April 2024 Minutes

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Callander Community Council

Draft minutes of the meeting: Monday 15th April 2024 Venue: CYP, Callander 7.00-9.00pm


Community Councillors present: Marilyn Moore (MM), John Kennedy (JK), Fiona Kerr (FK), Ruth Barrie (RB), Loucas George (LG), David Shearer (DS), Robert MacLean (RM), David King (DK), David Moore (DM)

Also in attendance: Martin Earl Ward Councillor (ME), Gene Maxwell, Ward Councillor (GM), Chiara Fingland, Development Officer LPP, Caroline Stewart (CS), minute taker, Richard Johnson (RJ), National Park, Constable Deans & Constable King, Police Scotland plus 3 members of the public.

Apologies: Ray Watkins (RW), Olga Watkins (OW), John Watson (JW)

Abbreviations: All in attendance will be referred to by their initials.

CCC = Callander Community Council; CE = Callander Enterprise; CCDT = Callander Community Development Trust; SC = Stirling Council; LPP = Local Place Plan; NP = Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park; FLS= Forestry and Land Scotland; FOI = Freedom of Information; CC = Community Councillors, St. K = St Kessogs, BoD = Braes of Doune Community Fund; MOP = Member of the Public.

Chair of Meeting: John Kennedy






Introduction, Apologies and Meeting Procedures

JK welcomed everyone to the April meeting and gave apologies for Ray and

Olga Watkins and John Watson.


Recording/Conflict of Interest

JK advised that the meeting was being recorded for the purposes of minute taking only and asked if there were likely to be any conflict of interest. He stated that MM and DM would refrain from any discussion around CCDT unless this was regarding a joint project.


Minutes of the previous meeting

Copies of the March minutes were distributed prior to the meeting. The minutes were accepted and proposed by DS and seconded by MM


Matters Arising from the previous minutes.

No matters arising


Police Report


JK went through the main points of the police report that was submitted prior to the meeting. At that point in the meeting officers were not present but did arrive later in the meeting. There were no comments on the report.

LPP/Callander Connect

CF came along to give an update on the first 3 months of Callander Connect and the LPP. CF hopes to have a report prepared for the next meeting of CCC to reflect on the main highlights and the activities that have taken place since



Callander Connect opened. There has been a range of different groups using the space including Climate Action Callander, Callander & District Horticultural Society and more groups have approached the Development Officer asking to use the space. There is a drop-in each Monday and Wednesday between 10am and 4pm. CF advised that it has provided people and groups with the opportunity to meet and connect and a place where local events can be advertised. The space has been used by third sector organisations including STEP who recently ran a Canva workshop on “How to build a website”. The workshop was fully subscribed and was beneficial for local attendees as they didn’t have to travel to Stirling. The space has also been used by Stirling Council to deliver employability workshops and for a small film screening.

There has also been a drive to use reuse furniture for Callander Connect and so far over 35 items have been recycled. The window display can be used to promote local events and is currently promoting the “Spring Bulb show”.

A range of topics has been raised at the drop-in sessions with many ideas and suggestions related to the LPP. The main topics that have been raised are:

  • Allotments
  • Emergency meeting point
  • Primary school and the new campus
  • St Kessog’s
  • Climate Action group



There was a recommendation that any queries are logged and passed to CCDT and CCC and a process is agreed on how to deal with them. There is a booking system so that groups can book the space in advance. One purpose of Callander Connect is to give updates on the progress of the LPP.

CF also advised that there is a plan to launch a cycle share scheme in May 2024. The bikes are expected to be located in the car park at Station Road. Also in May, an event is planned to raise aware of the different local funding streams available. MM will be present to give advice on BoD and Sheila Winstone will be providing information on the Hydro fund. Case studies will be presented with information available on projects that have been funded in the past and help on making applications.

RJ asked about the possibility of having extra notice boards around Callander as a lot of residents don’t go into the town centre regularly. CF will investigate this but had concerns about how often the information would be updated.

Police Scotland

Constable Deans and King arrived at the meeting and RB raised a concern that she had received from a MOP regarding the vehicle that was abandoned on Main Street that has now been moved to Tulipan Crescent under police supervision. Constable King advised that the vehicle was moved due to resurfacing work taking place in November 2023. The has no tax or insurance and ME is dealing with the issue. DVLA are already aware of it. It was agreed that MM and JK will send a formal complaint to the DVLA. RB provided the registration details of the vehicle.

