August 2024 Minutes

Callander Community Council

Approved minutes of the meeting: Monday 19th August 2024

Venue: CYP, Callander 7.00-9.00pm

Community Councillors present: Marilyn Moore (MM), John Kennedy (JK), Olga Watkins (OW),

Fiona Kerr (FK), Ruth Barrie (RB), Loucas George (LG), David King (DK), David Moore (DM), Robert

MacLean (RM),

Also in attendance: Caroline Stewart (CS), minute taker, Richard Johnson (RJ), National Park,

Chiara Fingland (CF), Development Officer LPP, Ian McCourt, Chair, Callander Flood Group, John

Knox, Communication Workers Union (CWU), Diane MacArthur, CWU, Brian Philbin, CWU, Martin

Earl (ME),Ward Councillor, Carron Tobin,(CT), SCOTO (Scottish Community Tourism Network), plus

5 members of the public

Apologies: David Shearer (DS), Ray Watkins (RW), John Watson (JW)

Abbreviations: All in attendance will be referred to by their initials.

CCC = Callander Community Council; CE = Callander Enterprise; CCDT = Callander Community

Development Trust; SC = Stirling Council; LPP = Local Place Plan; NP = Loch Lomond and the

Trossachs National Park; FLS= Forestry and Land Scotland; FOI = Freedom of Information; CC =

Community Councillors, St. = St Kessogs, BoD = Braes of Doune Community Fund

Chair of Meeting: John Kennedy

Item Action


Introduction, Apologies and Meeting Procedures

JK welcome everyone to the August business meeting and gave apologies from

David Shearer, Ray Watkins and John Watson. JK advised that resignations had

been received from Ray Watkins and John Watson. He wanted to thank them

both for the contribution they had made to the CC and asked for a vote. The

outcome of the vote was as follows and both resignations were accepted.

John Watson unanimous

Ray Watkins 4 in favour

Recording/Conflict of Interest

JK advised that the meeting was being recorded for the purposes of minutes

taking and asked if there were likely to be any conflict of interest. Nothing was


Minutes of the previous meeting

The previous minutes has been distributed prior to the meeting. They were

approved by DM and seconded by FK.

Matters Arising from the previous minutes.

MM reviewed the matters arising from the previous minutes:

Councillor Maxwell had agreed to seek clarity with regards to local businesses

and licensing laws, however no update has been received. Councillor Earl advised

that he sits on the licensing board who have responsible for ensuring laws

CCC August 2024 Minutes


are being followed. He suggested that CCC contact Stirling Council licensing

standards office to investigates any issues. He advised that the contact is

Gordon Dewar.

JK and MM have drafted a procedure with guidance on how to handle internal

communication. MM has also received guidance that another CC have put

together but hasn’t had the opportunity to share this with JK.

RJ agreed at the previous meeting to take on the events co-ordinator role. Since

then, he has spent time looking at all the events throughout Callander. There

are lots of events available but they aren’t being well promoted. RJ feels that a

yearly planner is required detailing all upcoming events. As 2024 is ending, RJ

will start to co-ordinate events for 2025 and produce a Callander Calendar of

events. It is important that the planner can be amended as other events are arranged

and be published both on the CC website and Facebook pages. RJ is also

happy to ensure that the website is maintained. CF also offered support as Callander

Connect have been doing something similar and suggested RJ collaborate

with Freddy Bowen-Bate (CCDT Operations Manager) and Alison Boa (CCDT Director).

LG advised that he has several Callander domain names that CCC could use to

set up a new website. JK proposed that CCC accept both RJ and LG offers. RJ will

coordinate activities with CF and the development team at Callander Connect.

RJ to

coordinate with


Report from Police

The police report was received prior to the meeting and read out. There were

no questions raised.

  1. Special Items

Post office and bank update

The Development Trust and CCC are concerned that Callander post office is due

to close. There have been applications from local retail businesses who are keen

to take on the running of the post office and all the options are currently being

looked at before a decision is made by the Post Office on which is the most

viable. It was clarified that any financial outlay required to set up the new post

office would be reimbursed. Information has been sent to both CCC and CCDT

however this information is confidential.

John Knox was present from the CWU and advised that the plan is to close

Callander sorting office on 29th Jan 2025 and undelivered mail will be sent either

to Dunblane or Alloa with Callander residents having to travel there to pick it up.

He raised his concerns about the impact of this both on the workforce and the


The representative from CWU urged the community to put together a petition.

Councillor Earl will pass his contact details to John Knox, CWU and he will also

pass John’s details to the other Ward Councillors. It was agreed that there are

lots of reasons that the facility needs to be maintained and the appropriate

person from Royal Mail should be invited to a CCC meeting.

