April 2021 Minutes



Monday 26 April 2021


Members Present: Ross McGregor (Chair), Tessa Carroll (Vice Chair), Linda Jones
(Secretary), Barbara McElhinney (Treasurer), John McCallum, and Elaine Turner

In attendance: Councillor Danny Gibson, one resident
Apologies: Councillor Jim Thomson, Andy Davis (Stirling Council)
Minutes were taken by Tessa Carroll.

  1. Adoption of Previous Minutes

    Minutes of the meeting of 22 March 2021 were approved. Proposed by Elaine, seconded by


  2. Matters Arising (not covered below)

    Cycle Track to Manor Powis / Pavement on Alloa Rd

    Elaine and a resident reported that the pavement on Alloa Rd had been very minimally
    patched and the surface smoothed.


  3. Park Update

    Linda had contacted Chris Burns at Stirling Council. There is no budget for returfing the bare
    areas in the park so they will be reseeded. The broken springer in the sandpit will be replaced
    with a new one and the sand will be topped up. Barbara noted that some of the matting round
    the new equipment is bumpy; a resident has contacted SC about this as a trip hazard.

    Action: Linda will mail SC again about these issues.

    Action: Councillor Gibson will mail Councillor Thomson about maintenance of the picnic
    benches and tables.

    Ross had reported litter and evidence of a fire being lit in the park to the police.


  4. Phone Box

    Elaine had not yet managed to speak to the painter & decorator resident who is willing to
    paint the phone box. She will liaise with him about preparation and recommendations for
    materials to get more detailed costings. She will clean the box and this will be another
    opportunity for residents passing by to give their views on what the box should be used for.
    John asked whether a lock could/should be put on the box. Insurance was also discussed.

    Action: Barbara will phone the insurers about including the phone box in the CC cover.


  5. Speed Limits - Ladysneuk Road & village; ‘no through route’ sign; Stirling Council
    Spaces for People

    The CC had received email notification about a 30mph limit to be introduced on Ladysneuk
    Rd, but with no mention of temporary status, as discussed at the last CC meeting.

    Action: Ross will mail Councillor Thomson, as he was going to speak to the relevant council
    officers about this.

    John noted that parking on pavements is already illegal, and the change in 2022 relates to
    who will enforce this.

    Ross noted the discussion at the previous meeting about developing a community plan;
    information from Andy Davis on this is needed.

    Stirling Council’s Spaces for People proposals include discussion of adding marked cycling
    lanes on Ladysneuk Rd. The group discussed this. Councillor Gibson noted that a section of a
    road out to Doune Ponds has had the centre line removed and lanes either side so cycles
    have priority; he will mail the CC with details. Elaine is familiar with that section of road, which
    is very short, and did not think it would work for Ladysneuk Rd.

    The permanent ‘no through route’ signs had been reinstated at the top of Ladysneuk Rd.
    Alloa Rd is currently open to eastbound traffic.


  6. Pergola at Abbey

    Repairs on the pergola still to be carried out.

    Thanks to Margaret Hughes for looking after the flower beds around the pergola for many
    years. Linda had posted a request for volunteers to take over on the CC Facebook page, but
    so far there have been no responses.


  7. Wallace Monument Steering Group

    Ross had not been able to attend the most recent meeting.


  8. Arts projects on Sustrans routes

    Elaine had been in touch with Stirling Council to identify ownership of areas that might be
    used for artworks, and had spoken to a local artist who had suggested speaking to Judy Jam
    Jar, who makes mosaics. The costs for Judy Jam Jar’s work seem feasible in terms of
    Sustrans grants and other possible funding. Elaine will carry on exploring various aspects;
    this a long-term project that could take over a year and could involve working with Riverside
    CC, primary school etc.


  9. Flooding in farm field next to Abbey

    The flooding had now gone in the dry weather, but Barbara will look into it, as it is likely to
    recur next winter. John wondered if it was caused by a blocked old drainage ditch.

    Action: Barbara to contact Stirling Council


  10. Flooding/leak on Ladysneuk Road

    Another repair had been carried out on Ladysneuk Rd and the leak has finally been fixed.

    A resident noted that the temporary patch further along Ladysneuk Rd after work last year on
    flooding there is broken up and a hazard to road users.

    Action: Tessa will email the roads contact at Stirling Council about the temporary patch.

    Update 8/5/21: The patch has now been repaired.


