October 2023 Minutes

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Buchlyvie Community Council
Minutes of Meeting
Buchlyvie Village Hall

Present: Margaret Bennie (Vice Chair), Emily McLennan (Treasurer), Jo Edwards (Secretary), Jim Hillock (Planning), Eilidh Weir

Apologies: Jessica Langford (Chair)

In Attendance
Councillor Rosemary Fraser Environment, Transport & Net Zero Committee and Vice Chair of Audit
Alison Moffat (Minutes)

Residents: 16 residents attended the meeting

Adoption of Previous Minutes: Susan McKellar and Valerie Brand

Matters Arising from Previous Minutes
• Uneven paving slabs on path between Main Street and Montgomery Place – work commences 24/10/23.
• Benview – no official planning to be put forward until meetings with Gartmore and Drymen communities have been held.
• CLLD Funding Application – Youth Café grant of £4151 applied for to pay a youth worker salary, hall hire, equipment etc. Funding to be confirmed by next meeting.
• Issues raised in resident’s forum at last meeting:
o Road signs at start and end of village – engineer due in the next week or two.
o Lack of poo bins in village – council has assessed the situation and the
decision taken is there are sufficient bins within the area.

Community Council Updates
Chair (Margaret Bennie)
Sue Jones has resigned from her position as minute secretary due to home and work commitments. Alison Moffat has kindly agreed to take the minutes of this evening’s meeting.

Secretary (Jo Edwards)
Broken bench on Culbowie Road – after studying a photo of the bench the council are taking the position that this is not a Stirling Council bench.
Request for lights to be activated at the multicourt – this should now have been done.
Traffic through Main Street and possible interventions including narrowing of A811 – this enquiry has been added to the outstanding enquiry list.
Repairs to fence and footpath at village hall – this has now been done.

Road repairs and culvert cleaning – what are the council’s plans for the A811 between Ballat crossroads and Kippen junction – the Roads Team are aware of the poor condition of the road and it will be considered along with other defective sections of road for inclusion on their surfacing proposals for the 2024-25 financial period.
Procedure on committee decision making and voting on relevant matters has been discussed at a separate meeting.

Treasurer (Emily McLennan)
Statement of Accounts – current balance £2480.64 including admin grant of £353.17. Three cheques totalling £130.80 yet to be cashed for hall hire and website costs.
Emily disclosed a payment of £400 which she received after complaining to the bank about the continuous problems to reactivate the dormant account. It was agreed by the committee for the £400 to be paid in to the community council bank account.

Planning (Jim Hillock)
Update on traffic speed through the village –handheld speed guns at both ends of the Main Street will cost £2000. The village might lose the mobile speed camera van if we have a 20 mile per hour speed limit introduced on Main Street. After discussion, there was agreement to ask for more speed data at the entry and exit points of the village and to ask Stirling Council again for a site visit.

Items for Discussion / Information
Start Up Stirling Community Hub (Eilidh Weir)
• Warm place for soup sandwiches tea coffee and conversation.
• Every Thursday 12.30-2.30pm in the village hall commencing 2/11/23.
• Staffed by a member of Start Up Stirling and members of the local community.
• Food provided by some local businesses.
• Funded by Start Up Stirling to make their services available in rural areas.
• Hub to offer food share items, visiting Citizens Advice Bureau, arts and other
activities although no concrete plans as yet.
• Anyone wishing to be involved contact Tricia Cummings or Eilidh Weir.
Planet Friendly Buchlyvie (Margaret Sparkes)
This event was a great success with hope for future events. It ran in conjunction with the McMillan coffee morning which raised £821.

TACTRAN Transport ConsultaPon – attended by Valerie Brand who reported it was basically a wish list and public transport will not change with out funding. DRT is not yet up and running between Aberfoyle and Buchlyvie. Action Jo Edwards.

Elected Members Update
Councillor Rosemary Fraser reported –
• £13 million budget deficit. Statutory provisions required for social care and
education with inevitable cut backs elsewhere.
• McGill’s bus service has not improved. Council is in communication with them.
• Environment – houses mapped for heat energy from EPC with big projects taking 2/3 years.
• Housing issues – usual waiting list.
• Integrated Joint Boards – bleak financially, struggling to get staff for home care sector.

West Stirlingshire Settlements collaborating future funding and campaigning issues. One person per village to attend Forth Valley Climate Hub. Potential to apply for future funding.

Residents Forum
• Pavement between the war memorial and layby is overgrown. This is not council property, but they do manage the interaction with the owners.
• BCC asked to add date and time of councillor’s surgery to Facebook page.
Action Jo Edwards.

Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 5 December 2023 at 7.30pm.
The Buchlyvie Community Council can be contacted:
Once the minutes are approved by Stirling Council they can be viewed on our website:
