January 2022 Minutes

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APPROVED minutes Meeting 141 Cambusbarron Community Council held via Zoom at 7:30pm on Tuesday 18 January 2022

Members and office bearers

Marion MacAllister, Chair (MMacA) Janice Paterson, Vice Chair, (JP)* Ann Finlayson, Secretary (AF) Keith Ratcliffe (KR)

Melissa Nelson, Treasurer (MN) Jennifer Macleod, Planning (JM)* Cathie Graham (CG) * Douglas Campbell (DC)

Richard Blore (RB) Scott Farmer (SF) elected rep

Pam King, police (PK) * Mark Hill, Headteacher (MH)*

In attendance

Helen Toole, (HT) Helen Bang, minute clerk (HB)

1. Introductions and Welcome (MMacA)

1.1 The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting via Zoom.

1.2 *Apologies were received from Janice Paterson, Jennifer Macleod, Cathie Graham, PC Pam King. (Absence marked with asterisk.)

2. Minutes of previous meeting

2.1 The minutes of the November 2021 Zoom meeting were approved.

Proposed MN Seconded KR ACTION HB to AF for Stirling Council.

2.2 Conflicts of interest declared

AF on CCDT Board and Save Gillies Hill, MN Walled Garden Group, RB on Management Group. AF and MN Save Gillies Hill. HB takes minutes for Carron Valley & District CC.

3. Matters arising

3.1 Please see below the latest email from Donna Mills at Stirling Council. Matters continue to progress, with delays caused by Covid. Please note that any improvements made in the Football Park play area will require to be funded through the Cambusbarron Fund as all current funding is directed for George V Park. We are ever hopeful that the Toddler area will be completed soon.

- As discussed, there are options to upgrade the existing bike/skate area. Wicksteed offer a range of ramps/jumps etc which can be found on their website, there may be the opportunity to add or upgrade existing ramps https://wicksteed.co.uk/playground-equipment/sport-fitness/wicked-wheels- skateboard-parks/ Please let me know your thoughts and I can obtain costs etc if required.

- I spoke with Paul Allan regarding additional equipment at the small park at the football pitch, there’s not much scope for more equipment, but the witches hat could be replaced. You mentioned including equipment for older kids, so we’ll have a think about what the witches hat could be replaced with. If you have any ideas, please let me know and we can discuss options.

- Regarding picnic tables, these are the picnic tables that are at Kings Park which have seats on all sides https:// www.davidogilvie.com/brodick-6-seater-picnic-set.


They come in 4, 6 and 8 seater options. The other option which provides access for wheelchairs/buggies is https:// www.davidogilvie.com/mb-picnic-set-anti-vandal-with- wheelchair-access Please let me know your preference and I’ll obtain up to date quotes from the supplier.

- I’ve also asked Paul to check the existing benches at the football pitch to ensure the gap between the wooden slats is safe

3.2 Kersebonny speed changes and verges (MMacA)

Repairs have been made to the most dangerous holes in the verges. There appears to have been some confusion with damage and holes to the verges with potholes in the road surface. I suggest we continue to monitor this and to keep it on the agenda until all construction is completed, reporting all potholes as they appear. With thanks to Scott for his support in this matter.

I, personally, do not feel that it is unreasonable to expect the developer to fund these repairs, as we are very aware of the oversized vehicles currently using this road, which are causing this damage.

Please see here the reply by SC Roads

I have discussed the issue with the development traffic with colleagues in the Development Control Team who deal with these sites and issues on a regular basis. Their response was as follows:

We have attached the below standard condition to the Road Construction Consent associated with the ongoing development at Hayford Mills:


  • Section 96 of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 makes provision for the Roads Authority to recover any extraordinary expense incurred in repairing roads damaged by heavy vehicles. Prior to works commencing on site, agreement should be reached with the Roads Authority on a suitable mechanism for financing any required road repairs directly attributed to development traffic.


