November 2024 Minutes

Callander Community Council

Approved Minutes of the meeting: Monday 18th November 2024

Venue: CYP, Callander 7.00-9.00pm

 Community Councillors present: John Kennedy (JK), Marilyn Moore (MM), David Moore (DM),

Fiona Kerr (FK), Ruth Barrie (RB), David King (DK), Robert MacLean (RM), Olga Watkins (OW) joined


Also in attendance: Caroline Stewart (CS), minute taker, Richard Johnson (RJ) (National Park Board

Member), Gene Maxwell (GM) (Ward Councillor), Chiara Fingland (CF), (Development Officer), plus

1 member of the public in person and 1 online.

Apologies: Police Scotland, Loucas George (LG), David Shearer (DS),

Abbreviations: All in attendance will be referred to by their initials.

CCC = Callander Community Council; CE = Callander Enterprise; CCDT = Callander Community

Development Trust; SC = Stirling Council; LPP = Local Place Plan; NP = Loch Lomond and the

Trossachs National Park; FLS= Forestry and Land Scotland; FOI = Freedom of Information; CC =

Community Councillors, St.K = St Kessogs, BoD = Braes of Doune Community Fund

Chair of Meeting: John Kennedy

Item Action

  1. Introduction, Apologies and Meeting Procedures

JK welcomed everyone to the November meeting, Ganga Bhandari, one of the

new owners of Ashley House joined online along with Olga Watkins. Apologies

were received from Trossachs and Teith Police as well as LG and DS.

Recording/Conflict of Interest

JK advised that the meeting was being recorded for the purposes of minutes and

asked if there were likely to be any conflict of interest. RJ declared a conflict of

interest and advised that he would not be taking part in any discussion

regarding the new primary school as he is on the National Park planning


  1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

MM had made an amendment to the October minutes prior to circulating them

to send apologies for DM as he only set up the meeting online but did not

attend the full meeting. The minutes were proposed by FK and seconded by


  1. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes.

 JK wanted to thank RB for placing the wreath at the cenotaph on

Remembrance Day.

 The car that was parked on the A84 has now been moved.

 SEED fund application – JK still to get more clarification. MM is in touch

with CF to discuss how it can be used for community events to promote

climate change.

 CF clarified that there are no proposed changes to the LPP. There has

been a query from SC and further clarification is needed on how the LPP

fits with SC local development plan. Both parties are in discussion to

ensure that it is in line with legislation. SC have agreed that the NP would

CCC November 2024 Minutes


be the primary authority for the LPP. CF was keen to provide reassurance

that nothing has changed. RB asked about the plans for the top car park

and consultation with residents. CF agreed to address this question

during her update later in the meeting.

 Mapping system to find out details of SC assets – MM advised that she

has access to some of this information which she is working on alongside

Chiara and Ellie to try and piece together. Councillor Maxwell advised

that there is public information available through the GIS (Geographic

Information System) which can be accessed through the SC website. A

member of the public asked if paper copies of the information can be

provided for people who don’t have IT access. Councillor Maxwell agreed

to ask if this would be possible.

 MM attended the meeting regarding the Trossachs Explorer and offered

the support of CCC. MM clarified that the invitation to the meeting was

personal didn’t come through CCC, but she will request to extend any

future invite to RB.


Maxwell to look

into possibility

of providing

paper copies

  1. Report from Police

MM went over the police report as no one was in attendance from Police

Scotland. Along with the report they had also issued a document on security

which has been circulated prior to the meeting.

MM will add the

document to

the CCC

Facebook page.

  1. Special Items

Update on Primary School

An email was received from the National Park Planning and Access Committee.

A meeting is due to take place on Monday 25th November in CYP at 10am. The

CCC has been invited to attend and to put any questions in writing before

Wednesday 20th November. The meeting is also open to the public however CCC

only received the invitation recently which has been shared on Facebook and

other social media platforms and information has been displayed in Callander


It was highlighted that some members of CCC have not seen the proposed plans

for the school, and they haven’t been discussed. JK advised that there have

been several meetings where concerns have been raised. DS and JK plan to attend

the meeting on 25th on behalf of CCC.

