November 2022 Minutes

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Callander Community Council


Adopted minutes of the meeting: Monday 21st November 2022 Venue: CYP Bridgend, Callander. Hybrid Meeting


Community Councillors present: Susan Holden (SH) – Chair, John Watson (JW) , Olga Watkins (OW), Ray Watkins (RW), David Moore (DM), Marilyn Moore (MM), David King (DK)

Associate Members present: Gordon Addison (GA) part, Tim Crone (TC) online.

Also in attendance: Martin Earl (ME) – Ward Councillor - part, Richard Johnston (RJ) – NP representative for Callander, Helen Terry (HT) -Town Co-ordinator, plus several members of the public, including members of the Bridgend, Grant Court, South Church Street flooding group and others

Press: Chris Marzella (CM) Stirling Observer - part, online.

Apologies: Regine Watson (RW) – Minute Taker, Moe Guertin (MG), Bev Field (BF), David Shearer (DS), Alasdair Wyllie (AW)

Abbreviations: All in attendance will be referred to by their initials.

CCC = Callander Community Council; CE = Callander Enterprise; CCDT = Callander Community Development Trust; SC = Stirling Council; LPP = Local Place Plan; NP = Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park; FLS= Forestry and Land Scotland; FOI = Freedom of Information; CC = Callander Community.

Chair of Meeting: Susan Holden






A. Introduction

SH welcomed the participants

OW read out the list of apologies received from MG, BF and DS.


B. Recording

SH advised the meeting was being recorded solely for the purposes of minute-taking.


C. Declaration of Interest

SH asked if there were any expressions of potential conflict of interest. JW stated he would abstain from discussion on dentistry provision (item 2A) owing to his work on queries sent to the MSP.





SH explained that this item had been included owing to the public concerns expressed online over the withdrawal of NHS Dental Service for adults over the age of 18 years by the only dental practice in Callander.

In order to ensure the CC responded to these and took them forward in the most productive manner, RW, who had a professional career in NHS Dentistry, would take this forward.

RW described the prospects for setting up a new NHS dental practice in Callander, as a Social Enterprise or Charity, initially supporting one fulltime dentist and support

staff, ideally growing to two dentists and trainee staff in 3 years. The aim would be for







at least 90% NHS-funded and no more than 10% private care.

Premises are a priority and various potential locations are being explored.

In response to a question from a member of the public, RW explained the various potential options for setting up a new body.

He also responded to a query about the possibility of using mobile dental caravans until premises were established.

ME confirmed that all ward councillors, as well as the MSP, had received and responded to public questions posted on social media


1.  CCC to approach the local public services (SC, LLTNP, local Health Board) to identify likely premises under the Community Asset Transfer Legislation.

2.  CCC to discuss with the Health Board the premises options and the initial funding needed in 2022-23.

3.  CCC to support setting up a Social Enterprise to facilitate a new dental service in Callander. Directors would include community, patient and staff directors, plus one CCC director to protect community interests.

The CCC members present supported these proposals unanimously and asked RW to take the project forward.






















RW to take forward.

B. BRACKLINN FALLS BRIDGE (Murray McKellar – MK- report)

Following his presentation at last month’s meeting, MK had sent an update:-

current: Bridge components under construction in workshop

- 5.01.23 On-site construction begins. Completion due in 8 weeks (weather permitting).

-- Other: Further consultations, including benches, railings and interpretation panel in early December. MK available to update at 19.12 meeting.









SH/MK to confirm


SH explained that as the 08.11.22 SC Flood Programme Update Report for Aberfoyle, Bridge of Allan, Callander and Stirling had just been forwarded to CCC members by ME, she had asked him to explain it and take any questions, which CC members would then consider how best to take it forward.

ME explained that the report had been produced for the SC Environment Committee to discuss the position in 4 areas.

He gave a review of the engagement process and stated that the short list should be available at the ‘turn of the year’.







MM queried its focus on the wall.

DM stressed the danger to the Red Bridge of both water and increasingly heavy truckloads.

RW stressed the need for a comprehensive approach, including the upriver area.

Members of the public queried the focus on one small area, when flooding causes are widespread.

There were other comments on the lack of public engagement and delays.

SH asked for a written summary of comments made in order to help the CCC submit its written comments to SC.


ME agreed it would be important to see all options and their rationale. RJ mentioned the need for a Resilience Group to help with emergencies.

MM stated that the Emergency Information Leaflet containing useful names/numbers, suggestions of how to prepare for emergencies and asking for any offers of help, produced with the help of a Climate Change grant, will be distributed with the December BLV issue.










CCC send written comments on this report before the SC

08.12 meeting


SH reminded the meeting that written questions had been sent from 4 residents to the Flooding Officer prior to the 19 September meeting (then cancelled). Written answers had then been provided for the October meeting, and discussion of these and the timescale delays had been led by a member of the Bridgend, Grant Court and South Church Street group (also present with other group members tonight).