Unfortunately, I don’t believe potholes fall under the description of ‘extraordinary instance. Beyond this there is no mechanism available to force the developer to undertake works to the public road.

Our teams were on site filling potholes on this road on the 24 th & 25th of November. I will encourage you to request your constituents report all new potholes via the contact centre so they can be logged and a record on the system kept, this will allow me to continue to arrange for all reports of potholes on Kersebonny Road to be added to the list of pothole repairs.

Thanks for SF for communication and support. Report said Roads Authority had provision for extraordinary expenditure – development traffic – SC don’t think reasonable to developer to fund these repairs. Don’t believe potholes fall under this criteria. Confusion about situation – large vehicles are damaging verges and edges. This will be an ongoing system of reporting verge and pothole damage to keep this road as safe as possible. ACTION ALL report all potholes etc. to SC through Community Enquiries.


3.3 Persimmons adoption (MMacA)

Please see below below two emails we received from Scott Carter at Persimmons Homes

10th January 2022

I am pleased to confirm that Scottish Water have confirmed on the 6 th January that all works to the SUDS, Surface Water & Foul Water sewers at Cambusbarron have been completed to satisfaction, and we are now in the final stages of vesting. The remaining matters are admin matters and a land transfer which is being picked up by our solicitors. However as above I can confirm all on-site works have now been signed off.

In relation to the roads, all works have been completed and a meeting is to be held on site tomorrow which has attendance from both Persimmon and Stirling Council. This meeting should hopefully confirm all works have been carried out to Stirling Councils satisfaction, and subsequently the bond can be released and the road adopted by SC.

I will update you on the outcome of tomorrow’s meeting later in the week.


11th January 2022

I understand that today’s meeting on site went positively. There are 3 minor items which require to be picked up tomorrow, and a final inspection will be carried out on Thursday.

Matters are progressing and it remains only for the land transfer to be completed. I will be in contact with Neil Pirie at Stirling Council this week. ACTION SF.


3.4 Seven Sisters (AF)

Not much to report. Things have gone quiet. Not sure if there has been a delay, has emailed several times since November, have still to reply.

3.5 Meeting with Carlyn Fraser (AF)

All matters are now resolved but not as promised in the Zoom call with her, it is quite disappointing. Some white lining has been undertaken in the west of the village in areas we did not highlight but other areas still remain a concern. I suggest we report areas which require road paint to communityenquiries and start from there. Please report areas within the community council areas you feel are of concern.

Remove from Agenda – some whitelining was undertaken last week. Have done past the school but not by the church. ACTION AF to ask them to complete task e.g. in Murray Place. Add under AOB next month agenda.

3.6 CCTV at school

One of the few bonuses from Covid is that money is being transferred from other projects and this means that the school will be getting a new CCTV system. Delighted by this news and thanks to Scott for his assistance in this matter. Please see the email below

With the additional capital for CCTV upgrade and installation provided, we are looking at 3 locations Dunblane PS, Cambusbarron PS and St. Mary’s PS, with Dunblane and Cambusbarron being our priority.


We are currently working through the design stage Thanks to SF for assistance in this matter.

3.7 Footpath Project (MMacA) On hold.

3.8 Burnside Bridge (RB)

All done. Thanks to RB from CC. ACTION DC to write to SC thanking for materials and saying job is finished.

3.9 Quarry Road (DC)

Email saying that enquiry is closed? Does this relate to an email DC sent 2 days ago?

ACTION DC write to Stephen Bly.

3.10 Motorway Bridge (DC)

Re potential suicide risk. BEAR Scotland have said that in the last few days a scheme has been raised for reducing self-harm incidents. This will continue over next few months, any deterrent measures would be installed following this.

3.11 Bins/Litter/Dog Waste/Flytipping (MN)

Nothing new to report. Will do a walk around to see if anything needs replacing.