A member of the public asked for the CC stance on the new school. JK advised

that CCC still have questions that they want to put to SC and National Park Planning.

CCC have raised concerns previously around access and capacity.

CF clarified that the committee report will be presented with recommendations

to approve Appendix 1. She suggested that everyone read through the 22 conditions

included in the report and if there are still questions. A link is included

within the document where people can add comments. CF will also make

printed copies of the report available in Callander Connect for people to pick up.

There was a discussion about meeting in person prior to the deadline however it

was decided that any questions should be sent to the Community Council secretary

email address and MM will collate them for JK.

CCC November 2024 Minutes


  1. Questions from Members of the Public

Ganga Bhandari joined the meeting online to give some more information on

Ashley House. She advised that there is renovation work that needs to be

completed before it can be opened. She is currently speaking to the Care

Inspectorate on a weekly basis and things are still at an early stage.

The plan is to reopen it as a nursing home. Ganga is a qualified nurse herself and

her family have experience of running other businesses around Scotland. There

will be accommodation for 21 residents available, the same as the previous

Ashlea House but with a renovated layout.

  1. LPP/Callander Connect

CF gave an update

 Meadows Master Plan project - the second engagement event took

place in October to look at emerging ideas. Draft information is in the

window of Callander Connect and still happy to take further feedback.

 RJ has also attended steering group along with SC. Ryan Campbell is due

to attend from the SC Flood Management Services. The Meadows Group

is trying to keep everyone informed and obtain a range of different

views. LG also attends regularly.

 The application for £1,000 that was made to the climate SEED fund by

CCC has been approved by FEL (Forth Environment Link). JK and MM will

meet with the Meadows Master Plan Group and feed into a project

event in January 2025.

 The LPP surgery takes place every Monday between 12 and 2pm at

Callander Connect and is open to everyone.

 Funding opportunities:

o Callander Enterprise under the CCDT banner have applied to the

UK Shared Opportunities Fund Premises Improvement Grant

(PIG) being managed locally by SC. The deadline was 12th


o Together with 10 other local development trusts, it is planned

that CCDT will put in a bid in for the National Lottery Climate

Action fund. Part of its criteria is to encourage rural communities

to come together to build relationships. The group will also look

at other sources of funding.

 It is hoped there will be a joint meeting of CCC and the Development

Trust to consider whether there are any changing priorities and to

ensure those set out in the LPP are still applicable.

 The joint meeting will also be held in discussion with building owners

and artists regarding other plans for regeneration of Main Street.

 RB asked about plans for the Meadows and parking. The parking is not

set in stone, but it is likely it will be reduced but sufficient parking will be

maintained for property and business owners.

The Steering group meeting was attended by LG and RJ as well as SC, car parking

issue was raised especially the possible loss of parking spaces including in the

Meadows. SC still planning to build flood alleviation which isn’t included in the


JK to liaise with

CF re any


CCC November 2024 Minutes


OW highlighted that Station Road car park is not fully utilised so unlikely to

cause issues if spaces are lost. JK called the discussion to a close and suggested

that people bring any suggestions to the next meeting.

  1. Reports from Office Bearers


The main issue that was raised at the last surgery was speeding on Stirling Road.

The problem has been discussed previously and it was asked what the CC can do

about it? There were several ideas put forward including police sitting on the

road with a speed gun, have more of a police present or traffic calming

measures. It was agreed a letter will be sent to SC to communicate with BEAR

and feedback to the police.


Not a lot of activity over the past month, 4 applications, one of which has been

approved and 3 outstanding which haven’t been considered yet. Nothing

contentious included so no further comments needed.


