August 2024 Minutes

Buchlyvie Community Council Meeting Minute of Meeting 22/8/2024

Buchlyvie Village Hall

Present: Jessica Langford (Chair)

Margaret Bennie (Vice Chair)

Alan Reed (Treasurer)

Alison Moffat (Secretary)

Emily McLennan (Member)

PC Matt McCammon (Community Police Officer)

Eilidh Weir (Member)

Rosemary Fraser (Councillor)

Apologies: N/A

Minutes: Ashleigh Donaldson

Residents: 17 residents in attendance

  1. Welcome

Jessica Langford introduced Rosemary Fraser to help us welcome and facilitate new

members and with the confirming of roles.

  1. Recording of Declaration of Interest


  1. Adoption of Minutes of Meetings

The Minutes of the previous meeting of the Community Council held on 13th June 2024

were proposed by Eilidh Weir and seconded by Alan Reed.

  1. PC Matt McCrimmon - Crimes and Incidents
  2. Fraud/Assault

A member of the community placed an advert on Facebook Marketplace selling a

mobile phone along with its box. The suspect answered the advert and attended the

home address of the seller in the pretext of purchasing the mobile phone. The

suspect handed the cash over which was short of the asking pirce. While the victim

was counting the money, the suspect switched the mobile phone – which was still

within its box – with a similar mobile phone box filled with batteries. The suspect then

took the money back saying they would return later with the rest of the money. The

victim became suspicious and suspect pushed them and made good their escape out

the front door.

  1. Road Safety

A road traffic collision occurred when a vehicle driving on the B835, Station Road

veered on the opposing carriage way while negotiating a bend and struck the side of

another motor vehicle causing damage to the wing mirror and rear wheel arch. The

vehicle thereafter failed to stop and exchange details with the other driver.

Unfortunately, due to insufficient description this vehicle remains untraced.

A motor vehicle reversed out of a lane towing a trailer struck another parked vehicle.

The driver then carried on and failed to exchange details with the owner or report the

matter to the Police. The registered keeper then failed to identify the driver of the

vehicle at the material tie when required to do so. A report has been submitted to the

Prosecutor Fiscal.

Report received of cows on the road. Police attended, and the farmer was moving

cows into another field.

Road traffic collision occurred on Main Street, Buchlyvie due to driver suffering from

a medical episode. No injury and road was cleared. One person taken to hospital as

a precaution.

Alan Reed then proceeded to enquire about a 20MPH speed limit and brought up

concerns around speeding in the village. PC Matt McCrimmon confirmed Buchlyvie,

Arnprior and Croftamie are all 30MPH and there will not be a speed camera van once

the limit changes to 20MPH. Hopefully once a 20MPH limit is in effect, the roads will

be designed around this. Speedbumps for example should acting as a traffic calming

measure. PC Matt McCrimmon confirmed speeding can still be captured via a speed

gun but that two police officers are required to capture any speeding and that police

will attend places where there are a high number of accidents. Rosemary Fraser

pointed out that there are accidents that happen but police are not always notified as

insurance details are often passed. Police will attend if obstruction or injury. This

could still be a dangerous road where speeding is frequent.

  1. Election of Office Bearers

Rosemary thanked all for becoming another community council again and proceeded to

facilitate the election of Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary.

  1. Jessica Langford as Chair was proposed by Margaret Bennie and seconded by

Emily McLennan.

  1. Margaret Bennie as Vice Chair was proposed by Alison Moffat and seconded by

Elidh Weir.

iii. Alison Moffat as Secretary was proposed by Margaret Bennie and seconded by

Jessica Langford.

  1. Alan Reed as Treasurer was proposed by Margaret Bennie and seconded by

Eildh Weir. Alan is now formally a member of the Community Council.

  1. Co option of Colin Mutch - after three meetings can formally join Community

Council. Colin Mutch stays in the old Rob Roy, has been here for two years and

has three young kids. He is the a Parent of the Youth Club and part of the Parent

Council at school. He works for the NHS as a student forensic psychologist and is

interested in having positive impact in community.

  1. Resignation of Emily McLennan - Jessica thanked Emily for her time as

Treasurer. She has been with the Community Council from the beginning and has

been fantastic with ideas and practical help. Emily managed the grant for the

Youth Café and for FEL Imagining Buchlyvie. The survey very useful tool for the

Community Council to realise village priorities. Thank you for time, hard work and

positive and creative attitude in solving problems.

vii. Associate member - Maureen Burnside is invited to the CC as an associate

member however is not in attendance so this will be done at our next meeting.

  1. Matters Arising from Minutes and Actions
  2. Traffic Speed

All of Buchlyvie will be 20mph next year with new signs

  1. Core Path blocked between North Church and Manse

Stirling Council need to know who owns that piece of lands before they can act.

We would like the path to be unblocked so will keep following up.

  1. Community Council Updates
  2. Chair’s Report, Jessica Langford

In last month, the steps have finally gone in. Railings will be going up next few

weeks. There is a new sign at Burn Green giving you info about types of plants that

are there as well as history of the area. Photographs are all from Burn Green. At the

top of Whiteleys Road there is a new sign with info – photographs by Joanne Boyle.

Similar sign will go up at Culbowie.

