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APPROVED minutes Meeting 142 Cambusbarron Community Council held via Zoom at 7:30pm on Tuesday 15 February 2022
Members and office bearers
Marion MacAllister, Chair (MMacA) Janice Paterson, Vice Chair, (JP) Ann Finlayson, Secretary (AF) Keith Ratcliffe (KR)*
Melissa Nelson, Treasurer (MN) Jennifer Macleod, Planning (JM)* Cathie Graham (CG) * Douglas Campbell (DC)
Richard Blore (RB) Scott Farmer (SF) elected rep*
Pam King, police (PK) * Mark Hill, Headteacher (MH)* Helen Bang, minute clerk (HB)
In attendance - members of the public
Stewart Lennon Dennis Oetinger
Jennifer Newall Tim Elliot Rosie Seaman - Treasurer SGH James
Paul Morris Ali Hair - Trash Free Cabu Group
Chris Meikle Helen Toole
Jade Hooper Vickie Hastie
Jennifer McLeod Joanne Jones
1. Introductions and Welcome (MMacA)
1.1 The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting via Zoom.
1.2 *Apologies were received from Mark Hill, Jennifer Macleod, Keith Ratcliffe, Cathie Graham, PC Pam King. (Absent marked with asterisk.)
2. Minutes of previous meeting
2.1 The minutes of the January 2021 Zoom meeting were approved with amendment item
3.2 should read 'thanks to Scott'.
Proposed MN. Seconded DC ACTION HB to AF for Stirling Council.
2.2 Addition to agenda - national planning framework- see Item 5.5
2.3 Conflicts of interest declared
AF on CCDT Board and Save Gillies Hill, MN Walled Garden Group, RB on Management Group. AF and MN Save Gillies Hill. HB takes minutes for Carron Valley & District CC. Janice Paterson Save Gilles Hill.
3. Matters arising
3.1 Park Improvements within Cambusbarron.
Park negotiations continue and we hope to have a final plan for next month and a timetable for these.
We intend to upgrade the bike area and look to a track around the park for under teens to bike safely.
The tables will have to be bespoke, as our requirements cannot be fulfilled by availability in catalogues. It would seem appropriate to also have a child’s picnic table.
We have also decided that the best way forward for the football park area is to remove the two benches by the fence, put a picnic table where the witch’s hat currently is and purchase fitness equipment (as seen in King’s Park) for the space beside the fence.
£1480 grant to put into the park. The rest will be Foundation Scotland funding.
3.2 Kersebonny speed changes and verges (MMacA)
As agreed, this will be monitored until construction at the mill is completed. I walked and drove it recently and the condition remains stable.
3.3 Persimmons adoption (MMacA)
We received a complaint from the community regarding to the condition grass was left after remediation works and that a pile of stones had been left. The reply below confirms plans for this and further confirms that we are in the final stages of handover.
Given the time of the year the works were carried out, there was always a high chance that the grassed areas would be damaged throughout the course of the works. Our contractor will return towards the end of March/April to soil and seed areas that have been damaged. The stone is moving to a site nearby later in the week.
We are still working with Stirling Council to get the roads handed over, all road remedial works have now been signed off. Street Lighting testing was being carried out yesterday I believe, I will confirm with one of my team on his return from annual leave tomorrow.
If the testing passed, we will be in the final stages of handover.
Our contacts for this matter within SC are – Neil Pirie – Tom Pride
Contacted by resident of Citizen Jaffray Court - asking for a footpath. There seems to be no way through currently. See item 5.3
3.4 Seven Sisters (AF)
Started week commencing 14 February. Currently felling trees. Have to do roundabout before anything else. Should be advised re any road closures etc.
3.5 Footpath Project (MMacA)
On hold. Lack of volunteers currently.
3.6 Quarry Road (DC)
Appendix. Stirling Council had closed request for permanent repair to the landslip - DC contacted Stephen Bly on 19 January. Confirmed no plans for any future work, would just monitor the slip. 22 January DC emailed again with detailed argument explaining why this was unsuitable. 3 February reply said this was Road Services decision and details of complaints procedure. Requires CC approval to take this further. The initial damage was caused by very heavy rain. An inspector checking weekly would not necessarily notice further deterioration.