3.13 Burnside Orchard (RB)

RB has cut back, unfortunately someone has dumped hedge cuttings on site. RB will get it cleaned up and sprayed once regrowth starts. SC are looking to put orchards into communities. Might be able to obtain materials for this – stakes, tree guards etc. 6 trees bottom and 6 trees top level. HT saw an excellent example of community orchard in Dunkeld recently.

Scottish Fruit trees john@scottishfruittrees.com John Hancox 07786063918

3.14 Fleming Trust (AF)

Ongoing.. A plan has been agreed between Laura in the Library and the community council. It is proving difficult to get a carpenter prepared to do a small job. It may be that the Volunteer Trust has someone prepared to build a bookcase.

3.15 Child First Aid courses (MN)

Due to have one before Christmas but proved difficult to find suitable day. Lindsey booked for one session, will organise a new date.

MMacA putting First Aid lessons into schools might be something we could invest in going forward. Foundation Scotland money could be used for this. MN agreed to raise with Lindsey. ACTION MN.


3.16 Touch Road benches (RB) Ongoing.

3.17 Christmas in Cambusbarron / Community Pride Dates (AF)

In conversations with AF and MN, didn’t get leaflet out, unable to do some things had hoped to do but did have fairy lights.

Suggestion – future competition for best fairy lights in the community – might encourage families to visit.

KR’s neighbour won the garden project and was delighted to be recognised.


3.18 Shelloch Windfarm (MMacA)

To go to planning 19 January. If goes ahead it will be £20K to CC for 30 years.

3.19 Ogilvie Land

Some discussion still required with residents in area. AF if planted as an orchard it would be low maintenance. Beehives would be good. Need to clear as much rhododendron ponticum as possible as it produces toxic hone.

3.20 Triangle Citizen Jaffray (MMacA)

Work on the triangle is on hold for the moment. We need to be assured that there will be sufficient volunteers to undertake this work on an on-going basis. However we are progressing the public meeting with SC and Police Scotland. Only two members of the public have requested the Teams meeting details for this.

3.21 Relationship with Carron Valley CC (MN)

MN met with Chair Peter Hayward in November. Agreed on difficulties contacting SC. ACTION HB Secretary Dorothy Breckenridge send details to MN. Their Chair is recovering from heart surgery.

4. Reports

4.1 Police Report. Attached as Appendix I

There is not enough information in the report to identify any issues.

PC Ross Barclay has moved to Dunblane. PC Pam King now community officer again.

Vandalism - damage to vehicles on Douglas Terrace 31 December to 3 January, car badly keyed.

Parking at the school – has this improved following the high visibility patrols? No particularly bad parking noticed recently.

Feedback request – put on February agenda and ask for suggestions as to what would improve usefulness of report.

4.2 School Report [HT]

No report at time of meeting.

4.3 Murrayshall and ROMP [DC]

Attached as Appendix II ROMP process on safety issues still not completed. Concerned SC don’t seem interested in this, quarry are happy to continue with existing conditions. SF had meeting – delays owing to staff shortages during pandemic – going to get in touch with Jane Brooke Burnett – would get back with more detailed response. ACTION SF will send response when he receives it.

DC wrote to elected representatives reminding them of points raised previously. E.g. concerns about Polmaise Road, these had been previously raised but have yet to be answered. SF – Neil Benny collated questions and was going to get back with response, hasn’t received anything to date. ACTION DC to chase Neil Benny.

AF – Andy from Patersons says they have been delayed because of discussions with planning on road layout.


4.4 Sequoia Group (Save Gillies Hill) (MN)

MN activity in woods over the weekend. They had a positive day at walled garden on Saturday – but there are concerns about access path. People use Facebook page, MN doesn’t want to get into arguments on this page.

MN received phone call from Jenny – protest camp to be set up. In process of getting website up and running – issue is just about the sequoias. Peaceful protest planned for Sunday including mountain bikers. Extinction Rebellion Stirling are wanting to get involved.

