Aug 2021 Minutes


Callander Community Council

Approved Minutes of the meeting on Monday 9th. August at 8:00 pm:
On-line meeting via Zoom

Community Councillors present: Susan Holden (SH) – Chair, John Watson (JW) , Olga Watkins (OW), David
Moore (DM), Marilyn Moore (MM), Moe Guertin (MG), Bev. Field (BF), David King (DK).

Also in attendance: Ward Councillors Martin Earl (ME), Jeremy McDonald (JM), Town Co-ordinator Helen
Terry (HT), plus several members of the public.

Apologies: Evelyn Tweed and Police Scotland.

Abbreviations: All in attendance will be referred to by their initials.

CCC = Callander Community Council; CE = Callander Enterprise; CCDT = Callander Community Development
Trust; SC = Stirling Council; LPP = Local Place Plan; NP = Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park; FLS=
Forestry and Land Scotland; FOI = Freedom of Information; CC = Community Councillors.


Chair of Meeting: Susan Holden(SH)






A 1. Introduction


SH welcomed all to the meeting. There were apologies from Evelyn Tweed and Police


A 2.Recording

SH stated that the meeting was being recorded for the purposes of minute taking only
as previously agreed and minuted.


A 3. Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.




D 1.Organisation

SH stated that two new co-opted members had been chosen at the previous co-
option meeting at 7pm – the successful applicants were Bev. Field and David King and
SH welcomed them as community councillors. SH explained the possibility of
becoming an Associate Member and that co-opted members can become full
members once they had attended three public meetings and been voted on by the
full CC.

JM requested that video recordings of this CCC monthly meeting be made available to
the public. SH stated that the recordings were for the purpose of minute taking only.

OW requested members of the public to display their names so that it was known
who was present.

SH confirmed the minute taker post would be advertised and applications welcomed.


D 2.Outstanding Matters
July meeting draft minutes:

JM requested an amendment to the minutes – that the answers that SH had given to
three questions he posed, should be minuted in greater detail. OW agreed to do this.

ME had initially had a query about the July draft minutes, but the questions had been


CCC August 2021 Minutes


answered by OW by email and he had nothing else to add. The minutes were not
agreed at the meeting and will be revised for approval at the next meeting.


There was a discussion about when face-to-face meetings would once again be able to
take place. ME stated that this may not be decided until the SC meeting, which is due
to be held in October, although this depended on Scottish Government restrictions.


JM stated that all ward councillors were entitled to attend any CC meeting at any
time. SH explained the position of ward councillors as ex officio members, but without
a vote, with each acting as monthly duty councillor according to the SC rota.

OW to revise
draft July

ME/SH to

D 3.Minutes of Previous Meetings

There were no comments on the minutes of previous (ie before 19.07) meetings.


D 4.Matters Arising

SH explained that an Action Points table would be added to the minutes of each

meeting, to facilitate checking of progress at subsequent meetings. See below.




There were no invited guests. Trish Kent (CYP) may attend next time.




D 1. Community Council Office Bearers



Following a query from a member of the public, SH had mentioned the danger of the
odd Bridgend speed bumps at the monthly SC roads update meeting. This is being
followed up, but total removal would require the approval of Callander Primary
School Parent Council.


No written report submitted. JW confirmed that James Holmes repairs to the
footpath at Keltie Bridge will be scheduled.


OW requested that a minute taker was sought as soon as possible. Position to be


MM summarised her written report. Current position on bank statement received

  • Restricted account: £14154.54 (includes £10,000 from Awards for All grant for Play

  • Unrestricted account: £2193.49

  • Covid Fund account: £1062.62
    Total: £17410.64.

Following the resignations of two of the previous signatories, and the appointment of
the new Treasurer, as minuted at the June and July meetings, the change of
signatories has to be completed before any payments can be made, as does the

handover of Airtricity documentation. Both are being pursued by the Treasurer as


ME /SH to


CCC to draft


MM to



CCC August 2021 Minutes


matters of urgency. MM, as Treasurer, is mandated to become a signatory to all CCC
accounts with BoS


DM was concerned about a planning application by NP for the removal of 11 trees in
the Meadows, when there was no plan about what was to replace them. He asked ME
to discuss with NP that in future, CCC wished to be consulted on this type of thing
before it was approved.

DM reported that the original site for the CLP interpretative panel is available in
Ancaster Square and DM has contacted the person responsible for this.


MG reported that he was aiming to change some aspects of the CCC website, so that
CCC was more prominent on the website, and the use of regular FB posts for updating
information. The suggested changes are in the report.


D 2.Statutory Bodies:

Police report – written report submitted.


Stirling Council:


JM stated that the bin changes would remain, but that Saturday collections will
change to another day, possibly at the end of August. He also mentioned a possible
flooding update from SC (see Flooding below and SH comment).


