October 2022 Minutes

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Callander Community Council

Adopted minutes of the meeting: Monday 17th October 2022 Venue: CYP, Bridgend , Callander

Hybrid Meeting

Community Councillors / Associate Members present: Susan Holden (SH) – Chair, John Watson (JW), Olga Watkins (OW), Ray Watkins (RW), Bev Field (BF), David Moore (DM), Marilyn Moore (MM), Associate Members - Gordon Addison (GA), David Shearer (DS), Tim Crone (TC)

Also in attendance: Gene Maxwell (GM) – Ward Councillor, Richard Johnston (RJ) – NP representative for Callander, Helen Terry (HT) -Town Co-ordinator, Ian McCourt (IM) - representative of one of the local Flooding Groups, Murray McKellar (online) - LLTNP, Donald King – Community Officer, Police Scotland plus several members of the public.

Apologies: Regine Watson (RW) – Minute Taker, Moe Guertin (MG), David King (DK)

Abbreviations : All in attendance will be referred to by their initials.

CCC = Callander Community Council; CE = Callander Enterprise; CCDT = Callander Community Development Trust; SC = Stirling Council; LPP = Local Place Plan; NP = Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park; FLS= Forestry and Land Scotland; FOI = Freedom of Information; CC = Callander Community.

Chair of Meeting: Susan Holden



1. Welcome and Apologies

There were no declarations of specific interest.

SH advised that the meeting was being video-recorded for the purpose of minute- taking only and that the recording would be destroyed following the approval of the minutes.

SH clarified some agenda points relating to joining the meeting in hybrid form, as well as general behaviour during the meeting and stated that a new Code of Conduct for meetings was being developed, in conjunction with SC. It was hoped that a draft of this would be available for the November CCC meeting, for discussion. SH also asked that any questions should be sent prior to meetings so that they can be added to the

agenda, time permitting.



- A. Police: in person update on previous questions from the public.

Donald King gave some initial statistics for the local area, for offences over the previous six years: - sexual offences, assault, Section 38s, house breaking, thefts, shop-lifting, frauds, vandalisms, drug supply and drug possession. He noted that drug supply and drug possession figures had been very low for the year 2021/2022, but highlighted the probable effects COVID had had on the figures. The number of crimes had been above average, although the numbers in Callander were actually very low in comparison to the national average. He had not personally noticed any significant

increase in these crimes. The police did not see any areas in Callander as being unsafe and people in Callander should not be concerned about being victims of crime. Drugs in the community was a complex issue, and the police focus was mainly on those who dealt drugs. He stated that the ultimate goal was to reduce the mortality rate from drug taking, which in Scotland was currently very high.

There was some general discussion with community councillors and members of the public, including questions on how government statistics were calculated, the





likelihood of becoming a victim of fraud, in what age groups was drug-taking prevalent, what types of drugs were being taken, antisocial behaviour within the community, the increase of crime during summer months and the effects that COVID had had on crime figures.

Donald King ended by emphasising that Callander was a very safe place to live and that there was no reason for people to be concerned whilst out and about in the area.

- B. Bracklinn Falls Bridge Update: Murray McKellar, LLTNP, online presentation.

Murray gave an update and PowerPoint presentation:


  • 14/7/22 – Submit Planning Application
  • 26/9/22 – Commence Fabrication

· 5/12/22 – Start on site (actual start date to be confirmed by November meeting)

· End of Jan/Feb – Bridge complete (weather permitting) Bridge Proposal

  • To be made of a weathering steel
  • 2m wide, with handrail at 1.25m

· Perforation to steel panels on sides to enable people to see through it

  • No timber to be used Additional Works

· Improvements to be made in relation to safety around the Bracklinn Falls, and paths/drainage

Interpretation Panel

· The existing panel to be updated. Murray said he would be looking for suggestions for possible additions to this and highlighted some potential options. Is looking for some pictures of the bridge which was in place in the 20th century

The question was asked if proposals would be published. Murray confirmed that they would be, once agreed and that the bridge would be managed and maintained by LLTNP and would follow a set maintenance strategy.

There was some concern expressed about the steel panels, and their possible effect on people with vertigo, although not all agreed with this concern.

SH asked people to send any further questions/comments to Alasdair Wyllie.

- C. Flooding Community Engagement Plan.

Maria Lucey (ML) was unable to attend the meeting but had sent in written responses to questions submitted by 4 separate individuals prior to the meeting. ML had committed to attending the November meeting and to talk around these questions and the answers face to face.

IM made the following points: -

· He expressed concerns about SC not sticking to timescales, and the importance of getting them to stick to published schedules

· Certain steps still needed to happen. SC had been very poor. Community involvement was still needed

· An answer was still needed from SC in relation to the minimum proposed level of flood protection





· The community had never been asked for their opinions on the short list of options

  • There were uncertainties in the current funding situation

GM stated that he thought no decision on any one option had yet been made and that he would chase up more information on the funding position. He would also check when the anticipated report would be available.

RW suggested asking ML for the name of a higher official who could be contacted for answers if necessary. GM advised that responsibility would lie with the head of Environment and Place at SC.

SH emphasised the need to make the best use of ML coming to the meeting.

There was further discussion on how much had already been spent on the flood protection scheme and that perhaps the public should have seen the list of options.