There was no SC flooding department officer at either meeting.




SH confirmed that the 14.11 applications deadline had now closed, with one applicant whose residency had just been approved by SH. This application will be voted on at the 19.12 meeting.

Residency for one application from the preceding window had also been approved and the applicant had been asked to confirm whether this should now be put forward for members voting at the 19/12 meeting.


CCC send written request for a dedicated meeting and action to SC.









Confirm and vote at 19.12 meeting.



The minutes of the 17.10.22 meeting were approved, proposed by RW, seconded by MM







a. New Code of Conduct. SH confirmed that this was continuing to be discussed by CC members, aiming to provide a version for approval at the February meeting.


C/F to February.

b. Flooding Community Engagement Plan. SH confirmed that the points raised at the October meeting would be included in the CCC written communication to the SC Flooding Officer and relevant colleagues.


c. Reports

1.  St Kessogs project. TC had followed up and obtained an update on this. He has been informed that:

St. Kessogs needs £1.2 million of remedial work to make it watertight/ prevent further deterioration of the fabric of the building. This has become an issue since the previous report in 2018.

·       Part of the slate roof needs replacing.

·       There is dry rot on the ground floor near the staff toilets – this needs to be remedied as soon as possible, to prevent further damage.

·       The natural ventilation needs to be improved, as the building is still humid after the previous flooding episode.

·       There are no electrics, so unable to run any heating to prevent further problems.


2.  Pearl Street railings + old Eagle Hotel update. DM and ward councillors will continue to pursue.



d. AOCB.

Remembrance Sunday Service and Ceremony

SH thanked JW for representing the CCC. JW confirmed this had gone well.

Resilience Planning and support

MM confirmed suggestions for the provision of hot meal containers and for an information leaflet with useful numbers and advice for all residents had now been implemented.

MM will discuss the SC provision of insurance cover for volunteers.














TC will update further.






DM to pursue











MM and GM discuss.



A. Community Council Office Bearers Chair






The report highlighted the practical lessons learned from the October hybrid Business Meeting and the need to continue to do so to make these as communicative as possible for those attending online and/or in person.

It also referred to the special items included in the November meeting agenda: Dentistry Provision; Flooding- SC responses, Bracklinn Falls Bridge, Community



The report gave a summary of the Secretary’s ongoing regular activity during the past month, as well as providing an article for the December BLV issue.

In addition, there was a meeting with the SC SS IT support team over the provision of office bearer emails to avoid the use of personal addresses, the possible use of Microsoft Teams for hybrid meetings and for the archiving of emails and documents.


The Treasurer stated the report showed that there was no activity on the restricted funds account, but there was a request to use £50 from the unrestricted funds account as a contribution towards the air pot provision during extended power cuts.

Unanimously approved.

Braes of Doune Fund The Treasurer also said that no new applications had been received since the October meeting.

The new 3-month window had opened on 1 November.

The Treasurer also confirmed that discussions were currently underway for speedy decision-making on small grants under £250.


The report highlighted four new planning applications:

- Drummond Place: internal reconfiguration of two semi-detached dwellings

Loch Lubnaig: replace supporting poles for overhead power lines

38 Buchanan Place/ Roman Camp: tree works

Mandsfield Lodge: tree works

It was agreed there were no queries on any of these.


Nothing to report.














SC to confirm











CC members to discuss and Treasurer (MM) to update at next meeting.

B. Statutory Bodies:







1. Stirling Council (ME)


ME summarised current SC activity:


- Health and Social Care Partnership to 2028 Recruitment.


The questionnaire on refuse collection had attracted an ‘unprecedented’ 2,500


responses and 1000 practical suggestions. He urged people to contribute


before it closed at the end of November.


There will be a SC meeting on December 8th. where there will be the


publication of the administration’s priorities, with a further scheduled meeting


in mid-January.




RJ summarised current LLTNP activity:


- Planning applications – none affecting Callander.


- a Board meeting to be held in December to agree committee, Chairs and Vice




- Work is beginning on reviewing the Callander South Master Plan, which will


be discussed at the December Board meeting to agree if it can then go out for




3. Police


As well as items on antisocial behaviour, road safety and theft, the report


highlighted the draft Local Police Plan for 2023-2026, available online as a


consultation document until 12 February 2023.


Access: LocalPolicePlans2023-2026- Police Scotland- Citizen Space


OW will post the police report onto the CCC website, for members of the


public to be able to access the consultation document.


A member of the public said it was essential to retain a local police presence in Callander.

OW to post Police Report onto CCC website

4. Other Callander organisations


Town Coordinator

HT confirmed that the maps supplied had been incorrect, not showing areas under SC planning responsibility. These were now being redrawn and the LPP would be submitted to both SC and LLTNP in early December.

HT was congratulated on her work with the LPP.