Sept 2021 Minutes

APPROVED minutes Meeting 137 Cambusbarron Community Council
held Tuesday September 21 2021


Members and office bearers

Marion MacAllister, Chair (MMacA) Janice Paterson, Vice Chair, (JP)*
Ann Finlayson, Secretary (AF) Keith Ratcliffe (KR)

Melissa Nelson, Treasurer (MN) Jennifer Macleod, Planning (JM) *
Cathie Graham (CG) * Douglas Campbell (DC) *

Richard Blore (RB) Scott Farmer (SF) elected rep*
Christine Simpson, elected rep (CS)* Neil Benny (NB) elected rep*
Ross Barclay, police (PK) * Mark Hill, Headteacher (MH)
Helen Bang, minute clerk (HB)


  1. Introductions and Welcome (MMacA)

    1. The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting via Zoom. She passed on the CC’s
      condolences to Helen Bang on the loss of her Dad in a mountaineering adventure on
      Ben Cruachan.


    2. *Apologies were received from Christine Simpson, Janice Paterson, Jennifer Mcleod,
      Douglas Campbell, Cathie Graham.


  2. Minutes of previous meeting

    1. The minutes of the June 136 Zoom meeting were approved with the following

      3.5.2 Thomson Place.

      3.1 Cowane Trust

      7.5 David Couser.


      Proposed MN, Seconded AF. ACTION HB to AF for Stirling Council.


      1. Conflicts of interest declared

        AF and MN on CCDT Board, RB on Management Group.


      2. ACTIONS from June meeting -

      2.1 Approved May minutes to AF for Stirling Council Done HB

      3.3 Litter situation - Facebook positive post Done AF

      3.10 Timber sleepers On agenda RB

      4.1.1 Police email regarding antisocial behaviour to AF Done HB

      4.3.1 Public meeting - Save Gilles Hill On agenda JP

      4.6 Greener Cambusbarron watering volunteers On agenda AF

      6.2 Fleming Trust volunteer request On agenda AF

      7.5 Roads traffic lights issue Done CF

      8.2 Contact other CCs re response to new SC arrangements Done AF


  3. Matters arising

    1. Playpark improvements

      The park subgroups continue communication with SC. We hope that the
      replacement child/adult seesaw will be in place soon. Benches are being sourced
      through SC as they can reclaim VAT and therefore save us money. We hope that
      this will be completed by the spring. Negotiations are on-going regarding additional
      equipment for both parks as the planned long chute proved impractical.


      HB draft minutes CBCC meeting 137 September 2021

    2. Kersebonny speed changes and verges. Now has 30mph limit. Verges still in a very
      poor condition. Nothing Carlyn Fraser talked about has yet happened. RB – should
      be a pavement alongside.

      ACTION MMacA to write again.


    3. Persimmons adoption

      Sewer system was investigated in June. Currently working on reed bed and sewer
      system should finish Friday. On 22 September they are going to the examine road to
      determine what work required if any. PHES – to be tendered for remedial road work.
      Work should start next Monday.

      Scott Carter, Persimmons, is going ahead quickly with this. It may be done by


    4. Waste services

      Monthly collections are going ahead – we had Teams meeting. Attached as Appendix

      Very little forward planning, no flexibility. Already have flytipping. Both Falkirk and Fife
      trialled it at similar time, only Falkirk went ahead. RB 70% of Council Tax is for


    5. Seven Sisters (AF)

      Moving ahead – already have surveyors out for roundabout. CC still has concerns
      about insufficient provision at the school.


    6. Meeting with Carlyn Fraser

      Has anything discussed at the June meeting happened? No.

      Resurfacing promised in August has not happened. No response to AF email
      querying this. ACTION AF and cc Councillors and CC members, commitments were
      made by Roads Dept at last meeting but would like a timescale for these.


    7. Footpath project
      On hold.


    8. Burnside Bridge (RB)

      Almost ready, it has been a busy time. AF – did you get sleepers? RB has sleepers
      available. Query - bill SC for these. Job will commence at the earliest convenience.


