Callander Community Council
Minutes of the meeting: Monday 16th September 2024
Venue: CYP, Callander 7.00-9.00pm
Community Councillors present: Marilyn Moore (MM), John Kennedy (JK), Olga Watkins (OW) left
at 7.30pm, Fiona Kerr (FK), Ruth Barrie (RB), Loucas George (LG), David King (DK), David Moore
(DM), Robert MacLean (RM).
Also in attendance: Caroline Stewart (CS), minute taker, Chiara Fingland (CF), Development Officer
LPP, Ian McCourt, Chair, Callander Flood group, Elaine Watterson Ward Councillor, plus 1 member
of the public.
Apologies: David Shearer (DS), Richard Johnson (RJ), National Park and Police Scotland
Abbreviations: All in attendance will be referred to by their initials.
CCC = Callander Community Council; CE = Callander Enterprise; CCDT = Callander Community
Development Trust; SC = Stirling Council; LPP = Local Place Plan; NP = Loch Lomond and the
Trossachs National Park; FLS= Forestry and Land Scotland; FOI = Freedom of Information; CC =
Community Councillors, St. = St Kessogs, BoD = Braes of Doune Community Fund
Chair of Meeting: John Kennedy
Item Action
Introduction, Apologies and Meeting Procedures
JK welcomed all to the September business meeting and gave apologies from
David Shearer and Richard Johnson. There was a discussion on the resignation
of Ray Watkins and the Chair asked if there was the need for a re-vote as there
had not been a majority at the last vote in the August meeting. It was agreed
that this wasn’t required as Ray had chosen to resign.
Recording/Conflict of Interest
JK advised that the meeting was being recorded for the purposes of minutes
taking and asked if there was likely to be any conflicts of interest. None were
Minutes of the previous meeting
The previous minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting. There were 2
amendments requested - one on the statement made regarding communication
and the other on details about the new leader and chief executive of Stirling
Council. The minutes were approved (based on these changes being made) by
DM and seconded by LG.
Matters arising from the previous minutes.
MM reviewed the matters arising from the previous minutes:
Richard Johnston co-ordinating with CF to produce an events Calendar –
no further forward.
Councillor Earl to pass on contact detail of ward councillors to John Knox
– this had been done.
Ian McCourt and MM had written to SC regarding Callander Flood
protection and the need for clarification.
CCC September 2024 Minutes
Motor homes discussions – MM sending info to ME, had a reply from SC
in discussions with the NP.
Report from Police
No representative was present from Police Scotland. Apologies had been sent
prior to the meeting, as no representative was able to attend due to work
commitments. JK read out the report that had been submitted. Councillor
Watterson advised that presentations had been provided by community police
in other areas on scamming. Councillor Watterson stated she was happy to
contact community police to see if they could organise a similar talk in
Callander. The presentation had been delivered outwith the community council
meeting in other areas.
EW to contact
police re talk on
scamming in
- Special Items
Post office and bank update
CCDT and two local retailers had applied to take over the running of the post
Royal Mail appeared to have made the decision to close Callander sorting office
and had been in touch with Councillor Earl advising that mail would be
transferred to Dunblane. There was a discussion about residents of Callander
being unable to get to Dunblane on public transport. It was hoped that any
undelivered parcels would be taken to the new post office instead of to
Callander Flood group
Ian McCourt gave an update. He had circulated information prior to the meeting
and he discussed the main points. New documentation had been issues by SC,
which included a multi criteria analysis for flood protection in Callander. The
consultation period was open until 14th October. There would be a drop in
session taking place in the library on Wednesday 20th September between 10am
and 1 pm, another session in the library on 26th September between 2 and 7pm,
as well as an online session on 3rd October. Anyone who wished to attend the
online session needed to register for it by 27th September. CCC and Flood group
had planned a joint meeting on 8th October between 12.30 and 2.30 pm. Ian
stated it was important that as many people from CCC attended this meeting as
possible. MM would circulate the invitation to all CC. It was also open to
residents who were impacted by flooding.
The flood group had highlighted to SC that the consultation period was not long
enough as there was a lot of information that needed to be read. There had
been 120 properties identified as being liable to flooding in Callander, but SC
were unable to provide information on where these properties were located,
objectives from the original report had also been changed and it was unclear
who had approved and made these changes. There were also errors with the
areas highlighted as key areas for flooding in Callander. Ian had written to SC
about this and would continue to pursue it.
Callander Flood Group had arranged a meeting for 7th October to prepare points
for the 8th of October meeting. If anyone had any questions to add please send
MM to send
invitation to 8th
October event
to all CCs.
CCC September 2024 Minutes
them to Ian McCourt. Ian also stated that there was no money to do whatever
the preferred option was, after March 2025.
Vice Chair
Due to the resignation of Ray Watkins, there was currently a vacancy for vice
chair. JK stated that as he currently had his own health issues there may be an
imminent need for a vice chair.
JK asked for nominations – LG volunteered to stand in as the Vice Chair with
support from MM. This was seconded by MM with no objections. LG was
formally appointed as vice chair.
6, Questions from members of the public
No questions raised
- LPP/Callander Connect
CF gave an update of the main items in her report.
There would be drop-in sessions every Monday in Callander Connect
where staff were happy to answer any queries about the LPP.
Progress had been made with the bike lockers in Station Road, now had
permission from SC to get them installed, still sorting out some technical
details prior to installation.
Meadows and Station Road Master Plan was progressing well. The first
engagement event was due to take place on Sunday 22nd September in
the Meadows; CF had some posters available at the meeting. RB stated
that she felt that CC did not feel involved in these events. CF advised
that she was happy to take feedback about how things could be done
Looking for a new CC representative on the Meadows Master plan
project due to Ray Watkins’ resignation. LG was already involved due to
links with Callander Flood group. LG and JK were happy to volunteer and
CF would get them added to the meeting correspondence.
