June 2023 Minutes

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Buchlyvie Community Council Meeting 26/06/23

Present: Jessica Langford (Chair), Margaret Bennie (Vice chair), Jo Edwards (Secretary), Emily
McLennan (Treasurer), Jim Hillock (Planning), Sue Jones, Eilidh Weir.

Also present: Councilor Paul Henke, Rosemary Fraser.

Apologies: Councilor Gerry McGarvey, Arthur Benns.

Community Council Business Agenda

  • Controlling Traffic speed on Main Street.
  • Electric Charging Stations

Minutes of previous meeting – N/A

Matters arising
Jim Hillock has been advised that planning permission has been granted to Rachel’s farm for
the development of 12 lodges. There are no other planning applications at this time.

Treasures Report
Emily McLennan has been in contact with the Bank of Scotland to change the names of the
signatories. The new signatories will be:
Emily McLellan, Jessica Langford and Margaret Bennie.
The community council currently has around £2000 in funds and there are various grants
available for rural communities to apply for as well as opportunities for fund raising events.


  • Controlling Traffic speed on Main Street.
    There was a lot of discussion on this point and is clearly of concern for residents.
    Discussion centered around what traffic calming options are available to the village. A 20-mph speed limit, Speed cameras and red-light speed activators were discussed.

Action points

  • Councilor Rosemary Fraser will make an enquiry to the council who will send someone out to make an assessment.
  • Jo will invite the relevant people to attend the next meeting for a Q&A session.
  • Jim will check out what is involved in red light speed activators.


  • Electric Charging Stations
  • Jessica updated residents on the reply to Arthur Benn’s enquiry regarding this issue.
    It would seem to be a complicated process but as of the 26/06/23 the council will
    programme an installation date. Residents will be kept updated as progress continues.

Questions from the floor
There was a request for a paper agenda to be placed on each chair for the next meeting.
Jo stated that the agenda will be put on the notice board and included in the Buchlyvie Banter
with some paper copies available at the next meeting.
The minutes of this meeting will be available on the noticeboard and in the Buchlyvie Bulletin.
The general consensus was that a Buchlyvie website would be used more rather than
Facebook, which Jo will organize.

  • School transport

There was a lot of concern muted about the unreliability of local transport particularly in
relation to the school services. There are a number of different issues from extra school
students from Gargunnock opting to attend Balfron High school, Recently all Balfron High
students 16-22 have been issued with free bus passes.
Buchlyvie students at Balfron High do not catch a school bus, they catch the public bus X10
that stops at Buchlyvie on the way to Stirling. Many Kippen students prefer to catch the X10
instead of the school bus. This means that sometimes there is not enough room on the X10
for Buchlyvie students and they get left behind.

  • Action point - Jo will make an enquiry to the council.
  • Vaping on the buses
    There was some discussion regarding this in relation to young people. Councilor Paul Henke
    will take this up with the council.
  • Dangerous dogs
    There was a situation regarding one particular dog in the area which attacked another dog,
    the dog warden was contacted and discovered that the owner is not in fact the owner but is
    looking after the dog on a temporary basis.
    If a dog attacks another dog then it is the dog warden that needs to be contacted.
    If a dog attacks a person then it is a police matter.
  • Action – Jo will contact the dog warden for more information.

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 23 August at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.