Aug 2021 Minutes


Cambuskenneth Community Council


Meeting held on Monday 23rd August 2021, after AGM at 7.30pm (online)


Members present: Ross McGregor (Chair), Tessa Carroll (Vice Chair), Linda Jones (Secretary),
Barbara McElhinney (Treasurer), John McCallum

In attendance: Anne Marie Oates (Minute Taker), one resident

Apologies: Elaine Turner


Items for AOCB – none



Adoption of previous minutes (24th May 2021)

Adopted as a true record
Proposed – BarbaraSeconded – Ross

Update: It was noticed after the meeting that a mistake had been made in recording the
attendance of Councillors. A corrected version will be sent to all concerned.


Matters Arising

Maintenance of picnic benches and tables in park – Councillor Jim Thomson was to ask Council
officers about this – – carry over to next meeting.


Phone Box update – The “swap shop” is going well and Barbara confirmed that there is insurance
in place. The door hits the pavement when opened and rain leaks in because the pavement slopes
towards the box.

Ask at next meeting if the Roads Department can do anything to help, if any Councillors are

Ask Elaine about the Safety Certificate for the electrical check.



There has been no feedback for or against the reduction to 30mph on Ladysneuk Road outside the
village, but some traffic is still going too fast on Ladysneuk Road and in the village itself. The
subject of speed bumps at the entrance to the village has been raised again by residents. A lot of
complaints have been received about the state of the road into the village after the recent

Ross will investigate who is best to contact (Community Police or Traffic Police) about speeding.

Linda and Tessa will draft an email about the resurfacing to our councillors with the following

  1. No notice given

  2. Health & Safety – lack of traffic management

  3. Speed signs painted on road only days before resurfacing

  4. Amount of chippings left on road and pavement – poor conditions for drivers, cyclists,

and pass it round to other CC members for input and comments.



It has been difficult to source timber for repairs. John is waiting until autumn when the plants
have died down and the hanging baskets have been removed.


Wallace Monument Steering Group

There have been no meetings over the summer.


Hanging Baskets

The trolley needs replacing. To be investigated.



At least one member of the Community Council needs to be on each subgroup, but NOT to chair it.
Minutes also need to be taken and recorded and passed on to the CC. Residents who would like to
be involved in any of these subgroups are encouraged to contact the CC.

  • Environmental – Ross will contact the resident who suggested this subgroup to propose a date
    for an initial meeting, possibly outdoors, to work out what to do and who is going to do what.

  • Sustrans Art/Phone Box – Elaine will be the main contact. Linda is happy to be on the rota to
    check the phone box.

  • Resilience –Wait until the village hall opens up; needs to be in conjunction with Stirling
    Council. John and Linda are happy to help.

  • Defibrillator – Anne Marie will do a presentation to the Community Council, as she works with
    a defibrillator charity and has some funding in place to part fund an external defibrillator for
    the village. Tessa is happy to help.


Footbridge Maintenance

No new information at present. Councillor Thomson was to chase this up; Ross will contact him.


Bins at Village Hall

A new grey bin has been received. Tessa will chase Councillor Thomson about a permit for the
brown bin.


Causewayhead Road 20mph Speed Limit

The discussion indicated that drivers are not happy with the reduced speed limit; some cyclists are
and some are not. It is a temporary speed limit under the Spaces for People scheme, so any
comments should be sent to Stirling Council.

Keep on agenda for the next meeting when hopefully some Councillors will be present and bring
it up with them.


Parking on North Street

Parking here is problematic; the street is narrow, so people are forced to park partially on the
pavement to allow other traffic to pass. Once again, the CC asks people to park considerately so as
not to block the pavement or road.

We will keep an eye on this going forward.


Procedure for CC to contact Stirling Council

The procedure for the CC to contact Stirling Council now requires all queries to a central email
address. Our experience so far is that this is a bureaucratic process that slows communication and
makes it difficult to keep track of queries.

Speak to Councillors at the next meeting if in attendance.


Tree works by the river

An ash tree has been cut down due to ash dieback and more work is planned to reduce two birch
trees and remove ivy from willow trees; this is concerning as ivy is a valuable nature habitat.

Keep an eye on the trees and respond when we know more.


Fundraising and events

BBQ scheduled for Saturday 11th September, start 4pm. Linda will book the hall. Ross is happy to
cook again, Linda happy to do some salads. There will be a raffle to raise funds. No bouncy castle
this time due to covid. CC members to discuss planning in more detail later.


It was suggested that an archive of items collected of the village over the years should be
exhibited in the village hall. This was prompted by an old picture of the bridge under construction
recently posted on Facebook.

Keep this on the agenda for when the hall reopens.


The remainder of the agenda will be forwarded to the next meeting due to time constraints. No
Councillors or police officers attended so there were no reports from them.


Date of next meeting Monday 27th September 2021 at 7.30pm (online). Details to be announced
nearer the time on CC website.


Stirling Council 01786 404040, Police non-emergency 101, NHS-24: 111

Scottish Power emergency 105, Scottish Gas emergency 0800 111999


Reminder: Minutes are available via the CC website and Facebook page. If you want them
emailed privately or paper copies, please let us know via email at or by contacting any CC member.