August 2023 Minutes

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Buchlyvie Community Council Meeting 23/08/23

Present: Margaret Bennie (Vice chair), Jo Edwards (Secretary), Emily McLennan (Treasurer),
Jim Hillock (Planning), Elidh Weir, Sue Jones.
Also, present Councilor Paul Henke, Community Police Officer Graham McNulty.

Apologies: Jessica Langford (Chair)

Declaration of interest
Funding Grants for local improvements
Tayside and Central Scotland Regional Transport Strategy

Adoption of minutes from the last meeting: Val Brand and Margaret Scobie

Matters arising from previous minutes and update on actions:

Traffic through the village
The council raised the issue of traffic speed in the village and requested a representative to attend this meeting, the response noted that some consideration has already been given to this issue with the 40mph buffer zones on each approach to the village and the introduction of the pedestrian crossing.
The speeds recorded within the village are deemed to be acceptable with weekday averages at or below 25mph and that there have been no reported injury/accidents in the past decade.
The implementation of a 20mph limit is currently under consideration.
When the chargers are operational they will appear on the Charge Place Scotland map

There was no representation this time due to staffing issues.

Electric charging points
The EDF have yet to install the meter, which could take up to 6 weeks. Once this is done the installer needs to return to carry out final testing and commissioning.
Once installed the charger can deliver 7kwh to two cars simultaneously. The time taken will depend on the car’s on-board charger and the size of the battery, The average car will take 4-6 hours to fully charge.
There are np plans at the moment to install more chargers in the village.

Dangerous dogs
The advice was that individuals should report any incident via the council website. No further action was taken.

School Transport
The community council raised the issue of overcrowding on the buses.
The response stated that the number of entitled pupils is 75 but they are aware of recent issues with the Kippen service and will liaise with the operator to find a way forward.
The school contracts are in the process of being re-tendered and part of that exercise will involve the seating requirements.
There are now two buses dedicated to school pupils, the BF2 and BF9, residents reported that there are still issues with overcrowding with some drivers not checking the numbers on the passes.

Community Council Website
This website is now up and running and it is really easy to use, It consists of three separate areas: About us (members of the council), Meetings (dates and minutes) and Our area (area boundaries)

Community Council updates
Jo summarized some of the correspondence from residents:

Culbowie road re-seeding.
This has not been completed and has been raised to management level at Stirling Council, there has been no further response, so options are:
• Leave with our liaison to try to get a response.
• Take matters forward via an Elected Member.
• The Community Council raised a complaint with the Chief Executive.

DRT service from Buchlyvie to Dryman.
The response stated that this service operates where there are no service buses and assists with making connections to main bus routes. DRT is available to residents of Buchlyvie to link with Fintry which is extended to Balfron on Saturdays between 7am and 9am. For Dryman, use the X10 to Balfron then book the DRT from there to Drymen.

Carer Support Framework
Clackmannanshire/Stirling Health/Social Care Partnership asked for views on the revised eligibility criteria for carers. This was posted on the Face Book page.

Visitor Levy Bill
This is a proposed new law to allow local authorities to introduce an additional charge when paying for overnight accommodation. The details on how to comment are on the Buchlyvie Community Council Face Book page.

Community ownership fund
This fund is now open and supports community groups to take ownership of assets and amenities that are at risk of being lost. Ther are four bidding windows each year, but expressions of interest are always open. The funds run until March 2025.

Footpath at the bridge towards Wardtoll was reported as impassable due to overgrown hedges, this was reported, and they have now been cut.

Fly-tipping – this was reported and the council Waste Service will be fitting signage to the village hall alerting the public to potential penalties for fly-tipping.

Uneven paving slabs on the pathway from Main Street to Montgomery Place.
Action point-Jo will raise this with the Area Inspector and follow up with the council at the end of August.

Christmas events
The Stirling Councils Cultural Team would like to know if communities are planning to organize events at Hogmanay/New Year or in the week running up to New Year. If so, please get in touch and provide details and a contact number with the team on

Treasurers report (Emily McLennan)
The Community Council bank account is still not up and running, Stephen Bly is chasing this up as it still needs to be re-activated. The current balance stands at £2226 with £ 20 still owed to the village hall committee for the hire of the hall.