    9. Quarry Road

      Nothing new to report. Still in same dangerous condition. ACTION MMacA to ask DC
      to follow up.


    10. Thomson Place Garages

      Has everything asked for been done? Worst of dangerous bits have been lifted.

      ACTION AF remove from agenda as standing item.


    11. Admin changes (MN)

      Stephen Bly sent out administration grant and minute form. Owing to Covid haven’t
      had activity meetings. Low on putting in admin costs from everyone – stamps, all
      members should take note of admin expenses. MN emailed Stephen Bly – difference
      of £288 in what awarded against what was spent. Disheartening to be penalised
      immediately on this. MN has started a file, ACTION ALL please send receipts to MN.


      HB draft minutes CBCC meeting 137 September 2021

      MMacA would like reassurance that this money hasn’t disappeared into SC accounts
      as it comes initially from Scottish Government.


      Disappointed by approach of SC and lack of flexibility during Covid 19. We have
      supported community to the best of our endeavours, feel disrespected in this.


    12. Mill Development changes

      Halliday has asked for retrospective planning. Seven additional homes. No details
      about what will be incorporated, what will be retained, how it will look. Requested site
      visit, asked that the building be retained and gifted to the community as a resource
      and archive centre. If additional houses have to be built they should be car-free. On


    13. Bins/Litter/Dog Waste (MN)

      MMacA – photo. Footprints to the bin.

      Certain areas are being litter-picked. Do have areas that are continually cleared.
      Stephen Robinson, Land Services, has offer of walking around village, when JP has
      recovered from her broken leg. There has been fly-tipping at the road side.


      Suggests creating new signs. Would need stencils, paint and posters for litter and
      dog poo prevention. DECISION Agreed unanimously. Will apply for Community Pride
      on 9 November if agreed. ACTION MN to discuss with JP.


    14. Burnside Orchard (RB)

      Could apply for funds for tree stakes, ties etc.

      MN – could any volunteers help? RB needs to go in with heavy strimmer initially.
      MMacA please produce a price. AF take figures to CCDT. How many trees? 10?
      ACTION RB to check.


      1. Torbrex Triangle – AF can we be gifted this? Have it landscaped? ACTION MMacA

        to get in touch with Ogilvies.


    15. Fleming trust rep

      Would be good if there was a rep to work with the library that is due to be renovated.
      The book requires a new display area. ACTION AF and MMacA to work on this.


    16. Child First Aid course (AF)

      Do we want to look at this again? ACTION MN has contact, will approach.


    17. Touch Road benches (RB)
      This is in hand.

      AF query about wooden benches, RB, it’s better for them to be metal to avoid


      1. AF - CC should advertise itself more, saying that we have funding and are working
        on this.

        Suggest a short bullet point list of actions being taken by CC. ACTION MMacA


  4. Reports

    1. Police Report Attached as Appendix II

      Still has Pam King’s details – sole point of contact is now Ross Barclay.


      HB draft minutes CBCC meeting 137 September 2021

      ACTION MMacA to contact and ask about new set-up and communication.


      HB draft minutes CBCC meeting 137 September 2021

    2. School Report [HT]

      Attached as Appendix III

      School improvement planning. Raising attainment in writing. Developing rich and
      positive reading culture linked to Scottish Book Trust, going for silver accreditation,
      outdoor learning. In service day was entirely in the woods at Polmaise Castle.

      Developing playground.


      Focusing on positive mental wellbeing for children and staff.
      Working party set up, meeting in the next week.

      General – ordered resources, additional outside seating, health and wellbeing library,
      already in use, covers different themes.


      Planning to move P1 fence. Will give extra green space.


      CCTV – confirmed on list for upgrade. Doing assessment of properties to see where
      school is in the queue.


      Multicourt – MUGA – requires considerable repairs, slow progress but SC are pulling
      original contract to see where responsibility lies. Thinks it lies with Land Services
      rather than Education. Looking at timescale and next steps for this. There is an area
      currently sectioned off.


      Over summer issues with people getting on school and nursery roof. Community
      Police were supporting school with this.


