Jan 2021 Minutes



Monday 25 January 2021


Members Present: - Ross McGregor (Chair), Tessa Carroll (Vice Chair), Barbara McElhinney
(Treasurer), Linda Jones (Secretary), John McCallum, and Elaine Turner

In attendance: Councillor Jim Thomson, Councillor Susan McGill, one resident and Fraser
Sinclair (minute taker)


Ross McGregor re-joined the meeting after the AGM.


  1. Adoption of Previous Minutes

    Minutes of the meeting of 16 November 2020 were approved. Proposed by Elaine and
    seconded by John.

  2. Matters Arising (not covered below)
    Waterside Cottage

    Some of the Heras fencing is down again.

    Action: John will contact the architect for the site again to get the fencing reinstated.


    Newsletter – Christmas window competition

    The CC wished to thank all residents who took part in decorating their Christmas windows,
    which cheered up the village; prizes were given to the best-dressed windows.


    Wallace Monument Steering Group

    Ross advised that he was unable to attend the online meeting on 21 January due to the
    power cut.


  3. Park Update

    New play equipment is being installed thanks to the successful Your Stirling, You Decide bid,
    and children having been using it already. The CC wished to thank Stirling Council for
    progressing this work. Councillor Thomson advised that the team will return to reinstate the
    grass damaged during the work.

    Resident said that existing equipment was also supposed to be repaired/upgraded, noting
    that the digger in the sandpit is extremely popular, but the sandpit is in a poor state. Barbara
    reported that the rocking seat in the sandpit is also broken. John asked whether sandpits are
    still being installed, given concerns about glass and needles and dog waste.

    Councillor Thomson reported that Park Rules are being reviewed and there will be
    consultation with residents shortly.

    Action: Councillor Thomson to contact Land Services about sandpits and the rocking seat.


  4. Phone Box

    Cllr Thomson confirmed that the phone box has been included in SC’s lease for the park.

    The CC agreed the priority is to carry out remedial work on the box in the spring/summer
    before deciding its future use.

    Action: Elaine to do some background work on obtaining material costs. Linda to forward link
    to website with information about the model of the phone box etc. to Elaine.



  5. Footpath to Manor Powis

    Elaine advised that the stile has been fixed, which is good – not sure by whom.


  6. Speed Limits/Ladysneuk Road

    The CC has been notified by SC Roads that the reduction to 20mph within the village will be
    implemented soon, and this can also include signing for the safe access for cycling and
    walking. A gateway sign at the village entrance was also suggested, but as the village already
    has a large decorative sign a little further out, the CC decided this was not needed.

    The CC has also received a road order for a reduction to 30mph for the rest of Ladysneuk
    Road. Resident reported that SC’s website says, ‘Introduction of 20mph limit in Raploch and
    on Ladysneuk Road and in Cambuskenneth’, which is not what the CC has been advised.

    Councillor Thomson advised that the Spaces for People report was approved last week.
    Although the measures are temporary, Sustrans have been contacted about making the
    measures permanent if successful and SC are awaiting feedback from Sustrans.

    Action: Councillor Thomson to obtain from the council officers a clear current statement of
    their proposals on speed limits for Cambuskenneth and Ladysneuk Road to resolve the
    confusion of previous iterations and publicity.


  7. Councillors’ Reports

    Cllr McGill advised that numbers of covid-19 cases in Stirling have plateaued out somewhat,
    and the vaccination programme is rolling out. Stirling Council are working on the Budget,
    which is very challenging. Education is going well during lockdown, with schools open for
    essential workers’ children.

    Cllr Thomson talked about the new waste bins rollout and winter maintenance. With cutbacks,
    there are discussions about priorities for next winter, possibly reducing winter maintenance of
    side roads to focus on main roads and pavements; this will be a part of budget consultation.

    Ross complimented Stirling Council on the bin rollout in the village – all seemed to go
    smoothly. He noted however that the wheels from the bins had gone in the compost lorry;
    Councillor Thomson had raised this and been told the wheels are recovered later. Resident
    reported that the grey bin for the village hall had not been replaced in the rollout.

    Action: Councillor Thomson to liaise with Waste about a new grey bin for the village hall.


  8. Winter Condition of Footbridge

    Resident raised the lack of suitable treatment to the footbridge in winter conditions, given it is
    a well-used bridge and an essential route. The resident asked whether a risk assessment had
    been carried out and would like to see the footbridge treated properly and/or at least handrails
    added to the bridge to assist in icy weather. Elaine noted that use of the footbridge and
    pavements has increased during the pandemic restrictions.

    Councillor Thomson took the resident’s point and has raised this issue with officers before. He
    advised that with a limited budget there will be streets and pavements that will not be gritted,
    but consultation on priorities for treating roads, pavements, streets happening later this year.

    Elaine asked about the smaller machines used for pavements in e.g. Killin and Callander and
    whether these could be used. Councillor Thomson advised that these are being utilised, and
    currently routes to vaccination centres are being prioritised.


  9. Cycle Track to Manor Powis

    A resident had contacted the Community Council to report they had been in touch with Stirling
    Council about the lack of progress on the missing link of the cycle track to Manor Powis.


    Response from the Council is that they are working with Sustrans and progressing the
    necessary land acquisition.

    Councillor Thomson had spoken to Sustrans before Christmas and Sustrans are still in
    discussions with Network Rail regarding the cycle track.

    Action: Councillor Thomson advised he will follow up on discussions with them.


  10. Pergola at Abbey

    Ross had noticed that part of the pergola is rotten and looks like it needs repaired/replaced,
    and was wondering who owned it. Tessa noted that the bench under it has a plaque for the
    Village in Bloom competition in 1991.

    Action: Elaine will ask residents who live near the pergola if they know who purchased/put up
    the pergola.

    John will check the pergola with a view to carrying out repairs in the spring/summer.

  11. AOCB
    Broadband/City Fibre

    Councillor Thomson has asked his contact at City Fibre for an update on the rollout of Gigabit
    fibre broadband in Cambuskenneth.


    Spaces for People

    Resident asked about the criteria used in the selection of projects for Spaces for People
    funding. Councillor Thomson explained that the criteria were set by Sustrans; some
    suggestions had been rejected out of hand, others because of objections; consideration was
    also given to a geographical spread of projects. If there is money left, some suggested
    projects will be revisited.

    Action: Resident to send Cllr Thomson a list of the suggestions they had made for feedback.


    Donation from resident

    Thanks to Evelyn Paton for her kind donation to Community Council funds.


    Duke of Edinburgh scheme query

    A resident had contacted the CC about their child running an activity for younger children as
    part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme.

    Action: Linda will contact the resident to find out more.


  12. Next Meeting


Monday 22 February 2021 at 7.30pm, online unless
Scottish Government Guidance changes.

Details to be announced nearer the time on CC website


Stirling Council 01786 404040, Police non-emergency 101, NHS-24: 111

Scottish Power emergency 105, Scottish Gas emergency 0800 111999


Reminder: Minutes are available via the CC website and Facebook page. If you want
them emailed privately or paper copies please let us know via email at
cambuskennethcc@gmail.com or by contacting any CC member.