September 2022 Minutes

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APPROVED minutes Meeting 147 Cambusbarron Community Council held at Cambusbarron Community Centre

at 7:00pm on Tuesday 20 September 2022


Members and office bearers

Janice Paterson, Vice Chair (JP) Ann Finlayson, Secretary (AF) Keith Ratcliffe (KR) * Melissa Nelson, Treasurer (MN) Jennifer Macleod, Planning (JM) Cathie Graham (CG) *

Douglas Campbell, (DC) Richard Blore (RB)

Jen Preston (JPr) elected rep Pam King, police (PK) *

Mark Hill, Headteacher (MH) * Helen Bang, minute clerk (HB) Marion McAllister (MMacA) *

1. Introductions and Welcome (JP)

1.1 The acting Chair JP welcomed everyone to the first face-to-face meeting for some time.

1.2 *Apologies were received from Keith Ratcliffe, Cathie Graham, Marion McAllister, Mark Hill and PC Pam King.

2. Minutes of previous meeting

2.1 The minutes of the 26 June Zoom meeting were approved with the amendment of the date of the AGM to 18 October.

Proposed JP Seconded AF ACTION HB to AF for Stirling Council.

2.2 Conflicts of interest declared

AF on CCDT Board and Save Gillies Hill, MN Walled Garden Group, RB on Management Group. AF and MN Save Gillies Hill. JP Save Gilles Hill.

3 Matters arising

3.1 Touch Road Benches (RB)

These are being constructed. ACTION MN to check funding situation.

3.2 Park Improvements (AF)

We are waiting to hear back from Donna Mills on costs etc. She was also going to look at the playpark to see if there is any equipment that could be offered.

From MMacA "I would like to register my acute disappointment in the lack of meaningful progress and community support from SC."

3.3 Quarry Road (DC) Attached as Appendix I

DC met Scott Farmer on 30 August and gave him a short report on the embankment. Gary Neil is going to look at the issue.

3.4 Burnside Orchard (RB)

Ongoing, needs additional equipment. The weeds have been sprayed twice.


3.5 Burnside

MN had approached JPR (councillor) regarding the state of area. Hedge cuttings have been dumped blocking the burn. Initially it needs work but then volunteers could maintain it. We have built a good relationship with Stephen Robinson. Fiona Miller, access officer, says there may be some external funding. ACTION JPr.


3.6 Fleming Trust (AF) Ongoing.

Update from MMacA:

I continue to search for a local carpenter who can make the display case. All small and voluntary groups are either unwilling to be involved or do not reply, the work has to be undertaken by recognised supplier with insurance to satisfy SC rules.

3.7 Motorway Bridges (DC)

Nothing to report. ACTION DC to contact before next meeting.

3.8 Christmas in Cambusbarron (AF)

A meeting was held with interested parties. They have put in an application to Foundation Scotland to change hanging baskets to illuminated ones, a gift swap is planned between the church and the nursery and there will be a Gala event with Santa, coffee mornings etc.

A leaflet with the schedule of events will be circulated. There is £519 in the newsletter fund.

Current newsletter will be finalised, printed and circulated prior to the AGM.

3.9 Football Park Benches Ongoing.

3.10 Rovers Park Project (RB) Ongoing. Funding is with the club.

3.10 Facebook/website page

The issue is finding someone to maintain it. ACTION MN to investigate.

3.11 New Community Council members.

There is an issue with membership as some long-standing councillors are looking to stand down. There was a discussion regarding how to attract new people to the committee.

3.12 Solar Lighting - an email was circulated. Ongoing.

3.13 Motorbikes on Gillies Hill, the woods and local streets (JP) Ongoing.

Police are aware of the issue.

3.14 Additional bin request for Football Park - ongoing when work is done.


5 Reports

5.1 Planning

A development has been proposed for Falleninch. AF circulated information. City Deal - ACTION JPr to look at the latest on this.

Seven Sisters - additional plots - pedestrian crossing points. AF has circulated information.

Reply from Peter McKechnie - he is awaiting responses from colleagues.

ACTION JPr to speak to Peter McKechnie.

5.2 Roads

A report was circulated prior to the meeting.

5.3 Treasurers Report (MN)

Attached as Appendix II.

Reimbursement to Derek McAllister (Greener Cambusbarron). MN is moving forward with internet banking. Will need to raise funds for next year's hanging baskets.