  11. Wildflowers in park – On the Verge

    Tessa and another resident had cleared away the strimmings from the wildflower strip. This
    highlighted the need for the brown bin at the village hall to continue to be emptied under the
    new permit scheme – see 18. Bins at village hall.

    Action: Ross will contact Councillor Thomson about this.


  12. Hanging baskets

    Martin Parry is waiting for a quote from Homesteads. The CC has discussed reducing the
    number of baskets this year, given the lack of income over the last year, and will decide
    based on the quote. Martin asked Homesteads about using pollinator-friendly plants and has sent them some RHS info about this. Ross suggested that a combination of the usual plants
    and more pollinator-friendly ones might be possible in future.


  13. Sub-groups

    Ross had emailed Riverside CC to ask how their sub-groups work but had not yet heard back.

    The group agreed that sub-groups affiliated to the CC, e.g. for nature, the art project, were a
    good idea. Ross is keen to be involved in a nature sub-group, including e.g. nest boxes as
    well as the gardening/wildflower aspects.


  14. Maintenance of footbridge

    Councillor Thomson had sent the most recent specialist report on the footbridge to the CC.
    The report covers only the structure, not the utilities. A resident had contacted Scottish Gas
    Network about the exposed gas pipe in the past.

    Action: Councillor Gibson will follow up on this.


  15. Broadband/CityFibre

    Linda had recently had fibre broadband installed and advised anyone else doing so to discuss
    the siting of the box with the engineers, as it may be possible to avoid the box being installed
    on the outside wall of the house.


  16. Waterside Cottage

No update.

Action: Councillor Gibson will mail Abby Kelman, his contact at Taylor Wimpey.


17. 2021 AGM

Action: Barbara will mail Jean Cowie at Stirling Council about the rules about timing of the


  1. Bins at village hall

    The grey bin at the village hall has still not been replaced from when the new bins were
    supplied. Residents who voluntarily do work on the area behind the hall and in the park need
    to use the brown bin, so this still needs to be emptied under the new permit scheme. John
    noted that a glass box is also needed.

    Action: Ross will email Councillor Thomson.


  2. Website

    The CC website has been hacked – a Wordpress issue. Linda and Martin have been trying to
    retrieve it and will have to rebuild it from the offline version. Any suggestions for changes to
    the site to Linda.


  3. Fundraising/events

    Elaine asked whether Stirling Council will give any guidance to CCs on hosting events as the
    Covid-19 restrictions ease. Councillor Gibson said there is a lot of information about
    organised events on the Scottish Government website, but Elaine noted that this is aimed at
    businesses, not voluntary groups. Councillor Gibson said any guidance for such groups is
    more likely to come from the Scottish Government than from Stirling Council. Barbara noted
    that the Visit Scotland website has some guidance on holding and delivering events.

    It was agreed to schedule Saturday 21 August as a provisional date for a village barbecue,
    restrictions and guidance permitting.


  4. Treasurer’s Report

    Barbara reported there is not much change in the CC finances: just over £2,500 ringfenced
    for the hall and park; around £2,300 general funds; £264 deficit in 2020-21. Alan Loughray
    has agreed to audit the 2020-21 accounts.


  5. Councillors’ Report

    Councillor Gibson reported that things are quiet at the moment in the pre-election period.


  6. Police report

    No police reports are being issued during the pandemic. However, Ross had reported
    evidence of anti-social behaviour (traces of a fire by one of the picnic benches, litter, including
    broken bottles) to the Ward police officers.


  7. AOCB

    Giant hogweed on Ladysneuk Rd

    Giant hogweed has appeared on the verge between the two benches on Ladysneuk Rd.

    Action: John will deal with this.


    Minute taker

    Thanks to Fraser Sinclair, who has stepped down as minute taker. The CC is looking for a
    new minute taker; anyone who is interested, please contact the CC.

    Action: Linda to post this on the CC Facebook page.


  8. Next Meeting


Monday 24 May 2021 at 7.30pm, online unless Scottish
Government Guidance changes.

Details to be announced nearer the time on CC website


Stirling Council 01786 404040, Police non-emergency 101, NHS-24: 111

Scottish Power emergency 105, Scottish Gas emergency 0800 111999


Reminder: Minutes are available via the CC website and Facebook page. If you want
them emailed privately or paper copies please let us know via email at
cambuskennethcc@gmail.com or by contacting any CC member.