Continue to investigate funding including for the 3rd sector resilience
grant which CC could apply for. CF would send details to MM to see if
the CC want to support.
Recently facilitated a partnership meeting with representatives from
CCC, NP, SC, McLaren Leisure Centre etc.
There was an update on the new school campus application which had
not been determined through planning process yet.
The LLTNP Strategic Tourism Infrastructure plan was now available with
the condition of the cycle infrastructure to be addressed at Station Road,
queries on heritage considerations discussed as well as discussions on
recruiting new members.
There was a discussion on internal communication. It was stated that
there was not enough time to read all the reports before the meeting
and that emails were not being received by everyone.
At the last meeting CF had asked to arrange a meeting in October to
review the LPP prioritises to ensure that everyone was still happy with
the agreed actions. CF asked for some dates to be put forward.
CF to send info
to MM
All -put forward
dates for
CCC September 2024 Minutes
Upcoming events, one on Sunday and one planned for October. The
October event would include fun events suitable for all age groups. If
anyone was keen to get involved, to let CF know.
JK proposed that everyone should think about ideas on how to make
information available freely and easily.
JK proposed that all community councillors should come to the next meeting
with ideas on how to encourage more people to get involved with the CC.
FK suggested groups put in a short report with an update on what had
happened at their meetings.
There was a request to send the minutes direct to all members of CCC to avoid
delay. JK proposed that the draft minutes be sent to all CCC members as soon as
they were ready. There was a unanimous vote in favour of sending the minutes
direct to all CCC members.
RB proposed a change of venue such as the church hall in the Main Street where
people are more likely to pop into a meeting. There was a discussion about
alternating venues. JK proposed that the Kirk Hall be investigated as a possible
venue. 4 were in favour of looking at other venues. RB would investigate and
report back at next meeting.
Reports from office bearers
JK raised the issue of fortnightly surgeries, which he felt were now too frequent.
It was agreed that the surgeries would be held once a month on the Saturday
before CCC meeting between 11am and 1pm, as any issues discussed then could
be brought up at the next CCC meeting.
MM proposed that all meeting reports were submitted before the Saturday, so
that CC’s attending the surgery were doing so fully informed. CF would arrange
for the meetings dates to be changed in Callander Connect.
Planning - nothing contentious. It was highlighted that the old Eagle Hotel had
been sold and was in the process of being signed over to the new owner.
The joint project between the Development Trust and CCC for the
regeneration of Main Street included Mark Griffiths from Development
Trust, MM from CCC and Mark Nichols from Ancaster Square Coffee
shop. It had been difficult to get quotes for the painting so it had been
agreed that grants applications would be made to buy the paint even if
there was no-one identified as yet to do the painting. Guidance was
being sought from the NP regarding appropriate colours in conservation
areas. Even if the businesses did not have someone to do the painting,
they might be able to do it themselves or arrange their own painter.
MM was approached by Thornhill Development Trust at a meeting she
attended regarding the rural bus service. They asked about the
possibility of having a bus that linked Thornhill, Callander, Doune,
All -contact CF if
want to get
All - think on how
to make
information easily
accessible and
how to encourage
new members for
Draft minutes to
be send to all CCs
as soon as
received from
minute taker
RB to investigate
venues for CCC
CF to arrange for
dates to be
changed at
CCC September 2024 Minutes
Deanston and Dunblane. This had been raised in the LPP and the
Development Trust had raised this again.
Preplanning advice was being sought for the public phone box in Camp
Place, to find out if planning consent was needed for a change of use. It
had been agreed that the Development Trust would take on and manage
the phone box.
BEAR Scotland - concerns were raised that there was not going to be as
much spent on pavements as was anticipated this year. The plan was to
complete the work that was put on hold earlier in year due to a burst
pipe. Another scheme on next year’s programme will include Main
Joint app CCDT/CCC for a Forth Environment link grant had been
successful and £1000 had been awarded to enhance the Meadows
Master Plan.
Change of signatories to the bank account were still in progress.
The current balance was £2852.07, payments made since then as money
had been ringfenced for work on the playpark. A grant was also applied
for by Callander Enterprise, who then did not use all the money, so they
still had £1700 left. MM would go back to SC to clarify on what would
happen with the remaining money.
B of D - there was a meeting with the majority of CC to discuss B of D
community fund applications. There were queries on 3 out of the 5
applications with 2 being granted, one to the rotary fund, for social
events and the other to Callander festival events to allow the lampposts
to be upgraded to take festival lights. The current balance was
No update
No update
Stirling Council
Caroline Sinclair had been appointed as the new Chief Executive; she had
had a series of meeting with her committees. There was also a new
council leader, Margaret Brisley, elected to replace Chris Kane who was
recently elected as an MP.
There would be an event taking place at McLaren Leisure Centre on
Monday 23rd September to support rural businesses, with a view to
setting up a rural business hub.
A full Stirling Council meeting would take place on 10th October with a
normal agenda. The agenda at the last meeting was to appoint
committee members and a new council leader.
St Kessog’s
LG had arranged for Chris Kane to visit St.K’s on 27th September at 11am
to do a walk through.
MM to clarify
with SC
JK to send
information on
the duck feeder
to Stephen Bly
CCC September 2024 Minutes
Duck feeder – LG asked whom he should contact to find out if planning
permission was required. Councillor Watterson suggested he contact
either Drew Lesley or Tracy Mills. JK would contact Stephen Bly to clarify
who was the correct contact within SC.
FK noted overgrown bushes at roundabout coming down from The Mollands to
A81 Mollands Road. FK would send photos to RM.
FK to send
photos to RM
The next meeting will be on Monday 21st October 2024