May 2021 Minutes

CCC Minutes May 2021


Callander Community Council

Draft Minutes of the meeting: Monday 10th May 2021
On-line meeting via Zoom

Community Councillors present: Susan Holden (SH-Chair), Roger Watt (RW- Vice-Chair), Richard
Johnson (RJ- Secretary), Elaine Watterson (EW- Treasurer), David Moore (DM- Planning), Marilyn
Moore (MM), Brian Luti (BL), Mike Luti (ML), John Watson (JW), Moe Guertin (MG), Olga Watkins

Also in Attendance: Cllr Martin Earl (SC), Cllr Jeremy McDonald (SC), Helen Terry (HT-Town Co-
ordinator), Katarina Cech (Minute Taker), plus several members of the public.

Apologies: Michelle Flynn (SC), Cllr Evelyn Tweed (SC), David Shearer (DS)

Abbreviations: All community councillors are referred to in these minutes by their initials.

CCC = Callander Community Council; CE = Callander Enterprise; CCDT = Callander Community
Development Trust; SC = Stirling Council; LPP = Local Place Plan; NP = Loch Lomond and the
Trossachs National Park; FLS= Forestry and Land Scotland; FOI = Freedom of Information; CC =
Callander Community.

Chair of Meeting: Susan Holden






1. Introductions

SH welcomed everyone to the meeting.


SH asked for approval that the meeting be recorded for the purpose of Minute
taking - all those present agreed.

Declarations of interest:

DM declared a “perceived” conflict of interest in one item in the planning report
and noted that others in the planning group will be introducing this application.
MM, as an Officer of CE, declared an interest in the agenda item on the CCC web

SH, as a member of CE and her involvement in the development of the CCDT
website, declared an interest in the agenda item on the CCC web site.

BL, as a member of CE, considered that he did not need to declare an interest in
the agenda item on the CCC web site as he is not on the Committee.


Resignation of CCC member:

DS has informed SH that he will be resigning as a member of CCC due to ill
health. SH expressed her thanks to DS, RJ offered his thanks to DS for all the
work he has done for Callander and CCC, BL and ML agreed with RJ. All agreed

that SH will send a letter of thanks to DS.


SH will send a
letter of
thanks to DS.



CCC Minutes May 2021


  1. Minutes of previous meetings
    April 2021 Minutes:

    Item 2c) Claish Farm Development - it was noted that the phraseology used by
    HT in her verbal report was not appropriate and should not be included word for
    word in the minutes. SH had provided an alternative text and RJ proposed to use
    this version in the minutes. All councillors agreed.

    Page 5 item on Camp Place Play Park – MM asked that under point iii Awards for
    All - delete “£10,000 has been applied for” and substitute with “£10 000 will be
    applied for”. All councillors agreed.

    The April 2021 draft minutes, with the above two changes were approved:
    proposed by BL and seconded by EW.

    RJ instructed those who have a recording of this meeting to delete it from their

    Matters Arising:

    LPP update and focus group funding:

    RW had submitted a written report detailing three proposals for the LPP:

    1. No valid way that CCC can pay the costs of the focus groups so should
      withdraw the offer to fund the focus groups;

    2. CCC could pay up to £1k for leaflets, mailshots, etc. for the first phase of

    3. CCC could appoint RW to the team managing the LPP process. RW will
      keep CCC informed in detail at all stages but will not represent CCC.

HT had submitted a written report on progress with the LPP including
information about a time frame, costs and involvement of junior and senior
school pupils. HT will prepare strategies for how to manage focus groups and
Andy Tatnell will facilitate the focus groups. A website will be developed which
will include facts to help the community consultation e.g. what is a LPP and how
we want people to get involved. HT has obtained information from SC under a
FOI application and the documents received had been circulated to CC

Comments from CC councillors:

  • On the 2nd proposal, EW said that CCC needs to look at the cost, she also
    stated that, as Treasurer, she should control any CCC spend. RW noted
    that he will come back with much more detail regarding the cost.