Callander Flood Group

Councillor Earl

to pass on

contact details

of John Knox to



CCC August 2024 Minutes


Ian McCourt attended to give an update. He had distributed information prior to

the meeting. He advised that Stirling Council are about to issue a new 140- page

report, covering flood protection for all of Callander not just the Meadows. The

period of community engagement is likely to be much shorter than was

anticipated, as a preferred option is needed by 31st March 2025, as there is no

money beyond that date. There are plans to have one to one meetings with

people who are affected, as well as drop-in sessions in the library where people

can make comments om the proposal. It is hoped that the Flood Officer from SC

will come along to the September CCC meeting. Ian proposed that Callander

Flood Group arrange a joint meeting with CCC and SC to get an update from SC.

The Scottish Government are carrying out a consultation to develop a Flood

Resilience Strategy for Scotland which is due to be published in 2025, SC missed

out on getting funding for Callander last year and they are now on to the next

cycle, with no clarity on the criteria to access funding.

CF advised that some points of clarification were raised at the Partnership

Meeting both on the deadlines and ways to look at flooding alleviation

differently. Ian McCourt and MM will write to SC but need time to read the

report first.


Carron Tobin, Executive Director of SCOTO (Scottish Community Tourism

network) also a local resident and a trustee of the youth project came along to

give information on SCOTO. She advised that the organisation is involved in

supporting communities all over Scotland to look at what tourism means and

the impact it has on local businesses and the community. They have launched

an initiative called “Press Pause” and she went through the benefit this

workshop would bring to Callander, including look at what is working and what

can be done differently as well as ensuring there is a consistent approach.

RJ advised that he hopes the National Park can be involved as they have a keen

interest in visitor management.

ME asked for clarification on the programme. Carron advised it involves 3-hour

long workshop, at the end of which, a report is produced with both quick wins

and longer-term projects. JK and MM will arrange a meeting to move things


Ian McCourt

and MM to

write to SC

JK/MM to

arrange a


6, Questions from Members of the Public

It was highlighted that there are still issues with motor homes in the small car

park at the Meadows, as many as 22 recently. It was asked why SC don’t act as

they been parking overnight. Councillor Earl advised that a barrier can’t be put

on the car park as this would cause access issues for the emergency services.

A member of the public also raised the issue about motor homes behind the

Riverside, having barbeques in the main area of the car park, and causing issues

with waste. It was suggested that CCC request a letter from SC to request their

position on motor homes, even if it a letter saying they can’t do anything.

RB has been in touch with Callander golf club and they hope to make spaces

available for motor homes in the future.

It was also raised that 2 elderly ladies were out walking in Camp Place, and one

took unwell and there was nowhere for the person to sit. MM advised that 4

CCC August 2024 Minutes


wheelchair accessible picnic benches have been purchased and she has

written to SC on several occasions for an update as well as going on a visit to

look at possible locations. MM will pass information to RB to give to the resident.

The benches have been secured by the town centre access grant and are

siting somewhere within SC. MM will send communication to Councillor Earl.

A resident of Lagrannoch has reported a caravan been parked in the street

when the owner lives elsewhere. The advice was to ask the resident to raise the

issue with SC via the Report It function.

MM to send

information to

Councillor Earl

  1. LPP/Callander Connect

CF provided an update and went over the headlines of the Development

Officer’s report.

Community e-bike programme is proving to be a success, the bikes are booked

out regularly, and discussion ongoing with SC regarding a final position for the

bike locker.

The Meadows Master Plan continues to progress, a consultant has been

appointed and there are lots of points of engagement including doing walk

rounds, having thematic conversations to obtain different insights. These have

been set up in partnership with the working group which is still open to new


There is an LPP surgery every Monday now in person, between 12 – 1pm in

Callander Connect, hybrid is also available for people who can’t attend in

person. They will also try to accommodate other times if required.

There was a funding event held recently to raise the profile of the B of D and Hydro

grants and a few applications have been received since. There is information

on both grants available in Callander Connect and both CCC and CCDT who manage

the funds are keen for more local people and organisations to apply.

The next Partnership Meeting is on 30th August and CF has taken points to add

to the agenda

There was a request for CCC’s support to put in an application to cover the cost

of delivering two thematic workshops as part of the Meadows Masterplan.

There is ongoing dialogue to organise engagement events with the public, CF

asked for the Chair’s confirmation that she could take a vote to find out if the CC

support the funding application, MM has sent the information round everyone

although some people haven’t had the time to look over it, so felt that they

couldn’t vote. MM has already received some responses, and as 6 people had

already replied and were in favour of the application it was agreed that there

was a majority in favour. MM advised if anyone has an issue to flag these to her.

A lot of change has happened since the last prioritisation meeting. CF made an

offer for CCC if it would be helpful to have another joint CCC/CCDT session to

see if the 4 prioritises remain the same.

CF went over details of upcoming events including The Gathering event, where

the Friends of Canmore Trust plan to run a street ceilidh on 31st August. CF

asked if CCC would consider being present and she advised that herself and Ellie

CCC August 2024 Minutes


Burroughs are happy to coordinate any materials that need to be distributed.

There are also engagement events in the pipeline for the Meadows Masterplan.

