January 2024 Minutes

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Approved minutes of Cambusbarron Community Council Ordinary meeting 158 held Tuesday 16 January 2024 at 7pm at the Community Centre

In attendance
Ann Finlayson, Chair, AF Melissa Nelson, Treasurer, MN Shaun Nesbitt, Planning, SN Jennifer McLeod, JMcL Jennifer Haggerty, Secretary, JH David Ross, DR Dawn Marie Todd - Events Group, DMT Niall Hunter, Wind2, NH
Ryan Bissoonauth, Wind2, RB Helen Bang, minute clerk, HB

Officers not in attendance at this meeting
Richard Blore, Lynda Simpson.

1 Introductions and welcome

1.1 The Chair, AF, welcomed everyone to the meeting especially NH and RB from Wind2.
Apologies were received from Richard Blore and Lynda Simpson.

1.2 Conflicts of interest were declared:
Ann Finlayson– CCDT Board, Walled Garden and Management Group,
Melissa Nelson– CCDT Walled Garden,
Richard Blore–CCDT Management Group
Lynda Simpson- CVN employee and director
Jennifer Haggerty- CVN director
Dawn Marie Todd- Events Group
Shaun Nesbitt- none.
Jennifer Macleod- CVN employee
David Ross, DR

1.3 The minutes of the November 2023 meeting were approved. Proposed DMT, seconded JH. ACTION HB send to AF for Stirling Council.

1.4 The actions from November meeting were reviewed:


1.3 Approved Minutes from Oct and draft Nov minutes to AF done

2.1 Website agenda

2.3 Funding for benches agenda

2.4 Moles (?) issue at playpark agenda

2.5.1 New Roads appointee JP
AF to follow up

2.7 Land entrance to football pitches need to establish ownership JP
AF to follow up

2.10 Garages in Thomson Place JP
AF to follow up

2.14 Goodwill Fund – more information required agenda

3.2 School concerns – forward email FAB
Investigate decision on birth rate/ falling school rolls JP

AF to follow up
David Wilson Homes to be asked about moneys ringfenced for
school expansion agenda

3.5 Greener Cambusbarron grant application status AF

4.1 Wee Cambusbarron Rovers constitutional position ??? KG
This was confirmed

6.2 Housing concerns JP
AF to follow up

2. Matters arising

2.1 Cambusbarron Primary School extension/new build update
Disappointment was expressed that the elected rep was not in attendance as promised in the light of the school meeting being held on 17 January. Why were CC not invited to this meeting? What's happening to the £5 million?

2.1.1 It should be stressed that this should not be a one-hit meeting, it needs to be a continuing discussion. An email was sent just after Christmas, Headteacher Mr Hill sent out something last year, but CC has not been invited to meetings.

2.1.2 Is the Parent Council well-informed enough regarding the issue? Formal communication between the school and the CC has broken down. The school is just communicating with parents directly, not with the CC.

2.1.3 A CC councillor used to attend the old School Board. This no longer happens.

2.1.4 Meetings should be publicly advertised. At the last Parent Council AGM there were only 8 people in attendance including the Head Teacher. Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and Jennifer Haggerty. It was an online meeting.

2.1.5 What is the proposal? The CC hasn't been told but Stirling Council has decided provision is not urgent, no extension or new school is planned. Can they use the £5 million for something else.

2.1.6 Seven Sisters - a housing estate had to have so much social housing. We should have got 48. On plans it was 15 or 20. Affordable housing comes from a fund and they were diverting it to Raploch. The CC complained about this. The £5 million was only for the primary school as the secondary school wasn't in the application. £250K for transportation for crossings, roundabout etc.
Even if only half the new houses have children, the school lacks capacity in the opinion of the CC.

2.1.7 Could a planning officer attend a CC meeting to explain the process? With Christine Cox having left who is in charge? This is not known. It was felt that the planning department at Stirling Council is understaffed currently.

2.3 Drummarnock windfarm - taken first as external people in attendance. Niall Hunter and Ryan Bissoonauth from Wind2 attended. A report was circulated to the CC at the meeting.

2.3.1 It has been almost a year since the exhibition held last year. Project summary. 4 wind turbines in total, they are up to 180 metres in height. They are larger but 1 is equal to 3 previous turbines. The full project should meet the needs of 24,850 homes. Wind2 are undertaking a suite of assessments. They anticipate submitting planning application in April/May 2024. Access to the site from Junction 9 M9 proposed route via A872 and New Line Road. Grid connection is Bonnybridge substation, approx 11km from the site boundary.

2.3.2 Environmental considerations - landscape and visual impact, onsite peat and cultural heritage in relation to scheduled monuments nearby.

2.3.3 It is adjacent to operational Craigengelt Wind Farm and Earlsburn and Kingsburn Wind Farm developments. Local area is sought after owing to high wind speeds, proximity to grid infrastructure and proximity to major roads for delivery of turbines.