Concerns - they keep saying ‘we are going to stop the quarrying’. They are unaware of the background to the situation. As a CC we obviously can’t get involved in an civil disturbance. They also believe taking down larch trees was to do with Paterson.

MN has emailed the police – Ross Barclay and Pam King – to advise them of situation.

KR - concerns about posts on Facebook page. Important that MN remains distant from any action. RB - it has been through every process, each tree removed will be replaced.

MMacA was contacted re whether CC had position re clear felling – has answered twice, should really be addressed to CCDT.

Is it time to refer to Friends of Gillies Hill instead of Save Gillies Hill – MN this will be looked at when the website goes live. Now needs to focus on sequoia. DC need to keep name as there may well be other issues once quarrying starts.

4.5 Greener Cambusbarron [MMacA] Work will resume in the Spring.


Moving on, good day on Saturday. 35 people helped to clear walled garden. Hoping to get next lot of trees cleared before nesting season.

Some trees marked – these will be left until end of season before cut down. Chainsaws later this week – harvester arrives next week. Areas will be closed off whilst work taking place. Extraction route – have spoken to Patersons, it is now going back along the main road – approx. 6-7 weeks whilst this is completed. Won’t be able to use Gillies Hill entrance during this work.

Not doing anything that hasn’t been agreed with Forestry Scotland.

KR – will trees be planted to replace diseased trees? AF – yes, can apply to grants for this. Get 5 years to replant. ACTION KR will forward details of any organisations that might be able to help. Too many oak trees may not be good for red squirrels as they encourage greys. May get residents to sponsor trees, e.g. memorial trees.

4.7 Treasurer's report [MN]

Attached as Appendix III and IV Balance in account. £2877.30

We have a new sums held in account First Aid was awarded £550, check has been sent to many first aid Edinburgh for £264.30, leaving a balance of £285.70.

Cambusbarron baby and toddler group were awarded £500 out of the micro grant at present we are still waiting for their receipts and broke down of expenditure, The balance now for a micro grant is £3176.29

We reimbursed Douglas Campbell for ink and paper £41.94 which came out of the funds available to the community council, which will be noted in a document for


when we apply for funds through Stirling Council for Administration next year I encourage any council member if they have any expenditure please notify myself,

Helen Bang minutes payments for October and November . Reminders to put in expenses. ACTION ALL

4.8 Planning [JP]

Nothing new to report.


5. Main agenda

5.1 Road accidents on St Ninians Road

After initial communication earlier in the month we heard today, 18 th, that both Police Scotland and SC are available for a meeting on the 26th. I will be in communication with Anne McCrae tomorrow to arrange for Teams provision to be made and we can thereafter issue invitations to those who have applied, ACTION MMacA to arrange TEAMS practice. Can then issue invitations for people who have applied. AF to handle admin on TEAMS.

5.2 Path from Rovers Park to Touch Road

This is in a terrible condition, have received complaints. This is Rovers’ responsibility, MMacA and AF to facilitate so they can make application for funding to make this safe. Negotiations are undergoing with Cambusbarron Rovers to repair the path using money from the Cambusbarron Fund. An application should be made at the end of this month with the work to be undertaken during the drier months.



5.3 Spring clean KSB. [MN]

Cambusbarron is a hub – KSB have donated pickers, hoops etc. It is suggested, Covid allowing, that we hold a community clean-up day in conjunction with this campaign. We will be supported by Land Services and will contact other community groups. MN gets emails from them asking communities to come together in the Spring. Hope to involve the church hall etc. With the initial agreement of CC in December when there was no meeting, MMacA applied on 8 January for funding for two folding trolleys for people clearing out burnside etc.

These will allow us to move larger items and to transport bags of rubbish. These will be particularly useful in areas like Kersebonny and the Burnside. It is intended to allow other groups: Greener Cambusbarron, SGH, CCDT as examples to use these folding trollies which can then be stored in the community centre cellar. We need to minute this and to ratify the consent you all made to this purchase in late December for SC and their records.