DECISION CC agreed unanimously for DC to submit report.
DC had met a Council representative February 26 2021 - person talked about permanent repairs. We acknowledge there have been staff shortages etc. But they did not advise CC of their changed attitude and it was only discovered by chance.
3.7 Motorway Bridge (DC)
Nothing new to report. [Bridge is towards Torbex. The intention is to make it as difficult as possible for vulnerable people to self-harm. CC Poice, SC and BEARS working together on this.]
3.8 Bins/Litter/Dog Waste/Flytipping (MN) See Spring Clean item
3.9 Burnside Orchard (RB)
Work will commence when weather appropriate. Guy Harewood - supplies - trees, guards and stakes. Also hoping for trees for the walled garden.
AF Nursery has already planted 20, also have additional trees to plant.
3.9.1 Burnside bridge - DC contacted Angela Simpson. Received thanks for update. Thanks for footbridge refurbished.
3.9.2 Also insurance - Jean Cowie, transferred to Stephen Bly - hasn't heard if this was covered by third party insurance, still waiting to hear. ACTION DC will chase up.
3.10 Fleming Trust (AF)
It is hoped that we can get a carpenter soon and have made tentative contact with Transition Stirling. A book case with a glass cover is required to display the book properly.
3.11 Child First Aid courses (MN)
This has been postponed from before Christmas. MN looking at whether this could go into the school. Funds available for this. Good way to involve community and school.
Background: Paediatric First Aid has changed considerably from when many grandparents had their children 30+ years ago. It will be good to help people update their skills. School has information.
Dates to be decided. Hope this can happen in March.
3.12 Touch Road benches (RB) These will be done shortly.
3.13 Christmas in Cambusbarron / Community Pride Dates (AF)
Need to start talking with partner groups - MN events group. AF and MMacA will look at funding for fairy lights. Christmas directory so community can work together on this. It would be good to get a group going and have more input from the community.
Best Garden competition to be run in the summer. Will also run 'Best Christmas lights' competition.
3.14 Shelloch Windfarm (AF)
This was approved just prior to January meeting. When goes online it should benefit community about £20K a year. This in addition to current income from other windfarms.
3.15 Triangle Citizen Jaffray (MMacA)
There has been a heavy workload over the last month and this is on hold until time is available.
3.16 Spring Clean
Please see below an email from Keep Scotland Beautiful
Our Spring Clean is approaching! Our dates are 21 March – 21 April, they overlap with Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean so all our events will contribute to that. This weekend (Feb 12th) there will be an official launch with the Daily Mail to kick-off promotions. From then on we will be encouraging people to organise and join events through our Clean Up Scotland programme. Hopefully you will all have plans, and maybe even some new supporters after becoming on of our hubs.
We have discussed this and were in favour of holding a community clean up day but need to set on a date and the format. The school has borrowed community equipment and the teacher concerned has indicated an interest in being involved.
It is unfortunate that there was to be a Litterite training course with regard to holding a community focused education programme. Whilst we are very focused in this area their email was problematic. We would hope, as this was a taster, that we could be involved in the subsequent course.
Please note, from correspondence that we have been granted £259 from the Community Pride fund to buy two trollies to help with this activity.
ACTION MN to produce diary - Ali to email some dates. Plans to do Spring Trail clean. Easter Holidays - 4-15 April. May aim for 26 March, weekend before.
Will be in communication with Stephen Robertson at SC to advise him of plans.
4. Reports
4.1 Police Report. Attached as Appendix I
Feedback request – put on February agenda and ask for suggestions as to what would improve usefulness of report.
Police reports were once detailed and useful. They are now condensed to the point of being useless. MMacA attended a meeting about 4 years ago and made this comment. Were told that if there was a sufficient number of crimes in a 'cluster' something would be done.
ACTION ALL - comments for feedback for Pam King on usefulness or not of the report as currently provided.
4.2 School Report [HT] Attached as Appendix II
4.3 Murrayshall and ROMP [DC] Attached as Appendix III
ROMP process has still not been completed. Also no progress on suggested future meeting with SC, planners, CC to discuss planning issues. DC sent information to elected representatives. Spoke to Neil Benny 3 February but confirmed delay owing to staff issues. DC emailed Chris Cox, has been copied to CC members. No reply about safety survey so far.