 Regeneration of Main Street, MM is on the group representing CCC with

Mark Nichols (business owner) and Mark Griffiths (CCDT) as well as

Chiara and Ellie. Quotes have been obtained for the painting of shop

fronts and for new signage. The application was submitted on 12th


 110 emails received and 50 sent some to own account on CC business.

 Discussion on C60 bus service and public phone box which is now owned

by the community. A member of staff from the Woodland Trust hopes to

come along to the meeting next month. They have been working with

CCC to identify the owner of a public bench on the A821, however so far

have had no success.

 Representatives from CCC (RB, DM and MM) attended the remembrance

service and RB presented the wreath at the cenotaph.

 As MM has been unwell, she has not been to the bank, so change of

signatories is still in progress. JK and RB will be added as signatories. The

only expenditures for the last month have been for the website,

payment to DK for the engraving for the trophy for the horticultural

society and to CS for the September minutes.

 The annual funding allowance has been paid in to the BoD account from

Schroders-Greencoat, the owners of the Braes of Doune wind farm

company. The amount this year was £22,339.51. There has been no

further activity on the account this month.

MM has sent round the proposed CCC meeting dates for 2025 and has had a

letter from SC advising that they need confirmation of the dates in the next few

weeks. There was a discussion about looking at new venues in the new year

however it was highlighted that notice has to be given to CYP. OW raised

concerns about moving to a new venue where there is no option to offer hybrid

meetings. It was asked if dates can be agreed. They were proposed by JK and

seconded by DM.

CCC November 2024 Minutes



RMcL advised that the pavements won’t be resurfaced this year. He is hoping to

set up another meeting with BEAR to get an update.

Stirling Council

Councillor Maxwell provided an update. “The Big conversation” is live again and

SC have listened to comments they received last year about the style and now

have more open-ended questions and comment boxes. The Scottish

Government have a 1% increased resource grant and 10% increase in capital

available. The implication of the increase for NI for organisations is still being

discussed to consider how this will look for the local authority. The Scottish

Budget takes place on 4th December and will find out the settlement from the

Government on 12th December which will allow the council to set their budget

in February 2025. Officers are currently producing a list of things that can be

done differently, and it will be down to Councillors to come up with suggestions

on how to fill the gaps as a balanced budget has to be produced.

As Stirling is celebrating its 900 anniversary Elaine Watterston is now titled Lord


National Park

No update

Callander Flood Group

The report had been sent round prior to the meeting and MM read it out. The

final preferred option for the Flood Alleviation Scheme should be agreed on by

the summer of 2025 but will not be submitted for funding as the current finance

package has ended. The current short list will be reviewed and final options

chosen to take forward by 31st March 2025. Will now need to wait and see what

Scot Gov offer for the next round of funding.

Callander Flood Group had a meeting with Scottish Water with regards to the

operation and management of Loch Katrine/Venachar to see if any amendments

could be made in the lochs’ control to further reduce the risk of flooding.

Callander Flood Group now have their own Facebook page – Callander Flood


  1. AOCB

 Nominations for Callander Citizen of the Year 2024 are now open.

CCC November 2024 Minutes


 There was a discussion about the need to recruit new people to CCC. JK

will put out an appeal on various local platforms and in the Ben Ledi

View. MM confirmed it was in the most recent edition for Dec/Jan.

 There was a discussion about RJ maintaining website and Facebook

page. MM advised that the CC have a long-standing website and the

minutes etc are added to it and also the Facebook page which is

regularly maintained and updated.

 BEAR is upgrading lampposts with 20 out of 30 already completed before

the Christmas light switch on. The tree will be delivered by Cambusmore

estate on Monday 25th November and the lights will be put up shortly

after this with the switch on taking place on Saturday 30th November.

 The next surgery in Callander Connect on is Saturday 14th December will

be staffed by JK and MM.

  1. Date of the Next Meeting

The next meeting would be on Monday 16th December 2024