  • DM said CCC needs to be engaged with the LPP process but does not
    need to direct it. BL said CCC should be coordinating it.

  • All councillors agreed that RW should be an appointee. BL proposed it,
    ML seconded it. Voting: 10 in favour, 0 abstentions, 0 against.

BMX track restoration:

MM reported that a design for the restoration has been prepared and SC will be
asked to approve the project once all documentation they have requested is
available and has been submitted.



RW to provide
more detailed



CCC Minutes May 2021


Website proposal:

EW, RW and RJ had submitted a written report about a new CCC website listing
advantages and disadvantages. A skeleton of the new site had been prepared
and the link provided to CC councillors before the meeting.

A new domain has been purchased: and
the website builder template provided by Godaddy.

OW noted that the website is looking great but has reservations about including
personal information about councillors. Councillor Jeremy McDonald noted that
community councillors’ names have to be on the website because they were
elected by the public.

There were questions asked about the new website including security, storage
capacity, maintenance. DM wanted to see an analysis of why the current website
is not good enough, what CCC wants to do with the new website and a
comparison of the two web sites. EW noted that much of this information is
included in the report which had been produced. RW thought it would be time
consuming with little benefit. RJ noted that using the new website CCC has
freedom to develop the website as we wanted.

Lorraine Isgrove (CE) reminded everyone about the contractual requirement of a
3 months notice period and a notice in writing if CCC decides to terminate the
contract with CE.


It was proposed that: CCC cancels the contract with CE and goes ahead with a
new website as stated in the report. Proposed by ML, seconded by BL. Voting: 6

in favour, 1 abstention, 1 against.


EW to cancel
the contract
with CE.

RJ to develop
the new




There were no invited guests at the meeting





  1. Community Council Office Bearers



    Written report submitted. SH has been discussing visitor management with
    residents on Invertrossachs Road and South Loch Venachar.



    RW organised a private meeting of CC councillors on 19th April 2021. Three topics
    were explored:

    • Conflict of Interest - conclusion was that it is a personal judgement and
      has to be a decision based on the community’s perception of conflict.

    • Community engagement: councillors committed to develop a full
      community engagement strategy.

    • Expectations of Office-Bearers – needs to be a balance between the
      responsibilities of office-bearers and their accountability. All councillors





CCC Minutes May 2021


need to work together as a team to ensure that CCC works for the
benefit of the community.



RJ listed tasks completed:

  • Routine correspondence

  • Minutes

  • Introduced a new email address for CCC Secretary:

  • Letter of thanks sent to Greener Callander.

  • Organised unveiling of Hamish Menzies Drive with the Menzies family.

  • Wrote article for BLV

  • Contacted Minute Taker, Katarina Cech, on behalf of CCC to express their
    thanks of all the good work that she is doing as Minute Taker.

  • Suggested that Callander Coat of Arms should be used more widely as it
    represents the heritage of Callander. SH decided to postpone discussion
    to the next meeting.



    EW noted that there were only two payments made:

  • Minute Taker

  • Interesting Digital (maintenance of web site)



    Planning applications:

    DM submitted written list of applications, one application was further discussed:

  • 55 Main Street – due to DM previously declaring a “perceived” conflict of
    interest, RW introduced this item. As noted in DM’s list of applications,
    the application is about a change of use of the upper floor from offices to
    flat. It was agreed that CCC would make no comment.


Former Eagle Hotel – noted that the building is open and not secure. DM to send
letters to Stirling Council (Building Control) and the National Park (Planning).


Callander South

DM reported that the Directors of McLaren Leisure had been invited to a
meeting with SC to discuss future development of the Primary School and
McLaren Campus.

RJ asked Councillor Earl what progress was being made with the Callander South
Master Plan. Councillor Earl replied that it is part of the Local Development Plan.


2. Statutory Bodies:



No report received.


Stirling Council

Councillor Jeremy McDonald gave an update on speed bumps and flood
prevention. He will provide CCC with more info about these issues as they


DM will write
to SC and NP
regarding the
former Eagle
Hotel building.