5.4 The CC formally approved this application.

5.5 Blue bins Christmas uplift and other delays

Concerns about collection over festive period, bins blocking pavements etc.

We were very much the village of blue bins over Christmas and New Year. Whilst this was unsightly and residents were confused over promised provision, which did not manifest; there are other issues – not least of which is that pavements were blocked for long periods forcing pram and wheelchair user out into traffic this caused huge concern and inconvenience. Whilst we understand that changes had to be made due to Covid related absence from work and vehicle breakdown communication via twitter is far from efficient and SC must look to communicate more efficiently with residents. Provision to Bruce Terrace has been markedly poor for some time with no uplifts from 12/11/21 until New Year. It would be good to know what SC consider residents should do with excess waste under these


circumstances. I made several trips to the tip for family but not all residents have access to a car, nor should they have to.

Richard Elliot from St Ninians CC has been in touch with us and hopes that a combined effort by several cc may open communication with SC re waste services. Given that Stephen Bly at SC has suspended Forum Five meeting permanently such a mechanism would be the only way of establishing joint action. We will hear more from Richard after St Ninians hold their meeting.

There was a discussion and the following points were made:

Twitter announcement wasn’t appropriate. No uplifts from Bruce Terrace / Park Place from 12 November until New Year. What should residents do? SF the service had put in place additional lifts, accepted that this was incorrect decision, also had huge numbers of staff off with Covid or self-isolating. Affected the whole of the SC area. Re communication – this was through social media, but initially didn’t explain situation, this was later corrected. KR the social media announcements didn’t list this area as the service having being withdrawn, it said residents should have left bins out. AF it was 8 full weeks, phoned SC but was never informed that there was a problem, just told it would be passed on.

New resident has bin overflowing with waste, nappies etc. from previous resident which the council won’t collect. Has been advised to get in touch with SF.

Not every resident has social media. Perhaps some posters would have made a difference. SF hopefully won’t get these staff shortages again.

Stephen Bly has suspended Forum 5 meetings, no way of CCs to work together. SF this is being reviewed, report is going to Community Planning and Regeneration Committee. ACTION SF


5.6 Tree safety on Bruce Terrace [AF]

Phoned in September – reporting two trees with ash die back. Leaves now off so can’t see visually. Concerns because children play in the area beneath those trees.

5.7 Barratt lack of communication Covered earlier.

David Wilson Homes/Barratt same company.

6 Correspondence [MMacA]

We should draw attention to the community that Stirling Council held consultation on two issues – the consultations closed on 12/12/21/ and 7/1/22, which, frankly, is not a good time of year to engage with the public.

Stirling Pollinator Action Plan – will remodel the way the council manages green spaces to reverse the dramatic decline in pollinators. This, amongst other plans, looks to establish small woodlands and orchards. As this is one of this CC’s ambitions we may be able to gain the support of SC and it would be good to be in touch with SC with regard to this.


Stirling Council Alive with Nature Plan – this seeks to transform the SC area into Scotland’s greenest area by halting biodiversity loss (in our community a bit of an irony as we lose woodland and the Seven Sisters field). This also links with the ambition to be a carbon zero society.

Community groups and organisations will now have the chance to speak at Council meetings following the approval of a new Deputations Procedure.

Councillors gave the new process their full support at Thursday’s Full Council meeting, describing the move as a further step towards improved transparency and engagement with the public.

Stirling Council Leader, Cllr Scott Farmer, said: “This is another example of ‘you said, we did’ from this Council and I’m really pleased this procedure is being introduced so quickly.

“We’re giving members of the public direct access to local democracy and a chance to speak to decision-makers first-hand about proposals which come before our committees. It’s a positive step forward and I’m looking forward to seeing it in action.”