      AF – Community Woodland – on Scottish Forestry are coming on 22 September
      think have found Phytophthora ramorum in larch trees. May have to fell tree in this


      Are they extending school now Barratts have planning permission? MH has had no
      communication on this. AF won’t have enough room by 2024 is estimate. MMacA -
      Statistics suggest With current provision 100 places short by 2027.


      MMacA – can we support CCTV situation? MH – SC is aware it needs upgrading. MH
      will email next week to chase this up.


      MUGA was a planning thing from one of the estates. Assume it is now SC’s


    3. Murrayshall and ROMP [DC] Attached as Appendix IV and Appendix V


      DC and MMacA had a TEAMS meeting with Councillors Christine, Neil and Scott.
      ROMP still not completed. There could be an informal consultation.


      No objections from elected members to CC’s conditions.


      Quarry liaison group should be set up. The community would have to have a role in
      this. Councillors agreed to write to Patersons regarding sequoias.


      KR – provided address to send this letter.


      HB draft minutes CBCC meeting 137 September 2021

      Environmental clerk of works – should be someone from SC so independent.


      Asked that no quarry material be brought onto site, air quality to be monitored.
      Concerns that it could otherwise become an informal tip, later covered over.


      AF is road system going ahead? SC would be able to scrutinise the Reporters’ design
      for Polmaise Road - in the view of the CC it is not suitable.


      The CC strongly feels that the passing places will not adequately protect pedestrians.
      This has been ill-thought through.


    4. Sequoia Group (Save Gillies Hill)

      Responsibility for this now taken on by Save Gilles Hill, no pertinent new information
      at this time.


    5. Planning [JP]

      Nothing new to report.


    6. Greener Cambusbarron [MMacA]

      The display this summer has been bright and cheerful. Many compliments have
      been forthcoming and a few residents have gifted money to support the group,
      which is much appreciated. Many thanks to the watering team who have coped with
      some interesting watering challenges. Plans are being formulated for the end of the
      season and winter planting. Volunteers to help with this are always welcome.

      The only large purchase has been a new strimmer, which was bought from in hand
      funds. The old strimmer had been repaired earlier in the summer had developed the
      same fault. As the part cost £40 it was felt that a new one, with several additional
      heads and accessories, would be a good purchase and this was made at the cost of



    7. CCDT/CVN [AF]

      The draft management plan is out. Consultation finishes on 30 September. Two
      responses out of 30+ so far. Another information day next Wednesday, will
      incorporate residential boundary discussion with residents. Some want trees cut
      down, some don’t.


      Open Doors last week – 100 people visited the woods. Volunteer Week this Saturday.
      Litter-pick done on Sunday night.

      Possibility of larch disease – two areas, one is near sequoias, the other is at the
      Community Woodland across from the school. Scottish Forestry coming on 22
      September to investigate.


    8. Treasurer's report [MN] Attached as Appendix VI and Appendix VII
      Runs from beginning of June to middle of August.

Successful in getting park benches fund.
Equipment for gear box.

Michael Moore was paid for afternoon teas on Gala Day.
Plants for Homestead have been paid.

Accounts all audited and correct. See Appendix VI


HB draft minutes CBCC meeting 137 September 2021

Minutes and account grant pending. Hasn’t had latest bank statement yet. Is down
by £250 as discussed earlier.


See earlier reference to CC members submitting admin expenses.


Main agenda

  1. Flytipping

    1. There has been an increase in reports of this. Rural roads have had more rubbish
      dumped. Residents being asked to report it directly themselves, take photographs


      MN – go with Keep Scotland Beautiful on this? ACTION MN to contact for advice.


  2. Motorway Bridge and Suicide

    1. MMacA had direct message from a resident who had had to deter a young man from
      jumping whilst they called the police, could SC instal taller barriers. MMacA had
      circulated research material suggesting that if distressed people see memorials, signs
      etc. they feel validated.

      KR said he valued the views from the bridges and would oppose the erection of high
      barriers. He feels this problem is beyond the scope of the CC and one for society at

      ACTION MMacA will ask DC to write to AMEY asking for advice.