CCC Minutes May 2021


Councillor Martin Earl noted previous reports that the boardwalk at the
Meadows play area has collapsed and SC had erected barriers at both ends. He
will ask SC for an update on when repairs are going to be undertaken and will ask
for a full inspection on all equipment. He also noted that the condition of the
pavements along Balgibbon Drive and Bridgend are to be reinvestigated.


Martin Earl to
update on
Meadows play


National Park (Martin Earl)

The Bracklinn Falls bridge is still closed because of reported damage to the
supporting timbers. A full timber survey had been carried out and had been sent
to engineers who will make recommendations for repairs.


A meeting of South Loch Venachar residents had been held on 4th May 2021.
Large boulders will be used to block un-authorised parking sites. Police have
been allocated more resources so will be increasing patrols in the area. Residents
wanted a full resting of the area, NP will not agree to this but are decreasing
camping permits from 6 to 3. Residents would like to see fires banned but
current legislation does not allow this.


The amended alcohol by-law was passed by SC and will be going to the Scottish
Ministers for approval.


Martin Earl trying to get a meeting to discuss potential motorhome parking sites
in Callander and to consult with residents close to the sites. Problem is that there
is no by-law to prevent overnight parking in the Meadows.


3. Other Callander organisations:


Martin Earl to
solution for

parking sites.

Callander Enterprise

Written report submitted.


Town Coordinator

Written report submitted.




  1. Website

    Written report submitted. MG added some statistics of visits to the website and
    Facebook page for comparative purposes.

  2. Airtricity

    Application from Greener Callander for plants – total amount applied for £500.
    Voting: 10 in favour, 0 abstentions, 0 against.

    Total amount of fund, excluding ring fenced amount, is £12,722.80.

  3. Camp Place Play Park

MM gave an update on grants activity for the upgrade of the play park:

  • Currently have about 2/3 of the money needed.

  • A reply from Wooden Spoon was received that our application was not
    solely geared to inclusive play so it was not granted. The application was
    for a mixture of toddler and inclusive play.


BL to send
funds to




CCC Minutes May 2021


  • Viridor Credits application validated but requires three identical quotes.
    These are currently being sought. This grant application has been held
    over until July, their next deadline date.

  • Awards for All grant application awaiting submission for fencing.

  • A Community Pride application for the contribution to surfacing has
    been submitted.


The existing equipment and fencing has been repaired by SC. A grant is available
for local companies to clean and paint play equipment in both Camp Place and
the Meadows – in progress.

It was noted that we should find a way to encourage children to take care of the
play park and equipment once renovated, MM is happy to go to schools to talk
about it with children once the funding is secured.

  1. St. Kessogs

    EW noted that there has been very poor communication from SC to the Working
    Group. The next meeting will be 28th May 2021.

  2. Environment

ML reported several matters:

  • Thanked Councillor Earl for sorting out the boardwalk bridge down at

  • Trying to get in touch with Kenny Auld regarding the Bracklinn Falls

  • Looking into who owns two bridges between Bracklinn Falls car park and
    Callander Golf Course so that those bridges can be inspected and
    maintained on a regular basis.

  • Thanked David McDonald and Ian Barry for carry out maintenance work
    at the Red Well.


  1. Flooding

    RJ reported that the project is progressing.

  2. Roads, parking, pavements

No report due to DS absence.

BL volunteered to work on the parking strategy.


EW to attend
St Kessogs
working group


RJ to progress



1. Climate and Community Project

Written report submitted.

ML thinks it is a great idea and offered RW his help.




1. Associate members




CCC Minutes May 2021


This item will be brought to the next meeting.

2. Hydro Fund

A member of the public (Sue King) had written to CCC asking about the
administration of the Hydro Fund and whether CCC agrees with the method of
allocating funds. SH had raised this with Frank Park (Chair of CCDT) and reported
that he is willing to meet Sue King to discuss this.


Date of next meeting

14th June 2021