JM asked why he and members of the public did not receive a ZOOM invitation for
July’s CCC meeting. SH said that the invitation had been sent on the morning of the
meeting and was on the website, which JM said had not been the case.


JM mentioned a forthcoming SC update meeting on flooding. SH linked this to the
focus group and the Bridgend, South Church Street and Grant Court ongoing
discussions (see below) and a forthcoming report being prepared by Richard Johnson.


SH/MG check
for future

National Park

There were problems with the connection: the report will be sent now via email.
ME stated that NP was not seeking redress from the original designers of Bracklinn


South Loch Venachar: ME stated that he would email his report to the CCC, as his
internet access during the meeting was very unstable.

See ME

D 3.Other Callander organisations


Callander Enterprise:

Nothing to report, as CE did not meet over the previous month. Next meeting


Town Coordinator

Written report submitted.

HT stated that she had been looking at the recent Parking Survey from SC. This is
relevant to both the potential road bridge and footbridge, both of which would
depend on funding availability.





CCC August 2021 Minutes


HT and Joyce from Aberfoyle will lead a workshop about the approach to LLP. The
website will go live in September, providing accurate updated information on
Callander. The population number is less than it appears to be online.

She discussed “community led tourism” – where residents are on an equal footing
with visitors.

There are 2 social enterprises in Callander and HT is in discussion with both (CYP and

Uniquely, the LLP needs to be signed off by both NP (planning) and SC (infrastructure).
The air quality on Callander Main Street does not appear to be good, due to the
amount of traffic (est. 6500 a day). HT suggested that this needs to be monitored by
IOT, as in Crieff, alongside traffic monitoring . JM will pursue air quality monitors.


JM to pursue
air quality
monitors for
Main Street



E1 Airtricity


Airtricity: this account will be handed over by Brian Luti ( ex-councillor who had been
responsible for the running of this account for the CCC), once he has been reassured
by SC that CCC will continue as a community council.

SH confirmed this SC statement had been supplied to him.




E2 Motorhomes

No written report submitted. OW will contact David Hopper (DH) from SC to request
a second meeting to discuss any new developments.


OW to email

E3 Camp Place Play Park and BMX track

There was still funding of £25 – 30, 000 required, as well as some match funding.
There will be increasing delays due to problems with supplies, caused by Covid-19 and
Brexit. Two applications submitted and results awaited.


BMX track: MM was still waiting on H and S information from the builders and
insurance was still not in place. Confirmation on maintenance awaited from SC.


E4 St. Kessogs

DM stated there will be a meeting of the working party on August 31st. No key
decisions had yet been taken.

SH said it was hoped an Associate Member with relevant interests and experience
could act as the CC representative.

Reference was made to the recent BLV article, containing potential floor plans.


SH update SC
on CCC rep

E5 Environment

The damaged walkway in the Meadows was still in place, but it was due to be
removed shortly.

A member of the public requested that there should be a sign saying “Cyclists
dismount” at the exit of the cycle path from the Meadows onto the pavement at
Bridgend. MG also stated that this exit was very dark for pedestrians and cyclists.


SC to be
approached to
ask for
signage – SH

E6 Flooding




CCC August 2021 Minutes


SH stated that the Bridgend, Grant Court and South Church Street group, which has
been collecting documentation and is in regular contact with SC over their area
concerns, had requested a general update by 30 September.

CCC will keep in touch on this.


JM explained, for the benefit of the new councillors, what flood plans were being
considered by SC and what funding and time frames were available. He stated that he
was waiting for answers to this.

SH contact SC
and group.

E7 Roads, parking, pavements

No community councillor was responsible for this at present: Associate Member(s) are
encouraged to express an interest.




F 1. LLP project:


CCC needed a new representative on the LLP – councillors interested in this were
encouraged to contact HT. HT stated that anyone with experience of surveys would
be helpful.


F2 Other

SH encouraged members of the public to volunteer as Associate Members to be
involved in the focus groups and other areas which interest them. Further details at
the next meeting.


JM requested the recording of July’s CCC meeting and was informed by SH that the
recording was only available for the purpose of minute taking, as previously agreed.


Discuss at
next meeting.

The date of the next meeting is Monday 13th September.


The meeting finished at 21.20h








CCC August 2021 Minutes


Actions Summary



Date Completed


D1. Bridge End speed bumps, contact SC



D1. Draft advert for minute taker



D1. To progress changes with BoS



D2. Check Zoom meeting invitation procedure



D2. To supply loch Venachar report



D3. Provide information on Main Street air quality



E1. Progress obtaining Airtricity files



E2. Contact DH re motorhomes



E4. Notify SC of new CCC rep for St Ks



E5. Contact SC re cycle track signage



E6. Maintain links with Bridgend group & SC



F2. Encourage Associate Members to come forward