  3. Cambusbarron Fund Endowment - Legacy funding

    1. AF and MMacA - £25K will go into an endowment. Falck will put £15K but retain
      ownership of this money. We receive interest. DECISION Agreed unanimously.


      The CC witnessed MMacA and AF signing.


      Shelloc – still at planning stage. Should be some community money if this goes


  4. Garden Competition [MMacA]

    1. Five nominations were received for gardens. All will receive a £20 voucher from


  5. AGM arrangements

    1. Scheme of establishment amended. How to advertise – Stephen Bly looking into this.
      Reinstating Face to face meetings from 7 October. Perhaps January for CC meetings.


      View was to hold the AGM in January when it could hopefully be face-to-face.


      DECISION Agreed to hold it on 18 January 2022 in a public forum.


  6. Christmas in Cambusbarron

    1. Series of events proposed. Open to what this might entail. Would advertise everybody
      else’s events, work with the school, nursery, Gala etc. so have a co-ordinated series
      of events. Idea to bring Santa and the Reindeer up to the woods for the children.
      Would need to apply for Community Pride funding by 5 October.


      DECISION The CC will apply to Community Pride for funding for reindeer and visit to
      Santa available to all children up to P7 age.


      HB draft minutes CBCC meeting 137 September 2021

      MN could leaflet be made up for all Christmas events? £519 funding available from
      CC. Meeting to be arranged.


      HB draft minutes CBCC meeting 137 September 2021

  7. AOB

    1. Foundation Scotland fund now open for applications. Thanks to small group who
      worked on this area.


    2. North Kersebonny Residents Housing Association have raised an objection to
      distillery at Craigforth. MMacA would reiterate their complaints on behalf of residents,
      asked for agreement from CC. DECISION Agreed unanimously. ACTION MMacA


  8. Date of next meeting

    This will be held on Tuesday 19 October at 7pm via Zoom.


  9. Decisions taken at this meeting

    3.13 Community Pride funding application for litter signs etc.

    7.1 Endowment Fund - witnessed signatures

    9.1 AGM - agreed to hold this on January 18 2022

    10.1 Christmas in Cambusbarron funding application

    11.2 Support for North Kersebonny Residents Housing Association's objection to


  10. Actions

    3.2 Kersebonny - verges still no action MMacA

    3.6 Still no action on Roads issues AF

    1. Quarry Road MMacA

    2. Remove Thomson Garages as standing item AF

    3. Admin expense receipts to Treasurer ALL

    1. Litter signs MMacA

    2. Trees required RB

      1. Torbrex triangle - contact Ogilvies MMacA

    3. Fleming Trust MMacA/AF

    4. Child First Aid Course MN

    5. Bullet point list of CC activities for notice board etc. MMacA

    4.1 Police contact MMacA

    5.1 Keep Scotland Beautiful advice MN

    6.1 Contact DC re AMEY contact MMacA

    11.2 Support North Kersebonny Residents Housing Association's objection MMacA


  11. The Meeting closed at 9:10pm



HB draft minutes CBCC meeting 137 September 2021


Appendix I Waste Management
Report from Marion MacAllister

Teams Meeting with Stirling Council Waste Services 31st August 2021


Present Kevin McCormack SC, Marion MacAllister CCC
Apologies Bruce Reekie SC


Cambusbarron Community Council were the only CC present


I was shown a power point presentation covering the suite of changes which will be run out
very shortly. These are not open to any further negotiation but are subject to some minor
alterations and the clarification of final arrangements. This CCC made community feelings
of dissatisfaction very clear with waste service, which is not viewed as value for money and
that this feeling is developing into a general dissatisfaction with SC. New collection
calendars were to be posted out this week, our (Cambusbarron) general collection day will
remain the same but rural and narrow routes may change to Sunday.


There was, throughout, much talk of encouraging people to change behaviours and the
awareness of challenge on the part of SC. To that end two new project officers will shortly
be in place to “front face the transition”. (It may be that we should arrange a community
evening and invite these officers to meet the public.) They may be able to explain how SC
believes that we can eliminate waste.


