Sept 2021 Minutes

Cambuskenneth Community Council

Meeting held on Monday 27th September 2021 @ 7.30pm (online)


Present: Ross McGregor (Chair), Tessa Carroll (Vice Chair), Linda Jones (Secretary), Elaine Turner,
John McCallum

In attendance: Councillor Susan McGill (joined at 20:43)

Apologies: Barbara McElhinney (Treasurer)


Items for AOCB – none


Adoption of previous minutes (23rd August 2021)

Adopted as a true record; proposed – Ross, seconded – Linda


Matters Arising

Maintenance of picnic benches and tables in park – Councillor Jim Thomson was to ask Council
officers about this – carry over again – Ross will email Jim.


Phone Box update – Elaine has spoken to Alan, the electrician, who is not aware of a specific
certificate, but will see if she can obtain a written note from him in case it is needed in the future.



Ross has emailed our local policing team asking for speed checks for the village; they will look into
this in the next few weeks.

Tessa has also sent an email to all our councillors and the CC enquiries address about the state of
the resurfaced road and pavement on Ladysneuk Road and we have had no reply to date.

The council replied to an article in the press on North Street where a resident complained about
the state of disrepair with a date of next year for resurfacing.


Wallace Monument Steering Group

Nothing to update; there is a meeting later in September.


Hanging Baskets

Ross expressed his thanks to Martin & Vic and everyone who watered and took care of the baskets
over the summer.

Suggestion to buy plants in bulk next year and refill some of the leftover baskets and perhaps
raffle them to raise funds; this will depend on the CC budget. Perhaps go for tubs next year in
some places where the baskets are very exposed to the elements.

Prices needed for a new trolley for next spring.


Nature Subgroup

First meeting is Saturday 9th October, 10:30am at Helen Barrett’s house, 4 Ferry Orchard. Linda

has posted it on Facebook and put some posters up in the village hall.


Sustrans Art

No volunteers as yet; Elaine will do a poster. Maybe advertise in Riverside but keep clear it is a
Cambuskenneth project.



Anne Marie gave a short presentation about defibrillators and what having one in the village
entails. It needs to be wired into an electricity supply, and a guardian needs to be appointed to
check it monthly and after deployment – Anne Marie is willing to be the guardian, and the charity
she works for (AEDdonate) provides aftercare. AEDdonate would donate £500, leaving approx.

£1400 remaining cost. Running costs: £6-10 electricity annually; replacement pads & battery
approx. £100 every 2 years. Defibrillators are registered with the ambulance service and national
defibrillator registration service; a 999 call will provide an access code.

Anne Marie and Ross will both write to the council for permission to site the defibrillator on the
village hall. Elaine will look into running a first aid course.



Linda attended a workshop run by Stirling Council involving rural Stirlingshire villages. Linda will
put the slides from the presentation on the CC members’ shared drive when received.

Need to start thinking about a subgroup even if only as an information-gathering mechanism.
Need to identify people in the village who would be useful and have the correct skillset, and also
vulnerable people.

Linda will look on SCC website to see if resilience info has been updated. Ross will put Linda in
touch with a resident who’s expressed a willingness to be involved in resilience planning.


Footbridge Maintenance

Ross has emailed Councillor Jim Thomson about the gaspipe and he has chased council officers but
no reply to date.


Bins at Village Hall Permit

Grey bin is now a commercial bin. It is full and not being emptied. It is out on the pavement
tonight (27th September); let Tessa know if it doesn’t get emptied and she will contact Jim

Update 3 October: the bin was emptied.


Procedure for community councils contacting Stirling Council

Currently a single point email address – CC members have had varying success with this.
Raise this with councillors when they next attend our meetings.


Tree Felling on Riverside

A resident had wanted to speak to the councillors about the ash tree that had been felled; Ross
explained that the tree was diseased. No update on further tree felling since the last meeting.


Increase in Hall Charges/Booking Procedure

High increases in charges, e.g. up from £14 to £26 per hour concessionary rate at the weekends.
This will make it extremely difficult for any CC events to make a profit for funds to be used for the

Councillor Susan McGill was not aware of these huge increases and will investigate these and also
why a caretaker is now necessary.


Sheds at Village Hall

The larger shed is being emptied next weekend.


Ross will email Stirling Council to ask about who owns the third shed and to let them know that
the smaller one is in danger of collapsing and is a health and safety issue.


Stirling 10K

This went well with lots of local support. The road wasn’t closed as the marshalling was extremely
effective. One of our newest residents won the event.

Tessa will email thanks to the athletics club contact.



Due to issues surrounding Covid-19 it may be Spring before we can start having events again.

John to have a chat with one of the residents who runs the coffee mornings, which are not CC
events and therefore not covered by our insurance.

Potential raffle for a Christmas Hamper but we need more volunteers to sell tickets round houses.

Members agreed they need to meet with Barbara (Treasurer) to discuss what funds we have and
how to fundraise for future. Linda is happy to have this meeting at her house.

Put on the agenda for the next meeting.


Treasurers Report

Barbara not present. £744 deficit this year already. It was good to have the barbecue as an event,
even at a small loss.


Report from Councillors

Susan McGill:

National Care Service consultation extended to 2nd November, please put your views forward

SCC are currently consulting on budget.

Three Afghan families have settled in Stirling with hopes for more in the future. Ross very pleased
to hear this.

SCC meetings will be livestreamed soon to allow more involvement from the public.

Received by email after meeting: Community Councils meeting in person will be discussed at the
next Council meeting on 7th October; if passed, CCs will be able to meet face-to-face if they wish.


Police Report

No report has been received. Linda will email them to ask when they expect reports to resume.



Condolences to the families of Neil Smith and Jimmy Wyllie, both former CC members, who have
recently passed away.


Date of next meeting: Monday 25th October at 7.30pm. Details (including whether online or in
village hall) to be announced nearer the time on CC website.


Stirling Council 01786 404040, Police non-emergency 101, NHS-24: 111

Scottish Power emergency 105, Scottish Gas emergency 0800 111999

Reminder: Minutes are available via the CC website and Facebook page. If you want them
emailed privately or paper copies, please let us know via email at or by contacting any CC member.