Planning (Jim Hillock)
There are no planning proposals that immediately affect the village, however Jim mentioned that there is the Benview development where there are plans to build 30 cabins there. Both individuals and the Buchlyvie Community Council are allowed to comment.
Action point- Jim will attend their next meeting to keep us informed.

Community Council Business
Rural CLLD Fund is available to develop projects which will benefit the village. Anne Winthers who was a previous community council member outlined some of the areas previously raised as of importance to residents and suggested holding a coffee morning to ascertain if these issues are still relevant. Margaret Bennie suggested having a comment box for residents to
make suggestions.
Emily McLennan suggested that there are two options, the funding could be used to pay for a consultant to source residents’ views or use the funding for smaller more specific projects, for example a lunch club or youth hub.
The application for this funding needs to be put forward by the 8th of October, 2023.

Buchlyvie Play park- Anne Winther has looked into who is responsible for the upkeep of this area and it would appear that according to the lease, Stirling Council should be maintaining this area. The lease will run out in 2024.

The Buchlyvie Bulletin – due to a drop in advertising the Bulletin is in need of some financial support, in general it costs £500 for each run of copies. Local residents have continued to make donations but there was some discussion as to whether the community council could support in some way.
Action point- Emily McLennan will look into this.

Regional Transport Strategy (TACTRAN)
This transport strategy is now released for consultation and is seeking to improve access for people and businesses and to reduce the impact of how we travel on climate change. TACTRAN is committed to listening the views of residents and stakeholders before deciding on what actions they want to take forward for the future. Residents can have their say at:

The closing dates for comments is the 27th October 2023.
A working group will be set up to respond to the consultation. Val Brand and Anne Winther agreed to look into the consultation.

Vaping on school buses – Councilor Paul Henke gave some feedback on his enquiries into this issue and stated that Stirling council are aware of this and while some drivers do try to curtail vaping by the young people they are not responsible for policing this.

Community Police up-date (Graham McNulty)
Graham commented on the vaping issue with the young people on school buses and that this is a problem with all high schools in the general area. He stated that excluding young people from the buses means excluding them from education and that the Scottish governments policy is about inclusion and not exclusion and that the vaping issues needs to be tackled in a
different way.
With regards to the speeding issue, Graham stated that the average speed within the village is 24 to 25 mph and so not a priority for the police at this time. It would appear that the Scottish governments intention is that a 20mph limit will be in place within all villages by 2025.
One of the residents raised the scheme that is available in England whereby local residents are trained to use speeding cameras to monitor speeding in localized areas taking the pressure off police who often have limited resources. Graham stated that he was not aware of this being available in Scotland.
Action point- Graham will look into this.

It was noted that the automated 30mph signs are currently not working, Jo Edwards will contact the council to get them repaired.
Graham gave an up-date on police activity within the village and fortunately there is not a lot of anti-social activity happening-no thefts, one accident but no one hurt, one missing person but then found and one reported assault.

Planet Friendly Buchlyvie
‘Planet Friendly Buchlyvie’ is being held on Saturday 30th September, (10am to 1pm) in conjunction with a McMillan coffee morning. This event will involve a range of people with skills to encourage us all to be eco-friendly! Flyers will be distributed to residents with the details of what is available, there will be events happening both inside and outside but some will need to be booked beforehand i.e the mini bus service to Upper Ballard farm and the
free lunch.

Residents forum
The issue of the lack of poo bins was raised as currently there are only two available within the village- Culbowie road and at the bus stop on Main Street.
Another resident raised the issue of a broken bench in Culbowie road.

Action Points
Jo will contact Stirling council regarding the issues raised by the residents
The Buchlyvie Community Council can be contacted: or 
Once the minutes are approved by Stirling Council, they can be viewed on our website.

Next Meeting: Monday 23rd October, 7.30pm