Reporter gave permission for access road but said Polmaise Road had to be upgraded with reference to particular technical report. DC has asked SC if they've done a technical and safety assessment, still awaiting a reply.
Concerns that Patersons might be about to commence work in Polmaise Road. This puts added importance on completing the ROMP process.
There was a discussion regarding the proposed email from DC (see Appendix III).
DECISION This was agreed by the CC.
4.4 Sequoia Group (Save Gillies Hill) (MN)
Sequoia Grove
Save Gillies Hill Registered Charity are committed to working with the community groups within Cambusbarron , supporting one another while we move forward during these challenging times. SGHRC will be applying for funding through Foundation Scotland to able the committee to hold open meeting on zoom and to re launch the website. This will give us opportunity for the community share and talk about the future ahead.
4.5 Greener Cambusbarron [MMacA]
This group manages the flower tubs and baskets in the village. Aiming for better display this summer. Intend to remove some of the current whisky barrels on the land opposite the community centre. To be replaced with recycled plastic tubs.
Haven't been able to extend daffodil display yet, this is for the future.
MN correspondence regarding snowdrops - could be distributed along Stewart Street.
Unfortunately burn from garages to top of walled garden - damaged by excavator and harvester - having to look at changing the road. Path has been closed - too dangerous and muddy.
Residential boundary - Robertsons removing trees that are a problem. Have had to fell some larch trees owing to disease.
MN - walled garden - there will be gains as trees will be replanted.
4.7 Treasurer's report [MN] Attached as Appendix IV
The bank statement received dated the 28th of January 2022 showed no evidence of the three cheques being deducted. These items show as pending. March report will show cheques have been cleared.
Reimburse Ann Finlayson for admin cost (laminating pouches) Balance £2776.37
4.8 Planning [JP]
Nothing new to report.
5. Main agenda
5.1 Bins-waste meeting with St Ninians
Feelings amongst residents regarding waste services remain that the service, particularly over Christmas, is much reduced. Communication regarding uplifts is only on Twitter, which the vast majority of people do not use, particularly the older residents. Marion will attend a meeting of St Ninians CC tomorrow evening where representatives of SC will be present and will answer questions.
Service not regarded as fit for purpose. ACTION ALL email MMacA with any comments on this.
5.2 Driver insurance
As you will have read in an email from me on Friday 11th Feb, Stirling Council have answered questions raised regarding the potential, additional, car insurance offered by SC, ttthrough its underwriters, for car use when on CC business. This is to run in parallel to our own existing policy. The necessity for this policy is arbitrary at best, my personal position is that if I attend a meeting, on a voluntary basis, that is not CC business, but the position is open to huge debate. Obviously if we move items for CCC in order to undertake CC activity that is different but I would argue that this is a rare occasion. It does however open the question for other organisations: does anyone transporting kit for SGH, CCDT, Brownies and the list is endless require business insurance. I think we should do this if a community councillor feels it is necessary, but would suggest that they contact their own insurer to ensure this does not cause issues with an existing policy.
DECISION There was a discussion - it was agreed CC members do not wish to have additional insurance. No one has claimed travel expenses on CC business.
5.3 Report of traffic meeting
A TEAMS meeting was held on the 26th January 2022 at which 7 residents and three community councillors were present with Cllr Farmer and with Carlyn Fraser from SC Roads and Pam King representing Police Scotland. Statements were made by both C Fraser and P King after which residents asked questions and offered observations.
There were issues raised by residents including the placement of road survey equipment, the current road speed and the number of accidents registered by PoliceScotland.
The action of painting white lines to direct traffic into the correct road position has already taken place.
Resident of Citizen Jaffray Court had requested a footpath to provide a safe route to school. Road was unadopted so SC did not own both sides. But remediation work on Home Farm Road etc. is almost completed so it is being looked again. However, there is no obvious route through.
Other residents are in agreement. ACTION ALL Will all write to SC Roads Dept.
