February 2022 Minutes

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Cambuskenneth Community Council

Meeting held on Monday 28th February 2022 @ 7.30pm in the Village Hall


Present : Ross McGregor(chair) Tessa Carroll (Vice Chair), John McCallum

In attendance: Councillor Jim Thomson, Scottish Conservative candidate for Stirling Council May 2022 elections Rachel Nunn

Helen Barrett attended to give an update on the Nature & Environment Group

Apologies: Linda Jones (Secretary), Barbara McElhinney (Treasurer), Elaine Turner

Items for AOCB


Adoption of previous minutes (24th January 2022)

Adopted as a true record Proposed – John Seconded – Tessa


Matters Arising


Maintenance of picnic benches and tables in park Councillor Jim Thomson was to ask Council officers about this – carry over


Phone Box update Elaine has asked Stirling Electric to check the phone box and proved a certificate that should be valid for 5 years, cost £75.

Wallace Monument Steering Group – No update.

Footbridge Maintenance – Councillor Jim Thomson is chasing the Gas Board.

Sheds at Village Hall – we will return to this topic in the better weather.

Increase in Hall Charges / Booking Procedure Ross will email Tracey Mills at Stirling Council before the next meeting.

Procedure for contacting SCC Tessa emailed our suggestions for making the procedure more user- friendly for us and received a detailed response and agreeing to some of our requests.

Dog Fouling – Tessa contacted Riverside CC who have provided bags and holders at their own expense. This has had some success but the problem worsened again during the winter. Jim Thomson said SC had tried various things with little success. Tessa will contact the dog warden for advice.

Getting some free bags from SC and leaving them in the phone box was suggested.

Newsletter/Welcome Leaflet Linda working on this, aiming for Spring.

Nature Subgroup – Helen attended to give an update. The group agreed to call itself the ‘Cambuskenneth Nature and Environment Group’. Aims to be discussed. Wildflower strip in the park needs strimmed; resident who has kindly done this in the past to be contacted. Group will investigate Scottish Government policies on subsidies for wildlife-friendly improvements to farmland before


contacting Hood Farm and Broom Farm about possibly working with the group; Ricoh also to be contacted. Plans for tubs, raised beds at park entrance as noted in January 2022 CC minutes; approval from Cowane’s Trust needed for the latter. John will repair pergola. Application to SC’s Community Pride Fund will be made through the CC; a plant sale to raise funds for these activities and the hanging baskets is also planned.

Lack of progress on the cycle path over/under/around the A91 and the railway line to Manor Powis (under rail bridge) was discussed and a meeting with all stakeholders suggested.

Jim Thomson will get an update on the cycle path and report back. Rachel Nunn will contact Dean Lockhart MSP about setting up a meeting.

Orchard Group – Emilie Wadsworth (Green Action Trust) has set provisional dates in March for work sessions in Tower Orchard and will confirm these with Mr Rennie at Hood Farm. Replacement trees have been/will be ordered, including one for the park entrance.

Sustrans Art – carry over


Defibrillator – Ross is chasing SC for a response from Cowane’s Trust for permission to install the defibrillator on the village hall so an electrician can be arranged.

Resilience – Nothing to report.

Social Events carry over


Ladysneuk Road Flooding & Closure – Jim Thomson will follow up with roads officers why a sign appeared stating Ladysneuk Road was closed during the most recent flooding (20 February) and make it clear that this is the only road into the village.

Walk, Cycle, Live Stirling (Benches) – The funding of a bench at Causewayhead under the Walk, Cycle, Live Stirling initiative was raised by a resident and discussed.

Fundraising Events carry over


Report from Councillor – Council meeting to discuss budget in mid-March, after which councillors cannot get involved in anything deemed political when they stand down before May council elections.

Treasurer’s Report – carry over


Police Report – None

Date of next meeting: Monday 28th March 2022 at 7.30pm in the village hall.


Stirling Council: 01786 404040, Police non-emergency 101, NHS 24: 111

Scottish Power emergency: 105, Scottish Gas emergency: 0800 111999

Reminder: Minutes are available via the CC website and Facebook page. If you want them emailed privately or paper copies, please let us know via email at cambuskennethcc@gmail.com or by contacting any CC member.