When asked if this four week collection had been trialed or was in place anywhere I was told
Falkirk operate this way and their example has been a strong incentive for Stirling to follow.
There has been much communication between both councils. Fife did trial this system but
did not go ahead, no reason given. It was suggested by CCC that we should have had a
period of monthly uplifts with residents only putting a bin out fortnightly if required. This
might have been a more acceptable to residents and acted as an encouragement. When
asked what arrangement will be made for Christmas when households usually have more
waste I was assured that the services is “looking to do something different”.


When asked about fly tipping which is an area of concern in our community I was assured
that Falkirk had not seen an increase. I pointed out that we had already seen an uplift in our
village specifically on Polmaise Road but was assured that this was not domestic waste.
Informal observations by residents would contradict this. I was assured that this would be
managed and fines issued. I have asked for figures of how many fines for fly tipping have
been issued. CCC would ask that all fly tipping be reported to 404040.


One aspect of concern to CCC has been personal waste both nappies and incontinence
products. As things stand nappies could be in a grey bin for 4 weeks which is an
unacceptable proposition. The following information was in a letter sent to all households
earlier in the summer but many people have missed it. Healthcare bins can be applied for
those with two children in nappies or for those who use incontinence products. These will
have a large H on then and will be emptied fortnightly. Little thought has been given to
preserving the privacy and dignity of those who have to use incontinence products other
than the person can apply for assisted collect (pull out service). This does not feel


HB draft minutes CBCC meeting 137 September 2021

When asked SC have said that grandparents who are childcare for multiple children will be
considered for an H bin on a case by case basis and the same would apply for foster carers.

Additional blue and green bins can be ordered and large size grey will be given to families
of 5 or over.

20500 brown bin permits have been sold and 6000 issued to those who are eligible for

Glass boxes will be discontinued in due course. The proposed date of July 2022 is under
review. SC envisages a substantial reduction in waste in this area when a 20p deposit is
charged on all glass and plastic drink bottles. A 90% take up is predicted. After the box
collection is discontinued glass such as jam jars may possibly be disposed of in the blue bin:
this is subject to change.

The SC website has a page for Frequently Asked Questions to address these changes. It
was pointed out that not all residents have access to the Internet or are computer literate
and it was requested that all information to residents be supplied as a hard copy and that
this information should be easily available to all and in language which is clear and easily

Please address all further questions to SC Waste Services through the switchboard on


Cambusbarron Community Council


HB draft minutes CBCC meeting 137 September 2021

Appendix II Police Report


Name of


Our priorities in the Cambusbarron area continue to
be Anti-Social Behaviour, Drug misuse/Drug
dealing, Road Safety and Community Engagement

and Reassurance.

16/09/2021 – Cambusbarron Community Council





Crime Reports for Cambusbarron area between


Detected cases: 5


03/06/21 – Threatening and Abusive Behaviour
25/06/21 – Possession of Controlled Drug x2,

17/07/21 – Assault to Injury, Police Assault x2,
Resist Arrest

31/07/21 – Driving Without a Licence

31/08/21 – Threatening and Abusive Behaviour,
Attempted Theft



Undetected: 11


07/05/21 – Threatening and Abusive Behaviour
01/06/21 – Offence under Domestic Abuse Act
26/06/21 – Attempted Housebreaking with Intent
to Steal

07/07/21 – Vandalism
08/07/21 – Theft
21/07/21 – Assault
12/08/21 – Vandalism



HB draft minutes CBCC meeting 137 September 2021



16/08/21 – Vandalism

08/09/2021 – Communications Act
11/09/21 – Assault, Vandalism
12/09/21 - Assault


Total Crime Reports: 16


There were 81 calls made to Police for the
Cambusbarron area over the stated period. The
calls relate to a number of incidents including anti-
social behaviour, fraud, domestic matters, road
traffic matters, vulnerable/missing persons and
neighbour disputes.



Incidents of



Efforts are always being made to obtain
intelligence in relation to substance misuse and
drug dealing in the Cambusbarron area.


