Introduction, Apologies and Meeting Procedures
MM welcomed everyone to the November business meeting, to which members of the public were invited. Apologies were received from John Watson (JW) and Robert MacLean (RM) MM advised if any conflict of interest regarding the Community Council and Development Trust arose during the meeting, both MM and DM would recuse themselves from voting. MM stated that if any questions were left unanswered, they could be emailed to
- MM advised that the recording of the August meeting was unsuccessful, so ‘matters arising’ are based solely on the minutes recorded by CS.
- MM contacted Stephen Bly (SB), Stirling Council to attend a meeting to clarify guidance around conflicts of interest. Stephen advised that if an individual felt there was a conflict of interest, it should be put in writing, stating what they thought the conflict of interest to be. SB would pass this to Stirling Council Governance who would then provide advice.
- There had also been a request for a representative to come along from Stirling Council to explain the budget. However, since the last Community Council meeting there had been the opportunity to attend The Big Conversation meetings. MM stated that Callander was one of the first with very little notice given prior to the meeting.
- JK/DS attended the meeting about the new Primary School prior to the last Community Council meeting and stated that the meeting was not very useful. SC has since stated that the plans for the new school were on time and schedule.
- There was a long discussion concerned flood protection plans. It was felt it might be better to wait for the next funding cycle in 4 years’ time, rather than choose the wrong option with SC. It was agreed that IM would draft a letter for CCC to send and circulate to all interested parties in CCC for amendments, then CCC would send to SC. DS seconded DM’s proposal, subject to equal protection to all land being requested in the letter. There was a unanimous vote on the letter being drafted. RJ advised the NP was not responsible for flood management, only for planning. RJ asked to clarify if planning permission was required if a wall was built on land that didn’t belong to SC.
Community council via Ian McCourt to write a letter to SC.
RJ to seek clarification from NP on need for planning permission
Office Bearers
Chair Written report submitted:
- Braes of Doune had had no applications this quarter. The next 3-month window opened in November and would close at the end of January. Applications for microgrants were accepted at any time of the year but none had been received since the last meeting.
- The Retainer Fire Service should now be up to full strength in Callander, as new recruits had almost finished their training.
- FLS - no mitigation report on surface water impact had been received. With larch dieback, there was likely to be more surface water flooding. There were 2 major flooding incidents in September and October and IM had provided updates on this.
- BEAR and Transport Scotland had started the work on A84 and this was going well.
- MM had written articles for the Ben Ledi View on the Community Council and Citizen of the Year.
- MM had been involved in secretarial support due to DS period of ill health.
- MM had circulated a timetable for meetings in 2024 and asked for any comments.
- MM had presented GA with his certificate for Citizen of the Year.
- MM attended the Remembrance Service in November and laid a wreath on behalf of CCC.
- MM attended meeting with Stirling Council, with DS and RM, on improvements being made to the pavements on A84.
Secretary DM discussed his recent health issues and thanked MM and OW for help in covering secretarial work over the previous few months.
Treasurer No written report from JW. MM advised that SC admin. grant was received in October. The current balance was £4242.58, with one cheque for £60 outstanding.
Planning Written report received. No major issues to highlight. There has been one planning application at Lagrannoch for a 2 sideway extension. JK to meet with CF to go through the communication strategy, looking at best ways to use the Business Hub to publicise the Community Council.
Other Councillors OW met with Claire Civil who runs the Community Council website. OW would circulate a report regarding this. The pictures and information that were published in the Ben Ledi View to be added to the website. CF would send this information on to Claire to add to the website. A member of the public raised issues with planning locally. The NP did not have a Conservation or a Built Heritage Officer so it subcontracted work to Argyll and Bute. He proposed that SC take on the role of Build Environment and Conservation so that residents didn’t have to deal with 3 local authorities. RJ advised he would do some research with the NP to find out possible solutions. MM would add to matters arising for next month.
Roads Report Written report submitted. DS highlighted:
- Work started on Main Street where new drop kerbs were being installed. Once the drop kerbs had been completed, they would then
complete work on the pavements.