Sewage leaks in the Meadows Car Park were also discussed. MM highlighted that people should write to Scottish Water with any concerns about sewage, and the more communications they receive, the higher the priority an issue would be given.

SH asked people with any questions/comments as a follow up to this meeting to send these to the secretary, and she would look at finding the best way of conveying these in order to get the best answers on timescales.



There were no amendments. The minutes were proposed by DM, seconded by JW.



- Approval to forward LPP document for public consultation

HT stated that there was a last minute statutory requirements for the draft LPP to be shared (with ward councillors and other neighbouring CCs) during a 28 day consultation period and that the full members of the CCC were required to vote on approving the text within the document. This was proposed by DM and seconded by RW.


5. REPORTS from Office Bearers Chair

A written report was submitted. There were no questions.


No report submitted.


No report submitted. OW had been very busy with the day-to-day running of CCC and stated that it was ‘ a lot of work’. She was in discussions with SC to find out what support could be available with this, particularly in relation to IT.


A written report was submitted. DM highlighted that a couple of objections had been received in relation to one of the four new planning applications Loch Venachar Dam – Flood Improvement Works, and that more information would be requested from the applicant. The objections are available to view on the website.






A written report was submitted. A question received today in relation to payments for hall hire was answered/clarified.


A written report was submitted. There were no questions.


A written report was submitted.

Stirling Council

GM gave the following verbal report: -

· They have a revenue and a capital budget

  • He sits on the Finance and Economy Committee, which has not met recently

· The revenue budget of SC is currently 4.5 million pounds overspent. The biggest single item is in relation to schools, where the PFI amount is £900,000 higher than was originally budgeted for. He highlighted that 3% inflation had been taken into account, but was now significantly higher, and has impacted on budgets

· There is £2 million coming in from the Covid Recovery Fund

· Council staff are looking for an “inflation-proof ” pay increase, and wages accounts for the greatest proportion of council spending. This has now been settled, but school wages and education budgets have still to be looked at

· The capital budget has a huge underspend (£13.5 million), due to work not having not been done because of Covid. The money will be put into the next year’s budget (i.e. is not lost)

· There are many projects still to take place, and GM gave examples of some of these being unable to now take place due to costs now being greatly higher than were previously budgeted for, and also a lack of resources (staffing shortages). Material costs have greatly increased, especially in construction

· The council are looking at people being under serious stress due to heating bills, and what can be done to support with this

GM advised that costs for the St Kessogs project had greatly increased and said this would be looked at to see what could be done. DM advised that, at a recent meeting, it was stated that the project was now on hold due to the increase in costs from the original estimate, and this was also due to the review of the structural integrity of the building meaning there was a lot more work to be done. GM highlighted that for scaffolding alone, the cost would be at least £300,000.

SH expressed concern that Tim Crone - CCC associate member for the St. Kessogs project - had not received an invitation to the recent working party meeting. She will be writing to Stephen Bly to emphasise the importance of the CCC being kept updated. GM asked SH to copy him into the email.

National Park

RJ gave the following update: -

· The board has now been re-established, and inductions/training is taking place for new members

· He is now part of the NP Planning Committee

· The account from 2021/2022 was approved at a recent board meeting, and an underspend in the capital budget was seen, and related to COVID.

· The budget for 2023/24 is awaited and should be available in December. Planning cannot take place until this is published

  • The planning committee is dealing with 2 major planning applications currently, neither of which are in the CCC area




· Amendments to Loch Lomond bye-laws are currently being dealt with, and this should be completed early next year

· The future of the Luss Visitor Centre is being looked at, and it has been decided that this will be put on the open market, and disposed of as an asset

· He has been pressing the board for a decision on the future of the Callander NP office

DM advised that he had been in discussion with Martin Earl about the railings in Pearl Street and the old Eagle Hotel. GM confirmed that DM could communicate with him as well as ME about these and added that he had been looking into the legal position.

OW was asked why no reports were available on the CCC website prior to the meeting. She stated that this was not required by the Scheme of Establishment and that no other CC in the area did this. She added that any reports deemed necessary for public viewing would be attached to the adopted minutes when they were published.

GM stated that the people of Callander were ‘blessed’ to have the level of reporting that the CCC did, in comparison to many other CCs in the area.


6. UPDATES not already covered



JW confirmed that he would be attending the Church Service on Remembrance Sunday to represent the CCC and that the wreath had been ordered.

There was a discussion on the setting up of a community space which could be used by people to stay warm and have meals in circumstances such as power cuts etc.

GM suggested looking at places which already had an auxiliary power supply and said he would ask the council about McLaren Leisure first of all, and about what was the resilience plan should there be another extensive loss of power.

MM highlighted there was a small amount of money available in the Climate Change Fund.

There was a general discussion about resilience planning and the possible issues with insurance if volunteers were involved. GM stated that there was a resilience team within SC. A member of the public asked if there could be some support for providing emergency help in the town, as she became involved in helping Trust Housing, who were without easy access to hot drinks and food during Storm Arwen last year.

MM proposed that a £30 gift token/voucher be given to the person who examines the CCC annual accounts. This was approved by the CCC.

Young trees are available for planting. MM to discuss further.



- 21st November 2022 @ 7.30 pm