This is due to take place at the end of September, in the Meadows and Station

Road car park. OW asked if the profits of any fundraising at The Gathering need

to be given to the Canmore Trust as she feels this may discourage people from

attending. It was also highlighted that the signs at the Dreadnought don’t say

where the Ceilidh is being held. CF will feed this back.

RJ gave an update on the LPP as he was asked to investigate if place plans could

be amended or updated. He discussed this with planning in the NP and the

response was that the community can amend it to keep it up to date if there are

significant changes or opportunities. Once the LPP has been prepared and

approved it must be registered with the NP and if it is amended, it needs to be

reregister. The amended version can’t be considered within the Local

Development Plan until reapproved. The duration is determined by each

community, with the Callander version being valid up until 2030. They also must

show it has been put together in consultation with the community and has their

support. It can’t just be put together by CCC or an individual.

  1. Reports from Office Bearers


The Chair highlighted the need for new members of CCC and particularly

creative young people, to develop a CC that represent Callander going forward

and urged everyone to do a bit of recruitment. There were questions about how

new members could join and MM directed everyone to the scheme of

establishment for guidance.


JK went over the report for weeks 23 to 32 as there was no July meeting, copies

have been emailed out prior to the meeting. He advised the main issues of

concern is the request for holiday accommodation at Invertrossachs Road which

is currently at the state of neighbourhood notification, JK will do a sight

inspection and look at the drawings and ensure that they comply with the

relevant legislations. RMcL asked who approved the advertising sign outside of

the Waverley. JK will investigate it further.

JK advised that DS has asked to resign from his role with roads due to ill health.

He wanted to thank DS who has done a superb job. DS is happy to support

whoever is taking the role over, RMcL already doing it, but could be doing with

some help, RB happy to support with the role.


No update

Stirling Council

SC has a new Chief Executive Officer, Caroline Sinclair

JK to investigate

signage at the


CCC August 2024 Minutes


There has been a Dunblane and Bridge of Allan by election, the 3rd in the same

ward since May 2022, the election was won by the labour candidate.

Stirling Council have just come out of recess and there will be more to report

from the committees going forward,

St Kessog’s

LG advised he is still trying to find out the costs to do a business plan, he has a

meeting with the Development Trust Advisory Group to find out how CCC might

be able to have first refusal on St.K’s. There are plans to apply for a feasibility

study grant through the Development Trust Association of Scotland.

Secretary Report

Since the last meeting 250 emails have been received with 120 responses sent.

MM is awaiting a date from SC to do a walk round the local flower beds, as SC

want the local community to take these over due to budget issues. The

members of Greener Callander are getting older, and membership is dropping

therefore it is important to do a walk round with SC to find out what they intend

to do with the beds and what support Greener Callander can offer.

C60 bus service, MM attended recent meeting where feedback was gathered on

how to improve the service. It was highlighted that the service needs to be

improved in the middle of day to tie in with the Trossachs Explorer during the

summer, Andy Aitken the chair of Killin CC is keen to set up an enterprise group

from Killin to Callander where travellers would get a discount in shops, MM

read out the letter that was received from Gordon Allan at Loch Katrine re: the

Trossachs Explorer and the excellent customer service provided.

RJ advised that the Explorer is only a pilot for this year. It will be reviewed to

look at usage to see what service can be offered next year.

There is interest from someone out with Callander who wishes to maintain the

phone box at Camp Place. There was a vote and 5 people were in favour of the

person maintaining the phone box.

LG has proposed a duck feeder to try and discourage people from feeding ducks

bread, it is solar powered and there will be no cost to the community. The

organisation gets 10% of profits made. LG passed round a picture of the feeder.

Proposed by LG and seconded by FK.

FK, RB and DK had been tasked to look at the gardens for the Garden of the Year

competition. The standard was high, and the 2 winners have now been chosen,

one for Best Big Garden and one for the Best Small. The overall winner will be

announced at the horticulture society prize giving.

The new legislation regarding pavement parking has raised some issues with

residents who live on narrow roads. MM has written to SC and they have

advised that none of the roads in Callander are below the minimum width.

The books for the last year are nearly complete, RB and JK are being added as


BoD Community Fund has received 5 applications which are currently under

review. One if for a micro grant application and the rest are for full grants which

need to be approved for financial governance by Foundation Scotland.

CCC August 2024 Minutes


The major application reported previously has been granted to Jazz up the

Trossachs for the annual Jazz and Blues Festival.

National Park

RJ advised that NP is currently dealing with a major planning application that is


  1. AOCB

OW raised a discussion about internal communication. She advised that she

would be pleased to contribute to a draft document on how CCC deal with

circulating internal and external information as she had concerns about

receiving communication when not an office bearer. She would like to help put

together a draft process particularly as resignation letters have been received

recently where lack of communication concerns had been raised. JK, OW and

MM will meet to discuss the draft document.

JK, OW, MM to

draft procedure


The next meeting would be on Monday 16th September 2024.