- Work had also started on the path to the public toilets.
DS stated that since he had been in post, he had dealt with 143 items. Community Councillors showed their appreciation to him. DS was hoping to arrange a meeting with Stirling Council as they were responsible for the other roads and pavements off the A84, to implement a similar system with Stirling Council that he had with BEAR, as this is had worked well. Gene Maxwell raised the issue of potholes in the Meadows car park, behind the Chinese restaurant. DS also advised that the Main Street lights were replaced recently.
Stirling Council GM gave an update from Stirling Council:
- SC was focusing on the budget for the following year. GM was happy to deal with any other questions outwith the meeting.
- Provost has recently resigned.
- Stirling Council was in negotiations with the MOD on land at Forthside. SC hoping to get the land transferred at the end of the year or early in 2024. The MOD would decontaminate land prior to handling it over to SC.
- Gene highlighted Stirling Council Heritage Strategy. He chaired Stirling Council City Heritage meeting and emphasised that the Strategy needed to include all of Stirling including the 55 miles from Stirling to Tyndrum. A member of the public asked about the Christie Clock as any decision had been pushed back awaiting a report. They asked if this has been published and available for public scrutiny. Gene explained it was in 2 parts. The first part was a pink paper that isn’t available to the public for GDPR and sensitivity reasons. There was also a white paper which was currently with the audit committee. DS asked about the possibility of the MOD land being contaminated and Gene advised that this had been discussed. Once SC takes over the land, it will be responsible for anything found there, except for oil. This will all be agreed before it is taken over.
National Park Written report submitted:
- The Partnership Plan was at the last stage. This was a plan for the next 5 years which would be presented to the Board at the December meeting.
- The Callander South Master Plan was approved the previous month by the Board.
- Scottish Government had consultation out on Scotland’s strategic framework for biodiversity addressing the nature crisis and this had put
pressure on the NP.
- NP had discussed the need for affordable housing in the NP and was now preparing the next Local Development Plan. MM asked how SC could work with the NP to give rural people access to rural housing. GM stated the requirement to have equal access to housing for all people. He advised that SC covered a population of 55,000.
- A member of the public asked about the new plan and how it related to provision for the number of pupils in the new school. It was advised that the numbers catered for would be related to the new development plan. RJ advised that the Callander South Masterplan was completed in partnership with all the organisations including SC.
- Member of the public asked about the safety of the Bracklinn Bridge and the lack of signage around it, as he felt it was dangerous to have no warning signs on the paths down to it.
RJ would make inquiries to the NP about this.
- Vacant secretary role due to resignation of DM from officer role. No CC wished to take over the secretary role currently, so either:
A. current Chair and Vice-Chair would stand down, the current Chair would stand to be elected as the Interim Secretary and the current Vice-Chair would stand to be elected as the Interim Chair at the next meeting or
B. the Secretary role would be divided amongst several community councillors
There was a unanimous vote for option A, which would be voted on and minuted at December’s meeting. OW agreed to help CS with the minutes until a permanent Secretary is elected to post at the next AGM.
- RB reported that she had undertaken a survey of campervan use in the Meadows car park, after receiving a complaint from a member of the public. She realised that this subject had been discussed on many occasions by CCC. During the Jazz Festival, for example, there were 41 campervans/ mobile homes in the car parks. To be discussed at a further meeting.
- The Big Conversation – OW and RW would feed back any relevant details of progress to CCC.
- A member of the public had written to CCC with a complaint about the CCDT AGM. As it was felt that this was not something that should be dealt with by CCC, JK stated he would help this individual on a private basis, to write a formal letter of complaint to the CCDT in the first instance and others were advised to write individually also if they had complaints.
All - comment on 2024 meeting dates
CF to send info to Claire Civil
RJ to provide information from NP
RJ will make inquiries about signage for Bracklinn Bridge path
OW to help with writing of minutes
OW/RW to feedback as necessary
JK to help member of the public write a letter of complaint to CCDT, on the person’s behalf