October 2024 Minutes

Callander Community Council

Minutes of the meeting: Monday 21st October 2024

Venue: CYP, Callander 7.00-9.00pm

Community Councillors present: John Kennedy (JK), Fiona Kerr (FK), Ruth Barrie (RB), Loucas

George (LG), David King (DK), Robert MacLean (RM), David Shearer (DS),

Also in attendance: Caroline Stewart (CS), minute taker, Richard Johnson (RJ), Martin Earl, Ward

Councillor, plus 4 members of the public.

Apologies: Police Scotland, Marilyn Moore (MM), Olga Watkins (OW), David Moore (DM)

Abbreviations: All in attendance will be referred to by their initials.

CCC = Callander Community Council; CE = Callander Enterprise; CCDT = Callander Community

Development Trust; SC = Stirling Council; LPP = Local Place Plan; NP = Loch Lomond and the

Trossachs National Park; FLS= Forestry and Land Scotland; FOI = Freedom of Information; CC =

Community Councillors, St.K = St Kessogs, BoD = Braes of Doune Community Fund

Chair of Meeting: John Kennedy

Item Action


  1. Introduction, Apologies and Meeting Procedures

JK welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave apologies for Olga Watkins,

Marilyn Moore and Trossachs and Teith Police.

Recording/Conflict of Interest

JK advised that the meeting was being recorded for the purposes of minutes

taking and asked if there were likely to be any conflict of interest. Nothing was


JK highlighted a few matters prior to the minute starting:

 The inscription for the wreath for Remembrance Day. He has sent round

ideas and there have been some amendments received.

 A member of the public appealed to as many members of the

community council as possible to attend the remembrance service on

1tth November.

 JK asked that any question for guests and community council business

be directed through the chair.

  1. Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the September meeting were approved by FK and seconded by


  1. Matters Arising from the previous minutes.

 EW had agreed to contact the Police to arrange presentation regarding

scamming– no update.

 Callander Flood group had a constructive meeting with SC, SC have made

a commitment to engage and consult and CCC will stay in touch with Ian


 MM will send out an invitation to other CC regarding getting involved in

Callander Flood group.

CCC December 2023 Minutes


 Investigating other venues to hold the meeting. RB has information on

the church hall and will give further details later in the meeting.

 Surgeries now put back to one a month. The last one had to be cancelled

due to JK being unwell, but they will resume next month.

 Bank account, all the paperwork has been signed.

 LG has sent information to SC regarding the duck feeder. SC suggested

his initial contact wasn’t the correct person, but it has now been passed

to the relevant person and LG awaits a reply.

  1. Report from Police

No one in attendance so FK read through the report. A member of the public

asked about the car that has been left at Cambusmore with police tape around

  1. It was suggested that CCC email Trossachs and Teith police and ask what

procedure is in place to deal with it.

LG propose that CCC send a letter to the police asking for more information. It

was highlighted that MM has sent information round advising that she was

contacted by the press asking for comment on the car and this request has been

declined. Councillor Earl highlighted that Transport Scotland will also be

involved as it is parked on a trunk road.

MM to send a

letter to Police

Scotland and


Scotland for

further info.

  1. Special Items

Update on St Kessogs

Chris Kane visited St Kessogs recently along with LG. LG went through some of

the ideas he has for the building:

 Other communities are setting up Mobile hubs and he feels Ancaster

Square would be one of the best places to have one and if this was the

case access to toilet facilities would be needed. Is there an option to refurbish

the toilets in St. K’s?

 It is likely that the building will go up for sale in November after SC

finance committee meet. There are grants that can be applied for, but

this is difficult as no one wants to take on liability of the building and its

long-term maintenance therefore could there be an option to lease it?

Councillor Earl highlighted that the building needs work to be on it, a condition

report is coming to committee in November as councillors and senior officers requested.

It is under officers’ delegated power to dispose of a SC asset so approval

is not needed from the committee; however, they wanted transparency

and the report will be available for people to view. Due to being put on the

market CCC can’t do much unless the building doesn’t sell. It was agreed that

CCC will keep in touch with SC as the situation develops.

Callander Flood Group and Flooding Consultation

Ian McCourt wasn’t present at the meeting: LG gave an overview of the meeting

last week between CCC, CFG and SC, where a shortlist was provided by SC, issues

were highlighted that were incorrect or hadn’t been examined. SC advised

that now they have got to the shortlist there will be more community interaction.

During October, there have been several days of community consultation

in the library. Regardless of the final option arrived at by SC, there is no funding

CCC December 2023 Minutes


available at this time to take any scheme forward. However, there could be a

shortlist available when funding becomes available.

Update on Post office, Bank and Royal Mail Sorting office

RB advised that the new sorting office starts in Dunblane tomorrow and the

bank will be closing in March 2025. The question remains where the new post

office will be located, there are currently 2 contenders.

MM has been liaising with the post office and an update will be provided.

  1. Questions from members of the public

 it was highlighted that reports should be available to the public prior to

the meeting. It was agreed at the last meeting to streamline the process

of getting the minutes out and it was felt that the report should be

transparent and available in advance.

 Treasurers report – JK advised that MM has the treasurers report which

she will pass to RB. JK will ask MM to arrange a handover to RB.

 There was a discussion about legislation related to carrying out work on

private property and also legislation specific to properties in

conservation areas. It was suggested that individuals check current

legislation either by contacting the NP planning office or Planning Aid


Any reports to

be available a

week before


JK to ask MM to

arrange a


  1. LPP/Callander Connect

Chiara FIngland (CF), the Development Officer wasn’t present at the meeting. JK

summarised the report. The main points were:

 Meadows/Station Road Car park master plan is progressing with the first

engagement event being held on 22nd September, focusing on active

travel and biodiversity. The next event is planned for Saturday 26th


 The Climate Seed Fund application was granted and a meeting to agree

the spend is to be arranged. It was highlighted in CF’s report to ask CCC

to confirm who should be included in the discussion. There was

confusion about what the fund was. Therefore, JK agreed to contact CF

for further information.