Any information regarding substance misuse and
drug dealing is welcomed, and can be reported to
Police Scotland via Tel: 101, to Crime stoppers,
or directly to the Community Officers via:


Your information/name will never be




High Visibility patrols have been carried out in
Murrayshall Quarry over the past couple of
months and will continue.



HB draft minutes CBCC meeting 137 September 2021




Please e-mail any feedback/questions to PCs
King and Barclay:-


from meeting


Appendix II Headteacher's Report


School Report – Community Council 21st Sept 2021


School Improvement Plan

  • We have been busy forming action plans linked to our School Improvement
    Plan. Our main focuses are;

    • to develop our approaches to raising attainment in writing,


    • Developing a school wide rich and positive reading culture and
      aiming for our Silver Award accreditation through the Scottish Book


    • Continuing to embed Outdoor Learning both in our local area and by
      developing our playground. Working with Learning Through
      Landscapes this academic year to encourage further use of local
      environment and build teacher confidence.


    • Continue to embed play based approaches to learning in P1 and P2
      but expand this through the school


    • Continued focus on positive mental wellbeing for our children andteam


      School Grounds

  • Continuing to work with Stirling Council to establish who is responsible for repairs to
    Multicourt. Education team believe it is Land Services and the original contract is
    being sought.


  • Continuing to press for our CCTV to be replaced and it is currently not working. We
    are on the list for a replacement this financial year.


    HB draft minutes CBCC meeting 137 September 2021

    Appendix IV Murrayshall






    The requested meeting with local elected members to discuss the ROMP process finally took place
    on 8th September 2021.


    Notes on the meeting are attached, but briefly the outcome of the meeting was


  • The ROMP process for the determination of working conditions for Murrayshall Quarry has
    still not been completed.

  • No formal legal method has been found to enable elected member involvement in the
    ROMP, but still working on some informal process of consultation with elected members and
    the community

  • Planners have suggested a future meeting with CCC and elected members to discuss issues

  • Generally accepted that the ROMP process and Paterson’s previous application for a new
    access road together with the subsequent Reporter’s Appeal decision, are independent, and
    as such the Traffic Management Plans - which must be submitted by the operators and
    approved by the Council post ROMP - may legitimately allow the council to scrutinise in
    detail the Reporters ‘imposed’ design for Polmaise Road, possibly also considering
    alternatives to the PQL/SYSTRA proposed ‘bargain basement’ road improvement design.

  • Discussion on ‘imposed’ design of Polmaise Rd improvement scheme and SC’s legal
    responsibility/insurance cover for the design

  • No objection at this stage, from elected members to CCC’s proposed conditions wording
    amendments, or on CCC’s proposed new conditions. Anticipated that this would be the main
    subject of the future meeting with planners/CCC/elected members referred to above

  • Elected members agreed to write collectively to Patersons managing director asking for
    sympathetic ear for any community proposals to save the Sequoia trees. DC has supplied
    suggested text


Douglas Campbell
18th September 2021


Appendix V



HB draft minutes CBCC meeting 137 September 2021






PURPOSE: discuss any elected member involvement in ROMP process and outline CCC view






  • Planners have still not completed the ROMP process, so this meeting is still relevant

  • A formal legal method has not been found to enable elected member involvement in the ROMP
    process as no ‘decision’ is required. Another consideration is a potential claim from quarry
    operators of undue influence from elected members in what should be solely an officer-led

  • Still working on achieving some informal process of consultation with elected members and the

  • Planners have suggested meeting with CCC and elected members to discuss issues


  • Helpful meeting with planners 7/4/21

  • CCC requested this meeting to discuss elected member input to the ROMP process [formal or
    informal] and explain the CCC views

  • ROMP process important to the community as it largely determines conditions such as blasting and
    dust over the next 15 years and as such the community would want an input.

  • Noted that ROMP and recent Planning permission for a new access into Patersons Quarries Ltd
    [PQL] half of the quarry are independent processes. This was confirmed at 7/4/21 meeting.