5.4 Recent anti-quarrying activity
An individual to be identified only by the initials JN, has been active in the community in the recent few weeks. She is not a CC resident and had been unknown in the community until this time. Her actions have caused disruption and a considerable amount of work and interaction.
It is unfortunate that, without preparation and ill-informed, that she organised a number of protest gatherings. Using the name Solidarity for Gillies Hill with only the broad aim of preventing quarrying on the hill the situation has been confused by many with the current tree felling carried out by CCDT to curtail the spread of p. Ramorum.
There is no group, no committee, no constitution and the limited communication we have had leads to no confidence that there ever will be. It is impossible to discern any clear democratic methodology.
Another community group has been seriously impacted by her activity and has had to make radical changes to their social media presence and this has made for work for many and created difficulties within our usually bonded community. We have asked that details of CCC social media be removed from JN’s communications as it suggests support that we have neither discussed nor agreed.
5.5 Appendix V National Planning Forum Consultation currently open. National planning framework. NPF4. This will set up Scottish Government planning priorities - Net Zero Scotland 2045
Content of Local Development Plan is crucial in any opposition we might wish to raise to future planning applications. E.g. How it goes against the plan.
Government wants to consult public at large as well as public bodies. There will be a series of online meetings. Community grant scheme made available.
DC outlined the areas covered by the consultation. e.g. NPF4 part III Minerals - intention for planning policy. At end of document 'question 43 do you agree that this policy will support the sustainable extraction of resources and minimize the impact on the environment?
Agreed to put together answers on consultation in time for 31 March deadline to be discussed at March meeting. Invited attendees at meeting to either feed comments via CC or send their own comments direct. ACTION ALL.
6 Correspondence [MMacA]
61 SC grant awarded £259 for trolleys - to purchase two fold-up trolleys for litter picking, Although purhased by Greener Cambusbarron, they are also available to the wider community.
6.2 Provost award for Cathie Graham 45 years as CC. Response that we're only doing Covid Awards this year. ACTION MMacA to apply for alternative award,
6.3 Asset board - for things we need to insure. Will check prices are up to date. ACTION MMacA.
7.1 No other business.
8 Date of next meeting
8.1 This will be held on Tuesday 15 March at 7pm via Zoom
9 Decisions taken at this meeting
4.3 Email to SC re ROMP approved by CC
5.2 Driver insurance - not required
10 Actions
2.1 Approved January and draft February minutes to AF HB
3.16 Spring clean diary dates MMacA
4.1 Feedback on police report ALL
5.1 Bins - waste meeting ALL
5.3 Footpath - Citizen Jaffray ALL
5.5 Comments on National Planning consultation ALL
6.2 Long service award for Cathie Graham MMacA
6.3 Asset board insurance MMacA
11 The Meeting closed at 9:10pm.
Appendix I Police Report
Name of Community Council
15/02/2022 – Cambusbarron Community Council meeting
Our priorities in the Cambusbarron area continue to be Anti-Social Behaviour, Drug misuse/Drug dealing, Road Safety and Community Engagement and Reassurance.
Crime reports |
Crime Reports for Cambusbarron area between 16/01/2022-15/02/2022 Detected cases: 2 17/01/22 – Threatening or abusive behaviour 21/01/22 – Breach of bail conditions Undetected: 0 Total Crime Reports: 2 There were 38 calls made to Police for the Cambusbarron area over the stated period. The calls relate to a number of incidents including anti- social behaviour, domestic matters, road traffic matters and vulnerable/missing persons. |
Other Incidents of note/relevant Community Council information |
ROAD SAFETY ONLINE MEETING On the evening of 26/01/22 an online Road Safety Meeting was conducted with representatives of Stirling Council, Police Scotland, Cambusbarron Community Council and |
local residents dialling in to discuss the road safety issues at St Ninians Road, Cambusbarron. Police will continue to carry out checks in this area and deal with any drivers committing any road traffic offences.
Efforts are always being made to obtain intelligence in relation to substance misuse and drug dealing in the Cambusbarron area.
Any information regarding substance misuse and drug dealing is welcomed, and can be reported to Police Scotland via tel or email.
Your information/name will never be disclosed.