A deputation procedure grants a group or organisation the power to speak at a committee or council meeting if they have a strong view on a proposed outcome recommended in a report.

Council officers prepare a broad range of reports for committee and panel meetings, with recommendations for the Council to agree a certain course of action, such as approve funding for a project or introduce a new policy, for example.

The new Deputations Procedure allows members of the public to:

  • Speak against/in support of a proposal
  • Offer alternative ideas

· Provide information intended to influence the decision.

The Procedure means Councillors will be able to hear at first-hand the views of people who may be affected by a decision they are about to make.

Depute Leader, Cllr Chris Kane, said: “This is an important step in opening up local democracy. The public asked for this and we’ve delivered with a quick turnaround.

“Over the past year we’ve made our Council meetings accessible online, reaching new audiences, and hopefully communities will continue to engage in the process and enjoy the benefits of increased access to Council business and the decisions taken in the chamber that affect all of our lives.”


The process was first considered in June following a public petition, which urged the Council to offer “a much more straight forward and accessible pathway for local democratic engagement” by introducing a Deputations Procedure.

The move comes a year after the launch of Engage Stirling, which provided the public with a dedicated online engagement platform for all Council consultations, and the option to petition the Council on matters of business through digital means while offices were shut during lockdown.

Around 3,500 users have signed up to the platform, with more than 25 consultations published in the past 12 months.

Details of the new Procedure are also now available on the Stirling Council website and will be subject to a 12-month review.

Stirling Council – pollinator action plan. December difficult time of year to engage with the public. Methodology for getting materials for the orchard.

Allied with nature – halting biodiversity – irony as we are losing woodland for quarry and Seven Sisters field.

Commend SF for deputations procedure. Community view on everything. Hopefully will have benefits to every community.

Unwanted items destined for landfill – ReUse hub – Lower Polmaise there is going to be a container for these items.

Change of dates – Community Pride application changed impacting Christmas plans Answer is – dates were put on web page – said responsibility lies with applicants to keep up to date with any changes.


7.1 No other business.

8 Date of next meeting

8.1 This will be held on Tuesday 15 February 7pm via Zoom

9 Decisions taken at this meeting

9.1 Approved application for trollies for litter picking. Item 5.4

10 Actions

2.1 Approved minutes of November meeting to AF for SC HB

3.2 Persimmons SF

3.3 Potholes to be reported ALL

3.5 Whitelining AF

3.9 Contact Stephen Bly DC

3.15 Child First Aid course in schools MN

3.21 Email of Secretary Carron Valley & District CC HB

4.3 Murrayshall and ROMP SF

ROMP - contact Neil Benny DC

4.6 Details of organisations which provide trees KR



Reminder to submit expenses to Treasurer



TEAMS admin for meeting



Facilitate Rovers application to Community Pride



Bin issues, communication etc.



The Meeting closed at 9:05pm.











The ROMP process for the determination of working conditions for Murrayshall Quarry has still not been completed

No progress on the suggested future meeting with CCC, councillors and planners to discuss ROMP issues, although a further reminder was sent to local elected members on 12th January 2022. To date there has been no response

Douglas Campbell 15th January 2022


Appendix III Treasurer's Report

Cambusbarron Community Council Main Account


Of this the sum

held in trust are



Opening Balance






CHQ 010662

Helen Bang Mins



WWW1 Exhib



CHQ 010663

D/C reimbursed






CHQ 010664

Helen Bang Mins



Greener Cambs



CHQ 010665

Toddlers M/Gran



Elephant I T Sky



First Aid Fund

F/Scotland Awar



Touch K/BSeats



CHQ 010666

Mini First Aid Ed



Micro Grants



Covid-19 S/C



Covid-19 W/F



King GV P/Benc



First Aid Grant F







Funds Available to CC





Text Box: Appendix IV Grants and Expenditure


£ ,000

29/0 /2020

£ 00


11/0 /2020