Special Items






















MM & JK to write to the DVLA


St Kessog’s

LG provided an update on St.K’s. LG attended a meeting with Steve Macdonald on 11th April where he confirmed that the building will be going up for sale and this will happen as soon as possible. Mr Macdonald was unable to give an estimate of the sale value. LG highlighted concerns that the iconic building is in the centre of town so the community is keen to know what the building may become. A letter was sent to Stephen Bly at SC with specific questions which were generally answered by Steve Macdonald at the meeting, but without any of the requested details. Therefore, LG was keen to highlight that as questions remained unanswered, the written reply was a misrepresentation of what the meeting was about. ME asked that JK sent the unanswered questions to the 3 ward councillors, and they will collectively raise them with Stirling Council. He also suggested that CCC write in with hose questions requesting more specific answers.





JK to send question to 3 ward councillors and to MM to send to SC

Stirling Council Budget

GM had sent a budget update prior to the March meeting of the CC. JK read out the update and questions arose that no one was there to answer. GM attended the April meeting to deal with any questions from the budget. GM advised that the budget has now been passed and ME will send on a link to MM of the budget amendment.

There was a discussion about the ongoing issues with the C60 bus service. GM advised that there is a meeting of the full council on 2nd May where the service will be raised.

ME to send budget amendment to MM

Questions from members of the public

RB asked if there was any update on the safety issues that were previously raised about the Bracklin Falls bridge. RJ has passed the concerns to NP rangers to investigate. RJ will ask for an update.

RJ to ask for an update on Bracklin Falls bridge

Citizen of the Year (CotY) 2023

FB presented the Citizen of the Year 2023 award to RJ. RJ was keen to thank his wife Mary and all the volunteers in the community who offered help with the Christmas party and lights.


Reports from Office Bearers.



JK advised that there has been low activity over the last 3 months. There have been 3 applications considered and copies of the report were sent prior to the meeting. JK advised there was nothing contentious.

JK highlighted the CCC Surgery sessions at Callander Connect. JK attended the first 3 sessions where the main issues raised were roads, steps of St.K’s and also a local resident who is keen to move her climbing business into Callander and set up a climbing wall in St.K’s and a rock climbing on the crags. The next drop-in session is on 20th April between 1 and 3pm and will be staffed by RM and DS.



National Park

RJ advised that the NP have planned a public meeting to address objections to the new Primary school. There is no date as yet. A planning query was sent to Stuart Mearns but no response has been received. RJ will chase this up. The local development plan paper will be presented at the next NP planning committee meeting on 29th April. RJ will bring the paper to the next CC meeting.


·       MM recently attended a joint meeting between CCC and CCDT to look at the LPP. Four projects established: The Pedestrian Bridge, Safe Access to Schools, The Meadows and Regeneration of Main Street.

·       Administration over 180 emails received and 80 sent.

·       Assets list – the insurance cover for CCC including the assets list has been received from SC.

·       King Charles portrait – application made for a portrait to be sent to Cal- lander - awaited.

·       Responded to queries from members of the Community.

·       As JW has resigned as Treasurer we will look to vote in a new treasurer next month at the AGM, in the meantime, the books need to be completed and accounts prepared and examined to submit to Stirling Council by end June. As the previous treasurer, JK and MM will work together to complete this task.

·       Licensing advisor needed – MM has asked DK to take on role.

·       Local Place Plan – Regeneration of the Main Street project has already started – Mark Nicols (Business owner), Mark Griffiths (CCDT) and MM (CCC) are the members. MN already talking to shop owners.

·       Traffic speed strips have been set out in Callander – enquiries made to Transport Scotland as to how long they will be down – response awaited.

·       Interesting Digital have identified an existing url which CCC should use is www.ourcallander.org.uk Query use of QR code for CCC.

·       There has been an application for the BofD account that had to be agreed quicky. An application for a larger amount has also been received which will be circulated later in the week.


In JW absence MM and JK will meet to complete the accounts.


MM advised that there has been in a change in the reporting process of minor issues including potholes, drain clearance etc to SC. The new process is that any queries need to go the Report It function rather than to Stephen Bly. It is hope that the new process will improve efficiency. ME raised concerns that photos cannot be uploaded to any queries. MM will send details of the new process to ME to try and get a better understanding of what it means.




·       The next meeting on 20th May will include the AGM where all office bearers stand down for re-election.




RJ to chase up query to Stuart Mearns.


·       RJ advised that a member of the community has approached him asking about expanding the Xmas lights this year. He will meet with the supplier this week to discuss options. The switch on for 2024 will be on 30th November.

·       There is a plan to put lights on the trees in Ancaster Square. SC are planning to provide the lights and are dealing directly with the CC. DS is also liaising with RJ.

·       There are plans to plant 200 bulbs at the entrance to new cemetery, as well as put in a bench and compost bin.



The next meeting would be on Monday, 20th May 2024 at 7.00 pm in CYP, Bridgend, Callander.