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Appendix II School Report
Cambusbarron Primary Report for Community Council School Improvement Developments
Our school team are making progress in all areas of our school improvement planning. We acknowledge that this progress has been impacted by Covid 19 measures but despite this progress is being made. I will give a brief update of 2 developments here
In writing, the school has undertaken a review on how we support assessment and evaluation. We have introduced an approach that further supports learners to be involved in discussions regarding their own writing assessments and improving their understanding of their next steps.
In spelling, we are working to develop our understanding of how to best support the learning of spelling patterns in an active and engaging way.
In reading, we are reviewing our approaches and resources and have identified an opportunity to enrich our reading resources (new novels for p4-p7). We are making good progress towards achieving our Silver accreditation with Reading Schools and have enjoyed hosting authors in school and remotely over the last term. Children have loved meeting real authors.
Outdoor Learning
We continue to work alongside Learning Through Landscapes to develop our confidence and understanding of planning and delivering effective literacy and numeracy learning outdoors. Staff report growing confidence and are using the bank of resources that we are building up over time.
We are also seeing progress in developing play opportunities for children in our own playground. Our support staff and children are developing their understanding of risk management and play based learning.
In-service Days
In our In-service days we have been spending time attending training in a new maths resource - Heinemann Active. This seems very promising with a mix of online and physical learning.
We also spent an afternoon exploring our shared staff values, which is a springboard to working with children and families to revisit our school values.
Covid 19
Staffing continues to be challenging and a changeable picture due to staff illness or staff caring commitments. The management team are regularly in class but I am confident that we are working to minimise any impact to our learners as we all follow the planning set out by the class teacher.
Apologies I could not attend this evening. Mark
Appendix III
At the January meeting I reported that Stirling Council had ‘closed’ the community council request for a permanent repair to this land slip at the bottom of Quarry Road , and I undertook to contact Stephen Bly and question this decision.
19/1/22 email to Stephen Bly [SB] requesting update on ‘permanent repair’ 19/1/22 reply from SB -no plans for future work : monitor only
22/1/22 email to SB with a detailed argument on why a permanent repair should be considered, and why monitoring will not prevent further erosion of the slip.
3/2/22 reply from SB confirming Roads Service decision and outlining procedure for any further submission on the matter:-
The Community Council can ask for an enquiry to be re-opened if the Service have not actioned the enquiry as detailed in their response.
Logged enquiries can be escalated though relevant Elected Members if no response is received in the timescale.
If a Community Council is not satisfied with the response it receives, it can ask for the enquiry to be reviewed. This request should be made through the Enquiry Line –
I have prepared a further detailed rebuttal of the council proposal to only .’monitor’ the slip, which is copied below. Basically my argument is that monitoring during a period of ‘normal weather conditions cannot give any information on any damage that might be caused by an extreme weather event..
I require this meeting to agree to this approach before I can submit it.
Douglas Campbell 11th Feb 2022
Proposed response to SB
I am writing in behalf of Cambusbarron Community Council [CCC] as agreed at meeting of 15th February 2022
It may be that I have not fully explained the community council’s position in connection with the request for arrangements to be put in place for a permanently repair to the ‘slip’ in the Quarry Road embankment, so I will try to set it out more clearly why I think the current approach by Stirling Council is unacceptable.
Firstly, and this may be the most important issue, there has been a failure of the Council to engage appropriately with the community on this matter. As stated previously CCC met with a Stirling Council [SC] representative on 26th February 2021, and a course of action to deal with the problem on Quarry Road was discussed. The conclusions of this meeting that different permanent remedial measures would be considered were reported to CCC in good faith and it follows that it should have been informed if a change of approach was decided. This did not happen, and it was only at a much later date, after routine enquiries from CCC on progress, that the change of approach was unveiled. This is not what we understand by ‘community engagement’
Considering now the physical problem, hopefully the facts surrounding this issue are not in dispute, but I will outline the CCC version. The hazard in the embankment of Quarry Road near the north-east kerbline, namely the local slip of soil into the watercourse, was caused by an exceptionally heavy rain event in the latter half of 2020. In previous correspondence the event has been referred to, for simplicity, as a ‘slip’ However the problem can be more accurately described as a ‘scour’ or ‘wash out’, as the damage to the embankment was caused by a high volume of water flowing over the grass surface of the embankment and removing material. It appears not to be caused of any inherent weakness in or between soil layers leading to a classical slip-circle failure.