2.3.4 Environmental Impact Report will assess landscape and visual and noise impacts. Questions - how being assessed. They have employed independent noise consultants to model current noise baseline to ensure new development won't exceed agreed levels.

2.3.5 Question: Why can't it link into existing wind farm infrastructure?
Answer: The existing cable would need upgrading. The grid treats all as individual - cable sized exactly for what needed on particular project, not larger to accommodate possible future projects.

2.3.6 Question: Stirling Council planning. How have Wind2 found this so far - staffing levels have declined dramatically, is this a realistic timeframe?
Answer: So far have found them very co-operative and this has been a
smooth process.
(The CC has had planning issues with Stirling Council see CCDT issues on lease.)

2.3.7 Wind2 discussed zone of theoretical visibility - tip height. A map was distributed showing different areas. This is mostly to the east of the site owing to site topography. Most visibility in Cambusbarron is centred in the centre of the village.

2.3.8 £150K community benefit fund estimated is to be split between neighbouring community councils. The intention is to establish this distribution fairly considering impacts of visibility but also areas that will have to be accessed during construction etc - proposed access route, anticipated grid connection route. Communities with higher levels of impact would be placed into a higher tiers and receive a larger share of the community benefit fund.
The host community council is the most impacted - Carron Valley & District Community Council.

2.3.9 Question: who is deciding this?
Answer: Wind2 are conducting an assessment and will issue a paper to all community councils going into more detail on why a particular CC is in a particular tier. The Chair pointed out that this has been a contentious issue in the past.

2.3.10 Question: Is how a community is going to use the money in their community an issue? ie. how many people will benefit etc.
Answer: Wind2 - until a project is confirmed it is impossible to know as what impacts will be as these are discovered at the end of the planning process so involving communities too early in detailed issues is not a good idea for something that might not ever get planning consent.
Highland Councils have a guidance document. South Lanarkshire take half of the money into the Council pot that anyone can make a grant claim on. The rest is up to the windfarms as to how it is distributed. Stirling Council do not have any such document.

2.3.11 Discussion - what a CC is going to do with the money should be relevant when deciding how the money is divided up. As there is no national agreement - e.g. compulsory community benefit, index linked benefits, it is difficult to know what the benefit will be. Some councils try to apply a community benefit as a condition of planning but it varies from council to council. Wind2 pointed out that information on current agreements between wind farms and communities is not publicly available information, at least not readily public available.

2.3.14 Criteria for planning. Community benefit is not a criteria measured against. It's usually the landscape impact, peatland habitats with NatureScot and SEPA. A turbine has had to be resited because of environmental reasons. An emergency service link had been installed.

2.3.15 The windfarm would lease the track and turbine location from the landowner for the lifetime of the windfarm.

2.3.16 Question on timescale. If planning submitted by summer, probably a year to get consent, perhaps a couple of years so into 2026. 9 months to discharge planning conditions. In the meantime Wind2 would need to procure turbines from a manufacturer. Perhaps 2028, it could be sooner, may be later. Benefits would be payable from start of turbine operation, i.e. when generating electricity and money. But once project is going ahead there has been the potential to bring forward some funding if required by a community. They are open to discussing this.

2.3.17 Community shared ownership. This is being explored. If a community has shares in a windfarm the money is technically theirs, but it is a complicated model, e.g. how much can the community raise, how would they service the initial debt to borrow the money for construction etc. There are other examples in the UK. This is something to look at once the project is granted planning permission. Local Energy Scotland - Wind2 have relevant contacts if required at a future date.

2.3.18 Question - in some communities people have bought shares in a turbine, saving on their electricity bills. Could this be an option?
Answer: Wind2 restarted in 2017, it has historic projects sold off to other suppliers. They do not have this type of model currently. They have some projects in development. It was observed that Fintry have gained benefit from turbine ownership, but this model is no longer available.

2.3.19 Next steps - the planning application will be advertised to the general public who will have the opportunity to submit comments of support or objection. Wind2 will continue conversations with local communities regarding community benefit. Further meetings can be arranged if required. www.drummarnockwindfarm.co.uk Email: niall.hunter@wind2.com 

2.3 Joint website – MN
Ongoing. ACTION MN to email Ross to organise this.
It was agreed to move ahead in the meantime with a CC website and the development trust can join at a later date. ACTION MN email Derek Townsend regarding any increased cost.

2.4 Funding for website community pride application. See above.

2.5 Burnside Orchard - RB
Ongoing - awaiting new season.

2.6 Benches Touch Road benches - RB

2.7 Playpark improvements - AF
Everything is on order. Trim trail on order. Stirling Council will put it in place. The replacement tower, this is now on order. Would like to have it in place for the Easter holidays.