  • CCC presentation in two sections :

    • ROMP stage 1 -defined as Stirling Council [SC] process of approval of ‘conditions’

    • ROMP Stage 2 - the later approval of submissions made subsequent to particular approved
      conditions eg Traffic management Plan [TMP]

stage 2 : Approval of Traffic management Plan

  • Traffic issues, and particularly those relating to Polmaise Rd, have been an important consideration
    in the historic community opposition to the reactivation of the quarry, and while it has to be
    accepted that it appears that all formal planning permissions to use Polmaise Rd by the quarry
    operators have been obtained, we see the TMP as an important element in the control of its use.

  • Both PQL and Tillicoultry Quarries Ltd [TQL] have accepted the principle in their submission of 2018
    draft conditions, that there is a requirement for a TMP.

  • CCC see examination of this TMP as an opportunity, independent of the Access Planning
    Permission, for SC [including elected members] to exert some influence on the Reporter imposed
    Polmaise Rd improvement scheme


  • Normally elected members not involved in details of TMP


  • This TMP will be fundamentally different. Details of the road improvement scheme and how traffic
    is managed within that design, as outlined in the SYSTRA report, form the basis of the Reporter
    imposed road improvement design. As such, since we presume no SC technical staff have been
    involved in this design, it is reasonable for us to argue that elected members should now be


    HB draft minutes CBCC meeting 137 September 2021

    involved in the principle of the road improvement scheme, and technical staff in the detail, under
    the umbrella of an appraisal of the TMP within an independent ROMP process.

  • No appraisal of SYSTRA report by technical roads staff or appointed consultants appears to have
    been done at access road planning application stage, as planners stipulated that consideration from
    traffic impacts outwith the boundary of the access road development site was not a relevant
    material consideration.

  • Question: On the basis that SC appear to be obliged by the Reporter’s decision to take ownership of
    the Polmaise Rd improvement design, are appropriate levels of third party and professional
    indemnity insurance in place?

  • Question: Will SC be fully responsible for this design?


  • Issue of traffic from proposed new houses at Seven Sisters field must be a new factor in the
    consideration of the TMP.


  • General agreement that any new conditions must be taken into account in the TMP

  • Agreed to ask relevant questions on ‘ownership’ of the SYSTRA design imposed by Reporter and
    any implications based on the discussion above.


  • Community has not had a formal opportunity to comment on the proposed Polmaise Rd
    improvement scheme, but if it had, comments would include the principle of the single lane
    system with passing places, required by a failure to properly widen the road to 2-lanes and the
    safety of pedestrians especially at the planned passing places/footpaths shared space.

    DC: Post meeting

  • Community view is that alternatives to the PQL/SYSTRA proposed ‘bargain basement’ road
    improvement design - single track with passing places – do not appear to have been considered.

  • The feasibility of a ‘two-lane widening improvement’ or a ‘2-lane road alignment remote from
    existing road’ which bypasses the ‘problem areas should have been considered. Our view is that
    there are additional safety hazards associated with the PQL/SYSTRA ‘2-lane +passing places’ design
    which may be deemed not acceptable under the independent ROMP/TMP process.

  • It is our view that any routine TMP must consider the infrastructure design of the locus ie typically,
    changing road alignment or introduction of speed reducing measures, and as such the critical
    examination of the Polmaise Rd design which alters road alignments and introduces a new traffic
    control system, should fall within the purview of the ROMP TMP appraisal.

  • CCC ask that the PQL/SYSTRA proposal and any alternatives are considered independently of the
    Reporters decision


    Stage 1 ROMP conditions

  • CCC submitted extensive comments on PQL’s and TQL’s proposed conditions in late 2018, and had
    forwarded a copy to elected members prior to the meeting.

  • In this document CCC suggested textual changes to PQL and TQL’s proposed conditions, on the
    grounds that they were imprecise and therefore could give problems with enforcement.