 Ongoing LPP surgery every Monday 12-1pm with the opportunity to

meet outwith these times.

 The next public engagement event for the Meadows Masterplan is on

26th October. There was a discussion about who will be involved in the

event and if the public can attend. Due to lack of clarity around this, LG

proposed that research is needed into what is the best way to

communicate with CCC and the community in general. JK will take up

with Frank Park to develop a strategy and include RJ in any


At a previous meeting, RJ had agreed to co-ordinate communication and has

asked for log ins to update CCC website and Facebook, but no information has

been received back. RJ is also keen to find out what is happening with the LPP, if

it is being amended or updated. If so, this needs to be re- registered with the

NP for it to be valid along with reasons why it has been updated. There was a

query as to whether there has been full community engagement. RJ clarified

JK to contact CF

for more info on

seed fund

JK to discuss

with Frank Park

CCC December 2023 Minutes


that the LPP covers up to 2030. It can be changed during this period, but you

must prove there is a need to change it in the community. JK will liaise with CF

regarding any LPP updates and will arrange a meeting.

JK to liaise with

CF re any


  1. Reports from Office Bearers and Agencies


This report was sent out, 4 items on it, nothing requiring comment.

A question was raised about the grant provided to do tests on CYP. The tests

have been completed and the Conservation Officer would like the finish to

replicate the existing black and white timber and the plaster work and render to

be done with lime and mortar. The cost may be an issue in taking work forward.

The planning permission has been withdrawn temporarily due to cost and will

be reapplied for once the funding has been sourced.

RJ highlighted for information that the planning application for Callander

Primary school is due to go before the planning committee in November and the

meeting will be held in Callander. The invitation to attend the meeting will be

for the whole community.


It was raises that there is a caravan that has been parked at the bottom of

Lagrannoch for some time and the owner lives elsewhere. The land is owned by

SC, but it is not an adopted road. Councillor Earl suggested that CCC ask SC for a

copy of their mapping system which shows all the council assets and what is

owned by SC.

Stirling Council

Councillor Earl provided an update:

 The Forthside development has been approved which will include a film

studio as well as a wider development.

 Approval has been given to market and sell the land around the old

Viewforth site. SC are not going ahead with an extension at the back of

the building.

 It is predicated there will be a deficit in next year’s budget. This year’s

version of “The Big Conversation” started 21st October and will run until

17th November. There is a 2-stage process, the first part is online through

the Engage Stirling website and the second round will take place once

the information from this has been collated and SC have a clearer idea of


The trees in Ancaster Square, permission has been granted to prune them. RJ

has asked the SC officer for an update on when this will happen.

National Park

CCC to ask SC

for copy of



CCC December 2023 Minutes


 Trossachs Explorer, the pilot service has been deemed a huge success

and feedback is being gathered from communities and visitors with a

view to securing funding to run again next year

 Visitor Levy Scotland Act has now been implemented. This will enable

the local authority to collect a fee from accommodation providers.

 Scotland Government operated a Nature Restoration Fund. This has now

been suspended which means a loss of £400,000 to the NP. This money

was used for specific nature restoration projects, so the loss won’t affect

the running of the NP.

 LDP still progression, timetable to be produced by 2026, producing

evidence report, development within all the communities need to get

LPP updated and registered with NP.

 Heritage signs in Station Rd car park, no one knows who owns them.

One has been knocked down, and dislodged from its stand, NP Rangers

have a sign and will replace onto the original plinth.

Councillor Earl asked if CCC would agree to write to NP to support Trossachs

Explorer in efforts to secure funding to run in the future and to emphasise the

importance of having the service. CCC agreed to write a letter.


Next surgery in Callander Connect is on Saturday 16th November. JK asked for a

volunteer to attend with him. LG agreed to support if available from 11am to


CCC to write to

NP to support



  1. AOCB

Election/Confirmation of CCC representative on CCDT board

MM had sent in a reminder that there has been no application to date to the

CCDT board from the CC. LG advised that he volunteered at the last meeting and

is happy to continue to the be the representative. There were no objections,

and it was proposed by FK and seconded by DS.

 RJ gave an update on the Christmas lights. An application to B of D has

been successful and £10,000 was granted for the upgrading of the thirty

lamp posts on Main Street. It has been agreed with BEAR that the work

will be done week beginning 4th November. Braids will be put up on 29th

November which is the day before the switch on. On Saturday 30th the

parade will meet at the medical centre at 3pm, Santa will be in Ancaster

Square at 4pm, there will also be a brass band, tea and coffee, mulled

wine, candy floss and sweet stall, and mince pies, donated by a local

baker. Alpacas will be part of the event. The switch on will be at 4pm.

 Cemeteries in Callander, RJ and his wife are keen to improve the

appearance of the cemeteries in Callander and make the entrance look

better. They have been in negotiation with SC, and plan to plant daffodil

and crocus bulbs which will flower next spring, Bridgend cemetery is also

in poor condition, and they have spoken to the Heritage society. Sue

McKay has advised that they don’t have the resources to do any work

there, so RJ has contacted SC who are happy for any work to take place

as part of a community project and is now looking to get formal

permission to do work. SC are happy to maintain headstones. This will be

CCC December 2023 Minutes


a project that will start in 2025. RJ has visited Doune and met with

volunteers there who look after the graveyard and learned from them.

Change of venue, RB has done some research, and CCC will look at other venues

in more detail in the new year.


The next meeting will be on Monday 18th November 2024