2.8 Quarry Road - JM
DR queried a footpath up and over the burn. ACTION AF contact Jimmy McArthur.

2.9 Road sign near Walled Garden
Now in place.

2.10 Fleming Trust bookcase - AF

2.11 Who owns the land around the entrance to football park? – JP
No response received from JP.

2.12 Rovers park bridge safety concerns - see above.

2.13 Garages in Thomson Place - MN

2.14 Forum 5
ACTION AF contact Fern.

2.15 Drug use/discarded needles - ongoing. Lynda was going to speak to pharmacy.

2.16 Cambusbarron Goodwill Fund
More people are needed to serve on this Board. Ongoing. ACTION MN to ask the Treasurer Janice if it can go into general funds to be managed for the community.

2.17 Removal of School Crossing Patrol
The crossing patrol is there until the end of March. Not known what is happening after this. Traffic Management should be asked to attend to undertake a survey of what the situation is.

2.18 CCDT lease from Stirling Council, delay owing to lack of officers. It has been outsourced – AF

2.19 Local Place Plan Review DR
Ongoing. ACTION DR to investigate the Council website.

2.20 Unoccupied housing concerns
No update.

3 Reports

3.1 Police Report – attached as Appendix I
The report was discussed. More police presence has been noted near the burn. Broken windows - there is an issue in the area.

3.2 School Report – attached as Appendix II
No report was received by the time of the meeting. See item 2.1 for concerns about school development. AF has already expressed concerns about the lack of a report for the CC.

3.3 Planning Report - SN
Nothing much to report. Planning application - signs are going up at junction of Kersebonny and Dumbarton road. Gravestale Road - Stirling Council are putting up 44 unit of housing (not directly this area) Master plan for Forth Side area - drop-in days. ACTION SN will try to attend one of these days.

3.4 Treasurer’s Report - attached as Appendix III

3.4.1 Moving forward for the start of 2024 most payments now will be Internet banking which leaves the column to be able to give more of a brief description. If can still be used cheque and MN would just add in the number. Helen Bang - minute taking fee for November was the only payment outside of the Christmas in Cambusbarron. £8,101.12 Was Awarded from Foundation Scotland £3,036.12 went into sum held for Greener Cambusbarron. £5,065.00 for Christmas in Cambusbarron. A total of £2,264.67 has been spent from the CinC. MN still has a few invoices due in which will be covered in next month's report and a spreadsheet of how the groups spent their award and if any finances are left. Last year we carried over £131.78 A Micro Grant payment was made to Wee Rovers for £500. See completed actions - Wee Rovers constitution was confirmed. Leaving CC available funds at £2,472.90

3.4.2 Query: Administration - the CC receives an allowance from Stirling Council based on previous expenses e.g. stationery, room hire, auditing, minute fee. £658 received. It is separate from Greener Cambusbarron's funding.
Other funds are held in trust for different groups.
Other projects, e.g. benches, we have the Cambusbarron Fund - we apply for this (windfarm funds) via Foundation Scotland or Community Pride

3.4.2 Rubbish bin needed. There are already bins at the protected trees, bin in the park, bin on route to roundabout. A new location has been ruled out.
Anti dog fouling sign - this was obtained on request.

3.4.3 Winter grit team - JP initiative. ACTION AF to contact JP.

3.5 Greener Cambusbarron - Derek MacAllister
No report has been received.

3.6 CCDT - AF
Held over to February.

4 Main agenda

4.1 Cambusbarron Primary School Extension/New Build Update
See item 2.1

4.2 Presentation from Niall Hunter of Wind2 - see item 2.2

4.3 Safer route to school path from Seven Sisters to Underwood Cottages
Query on protected trees? AF will email Neil Benny.

5 Correspondence

5.1 Child Protection Training Opportunity 17/01/24. Too late

Community Councils Webinar with Open University 18/01/24
It was noted that this was taking place.


6.1 SN asked about meeting with Earlsburn development . There are concerns about construction access via Touch Road. ACTION AF to pass contact to SN in order to invite them to attend.

6.2 SN didn't have minutes from last meeting. ACTION HB to send November minutes to SN.

6.3 Christmas in Cambusbarron 2023 - feedback in February

6.4 Facebook issues - carried over to February

7. Date of next meeting

7.1 This was confirmed as Tuesday 20 February at 7pm at the Community Centre.

7.2 The meeting closed at 9:15pm

8. Meeting dates

20/02/24 21/05/24 15/10/24
19/03/24 18/06/24 19/11/24
16/04/24 17/09/24 AGM?  


1.3 Approved November minutes and draft January minutes HB

2.3 Website – contact Ross and Derek Townsend MN

2.8 Quarry Road footpath – Jimmy McArthur AF

2.1.4 Forum 5 AF

2.1.6 Contact Janice re moneys from Goodwill Fund MN

2.1.9 Local Place Review DR

3.3 Drop in attendance SN

3.4.3 Winter grit bin situation AF

6.1 Earlsburn development AF/SN

6.2 Minutes of November meeting to SN HB