It was agreed that Greener Cambusbarron should be awarded £1500.00pa from Cambusbarron Community Fund to help with ongoing funding. Balance of £2568.28 in the account currently.

When MN set up as Treasurer with the bank it came to her personal email - it will be changed to the official CBCC email address.

5.4 Murrayshall quarry and ROMP (DC)

Attached as Appendix III

DC had been informed that the ROMP would be completed during the summer but received an email in August stating that it has been put back and progress will be some months away. He recommends that we contact Stirling Council every three months asking for a progress report.

AF - Patersons have started work on the path on community land.

Concerns were expressed regarding lack of discussion and co-ordination between Patersons and the Seven Sisters development regarding access roads etc.

5.5 School Report (MH)

A report was circulated prior to the meeting. Attached as Appendix IV

Any news on the school extension being investigated by Stirling Council as reported in previous report? ACTION JPr.


5.6 Sequoia Grove (MN)

Nothing new to report.


Tree-cutting has been completed. Replanting has been delayed but they don't want this to be too long for weeds to get established.

The estate gates are up. Have had high teas, BBQ, walled garden is progressing RB has done a great job at the Gillies Hill gates.


The drains between 22 and 44 Gillies Hill need clearing out. ACTION JP


5.8 Greener Cambusbarron (MMacA)

A report was circulated prior to the meeting. Attached as Appendix V

Greener Cambusbarron plan to apply for funding to purchase two Amberol tubs: one low and rectangular and a two level ‘whisky barrel’ style to replace an ageing wooden structure and to further enhance the display in the centre of the village. The application will also ask for funding for compost to fill these new tubs and for a sum to support planting next Spring.

5.9 Police Report

A report was circulated prior to the meeting. Attached as Appendix VI

6 Main Agenda

6.1 Correspondence covered earlier in agenda.


7.1 Some street name signs are at an appropriate height. One at Citizen Jaffray, two others at the community centre.

7.2 The AGM is to be held on Tuesday 18 October followed by the ordinary meeting 148.

7.3 The acting Chair thanked everyone for attending. The meeting closed at 8:40pm.


5.8 Greener Cambusbarron funding


2.1 Approved June minutes to AF for Stirling Council HB

3.1 Touch Road bench funding MN

3.5 Burnside issues JPr

3.7 Motorway bridges update DC

3.10 Website/Facebook page MN

5.1 Seven Sisters etc. JPr

5.5 Expansion of primary school - any update? JPr

5.7 Drains issues JPr



Appendix I

REPORT FOR MEETING 20 th September 2022


Quarry Road Embankment



As agreed at the June meeting I arranged to discuss the way forward to resolving this issue with Cllr Farmer over the summer.

A meeting was held on 30th August at Viewforth and I tabled a brief summary of CCC position [copied below]. Cllr Farmer informed me that there had been a change in personnel in the ‘Roads’ department and that he had discussed the Quarry Rd embankment issue with the new incumbents. He indicated that a new officer, Gary Neil, would contact me when he had had a chance to assess the situation.

To date he has not contacted me. Douglas Campbell

18th September 2022



  • Damage to embankment was caused by a severe storm in second half of 2020 HOPEFULLY AGREED

· Another similar storm likely to extend the damage to embankment under Quarry Road carriageway.

· Severe storms are more likely with climate change failure scenarios

1. Long term failure of embankment possibly initiated by 2020 damage

2. Sudden failure caused by a future similar severe storm event CCC OPINION

· Regular monitoring will guard against failure scenario 1 but this information cannot be extrapolated to manage failure scenario 2

· Stirling Council officers are fully aware of limitations of regular ‘normal weather’ monitoring but have decided to take the risk that a second extreme storm event will not occur in short term.


We recognize that resources are limited, but ask that the problem isacknowledged, and a commitment given to repair asap, on the basis of current information


Appendix II Treasurer's Report

Cambusbarron Community Council Main Account Of this the sum held in trust are



Opening Balance





CHQ 010683 R/B Derek G/C


WWW1 Exhib



CHQ 010684 R/B D/M Trolley





CHQ 010680 Helen B Minute


Greener Cambs



CHQ 010685 R/B D/M TubG/C


Elephant I T Sky



CHQ 010671 R/B D/N for sta


Touch K/BSeats



CHQ 010687 Homestead

- £1,405.64

Micro Grants



CHQ 010686 Helen B Minute


Covid-19 S/C



Covid-19 W/F



King GV P/Benc








£11,509.03 £8,940.63




Funds Available to C/C £2,568.28


Appendix III


REPORT FOR MEETING 20 th September 2022





The ROMP process for the determination of working conditions for Murrayshall Quarry has still not been completed