  1. Treasurer’s Report, Alan Reed

Balance £3429.38

Outgoings – £136.16

Income – £83.91

£125 worth of cheques written but not checked

£866.60 – of which £380 is ringfenced for YC funds

iii. Secretary’s Report, Alison Moffat

Enquiry about traffic speed at Culbowie Crescent and road is not going to happen

because it’s a residential area. There will also be no give way sign, due to 20mph

limit. Stirling Council will do markings which will help.

The speed signs at the end of village has been cleaned. 30mph sign probably put on

hold until new speed comes into effect.

  1. Community Council Business
  2. Buchlyvie Community Hub update – Eilidh Weir

Start Up Stirling pulled out in June and the hub was on a break for summer. A group

of volunteers met on 22nd July to discuss how to move forward and decided we will

open on 12th September in the hall, every Thursday 12.30pm – 2.30pm with lunch,

tea and coffee. Volunteers will meet again on 5th September to tie up remaining

decisions. We’re going to ask for donations to fund it going forward but have not

made decision on whether this will be sliding scale or flat rate. Since we will be

handling cash will probably need the Treasurer involved. Eilidh asked about taking

digital payments, Alan said he can look into it. Emily suggested making payments

directly to the hall electronically. Cafes will be contacted to provide soup and bread

rather than sandwiches, and in return it was agreed to make better effort to promote

businesses who donate to them.

Jessica confirmed we can only apply for Community Pride Fund if they go on a lunch


  1. Youth Café – Margaret Bennie

The Youth Café has started earlier. There are 6-22 young people regularly doing a

variety of activities. The grant was only for 10 weeks so we now have 10 PVG’d

volunteers who are running it. From the t6th September, high school age young

people invited.

iii. The Tavern – Alan Reed

The Taven shut end of April with planning application to turn from pub to short term

holiday lets. No decision as of yet from Stirling Council. Successfully managed to get

around 79 comments against. 124 on petition. Next step, if it goes our way, the owner

will have opportunity to appeal the decision. At this point I think we need to have

separate committee.

170 people responded yes we do need a pub via a Facebook survey on Buchlyvie

Banter but 108 of the group said they just want to save the pub and some want it to

be used as a Hub.

Jim Hillock contacted both sellers of Rockhill and said community would be

interested in looking for a buyer. Suggested then forming a committee and push it

though. Jim suggested people who were involved in the last community buy out

should be involved. Maybe Sandra Crane as she was involved.

Alan Reed commented that the general consensus is that there would be no

objection from them – licenced trade person on the committee warned of costs, but

did mention with community buy out you can lower the cost. They were open to the

idea of a community buy out. They also mentioned using village hall in a more formal


Emily asked what is the role of a community council in this situation as it was her

understanding was that you needed a separate entity. Jim said he would like the

Community Council to make clear that we are interested in selling to Gregor.

Rosemary Fraser suggested typically a Development Trust is set up, you still have a

legal right to put in an offer as a community. Go to DTAS (Development Trust

Association Scotland) – they can help with this. If there is a legal process and asked

a specific way – they may not be able to say no. There will be a number to contact on

the website, the issue you may have is timescale.

Jim suggested meeting in the Coffee Kiln and Margaret asked if this could be

advertised on Facebook.

  1. Elected Members update – Rosemary Fraser

Next full council meeting will take place in October 2024 due to delays with election.

  1. AOB

Car Park - Jim Hillock asked about the car park issue and who had taken over as

named representative and is there any update. Jessica confirmed no one has taken

over and Stephen Bly confirmed that its unlikely there would be funding or interest

from council due to a variety of obstacles. Margaret will pick back up with Stephen.

Community Council website - Eilidh Weir confirmed website was not online for a

while, we did not realise subscription had lapsed. This has now been rectified. Colin

agreed to help Eilidh manage website.

Christmas Lights – At the last meeting, someone asked about Christmas lights

around the village. We can apply for small grant from Stirling Council for about £200.

Asked if anyone would like to organise this however the person who first brought this

up was not present. A community member asked if the chimes could be brought back

to the village and another asked about repairing the nativity scene. Margaret Bennie

suggested the Youth Club could do some painting of them. Emily suggested it would

be nice to have battery powered lights along railings of primary school.

Water Sensor - We have been contacted by Forth-ERA Scientific Project

Coordinator at Stirling University. They are installing a range of water sensors

including community based Rivertrack sensors that provide real time information on

river heights and can be used by community groups to give advance notice and time

to respond to risk of flooding. They have procured sensors from Rivertrack and have

been in touch with the Scottish Flood Forum, who work with a number of community


Where do people think it should go? Margare Bennie suggested somewhere

accessible and someone with no cattle or sheet. Bridge by McGuffey’s which passes

under the road and also the burn side, or by church. The worst places for flooding are

Nether Easter Offerance farm, down Mye road.

  1. Residents Forum

Q - Resident asked about the growth around the meadow.

A – Jessica Langford confirmed Its difficult to create a wildflower meadow. We have got

rid of masses of nettles and docks. Still have a lot of sticky willy. Trying to put in yellow

rattle but its semi-parasitic. All takes time. Another area that was taken over by Ground

elder, so we might have to spray this area and re rotavate so there is a chance for other

flowers and plants to come through. A lot of work has gone into it.

Q – Jim Hillock asked that as the area is common ground, what would happen is

someone decided to camp there./

A – Jessica Langford confirmed that its rather unlikely it would happen but will deal with

it if it happens. The area belongs to the village.

  1. Date of next meeting – Thursday 24th October 2024, 7.30pm