Observations of this event at the time by residents reported that large volumes of water flowed down Quarry Rd carriageway which acted as a temporary watercourse. It breached the kerb at the location of the current damage, cascaded into the burn and in the process washed out part of the embankment. Other damage – less serious than at the primary scour event location - also occurred to the embankment during this flood event
An initial hazard was identified relating to pedestrian safety from the vertical drop at the scour location and subsequently – after persistent lobbying by CCC- a timber fence was erected by SC which reduced the risk associated with this particular hazard.
However, a further unmitigated hazard remains relating to the potential for the scour extending into the carriageway and affecting pedestrian and vehicular safety and possibly public utility services. The potential adverse effects of this hazard are significant as Quarry Road is the only access into a group of 60 or so houses and is additionally a popular route used to transport children to the local primary school. The risk of the hazard occurring is linked to the likelihood of a similar exceptionally heavy rain event and given the current information on climate change and its influence on extreme rain events my opinion is that there is a good chance that a similar exceptionally heavy rain event could occur in the short to medium term. SC’s proposed action to reduce the risk of this hazard is ‘regular monitoring’ of the scour surface and they argue that “ongoing monitoring is adequate and that it is key to deciding when or if any longer term solutions will be required and in what form “
I consider this proposed course of action unacceptable for the following reasons.
The trigger for the damage was an exceptionally heavy rain event and it is highly likely that any future damage at this site will be caused by a similar rain event. It goes without saying that any monitoring during the period up to the next exceptionally heavy rain event, while it will report on the performance of the embankment during ‘normal’ weather, it cannot identify any problems which would be caused by future exceptionally heavy rain event before it happens.
Put another way, for any monitoring to be effective, environmental factors [exceptional heavy rain events] which are likely to cause damage [further scour of embankment] must be present for some period during the monitoring process. This is obviously not the case here, and while I appreciate the regular monitoring it cannot be expected to give any guidance on the effects of a future exceptionally heavy rain event similar to the one causing the initial damage
The Service’s intention is stated as “ determining the best long term solution, which they would implement as and when required ” My opinion is that a long term solution is required now before the next exceptionally heavy rain event occurs, and to repeat, monitoring by itself in ‘normal’ weather conditions cannot give any guidance on the future performance of the embankment under an exceptional rain event.
If SC continue to argue the case that monitoring in normal’ weather conditions is sufficient to manage this situation then my only conclusion is that effectively SC are adopting a ‘do nothing’ policy and accepting that the embankment could be further damaged in the next exceptional storm, and they might or might not repair it then. The consequence of Stirling
Council maintaining this position is that further damage to this embankment is inevitable with the possible adverse consequences for access to the group of houses served by Quarry Rd.
A simple analogy may illustrate my argument more clearly: a tree is partially uprooted in a high wind, but assessed still to be stable in normal wind conditions and is left. Monitoring is set up but data is only collected during a period of normal wind conditions. It is then not reasonable to expect that observations noted when the wind didn’t blow, would help determine either how to stabilize the tree or when the point would be reached when it would need to be stabilized or cut down. The comparison with the Quarry Road scour is obvious.
CCC considers this an unacceptable position
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APPENDIX IV Treasurer's Report
I circulated a document “NOTES ON CONSULTATION PROCESS’ on 24th January which should be read as part of this report.
Questions for this meeting include
1. Do we inform the community on method for submitting consultations and if so, how do we do this? Facebook/notice board/public meeting?
2. Do we need to apply for any funding for this process?
3. If so, who will apply for it?
4. What areas of the NPF4 will CCC comment on? [see extract below on subject heading for part 3 - which contains ‘policies’- and suggested areas of interest
5. Who will do this? I will look at ‘minerals’
6. Do we bring various responses to March meeting to enable an agreed response to be made, possibly including any public responses?
7. Who will submit coordinated response?
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Douglas Campbell 11th February 2022