No progress on the suggested future meeting with CCC, councillors and planners to discuss ROMP

Following a further enquiry to SC Planners in connection with progress with completion of the ROMP process and the earlier estimate that it could be completed this ‘summer’ I received this update from Jane Brooks-Burnet on 16th August

Thank you for your email. I had hoped that my workload would have eased such that I would be able to progress the ROMP this summer. Unfortunately, with the number of incoming applications and inquiries alongside some resourcing issues it has meant that my workload has been at a level where I’ve not had the capacity to progress the ROMP as well. We are aware that this matter remains outstanding and hope to complete this work as soon as we are able. It is likely that progress on the ROMP will be some months away.



I am aware that there is no physical activity at the quarry site to prepare for active rock extraction and as long as this is the case my view is that Stirling Council are unlikely to devote any resources to the completion of the process.

I recommend that the CCC contacts SC on a 6 month basis, requesting progress.

Douglas Campbell 18th September 2022


Community Council Report – 20.09.22

Appendix IV

School update


· Nursery to P1 transition was very successful and feedback from this has been very positive. Well done to Mrs Smith, the nursery team and P1 staff for their support.

· In-person assemblies have made a welcome return. These have been well received as an opportunity to gather the whole school together to celebrate achievements.

· Meet the Teacher event was very well attended and we look forward to welcoming parents and carers into the school over this coming year for whole school and individual sharing the learning sessions.



New Janitor started this week - David Dryland - who is a welcome addition to the team.

School Improvement Planning


School priorities this session will be shared with the wider community in the next newsletter. The main focuses are

Curriculum - Raise attainment and achievement through ongoing development of identified curricular areas;

· writing, reading and numeracy

· Continue to develop Play based learning approaches throughout the school

Health & Well Being – Improvement in social and emotional wellbeing supports and approaches to enable all children to engage in school and achieve their goals.

Pupil Leadership & Wider Experiences – Improving opportunities for children to participate in decision-making about their learning pathways and empower them to lead positive change.

Nursery update

The Care Inspectorate attended the nursery in an unannounced visit. They graded the nursery under 1.1 How good is our Quality of Care & Support - and the grade given was 5 (Very Good)

Some highlights from the Evaluation:

· The nursery has a well thought out learning environment with lots of opportunities for children to develop skills.

· There is a good use of local woodland to extend risk assessing opportunities.

· Planning is well thought out taking into consideration individual and group interests, contains very relevant information and shows clearly how learning will be taken forward.


Appendix V

Greener Cambusbarron

The display over the summer has been very satisfactory and there have been several positive community comments. A new system within the volunteers to pass on information regarding timing of waterings has been beneficial. The pots on the banking opposite the community centre have been lovely, much improved from previous years, and the new Amberol pots have been very successful. Arrangements are being made to take the hanging baskets down for the winter later in the month. The bowser has needed some work over the summer due to charging difficulties and a puncture, work on these undertaken by myself. Angus added piping to the bowser to make watering easier and replaced a hose without cost to the community. Our system and the results gained interest from community councils in Bridge of Allan and Cambuskenneth and they visited to see the methodology we use. They were very impressed. The wooden structure at the Birkhill welcome sign will require to be replaced before next summer. It is intended that we place two Amberol tubs at the sign to ensure a good display but one that requires less maintenance. Further we plan to use the tub currently on the corner of Underwood and St Ninians Road as one side, buy a second and to put a two level barrel on that corner. To that end could the following be approved and minuted-

“ The Greener Cambusbarron plan to apply for funding to purchase two Amberol tubs: one low and rectangular and a two level ‘whisky barrel’ style to replace an ageing wooden structure and to further enhance the display in the centre of the village. The application will also ask for funding for compost to fill these new tubs and for a sum to support planting next Spring.”


Text Box: Appendix VI Police Report



08/09/2022 Cambusbarron Community Council meeting



Our priorities in the Cambusbarron area continue to be Anti-Social Behaviour, Drug misuse/Drug dealing, Road Safety and Community Engagement and Reassurance.

Name of Community Council


Crime Reports for Cambusbarron area


between 17/06/2022-08/09/2022


Undetected: 1


Relating to a vandalism (see Incidents of Note




Detected: 4


Relating to crimes of violence, disorder and drug




Total Crime Reports: 5