  • Highlighted ‘note1’ in document which dealt with inadvisability of using tailpieces


  • Agreement on tailpieces and general acceptance that language had to be clear



    HB draft minutes CBCC meeting 137 September 2021

  • Highlighted problem with Patersons at Cowie quarry where a condition on working hours was not
    enforced, possibly due to lack of clarity in wording of conditions specifically the definition of


  • Six new proposed conditions in CCC 2018 document


    SF subsequent to meeting passed comments from Chris Cox [CC] on CCC proposed conditions
    [shown in italics]

    Proposed condition #53 Sequoia

  • CCC accepts that new proposed condition #53which outlines a possible SC /PQL compensated
    agreement to save the Sequoia trees is unlikely to be included.

  • On this basis Save Gillies Hill [SGH] have made a direct approach to PQL seeking discussions on any
    possible ways of preserving the trees. This approach was answered by PQL CE but response did not
    address the issue.

  • Asked if SF [leader of Council] CS [Provost] NB [leader of Opposition] would agree to sending a
    letter to PQL CE outlining the value to the community etc, and asking PQL to give a sympathetic ear
    to any community proposals.

  • A brief draft with suggested letter content to be sent to all Cllrs by DC



    • Agreed

      CC: There is no planning reason that could justify the retention of the Sequoia (these not being
      native or protected species) and the application of a condition would therefore not be reasonable
      especially in light of the operational quarrying consequences.


      Proposed condition #51 Liaison Group


    • Strong motivation in the community to monitor PQL/TQL activities closely

    • Good practice

    • May reduce compliance workload from planners

      CC: This could be a reasonable arrangement that we could stipulate as an Advisory Note to the


      Proposed condition #42[a] Environmental clerk of Works


    • Strong motivation in the community to monitor PQL/TQL activities closely

    • Good practice

    • May reduce compliance workload from planners

      CC: I consider this to be a reasonable condition that modern conditions related to major
      environmental developments would include.


      Proposed condition #52 no non-quarry material brought on to site


  • Prevents PQL creep of activities into possible landfill


    HB draft minutes CBCC meeting 137 September 2021

    CC: There is no planning permission that would enable land filling. However, this could be included
    as a ‘for the avoidance of doubt’ clause.


    Proposed condition #34[a] monitoring of air quality


  • PQL [#13]and TQL [#15] appear to accept principle of dust and air quality monitoring but what and
    how monitored, needs to be clearly defined.

  • This is reasonable ‘condition’ in current green environment protection climate

CC: There are a number of conditions that operate to control and reduce particulate emissions (e.g.
water bowsing). However, monitoring of HGV would be an onerous condition which would also be
difficult to enforce.


Proposed condition #50 Ensuring that quarry operations conform fully with agreed approvals
CC: We have developed a system of proactive monitoring conditions related to significant

publically available on the Council’s website once we have recruited into a new post of a Planning
Compliance Officer.


DC Post meeting

There may be a slight misunderstanding on reading CC comments.

CCC proposed condition attempted to address the wording of various PQL conditions that referred
to ‘submission’ and ‘approval’ but omit the - possibly obvious!- additional wording that
implementation was required in accordance with said ‘approval’.

CCC proposed clause did not seek to comment on any compliance monitoring efforts by SC officers
but sought to clarify the legal obligation that ‘implementation’ following ‘approval’ was an
integral part of the condition, and as such, if included, would assist a SC compliance officer in
providing a clear ‘for the absence of doubt’ wording.


Douglas Campbell

Marion MacAllister [Chair]
Cambusbarron Community Council
11th September 2021



HB draft minutes CBCC meeting 137 September 2021

Appendix V Treasurer's Report


Cambusbarron Community Council Main Account


Of this the sum



held in trust are






Opening Balance




Bacs SC Park Benches



WWW1 Exhib



CHQ 010651

R/B D/M Equipm






CHQ 010650

Helen May Mins



Greener Cambs



CHQ 010652

Michael M A/T



Elephant I T Sky



CHQ 010653

R/burst GC Com



Touch K/BSeats



CHQ 010654

Helen June Mins



Micro Grants



CHQ 010655




Covid-19 S/C



CHQ 010658

Audited Jessie



Covid-19 W/F



Pending Admin/Minute Grant



King GV P/Benc





































Funds Available for CC







HB draft minutes CBCC meeting 137 September 2021



HB draft minutes CBCC meeting 137 September 2021