie for CNEG to take forward.


Future funding of Cambuskenneth Village Hall

Although the funding of the lease is secure for the next year we need to consider options for the longer term. Rachel explained that we need to lobby councillors more actively and explain the need for the Hall to attract more support. Options include a Community buy out, although this was considered unfeasible when considered in the previous funding review. Jean Cowie is the Funding Officer in Stirling and can provide advice on funding sources. Rachel advised that we should contact Cowanes Trust again, and she will speak to the factor, Lorne Scott to explain our concerns. We agreed that we should make this the main agenda item at our next meeting to look at options and finances in more detail. Graham wished to raise further points at this meeting, and left when the Chair wished to move on to the next agenda item. He expressed dissatisfaction with the chairing of the meeting, stated that he was resigning and left directly without discussion.


Actions: Rachel Nunn will contact Lorne Scott to set up a meeting.

Elaine will include this item as the main agenda item of the April Council meeting.

Update: Graham has withdrawn his intention to resign by email to Archie

Welcome leaflet

Elaine had circulated the Welcome leaflet to several new residents who had responded positively to the leaflet and its content. One suggestion was to try to include a map of the area.

Action: Elaine will explore which open source maps are available to use without infringing copyright.


Funding of Cambuskenneth Nature & Environment Group events and pergola replacement

Elaine and Helen, Chair of CNEG, have met to discuss a funding application to Clackmannan & Stirling Environment Trust for resources to increase biodiversity within the village area and to replace the pergola with raised beds and new seating. They are awaiting further guidance from the Trust on how to apply. The Trust meets four times a year to award grants.

Action: Elaine and Helen to consider further what could be included in a funding application to CSET


Openreach cables over footbridge

Elaine reported that she had received further correspondence from Openreach who have been unable to reach an agreement with Cityfibre to use their ducting. It is likely that they will string a cable over the footbridge on telegraph poles. Because this is a permitted development within planning regulations, even in a Conservation Area, it is difficult to prevent the poles from being erected. Members of the public can complain to Openreach about the siting of poles in their area. There is an online form on their website.


Subgroup Report Social Subgroup

Community Councillors thanked Maggie for her hard work in making the Musical Evening such a success. Elaine reported that Murray Cook, the City Archaeologist, has agreed to give a Local History talk in May. She is waiting to hear from Historic Environment Scotland if this can include access to the Abbey grounds as part of the talk. It is also planned to hold a summer BBQ in June.


Resilience group

Graham had left the meeting and was not present to give an update.

Report from Councillors

Rachel reported that Councillors had voted to reject the quoted estimate of over £800,000 to repair the Christie Clock as it was too expensive, given the current budgetary constraints, and they will look at other possibilities to fill the gap site.

There will be a booking system for the main Household Waste and Recycling sites, requiring proof of address through vehicle registration to prevent Commercial and domestic non-residents using Stirling sites which are provided for Stirling residents only.


Police Report

Elaine had received a reply to her further enquiry about the need to close the footbridge. The Community Officer explained that the bridge would be closed for as long as was needed for officers to carry out any work required in relation to the incident. This would depend on how quickly different officers were free to attend. No police report had been received for March.

Action: Elaine will request a report for the next meeting


Questions from floor/ members of public



Community Council: Offer of full membership

Maggie has now attended three full meetings as a co-opted member. She was formally offered full membership of the Community Council and accepted. Archie welcomed her to the Council.

Community Council: Offer of co-opted membership

The Community Council is entitled to have 6 members based on the local population. Now that there are 5 full members, a further member can be co-opted. This will be advertised locally, and applications can be received until 12th April. Forms are available from Stirling Council and can be handed in to Community Councillors. A new member can be co-opted at the next meeting on 22 April. If more than one application is received, then a vote can be held at that meeting to choose the new member.


Date of next meeting: 7.30pm, Monday 22 April 2024 in the Village Hall


Stirling Council: 01786 404040, Police non-emergency 101, NHS 24 111

Scottish Power emergency: 105, Scottish Gas emergency: 0800 111999

Reminder: Minutes are available via the CC website and Facebook page. If you would like them emailed privately or paper copies, please let us know via email at or by contacting any CC member.